Astro & Tarot Forecasts - October 2018
Welcome to October!After September's energy of organizing ourselves, our priorities, life sectors, thoughts, and feelings, we have created a beautiful jumping point into what will be into the unknown for most of us. October offers so many opportunities for us to bring a fresh new perspective on the existing foundations of our lives. We aren't starting completely over, but rather we are building upon an already existing foundation of things that have been working for us instead of against us. With a few very important planetary alignments this month, all designed to help our Soul's evolution, we will have the chance at bringing some pivotal pieces of of future dreams into our current reality. To get a glimpse at the month ahead, please read your forecast below. Aries - (March 21st - April 19th)
Hello Aries!
For many of you, it seems you came back to life during September. I know you might have felt lost and detached from the projects and people you love over the summer of planetary chaos, but September provided you with an energy that woke you up gradually to life again. Now that you have reconnected with things that you had lost interest in, and are now super focused on creating all kinds of new for the future, October will be a time where you can blend your energies into everything you do, creating a harmony in your life that hasn’t been felt in a long time.
With the New Moon in Libra on October 8th, you can expect your partnership, marriage, and shared resources, sector to be under the spotlight. Intimate, friendships, and business partnerships are illuminated under this moon. You will be looking at this sector with a new perspective and energy as you are all about transforming what isn’t working for you into something that does. The Libra energy we are under for this New Moon will help you see clearly which relationships are fair and balanced, and which ones need more boundaries put in place to establish balance and fairness.
On the 24th, your second house of material possessions, personal finances, and things that give you pleasure, will be spotlighted under the Full Moon in Taurus. Think back to May’s New Moon in Taurus, and see if you can remember what you were manifesting. You will dive a bit deeper into your own personal securities to prepare for your upcoming goals, and having a fair assessment of your individual finances to evaluate your own individual financial freedom will prove very freeing to you. Because this Full Moon takes place opposite the Scorpio Sun, you can expect to put your best detective foot forward and get to the bottom of your finances, establish a healthy budget, and even tuck some money away that no one needs to know about.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
[youtube] Taurus - (April 20th - May 20th)
Hello Taurus!
September was definitely productive for you as you were able to make a few changes to how you operate in your day. The diet or exercise plan you adopted in will no doubt have the staying power to stick around for a while. While September offered you an energy to organize and prioritize the to do list in your life, October will offer you lesson in love; love for yourself, for your life, the people in it, and for the things that bring you joy.
The New Moon in Libra on the 8th, will help you to bring an element of balance to your day-to-day routine. You have been doing an amazing job of making small changes to your life (I know how hard it is for you to embrace change), but this New Moon in Libra is all about invoking balance and harmony into all you do. You can see how you might organize your day a bit differently to allow more free time to do the activities you enjoy the most. The Libra energy will also make you a bit more chatty and flirty than your normal self, making it a great time to establish new friendships and even partnerships for those of you looking for love.
On the 24th, we have the Full Moon taking place in your sign Taurus, illuminating your first house of Self. You may want to think back to your birthday and explore what kind of goals you wanted for yourself at that time. How were you feeling about yourself, and the way you appear to others? You may find that there are things about yourself that you no longer feel good about or attached to. You might even realize that some of your thoughts and feelings about life have changed and no longer feel like things you want to continue to practice or hold on too. This Full Moon happens opposite the Scorpio Sun, so please be prepared to dig deep within yourself and uncover your deepest and darkest dreams and desires around this moon.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
Gemini - (May 21st - June 20th)
Hello Gemini!
With September having extreme focus on your home life environment, and getting the sparks reignited in your creativity sector, you will most likely enjoy the energy of October as it is more gentle, harmonious, and focused back on you, and how you live your day-to-day. This is an opposite energy from September for you as you were very social and chatty, very involved with other people. October allows you a time to be more introverted without all the feels that you normally would run away from.
With the New Moon on the 8th, taking place in your 5th house of creativity, you will have a much more lighthearted approach to your creative passion projects. There is even an element that will bring a playful and more joyous energy to your love relationships if partnered, and increases your chances of a short love romance if you are single. Your creative juices will be flowing now, and you will be able to see the balanced energy in all you do.
