Astro & Tarot Forecasts - December 2018

Welcome to December!

As we crawl out of the depths and darkness of November, from Scorpio season in particular, and of course from all of the retrogrades that finally went direct, we are now squinting our eyes as we look ahead to the future, seeing a bright light at the end of what has been a very dark tunnel. This past year has been super intense with a record breaking number of eclipses, retrogrades, and planetary alignments that have shaken us to our core. It has been a year of unearthing the details of our souls, all in efforts to live more authentically, more in alignment with our Soul's purpose, and our heart's desires.

December will be a month where we will gain our footings and orient with our new inner compass. We had the last week of November to integrate all that we've learned about ourselves, our relationships, and our roles and responsibilities. Now, with the optimism of Sagittarius, and the good fortune of Jupiter, we can start seeing the path reveal itself in front of us. 

We enter into December under the influence of a Mercury retrograde which has us REwinding to past events, REevaluating the situation and plans for the future, REvising our hopes and dreams, and REpairing the parts within us that have suffered great pain, urging us to transform ourselves into who we need to be in order to live the life we've envisioned for ourselves. 

The New Moon in Sagittarius takes place on December 7th, offering us yet another chance to bring our dreams to life. We are in an accelerated manifestation window until the Winter Solstice on the 21st of this month. With Neptune now direct in its comfort zone of Pisces, vision work and daydreaming should come very naturally. It's important to be conscious and mindful of your focus and your inner narrative, as whatever we pour our energy into now, will come to life in the early months of the New Year. Make sure you are focused on the positive instead of the negative, abundance instead of the lack of, and realize that your inner thoughts are what the Universe listens and responds to.

On the 21st, we have the Sun moving from the future thinking, optimistic, higher learning Sagittarius, to the career oriented, structure focused, responsible and restrictive sign of Capricorn. This will continue the storyline from what we unearthed about our lives in Scorpio season, we learned about the details and how we can make them work for us in Sag season, to implementing the new details, information, and knowledge into our lives with the help of Capricorn season. The Winter Solstice also takes place on the 21st, shifting the energy to a state of renewal as we head into hibernation season, a time to reflect on the year gone by, and to look within to see what parts we need to work on strengthening in the New Year.

The Full Moon in Cancer takes place on December 22nd, bringing our New Moon in Cancer intentions we set back in June/July to a full completion. Take a moment to think back to that time and see what areas of life you were focused on changing. This Full Moon will bring those intentions full circle, and soon you will see those intentions manifest in your reality. Because we are entering into our holiday season, a time where families either come together in love, or stay divided in hurt, this Full Moon in Cancer will be highlighting our home and family life environment as Cancer rules nurturing, family, and household responsibilities. It is a very emotional and sensitive energy for many, and being a Full Moon, all about letting go and releasing energy that no longer serve us, that no longer nurture us, that no longer support us in our goals, this is the last hoorah in 2018 to leave behind all that we've discovered don't fit the roles and patterns of our new selves.

I want to take a minute to express my love and appreciation to every single one of my readers and clients. You have made 2018 an awakening experience for me as I embraced my life mission to serve and help others on their path. I am super excited to launch new services and be more of a guiding light to those of you who need assistance getting in touch with your inner soul's desire and purpose. If you haven't already signed up to my newsletter, I encourage you to do so, as I will be releasing many helpful gifts and knowledge as we enter into the New Year. 

To see how your December will pan out, please check your horoscope below.

ARIES (March 21st - April 19th)

Hi Aries!

November really zapped the last of your energy out of you as you finally seen a full circle completion in a project you had set out to complete way back in the summer months. Although it's very impressive what you've created and accomplished, you may have realized that you don't have an endless supply of energy, and that if you don't carefully pace yourself, you can go from a high productive state of energy to flat-lining and feeling the physical manifestations of your depleted energy supply.

The New Moon on December 7th, will have you upgrading your new goals in life since you've seen many of your dreams come true over the past year. The second half of 2018 has really shown you that all your hard work in planning, preparing, and presenting your ideas to the world has paid off in a way that even you hadn't predicted. There are new levels for you to reach in 2019, and even though you may be tired as hell, and needing a break, there is no harm in daydreaming about what else it is you'd like to see come to life in the New Year. 

