Astro & Tarot Forecasts - May 2018
With April coming to a close with a powerful Full Moon in Scorpio, causing us to transform areas of our life that no longer serve us, May is about to unfold in all it's magical glory providing us with a month of huge planetary shifts that will impact each and every one of us, both on a global and personal level.To find out what May holds in store for you, and how to best navigate through the lessons this month, check your astrological & tarot forecasts below!
Aries (Mar. 21 - Apr.19)
Hello Aries!The Tarot shows you start the month off exhausted and overwhelmed. Your recent efforts over the last few weeks, has finally caught up to you and you are definitely feeling it! The recent Full Moon in Scorpio was a bit heavy, and contributes to your overall exhaustion as well.A certain calmness and peacefulness comes over you, as you are finally seeing your efforts come to fruition! You can finally SEE the product of your energy. This brings you to the middle of the month, where our New Moon takes place, along with Uranus making his first move into a new sign in 7 years! This shift will not only effect us personally, but will effect us on a global level. Take this time to daydream about your life and what it looks like, and invite that vision into your reality.You end the month on an extremely high note, and bask in the Glory of your successes. You are finally able to step away from it enough to actually acknowledge what you've accomplished. Venus infuses her love into you making you fall in love with your life again! This is a very good month for you once your energy stabilizes again in the first week of May. Many Blessings To You Aries!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot
Taurus (Apr. 20 - May 20)
Hello Taurus!The Tarot shows you starting off the month reflecting on the past and the hurts it has caused you. With your birthday either just happening, or about to happen, it's natural for you in the process of shedding seasons to be reflective and go inward to reevaluate yourself before entering a New Natal Year. The recent Full Moon in Scorpio (your polar opposite) did a number on you causing you to feel more emotional, and contemplating life on a deeper level then normal.That phase quickly passes as you head towards the middle of the month. The New Moon and Uranus shifting signs for the first time in 7 years, is going to catch you in a place where your projects may experience delays as the Universe puts you on pause. This shift is going to impact you both personally and you will see the effects globally.As frustrating as this may be, its important to realize that everything will work itself out and you will be celebrating the completion of this project by the end of the month. Venus supports you nearing the end of the month, to fall in love with your life again. Take pride in reflecting on your completed project and give yourself credit. You will be basking in the light of self accomplishment. Many blessings to you Taurus!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
Gemini (May 21 - Jun. 20)
Hello Gemini!The Tarot shows you are starting off the month with fears and doubts surrounding your finances. It's important for you to realize, that your focus on the LACK in your life, is actually attracting lack TO your life. Your inner world is what gets created on the outside, so be mindful of your inner dialogue. We are still under the influence of the Full Moon in Scorpio who lends a great energy to let go of feelings and thoughts that aren't working FOR us anymore. Not only aren't they working FOR us, they are actually working AGAINST us. Use this time wisely Gemini, to help transform your thoughts around finances and you will see a shift in your outer world.The New Moon & Uranus making his first move in 7 years into another sign, is going to have an effect on you both on a personal level and a global level. You will find your focus on your work and wondering if you are still being fulfilled by the service you offer the world. With your birthday coming up it's natural for you to be in this state of "simmering" as you hit your boiling point once the sun moves into your sign. Once the Sun is in your sign Gemini, you will feel revitalized and renewed. Your intuition will be stronger and you will see clearer then ever before. What a great way to start off your New Natal Year! Many blessings to you Gemini!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot
Cancer (Jun. 21 - Jul. 22)
Hello Cancer!What a positive start to the month of May! You are feeling quite good actually despite not really having anything in particular to be excited about. But I think you shed some weight either physically, or emotionally, these past few weeks working up to our recent Full Moon in Scorpio. The moon caused you to LET GO of some things in your life, and now you are ready to celebrate!You are presented with an opportunity to advance yourself around the middle of the month. With the New Moon happening at that time, you can be sure you are attracting things into your life that will help you level up. Uranus also makes a move into a different sign for the first time in 7 years, and will have you feeling this both on a personal and global level. None the less, the shift may cause a delay, but no doubt your opportunities are still there and available to you. It's going to be a a lot of work, but you've also done a fair amount of work just to get where you're already at.Towards the end of the month, you may find you are running out of steam. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel and you just know your hard work and dedication is going to pay off push you past the finish line. You are not just good at your job Cancer, your passion makes you twice as skilled! Many blessings to you!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot
Leo (Jul. 23 - Aug. 22)