On the 24th, we have the Full Moon in Taurus taking place in your 12th house of self reflection, spirituality, and inner most dreams. Think back to what you wanted to do with yourself last May. You would have set out some goals for yourself under the energy of the New Moon in Taurus. Whatever those goals were, whether it was to connect more to your spiritual self, bring your dreams to life, or just feel at home with your own company, it will be coming full circle under this Full Moon in Taurus. Because this Full Moon is happening opposite the Scorpio Sun, there is no greater energy to work under if you are trying hard to dig deep within yourself to reveal what your soul is being called to do.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
Cancer - (June 21st - July 22nd)
Hello Cancer!
Now that September is over having left you with some interesting family dynamics to have explored, and of course the new paths that were revealed to you, October’s energy will be more more soft and less abrupt than the last couple of months. You have had lots of moving parts in your life Cancer, and the focus on starting anew could not be more intense.
On the 8th, we have a New Moon in Libra. This is taking place in your 4th sector of home & family. The Libra energy will soften the dialogue between siblings and family members now, as you have seems to have a bit of a bumpy road in that area, encountering many hurt feelings, and unresolved conversations. Libra will help to infuse an energy of love and harmony into your home and family life now as you aren’t as intense and edgy as you were prior to even entering into September.
The Full Moon in Taurus takes place on the 24th, highlighting your 11th house of intellect, higher learning, and networking. If you think back to May’s New Moon, you had set some intentions for yourself that would have involved learning something new, gaining a spot in a more like-minded community, and being more social with new groups of people. This Full Moon will provide a bit of illumination on that area of your life, and because this Taurus Full Moon is taking place opposite the Scorpio Sun, you can expect to reach a certain depth in all the connections you make around this time. You have been wanting to learn a new area of interest that had your attention many moons ago, it just didn’t manifest into reality until now. All of the new paths you’ve been anxiously awaiting to walk will reveal themselves to you this month, as we slow down from the chaotic planetary energy and actually put actions behind all the things we’ve been envisioning.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
Leo - (July 23rd - August 22nd)
Hello Leo!
Now that September has brought you back to your place of comfort, it won’t be nearly as awkward to continue being your entertaining self under the restrictions of communication confusion. You definitely had to quiet down and go move inward to explore some things during September, and it looks like you’ve made good headway with organizing your home life, and reuniting with some family members. You’ve definitely regained your social smoothness, I know you must have been worried how long it was going to take to not trip over your words again. September set you up to explore some topics in your life that haven’t gotten a whole bunch of attention lately. October is going to help you bring love and balance to those areas.
On October 8, the New Moon in Libra is going to be focusing on your 3rd house of communication, community, and siblings. It will bring a lighter more flirty energy to your conversations out in public, and strengthen the more intimate relationships you already have established. Expect a sense of peace and harmony in this sector as it was definitely a sector of struggle over the last couple of months.
On the 24th, we have a Full Moon in Taurus taking place in your 10th house of career. This is an awesome time for you as the manifestations you began back in May under the Taurus New Moon, will now start showing in your career sector. Your finances will be spotlighted under this Full Moon and you will see how your money will be balanced, and effected by the changes happen in your career sector.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
Virgo - (August 23rd - September 22nd)
Hello Virgo!
Well now that Virgo season is over and you’ve had your new solar zap of energy to set you up for the rest of your new natal year, many of you are ready to get this new year started! September proved to be the exact energy you needed in order to analyze the details of yourself, re-evaluate your goals, and get together a very organized and detailed plan for your new year. With your finances in order and your newly transformed energy and passion leading the way, you are now excited to start the new paths before you. October ushers in a new, gentle, loving energy that will impact all areas of your life with balance and fairness.
The New Moon in Libra on the 8th, will focus on your 2nd house of material possessions, finances and personal wealth. The new avenues in which you acquire new streams of income will be super helpful working with this months energy to balance your assets and make a financial plan as solid as your work ethic.