In the middle of the month, we have some energy shifts that will support you in making your new endeavours more solid and structured. The bugs will be worked out by the New Year and you can count of the structure of your life to be a more solid footing for you to build off of in 2019.

The Full Moon in Cancer will have you focused on how you can balance yourself between your roles and responsibilities in your home life versus your career. There are areas in both worlds that need to be nurtured and brought back to a place of power and strength. By nurturing the needs of both of your worlds, you will find a natural balance and divide your energy accordingly.

As we close out 2018, and enter into a year that will help us build our external lives into more of a reflection of our inner worlds, you will have Mars your ruling planet stationed in your first house of Self reigniting the spark and lighting the fire and passions within. You will feel re-energized and ready to take on the world as you will have a clear path forward in realizing that you have more dreams you'd like to see come true. You enter into the New Year with successful energies surrounding you, making everything you pour your passion into a successful endeavour that you will continue to reap the rewards from for years to come.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

TAURUS (April 20th - May 20th)

Hi Taurus!

November revealed a lot of details to you, both good and bad, that left you pondering what needs to change in your world. The relationships you had are now changing as everyone is individually shifting. While others, including yourself, may choose to remain the same, this past month has been about recognizing patterns and behaviours in yourself and those you choose to surround yourself with. While you may find yourself making peace with the way some of your relationships are, knowing they will never be want you want or need, you have the energetic encouragement and support to implement new boundaries to reflect your new found value and worth.

The New Moon on December 7th, encourages you to take stock of the changes that have transpired in your life. Now is the time to invite new energies into your world. You are essentially setting intentions of what you'd like to see take place in your life over the next year. Your focus will be both on how to invite new routines into your day-to-day life, and how to grow in your current relationships. You've had your eyes opened to new situations that require a higher level of commitment and focus from you as you enter into 2019. Now is the time to give up a bit of your controlling ways in order to create a routine and relationships that flow more freely without force.

In the middle of the month you will see the energy shifting from Sag to Capricorn and of course the Winter Solstice will help you identify new ways of thinking and communicating to both yourself and those you love in a way that brings more harmony than conflict. You must release tiny parts of yourself that are stuck in old patterns and behaviours in order to go with the flow and not be so rigid in how you expect things to unfold.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd will have you realizing that you need to relax a bit in your home and family environment and invite a more playful side back into what has been a very serious energy with many tensions. Having a more playful approach to your roles and responsibilities and in the communication among family members will prove to be the energetic shift needed to renew your bonds and enter into the New Year with a cleaner slate.

The end of the year and month will have your sparks ignited for the coming year as far as your goals to acquire a certain amount of financial security and success are concerned. Your second house of personal wealth and finances, love, and values will be highlighted as Mars the energetic warrior moves into its comfort zone, infusing your money sector with a passion for monetary success.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

GEMINI (May 21st - June 20th)

Hi Gemini!

November really had you focusing on the inner most desires surrounding your wants and needs within your relationships. Even though you typically struggle between wanting that special someone for eternity, and fearing the commitment that comes along with it, you are warming up to the idea of balance. The details that were revealed to you during November may have been hard to digest, but recognize that each thing that triggered you was in efforts to force changes that you wouldn't have necessarily imposed on yourself.

The New Moon in Sag on December 7th, will have you asking the Universe for the ideal characteristics to manifest in your relationships to help you achieve more of a balanced emotionally state. You have learned through some very hard lessons in life that people aren't who they appear to be, and in order to attract the right kind of people to you, whether it be in romance, friendship, or business, you have to get clear on what it is you actually want. Sure, knowing what you don't want is great, but use that list to clearly define what it is you WANT from the Universe. Now is the time to focus all your energy into manifesting your dreams into reality, so get your order ready and place it! Make time to pour your energy into your emotions instead of the regular monetary goals you are usually focused on. There is no need to consume yourself with fear and worry now, not in any area of your life.