Hello Leo!The Tarot shows you start of the month pretty calm as everything is moving pretty fast around you. You have a certain sense of satisfaction knowing your creativity and effort has built you a great foundation to move forward and build on. You used this recent Full Moon in Scorpio to your advantage and allowed some ugly truths deep inside to rise to the surface to be acknowledged and released. This was a huge deal for you Leo, because you've really been fixated and hooked on a certain way of thinking and feeling about certain topics, and just like that, someone flipped the switch and you are no longer stuck in that mind frame.You are coming full circle in your life. You may find yourself reflecting back on all the ENDINGS that have occurred, but deep down inside, you know those endings had to happen in order for you to embark on a better way of life. The New Moon in the middle of the month, paired with Uranus making his first move in 7 years to another sign, will have you experiencing what seems to be a pause. Don't get too caught up in feeling stuck. The Universe is merely allowing you time to process what's going on in your world so you can balance the scales before moving forward. With this being the end of your natal year, many things will be rising to the surface to either find it's new place inside you, or be let go.The end of the month brings you back to a place of calmness where you can feel connected to yourself again, and know that you are on the right path of making those tough life changing decisions. Many blessings to you Leo!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Hello Virgo!The Tarot shows you are starting of the month full of positivity and feeling the need to share your success with others. You've put a lot of hard work into building your career and you are on the verge of being promoted and advancing further. You have such a generous heart that your successes reach, not only to you and your family members, but those who are in need catch your attention any time you have the opportunity to give a little bit more.Moving towards the middle of the month, the tarot warns that you could lose control in a fit of rage and cause some very damaging situations with your words. Yes, your efforts seem to have been wasted, as the people at your work don't care about the job like you do Virgo. This adds to your frustration, and in an attempt to bite your tongue and stay calm, you create quite a bit of tension within your body. You could literally be sick to your stomach over the events you have experienced on the job. This happens around the New Moon and around the time Uranus makes his first move into another sign in 7 years. To say that you won't be feeling that shift would be a lie, however, knowing that the middle of the month could be an angry time, you can do what you can to make sure you avoid exploding at all costs. Use the New Moon energy to invite good, positive things into your life, and in doing so, the heavier, negative feelings should dissipate much faster.You will find yourself back to your normal mind frame by the end of the month. You have seemed to restore your balance within, and situations that occured no longer get you fired up the way they did around the middle of the month. You can find yourself being the one to mediate other conflicts among others now, as the smoke has cleared from your mind and the blood within you is no longer boiling in frustration. The month does bring you ups and downs, but you sail through the lessons with flying colors and return back to your normal, level headed, calm self, just in time for June. Many blessings to you Virgo!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Hello Libra!The Tarot shows you start off the month in a state of anxiety and depression. Unfortunately, the Full Moon in Scorpio did a number on you, and brought up a lot of painful past memories and feelings for you to process and let go. It appears you may have gotten stuck on the letting go part. We are still under that wonderful transformative energy of the moon, so please make a point of not only FEELING, but RELEASE those feelings so you can move on in a lighter way.Towards the middle of the month, it seems you still decide to carry much weight into the New Moon. Your depression and anxiety have grown so monstrous inside you, that it is literally taking on a life of its own. Please use this New Moon to invite calmness and happiness into your world. Release the anxiety and sadness to the universe to transform into better energies. Uranus makes his first move in 7 years into another sign around this time. This means you will be feeling your focus shift and this will be the turning point to release your depressive state.You will have Venus shinning her light and love on you moving towards the end of the month. You will see things settle in yourself, and in your environment. Your job stabilizes and the money you need will be provided to you at this time. You will be more focused on finding enjoyment in your world again, as the light takes over and banishes the depression you've been carrying. You will be able to find appreciation in your environment again, now that you are able to see things clearly and not be blurred by your sadness. Many blessings to you Libra!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Hello Scorpio!The Tarot shows you start of the month busting free of the mental limitations that have been holding you back! You have been struggling for a while now Scorpio, as you've been pulled into the depths of your feelings and memories. These have brought you down and have fed the depression that grows like a weed inside you. The recent Full Moon in your sign helped you to rid a lot of that negative energy, and help you adopt a different mind set. What was once a limiting belief, is now your strength in moving forward.The middle of the month will slam the door on any negative feelings that didn't get released through this last Full Moon. The New Moon and Uranus making his first move into another sign in 7 years, will provide you with the shift you need to move away from the darkness you've been living in, and step into the light of calmness and positivity. Be sure to evaluate all the heavy areas of your life and do your part to cut ties with those that are no longer supporting your growth.Nearing the end of the month you will find yourself experiencing minor life situations that are occurring to prepare you for the future on a much grander scale. For instance, you may offer to help a friend in need, only to find yourself in the same situation in the future. Do what you can to learn from these situations now, to know how to navigate through them when the time comes. This is a lighthearted lesson, so don't be too serious. Many blessings to you Scorpio!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Hello Sagittarius!The Tarot shows you start off the month celebrating the last leg in your journey. You have put forth such drive and determination the last few months to make long lasting changes to your life, that you are just starting to see come into reality. You have been given these opportunities to grow from, and you have done very well in digging deep to access your inner power and strength to keep to your plans and see things through.The middle of the month will bring you positive energies to your relationships. With the New Moon and Uranus making a shift into a new sign, you will feel that shift reverberate through the way you interact with those you love. Cherish this time with your loved ones, as the energy supports making deeper connections.Venus is with you as you near the end of the month, shinning her love of all things pleasure over you and your life.You will find yourself renewing your love and appreciation for the small things in life, as you work hard to bring balance to other areas. You are juggling many balls at this time, but under a lighter and positive energy then normal. You will be able to balance things without feeling the pressure of HAVING to, and find that you are very successful in dong so when you feel supported versus feeling overwhelmed. Many blessings to you Sagittarius!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
