New Moon in Cancer

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (28).jpg

Today we have our New Moon in Cancer which is the first New Moon since eclipse season. The chaos and confusion that took place during eclipse season is now starting to settle, but with that energy we are still struggling to let go of the old and familiar in order to embrace the new. The energy has been intense and at some points scary. We are giving birth to a brand new reality and that in itself can be terrifying and unsettling.

The last Full Moon we had was in Capricorn and Cancer sits across from Capricorn in the zodiac wheel urging us to seek safety, security, and balance in our emotions and finances. It highlights the restrictions we face, the obstacles and challenges we seem stuck on, and illuminates where old systems and foundations are falling apart in order for us to rebuild our lives in ways that align more with what we need to feel safe and secure in our realms, aligned with what we need to nurture and nourish ourselves moving forward.

This New Moon in Cancer is a continuation of the cancer/capricorn axis we’ve been working on for the past 2 years. This axis story had us trying to balance what we need to feel safe and secure emotionally within our homes and family dynamics, while still living up to the roles and responsibilities of our public lives within our careers. Since the nodes of the moon have moved onto the gemini/sagittarius axis, we’ve shifted our focus to expanding our minds through learning new ways of doing things and how to let go to how things have always been done.

While today’s new moon in cancer isn’t an eclipse event, it does slam the door shut (for good) on the eclipse season AND on the balancing act we’ve been struggling with between our homes and our jobs, our emotions and our finances, the feminine and masculine energies. The new moon in cancer is a highly charged event as we are still purging our layers of karmic pain and suffering passed down through generations. We are being asked to examine what is out of balance in our lives and where we need to put ourselves back at the top of our own priority list. This is about recognizing what we need to feel emotionally safe and secure in our lives, what kind of environment we’ve created within our homes, and the energy exchange within our relationships (especially with the mother figure or feminine divine energy).

As always, a new moon is asking us to begin a new cycle. This new emotional cycle will have us implementing boundaries, nurturing ourselves as we so easily do for others, and to re-organize the space in our homes to provide a safe place to rest and heal. The energy can feel very heavy and foggy surrounding this new moon as we’ve only just begun to see glimmers of the path we are about to initiate in moving forward. There is still a lot of confusion surrounding our options and many decisions are weighing on us as we begin to start a new cycle.

This is a great time to hold a vision for the future you want to manifest and hold that vibration strong. We are about to enter in Leo season which is the pivotal point in the solar calendar in which new sparks get initiated and new life takes form. We are holding this vision strong as we enter into August and we approach the lion’s gate portal on 8/8 where we solidify our new lightcodes and anchor in the new timelines we’ve been envisioning.

So while we are in the dark phase of the moon (while the moon goddess herself prepares to enter into a new phase of life), retreat from the world to contemplate the new cycle you wish to manifest. Consider your dark emotions emerging as a request to let go of the past and to cleanse yourself of the old patterns and behaviours that have been blocking the life you want to be living.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and download your Moon Guide to help guide you through.




Mercury Enters Cancer


Venus in Leo