In the middle of the month, you will begin to see how the light at the end of this dark tunnel is finally bright enough to guide you out of the darkness you've been living in. All may appear well to an on-looker but you know you've been having trouble navigating yourself out of the shadows of your inner world. With the high level of optimism looking towards the future, you can shift that energy and focus into strengthening the foundations in your life that you are sure of, and no doubt you will come up with some great ideas in how to transform the areas of your life that aren't so solid into something more permanent.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd, will have you pulling back from your normal social self, into a state of quiet reflection as you move into the New Year. This inward energy is perfect for you as you nurture the parts of yourself that you've been repressing and confused about. It will have you changing your perspective on some family issues and you can expect to receive some really powerful ah-ha moments that will create much ease for you as you leave the past behind and embrace what the future has in store.

By the end of the month and the year, you will notice yourself be revived again, back to your socially outgoing self, taking every opportunity to visit with friends and family and step up your convo game as Mars the warrior passion planet moves into your 3rd house of communication. This is where you feel the best Gemini, and now with your new found spirit and optimism for the future you can clearly communicate your thoughts and feelings and have your audience hang on your every word.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

CANCER (June 21st - July 22nd)

Hi Cancer!

While November was all about showing you the details of your new life and teasing you for a couple of weeks before all the changes actually begun, you are now living the dreams in which you've been creating! With such a strong focus on both your 5th house of creativity, romance, and playfulness, and the 6th house of routine, health, wellness and service, you can now take what you have learned and integrate it into the new foundations in which you are building for yourself.

The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 7th, will have you transforming areas of your life into ones that most replicate your inner state of mind, and are in more alignment with your soul's heart and desires. You have a sense of hopefulness and optimism now, especially seeing as you've experience some of your dreams come to life. This evidence of all your hard manifesting work actually coming true, only encourages you to take advantage of this accelerated manifestation time to bring even more of your dreams to life in the future.

In the middle of the month, around the time that mercury goes direct and when the new dust seems to settle, you will be actively positioning your focus on a new role and responsibility in your life that will have you communicating with more clarity and focus than ever before. You're audience seems to change this month, being of a newer energy and more like-minded than those you've previously surrounded yourself with. Now is the time to be very consciously aware of your words and ensure you are saying what you mean.

The Full Moon in your sign on the 22nd, will of course have your emotions full and ready to swell over, but this time, I trust it will be tears of gratitude to all that you've accomplished and that has blessed you in 2018 (even the struggle and hardships). Take this opportunity to purge that last parts of your old self, releasing them into the Universe to be recycled and transformed into something that will better serve you moving forward.

You will be ending the month and the year on a very gentle note as you take a look around at the new family environment you've created, the new found confidence and value you've discovered within yourself, and of course celebrating the new understandings you've been blessed with to take with you as you take a leap of faith in opportunities that await you in the New Year.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

LEO (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Hi Leo!

With November now behind us, it's time for you take all of your new ideas for yourself and your future and put them into play. You definitely had your creative side exposed throughout November, renewing the confidence and passion you somehow lost for a second to come back full force and drive you into projects that you could use to channel your energy into. November exposed some truths to you that you may not have been ready for, and entering into December's retrograde you've been taken back to situations that you once had a love for, and for many reason got distracted and walked away from.

The New Moon on December 7th, triggers your eagerness to learn new topics and skills to better your career path which is receiving lots of good attention as the month begins. You are on a quest of betterment now, upgrading your skills and knowledge in areas of new study and interest. You're passion projects might just overlap your career sector bringing you attention and even abundance as far as being recognized and maybe even show you a glimpse of a new income stream.

In the middle of the month, the main focus will be transforming parts of yourself and your life to better align with your new energy and perspective. There are parts of you that need to be released completely, while other parts are undergoing a deep transformation to help create a life that is more reflective of your Soul's heart and desires.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd, will have you focusing on your love life, your comfort zone, and your personal values such as self-worth and personal finances. Now, you are clearly able to see where to focus your energy to ensure you are nurturing those parts of yourself to create a more solid foundation to enter into the New Year with.

