Jupiter in Pisces

Today Jupiter - the planet of growth and expansion - moves into his place of power in Pisces. Pisces is naturally ruled over by both Neptune and Jupiter, and it just so happens that both Jupiter and Neptune are now in Pisces together.

Jupiter brings us a new confidence and optimism to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones to grow and expand past our current consciousness and circumstance. Pisces is a water sign very connected to the spiritual part of life. It’s where we reconnect to our inner voice, our inner compass, and quiet the ego in order for the soul to speak. It’s all encompassing and can show us what lies beyond our physical realms.

Jupiter is our teacher, he rules over beliefs, religion and philosophy. He brings with him wisdom and blessings through opportunities of struggle and hardship offering silver linings to those who wish to expand their inner knowledge. He boosts our confidence within ourselves, he shifts our beliefs to a new truth, and he magnifies where in our lives we need to escape the old ways of thinking in order to see new perspectives and opportunities emerge.

This isn’t the first time we’ve had Jupiter in Pisces. Back in May of this year Jupiter snuck into Pisces before retrograding back into Aquarius. Although his stay in Pisces was short lived, we did get a preview of what’s to come. Jupiter in Pisces will help us to align with a greater vision for the future. Jupiter being an outer planet means his influence is best seen on the global stage. We will see a huge shift in the consciousness of the collective, where lies and deception will be illuminated for us to attach ourselves to a new truth.

Individually, we can expect huge growth in our mind, body and soul. We can expect to have our faith restored, our confidence boosted, and a very revealing and active dream life. We will level up our vibration as our intuition gains strength, and we will expand our minds and vision to a brand new horizon.

Depending on where Jupiter in Pisces is taking place in your birth chart, you will see a sector of your life be magnified and the volume turned all the way up on your growth. If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your December’s Energy Forecast, the daily Energy Forecast, and the ASCENSION FORECAST to help guide you through.