On the 24th, we have our Full Moon in Taurus highlighting your 9th house of exploration, higher learning, and travel. Whatever was on your mind back in May under the New Moon in Taurus related to these topics, will be spotlighted in your life, and manifested under this Full Moon in Taurus.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
[youtube] Libra - (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Hello Libra!
After one hell of a ride from September, there’s no doubt in me that you are happy to be under the energy of Libra season! Right before your birthday you are at the lowest point in energy all year, as you are slowly running out of the beautiful solar energy that you get zapped on your new natal year. Many of you struggled through lots of endings as you entered into your new natal year, but rest assured that the energies are slowing down now, more gentle, and of course, in true Libra fashion, much more fair and balanced then the last couple of months.
We have the New Moon in your sign on October 8th, highlighting the 1st house of Self. This is a time when all eyes are on you Libra, even your own. You may be focusing on your image now, how you look, and more importantly how you feel. You may be tempted to treat yourself to a new wardrobe or hairstyle as you are now radiating the attractive solar energy from the Sun. Expect to have others be attracted to you now more than ever. With the new solar energy, and the confidence you are feeling, your energy is simply magnetic!
On the 24th we have the Full Moon taking place in Taurus highlighting your 8th house of death, rebirth, regeneration, and magic. Think back to May and what it is you were trying to manifest into your life. You’ve been struggling to make endings to certain chapters of your life, but under this new Libra energy, you will be able to see what areas are out of balance, and what areas could use a bit more love.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
[youtube] Scorpio - (October 23rd - November 21st)
Hello Scorpio!
Now that September is done with, forcing you to get a bit more organized in life, both your inner and outer worlds are going to come together under this beautiful Libra energy. September proved to be tough for pretty much everyone, but you Scorpio, you’ve had the most forced transformation of them all. No surprise really, as you are the sign of death, rebirth, regeneration and mystery. You never let the Universe or the stars down, with how in alignment you really are with the cosmos and the effects on you are more than noticeable.
The New Moon in Libra on October 8th, is going to set the pace for the energy this month as we strive for balance and beauty in all areas of life. This New Moon is highlighting your 12th house of inner reflection, spirituality, and dreams. Your inner world will now be a more peaceful place for you to reside in as the libra energy infuses with your inner psyche. You will access the inner most depths of your heart and soul and unearth what needs to be acknowledged and released before your new natal year begins.
On the 24th, we have the Full Moon in Taurus taking place in your 7th house of partnerships, marriage, and shared resources. Think back to May and what you would have been manifesting under the New Moon in Taurus. No doubt it is money and love related. Here, you will experience an opportunity to bring a balanced perspective to your relationships, and even more so, how you might pair up in a new partnership that will bring you personal success as a team player. You are on a new level of operating now Scorpio, so expect to see this in your external world.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
[youtube] Sagittarius - (November 22nd - December 21st)
Hello Sag!
September definitely triggered some key areas for you, and although it’s been a very confusing time, it’s really great to see that you’ve made some head way with getting your career path in order, and allowing those creative juices to flow through you once again. When you allow the creativity to flow freely through you, you have such great ideas and come up with out-of-the-box solutions for every problem you are faced with. Some beautiful ground work has taken place for you to enter into October with the gentle, peaceful, loving attitude of living in balance as much as possible.
The New Moon on October 8th, will provide you with a very unique opportunity to network with some very interesting people that provoke some really great ideas for you to research. Your individual freedom is emphasized, but at the same time you are bring a sense of awareness to help both yourself and the world as a whole. Your ideas in helping the local community to solve a bigger, global problem is a passion of yours now, and you will sense a feeling of inner conflict within as you figure out how to divide your passion for your immediate family and community with that of a much grander scale.
On the 24th, we have a Full Moon in Taurus taking place in your 6th house of daily routines and acts of service. You began something back in May under the New Moon in Taurus that effected your day-to-day life, your routines, how you take care of yourself and your family, along with helping others in the community. However you implanted changes, or recognized that there needs to be change in those areas, will be highlighted under this moon. You will see the completion of this manifestation as it becomes more a part of your reality then just in thought.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
[youtube] Capricorn - (December 22nd - January 19th)
Hello Capricorn!