By the end of the month, as we see the year come to a close, you will be charged up and ready to take on whatever tasks are needed in order for you to achieve balance in your life, especially where your creative projects and romance sector are concern. You've suffered some pain as far as love has been concerned over the past year and now you are able to see that doing what is fair and right for yourself strengthened your personal values even if it did create some disappointment watching others miss the mark on seeing your worth.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

VIRGO (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Hi Virgo!

November had you very focused on balancing and organizing the details within your home and family life. You had perspectives and details exposed to you that really had you feeling overwhelmed and out of control there for a couple of minutes. Luckily, in true Virgo style, you quickly took stock of your current position and figured out what had to be done in order to restore a bit of the balance that was lost under the weight and pressure of changes surrounding your home and those in it. 

The New Moon is Sag on December 7th, has you feeling a bit bored with your current job and career position. You like having goals and levels of achievement to work towards and it seems that you may already be at the top of your career ladder leaving you feeling a bit discontent with not having a next level accomplishment to aim for. You may even be thinking about branching out on your own to do some kind of side projects that will not only bring you income, but will also satisfy your thirst for hitting the next mark on your accomplishment ladder.

The middle of the month will have you focused on what you can be learning as far as exploring a new topic or area of study to build your knowledge and skills to help level up your current career. You might even find yourself thinking of branching away from your current occupation or industry all together. It's okay to want to walk away from things now Virgo, as your Soul is calling out to you to explore new things. Outgrowing a certain position in life in no way means that you are abandoning your roles and responsibilities, rather you are creating a new energy to build off of as we enter into a New Year. It is about balancing your wants, needs, and desires, with doing what is right for you first, and then for others second.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd will have your communication sector light up as you learn to connect to different social circles and of course interact with people that you haven't seen in a while. Take this opportunity to explore your community, networks, and social circles to see what career opportunities may await you through someone you know.

As the end of the month and year come to a close, you will see your energy spike and be focused on tweaking your current day-to-day routine, adopting in new habits of health and wellness along with how you can be more of service to those you love and your communities. You will have a strong urge to invite in new healthy ways of living that exceed just diet and exercise. You will be examining what you can do within your routine to make you more consciously aware of your actions as you do them instead of being on autopilot. In doing so, you are releasing old parts of yourself that have been keeping you attached to a routine that no longer works for you or encourages you to challenge yourself in any way.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

LIBRA (September 23rd - October 22nd)

Hi Libra!

November was a challenging month for you as it revealed your current position among your communities and social circles that either left you feeling good about building relationships that will support you in the future, or left you realizing that you've outgrown many of the social networks that you are current involved in. Communication and how you speak has been a hot topic in November, as you were challenged to change your inner narrative by standing up for yourself using words of confidence and clarity. Even through a retrograde where communication isn't ideal, you were able to face situations from the past that had you re-evaluating your own personal beliefs and values. 

The New Moon in Sag on December 7th, has you recognizing your network of friends and professionals in order for you to branch out and connect with those that are more like minded than those in your current social circles. You've left behind some relationships, friendships, and working partners due to your new level of increased worth. You will find yourself feeling a certain sense of freedom and a desire to be more rebellious towards those that try to hold you back or dim your flame. You've come too far to let anyone have that much power over you. Your new sense of confidence and self-worth will have you seeking out new opportunities to create income and you may just receive a small gift of time, effort or energy from someone you least expect.

In the middle of the month you must watch your spending as you have the potential to get yourself in some Holiday debt that will take you away from your current budget and future financial goals. You will have the support of the Sun entering Capricorn in your career sector to help you organize your responsibilities and stick to the healthy structures you need in your life to plan for the future. 

The Full Moon in Cancer of the 22nd, will have you revisiting the intentions you had set out for yourself back in June or July. These intentions were very much centered around your home and what it was you were being called to do to nurture yourself in your home environment. Family issues can come up for you during this time, as your home and family zone is illuminated under the Full Moon in Cancer. You may find yourself releasing or letting go of certain family structures to help you nurture your own values and beliefs. It's important for you to speak your mind with clarity and confidence in these family situations to make sure you are protecting yourself from situations or relationships that you've outgrown but haven't let go of yet. 