Capricorn (Dec. 23 - Jan. 19)
Hello Capricorn!The Tarot shows you start the month off with love on your brain. If you are currently paired and in a relationship, you will be feeling a deeper connection to your partner at this time. If you are single, you may be surprised how much you are thinking about the possibility of a relationship or romance. You might also find it shocking to be having the feelings you're having about someone right now, as you put so much effort into trying to be low key about those you find yourself attracted to. The recent Full Moon in Scorpio has triggered the deep urges and desires inside you, and it makes perfect sense for you to be exploring your thoughts and feeling around relationships at this time.The middle of the month kind of brings you down a peg, as you focus more on the money in your life. It seems you are no longer satisfied with your financial situation and are thinking of ways to create new more stable sources of income. This being around the New Moon, offers a great time for you to envision what you want to do in life to attract that kind of income, and use the New Moon energy to create a positive form of income that will satisfy your financial and creative needs. Uranus also make a big move around this time, which you will feel on both a global and personal level. This shift may cause a temporary pause in the acquiring of new income but, rest assured that you will find yourself being proactive and attracting opportunities to you that you once wouldn't even consider accepting.It's important for you to remember that the end of the month may be a bit more stressful for you, as you seem to allow yourself to be swallowed up by the fears and anxieties around your life path. Sleep can be disrupted and physical symptoms can appear as you surrender to your negative thoughts and sit in the darkness and heaviness of your feelings. Working towards the Full Moon at the end of the month, you should be actively keeping a mental note of all the things you no longer want to think, feel or deal with in your life. The Full Moon acts as a great way to let go of the things that no longer serve you well. Lord knows your list is getting a bit long in that department Capricorn! Time to shed some of that mental and emotional weight you've been carrying. Many blessings to you Capricorn!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Hello Aquarius!The Tarot shows you start the month off sitting pretty as you bask in the glory of your accomplishments. Things are going well for you at this time, and you are feeling pretty good about it. You have reached a level of comfort in all areas of your life, which is a much needed change from the struggles you just recently endured. The Full Moon in Scorpio we just had, helped you out by ridding those last few negative thoughts and feelings you were still holding onto. Now that they are gone, you are experiencing a sense of peace and calmness as you survey your life and realize that you're actually going to be okay!Hold onto those good feelings for dear life, because as you enter the middle of the month you may have those negative voices get louder inside your head. The New Moon and Uranus making his first move into a different sign for the first time in 7 years, can have you seeing things from a different perspective that may not serve you well. It's a time when you can be a bit delusional in your thinking and get fixated on things that don't really matter. Try to be aware of this shift happening inside you, and remind yourself that this feeling is only temporary.At the end of the month, you turn your thoughts around again, this time working FOR you instead of AGAINST you. With Venus infusing you with her love and enjoyment for all things pleasurable, you are going to find out how deep your passion really goes when you are confronted with an issue that you must stand up and fight for what you believe in. This isn't foreign territory for you Aquarius, you are more than willing to stand up for what you believe in, especially when your family and friends are concerned. Remember that we can chose to draw strength from negative situations and transform that energy into passion. So make sure you are feeding the right energy to propel you forward and not get caught up in fighting a losing battle. Many blessings to you Aquarius!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - Mar. 20)
Hello Pisces!The Tarot shows you starting off this month among messy details of a legal matter. Where ever there is paperwork, you can bet there are errors. You may be experiencing a delay in legal proceedings as well. Basically, the scales are unbalanced at the start of the month, and no doubt the recent Full Moon in Scorpio brought up lots of feelings for you to process around this particular matter.It seems this energy follows with you into the middle of the month where you can be feeling the frustrations of having delays hold up your plans. The New Moon and Uranus moving into a new sign for the first time in 7 years, can act in your favor to speed things up and move forward quickly to get out of this rut. Use the New Moon energy to invite the light energy and positive elements into your life. You know what you don't what, so use that information to figure out what you do want.You will have Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, with you moving towards the end of the month, which will cause you to explore the thoughts and feelings you have around relationships and the elements in your life that bring you joy. Be warned though Pisces, you are walking a very thin line between using your inner strength to help build you up, versus using it to take you down. With the Full Moon at the end of the month, you can be sure you will be thinking and feeling about every success and failure in your life. Use the Full Moon energy to release the heavy and negative thoughts and feelings within you, so you can be well balanced and grounded taking on the new opportunities that await you in the month of June. Many blessings to you Pisces!The Tarot Deck used in this reading is The Revelations Tarot.
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