September had a pretty serious energy to it that you secretly enjoyed as it highlighted your new adventures in learning and exploration. You had to be very particular and detailed as you took on this new adventure into learning as you realize the weight of responsibility that this new path could bring you. You had to make changes to your career sector in order to install a bit more balance in your life, as you realized that taking on new paths of learning wouldn’t allow the same amount of time you could focus on your career. Realizing that the learning and exploration into this new area of interest could benefit your career in the long run, the balance was absolutely necessary. All of that has prepared you for October where you will be exercising balance among putting yourself out there in a networking situation and finding yourself being even more introverted and exploring your inner most thoughts and feelings.
The New Moon on October 8th, will have the focus on your 10th house of career focusing more on how to spend more of your time doing what you love. Many of you Capricorns are really committing to aligning your career more in tune with your personality and personal desires. You take your job very seriously and always give your best efforts into making sure you do a good job.
On the 24th, we have the Full Moon taking place in Taurus highlighting your 5th house of creativity. Whatever passion project you were focused on back in May is coming into reality now, as your creative juices are flowing and you recognize that if you network correctly, you can actual make connections with people who will pay you to do what it is you love. This month you will be pulling different areas of your life together, to cross-over each other and benefit from one another.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
[youtube] Aquarius - (January 20th - February 18th)
Hello Aquarius!
September was a bit of a cleanup month for you as you seen a lot of endings and very few things actually begin. You can most likely feel the energy change within you now, as you shed a lot of the thoughts and beliefs about yourself that just didn’t feel good to you anymore. Lots of your life transformed over the last couple of months and now with your energy and passion back, you can get started on the path of learning something new and exploring new topics and areas in life. Your involvement in an online community is slowly gaining you recognition and allowing you freedom in areas that you’ve been feeling restricted. With October’s energy of love and fairness infusing your life with balance, you will see a change within yourself and in the world around you.
The New Moon in Libra on October 8th, will highlight your 9th house of exploration, higher learning, and travel. This would be a great time to set out some goals you’d like to accomplish, or places you’d like to travel to.
On the 24th, the Full Moon in Taurus is taking place in your 4th house of home and family. Think back to May, and what you would have been focused on as far as initiating new changes to the family dynamic or to the home. This Full Moon will have that manifestation turn into reality.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!
[youtube]Pisces - (February 19th - March 20th)
Hello Pisces!
September was pretty kind to you as you seen the hopes and wishes you had for yourself come true in a lot of ways. Your relationships and partnerships got a bit more playful and you really got to balance out how you share your time with those you love. After many endings over the last few months, you were pretty happy to see September offering you a space to settle down in, and concentrate more on building a foundation for your future. I know you must be a bit tired form all the new adjustments, but I know that you will continue to dream for the next set of goals as we move into October.
On October 8th, we have a New Moon in Libra taking place in your 8th house of death, rebirth, and regeneration. You will be heavily focused on how to bring an element of balance and fairness into your relationships and transform elements some not-so-good elements into much better elements to work with. Although you’ve had September to settle many of the things that required adjustment, there are still some tweaking that needs to ironed out.
On the 24th we have a Full Moon in Taurus taking place in your 3rd house of communication, community, and siblings. If you think back to last May, what would have been some of the things you were wanting to start surrounding these topics? For many of you, you are having a true sense of community and liking where you are currently positioned in life. You can see now how those New Moon manifestations back in May have come full circle now.
There are a few more important dates to be mindful of this month, on October 5 - 31, Venus retrogrades in Scorpio, on October 9 Mercury moves into Scorpio, the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd, and on the 31st, we have Mercury entering Sagittarius, and Venus moves from retrograding in Scorpio to Libra. Should you be interested in learning how these planetary alignments will effect you and in what area of your life, please consider subscribing to a monthly subscription of weekly insights. You will receive an audio file every Sunday evening containing a heads-up for the planetary action for the week ahead, along with a personalized energy report with messages from your guides. To sign up for this service, please click here. If you haven’t already subscribed to the vibe, please click here. Please watch the video below for the tarot messages accompanying the astro events for the month of October. Thank you for following!