The end of the month and year have you infused with an energy that will be . focused on your relationships as we enter into the year of building. You will first be reflecting on all the romantic relationships, friendships and family connections that you may have ended over 2018, only to help you build a list of wants needs and desires for your new relationships to abide by. These healthy conditions and boundaries you are implementing in your life will be the new checklist in which you allow new people into your life, and which those you choose to hang onto will now have to acknowledge and live up to. It has been a very transformative year for you as far as recognizing your own worth and value, and it is this foundation in which you will build off of in 2019. 

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

SCORPIO (October 23rd - November 21st)

Hi Scorpio!

With November and your birthday now in the review mirror, you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Even in spite of all the chaos and destruction that took place over the year, you embraced your inner power, especially the solar infusion you received on your birthday and you charged ahead on what has been a very long and dark path. Even though you didn't know how to get out of your situation, it happened. You've reached a level of achievement in your life, laughing in the face of restriction and oppression only to fly up from the ashes yet again as the Phoenix always does. 

The New Moon in Sag on December 7th, has you moving inward to explore your spiritual beliefs and your inner dreams. You realize now that your inner dialogue and personal narrative is the power in which you are able to transcend your past, your old self and your outdated programming and behaviour. You will be exploring parts of yourself within as you have the sudden urge to want to learn all there is to know about a topic that will only empower you on your quest for truth and wholeness.  

The middle of the month will have you in new territory, evaluating which direction you will go from here. It can be very scary to venture into foreign land both in your internal and external worlds. You've worked so hard to break free from the past that there is no use in attaching yourself to any kind of fear, insecurities or doubts surrounding your new path forward. Be mindful of your inner dialogue now and release any fears you may have surrounding your living situation and your current state of employment.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd, will have you releasing certain blocks and limiting beliefs surrounding your creativity and romance sector. You have stepped away from your creative projects while the darkness of the last few months didn't allow for even the dimmest spark to be expressed from inside you. You will realize that parts within you need to be focused on and nurtured in order to cultivate a healthy space for your heart to open up once again. Both your urge to create and express yourself, and the urge for you to reignite the romance in your life. It's all about the spark within. Now that you've cleared away some of the blocks that were holding you back, you can playfully indulge yourself into passion projects that will keep the flame within lit up.

The end of the month and year will have you focusing your energy on transforming areas of your life to be more in alignment with your Soul's higher purpose. You will have the passion and creative spark alive and well within you to take action in areas of your life that need a good kick in the butt. This past year was more about the changes that needed to take place within yourself, while 2019 will be about implementing those inner changes to your outer world. You will see your foundations become stronger and solid enough for you to build your grand dreams upon in the New Year.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22nd - December 21st)

Hi Sag!

November was a challenging month for you as your energy was depleted awaiting your birthday solar infusion, and the fact that your attention was very scattered as many of the areas in your life were demanding attention. With the majority of your focus on the roles and responsibilities within your home and your partnerships, you had a lot to wade through in your inner world as you've been exploring how to upgrade your knowledge and skills in order to create more career opportunities for yourself. You've been undergoing a huge transformation inside as you recognize that there are certain parts of you that need to be left behind in order to reach the goals and visions you have for your future self. 

The New Moon in your sign on December 7th, is giving you the opportunity to be very clear on what it is you want for yourself over the next year. New moons are for setting intentions and inviting in new ideas and situations that better support your innermost desires. This is all about you Sag! What do you want change about yourself or transform into something better? What goals do you want to see be accomplished in your life, and what parts of you are you willing to leave behind to do so?

