Mars Enters Aries
Mars, the warrior planet of passion, energy, drive, and aggression, enters into Aries, a place of comfort as it's natural ruler. There is no better way to start a new year off, than with the positive, forward-looking passion of Mars in Aries.We ended 2018 off with a series of intense energetic shifts that forced us to transform into the energy beings we need to be, in order to create and build our inner visions in our outer worlds. Through astrological events that made us face ourselves, our values, our worth, and to let go of outdated ideals, foundations, friendships and relationships, now we get to hit the ground running with the energy of Mars in Aries to support us.Still with the Sun positioned in Capricorn, we have the organizational skills to be seeing the to-do list loud and clear, checking each details over and over again assuring ourselves that we haven't over looked anything and that we are in fact ready to get down to business and create the outcome we've been working towards.With the Capricorn energy supporting us in our ambitions, Mars entering Aries is going to give us the energy, drive, and passion we need to get started. When Mars is in Aries, the God of War feels on top of the world, ready to overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. He is not easily swayed off of his path and has a clear sense on how to get from point A to B in the fastest, easiest way possible.You are going to feel a sense of strength and determination now, independently pushing forward on your path, doing what needs to be done to get the the finish line. The fierceness of Mars in Aries is an element and energy that we can all embody, with a confidence so strong that even the greatest fool would get out the way of you obtaining your dreams.You will have a great surge of energy to push yourself, strengthening your physical body along the way. Being as strong as possible, mind, body, and Soul, as you stand to be triumphant once you conquer what it is you've set out to do.Although you will be feeling powerful and driven, this surge of energy also has a downfall which can effect your relationships if you aren't careful. This passionate energy to reach your goals may have you wearing blinders, not seeing the consequences of your actions, and dismissing all reasoning and practicality just to ride the wave of impulse.There is a very fine line between passion and anger, and if this energy isn't harnessed correctly, you could find yourself damaging some very important relationships in your life by not being mindful of your actions. You could feel frustrated from not being able to tackle all that you want to attempt on your new path. Wanting everything to happen now, could push your passion over the edge of healthy expression, to anger which isn't the best use of this energy.You could see sudden outbursts in your emotions as Mars and Aries both run very hot, and can go from 0 to 60 in no time flat. The energy is so intense and so direct in it's focus, that there doesn't leave much room for compromise making some relationships reach a point in conflict when others want to deviate from your plans.There is a high probability that many people will butt heads during this transit, as this aggressive energy doesn't back down very easily. Knowing the downfall of this transit, you should be able to stay very mindful of the negative expression of this energy. Keeping your focus on all of the good that can come from this transit when expressed correctly, will launch you on the path of success early on in the new year, checking off the steps from the list that the Capricorn energy has so graciously laid out before you.As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Many blessings to you as you set out in the new world, with the passion to make your inner dreams come true! Marlee HenryResident Reader & Psychic AdvisorEast Coast Energy Boutique