In the middle of the month you will feel that inner conflict get louder as you try and identify why you feel trapped or stuck in certain sectors of your life. You will be having a large focus on who you want to be in the world versus who you think the world needs you to be. There is no better time to identify and recognize the way you are currently feeling about yourself and your life in your inner world and how it actually matches up with your external world. This is the last chance you will have this year to better align yourself with your Soul's true desires, so tap into your optimistic self and explore the ways you could transform areas of your life into something that feels better within you.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd, will have you making some changes to your day-to-day routine, eliminating tasks that are keeping you away from the things you enjoy, inviting in new healthy habits as far as dieting and exercise go, and having you think of ways you can be more of service to yourself first, your family second and then of course your community. You may just find that you need to release some of the things you are used to doing on autopilot in order to nurture the parts in your day that give you a sense of self and make you feel stronger.

The month and year come to a close on an energetic note for you as you are infused with a passion that will have you throwing yourself into new areas of study and exploration. You are thinking big and long-term now as you feel drawn to a certain area or topic that could have you levelling up your career game. Although the urge for you to educate yourself in new ways is pushing you to new career goals, remember that it's also important for you to explore new areas within you. You are ever changing and ever growing Sag, which means you need frequent check-ins with yourself to see what parts of you need to be released in order for new parts of you to come alive.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

CAPRICORN (December 22nd - January 19th)

Hi Capricorn!

November proved to be a bit of a challenge for you as you were torn between your desire to move within yourself, reflecting, re-examining and re-evaluating your current goals and dreams, while life demanded your willingness to live out of your comfort zone all in the name of networking. It's been hard for you to be as interactive and as social as November had asked of you while you feel more comfort keeping to yourself as you try to build your new goals within your career sector. Life has demanded a lot of your energy, and as you approach your birthday, your energy has been naturally depleted.

The New Moon in Sag on December 7th, has you pouring optimism into your future endeavours as you explore areas of yourself that might need a bit of an upgrade. You may be finding yourself drawn to learning new areas of study all in efforts to upgrade your skills to expand your career opportunities in the New Year. It is important for you to have your goals and dreams clearly defined within you now, as you have the strength and universal energy support to give birth to the new ideas and dreams you have for yourself.

The middle of the month will have your focus on the partnerships in your life, romantic, family & friends, and of course business relationships. This isn't an easy area for you to explore and be open to as you prefer to act alone in your projects, having the control you so desperately desire over the details of any given project. You will be faced with having to step outside of your current comfort zone to recognize the importance of having certain people in your life as you see now that you need people to play certain roles.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd, will further that theme as you realize that certain areas of your life need nurturing where letting people in is concerned. It's your natural disposition to keep people out, but there are parts of you that are feeling the loneliness and isolation of the closed off world you've created. With the Sun moving into your sign, you will feel a sense of renewal and optimism to maybe expand your walls just a bit to see how letting others into your world could help you feel a bit more nurtured than ever before.

The month and the year end on a high note as you will receive news of excitement surrounding your career and which direction the new year will take you. You will be charged up and ready to take on new roles and responsibilities within your career sector that may have you feeling a bit overwhelmed as you see that your dreams for yourself are in fact showing sighs of coming true! This accomplishment will have your mind on overdrive and you could be in a situation where you are not willing to see the conflict that stands before you. Be aware of your inner narrative now as you have the potential to talk yourself out of a really good opportunity all because of your lack of confidence within yourself. This new year will bring you much success if you allow yourself to believe that you deserve it.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

AQUARIUS (January 20th - February 18th)

Hi Aquarius!

November had you a bit scattered as the focus was on how to be using your current platform to communicate new ideas and visions that will eventually lead to a level up in your career. You've been in a deep, visionary state of thinking, about the New Year and how the world will be affected by the global changes currently taking place. You've done a great job standing in your own power to speak your truth and lead those that need direction into concepts that will only help grow as they take on a life of their own in the New Year.

The New Moon in Sag on December 7th, will have you dreaming of a highly optimistic future as you discover new ways to align yourself with communities and social circles that will help launch you into a new way of connecting and passing on information. You've seemed to struggle with feeling trapped in certain social structures that you know are essentially holding you back from being the grand vision that you feel yourself morphing into. The focus on breaking old patterns and behaviours, although very high, has also proved to be very conflicting for you as you would rather see them transform into a more supportive energy then to totally cut them off altogether. 

In the middle of the month, you will find yourself moving inwards as the call to explore your inner dreams and desires is strong as we near the end of the year and we get closer to your birthday. This is naturally a dark time for you, as you are awaiting the first day of spring that takes place on your birthday receiving the solar infusion that will amp you up to take on the next year. There have been many triggers present in your life that are forcing you to explore parts of yourself that you may have not have recognized before now. Your constant desire to learn and to grow is pushing you to face old patterns and behaviours that no longer support your path and that need to be released in order to move forward in your path.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd, will be illuminating the parts of you that are no longer nurturing your Soul or your growth. The old parts of you that you discover on your mid-month journey inwards will now be called to be released or transformed as you see these patterns and habits are no longer nurturing your present state and are no longer working for you in your efforts to become the version of yourself you need to be to reach your goals.

The end of the month and year will be focusing on your networks and how to use technology to your advantage to connect with like minded people. Using the larger platform to transmit your ideas of a grander vision and greatness to an audience greater than just your social circles and current audience will fast forward your grander vision for oneness and your forward thinking ideas into motion to build upon in the New Year.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!

PISCES (February 19th - March 19th)

Hi Pisces!

November had you heavily focused on your career and developing your routine at work. You life needs to be more in balance this month as the call for attention to your home and family area will become louder. You have been so focused on reaching a certain level of success within your career that your roles and responsibilities within your home - and to the people in it - took a back seat. Now with Neptune (your ruling planet) in a direct motion from it's retrograde position, it's time to take your blinders off and dream again.

The New Moon in Sag on December 7th, will have you more focused on your home and family and being very clear about what is needed from all of you to restore balance. With your creativity and playful side coming back to life at the beginning of the month, you will be able to think outside of the box in order to provide long lasting solutions to long standing issues within the relationships of your family. You will be filled with a sense of optimism now envisioning the goals for next year, and are now willing to pull yourself away from your career a bit to make sure these plans happen. 

In the middle of the month, you will find yourself in conversation with family members catching up and making up for lost time, as well as communicating your wants needs and desires for the family and the relationships in it for the future. It's important that you speak confidently and with clarity as you express your wants, needs, and desires for your family and the home environment to change. It's also important that you show them you can be a team player now as your career doesn't demand as much attention focus and energy, and that you are ready to make an effort to team up to get things done.

The Full Moon in Cancer on the 22nd, will have you focus on what it is you can be learning and exploring within yourself to ensure you are paying attention and nurturing your thirst for knowledge. There are parts of your old self that are no longer serving you which can be released under this moon, as we have much ground to cover in the New Year that won't be successful if we let our old selves create energy blocks in our path. You will be exploring new areas both within yourself and in your outer world that you can use to your advantage making sure you reach the goals and dreams you have for yourself and your family in the New Year.

The month and year will end with you being very reflective as you move inwards to discover the parts of yourself that you've been ignoring. Before heading into a year that is focused on building and creating, you must take one last walk through of your inner most dreams and desires to ensure that all parts of yourself are operating from a conscious level and that you are no longer going to fall victim to past patterns and behaviours that are no longer working for you. This will be the last opportunity you have to leave behind the parts of your old self before entering into a new world of creation in 2019.

Other important alignments and energies:

December 1st - Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio

December 2nd - Venus Enters Scorpio

December 6th - Mercury Goes Direct In Scorpio

December 9th - Chiron Goes Direct In Pisces

December 12th - Mercury Enters Sagittarius

December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn & Winter Solstice

December 31st - Mars Enters Aries

To make sure you are completely informed on these shifts and how they will effect you, please SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE!! If you are curious on what areas of life these shifts will take place in for you, please purchase a MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION where you will receive WEEKLY INSIGHTS specifically based on your birth chart information and receive messages from your Guides on how to navigate the energies one week at a time.

You can also purchase a MINI READING at anytime and choose ASTROLOGY as your focus. You will receive a play-by-play for the month’s planetary events specific to your birth chart information. Just like a fingerprint, no two birth charts are the same!

Many blessings to you during these times!


Mercury Retrograde Enters Scorpio


Neptune Goes Direct In Pisces