Welcome To Capricorn Season & The Solstice
It's the time of the year when the Sun moves from the bright, optimistic, adventure-seeking Sagittarian energy, to the ambitious, responsible, hard working energy of Capricorn.
It is no coincidence that the zodiac signs rule the timeframes that they do, and especially after the year we just had, we should all be really happy to be ending the year, and starting a new one, under the Capricorn Sun.
Capricorn is an earth sign and takes their roles and responsibilities in life very seriously. They are overly ambitious without getting too ahead of themselves, as they know what is actually reasonable for them to accomplish.
With Saturn, the planet of karma as their ruler, we have a tendency to reflect back on the year's events seeing exactly how each karmic lesson played out. With a reasonable approach and a down-to-earth view on life, Capricorn takes but a few minutes to compartmentalize the thoughts and feelings that each karmic lesson taught them before looking forward, setting tangible goals for the future.
Capricorn season also triggers the solstice. In the Northern hemisphere we are experiencing the winter solstice, a time of retreat where we step back to review and reflect. When we rest, recharge, and reorganize. In the southern hemisphere it triggers the summer solstice, which is a time for new sparks of life to be ignited. Where new adventures unfold and new exciting shifts take place in our realities.
Under Capricorn's energy we are able to see very clearly the steps we need to take in order to reach our goals, and easily make a check list of things we need to take care of. Where Capricorn takes their roles very seriously, especially where their career is concerned, they will do their very best to exceed the expectations set out for them.
As we venture into a new world, a new energy, a new perspective, Capricorn lends us the support to be as methodical as possible to break down each step we need to take, operating within a certain framework to reach success. When the Sun moves into Capricorn it also triggers the winter solstice for us here in the northern hemisphere, which ushers in a brand new energy to work with.
Although the holidays are a bright and cheerful time for many, the Capricorn energy still adds a serious tone of organization to our holiday season, making sure the to-do list is checked off and complete.
As we enter into a new year, there is no better energy for us to be under the influence of than Capricorn. We've spent many moons envisioning our futures, our new dreams and goals. We've had opportunities to purge the elements of our old selves and our old lives in order to be as light as ever as we walk into the new world as we know it.
Capricorn is eager to tackle the steps which are necessary to complete before arriving at the final destination, which of course is the dreams we've been working so hard on manifesting into our reality. We have a tendency to be more realistic about what we can actually accomplish within certain timeframes with this Capricorn energy, making our dreams more visible than ever before.
With the ambitious, hard-working energy of Capricorn supporting us in the early days of the New Year, we will no doubt hit the ground running, eager to get building and creating our Soul's vision.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Jupiter Retrogrades in Aquarius
Today, Jupiter - the planet of growth, expansion, abundance, optimism and positivity - who is already retrograde - is moving out of the deep, emotional and spiritual waters of Pisces to re-enter into Aquarius.
Jupiter’s time in Pisces was short lived providing us with a sneak peek of what 2022 will look and feel like. But for now, we have to re-trace our steps and re-visit some topics and themes that we thought we were done with. Rewind to December 2020 when Jupiter moved into Aquarius. It was kind of a big deal as the great conjunction with Saturn took place only days later. These two heavy hitting planets moving into Aquarian energy created a dramatic time of awakening the next wave of lightworkers to come online and get adjusted to the new age of information. Those of us who were already awakened at that point got fast forwarded through some lessons of rearranging our dreams and goals, creating new networks and communities, and reworking our contribution to the grander collective.
Jupiter has really expanded our minds while in Aquarian energy. It’s helped us to bust free from the old paradigm, implementing new rules and restrictions for the collective to follow and helping us to rework our plans in our own individual lives. Jupiter’s move into Pisces really shifted the focus onto disconnecting from society and looking outside of ourselves for knowledge and information and taught us to trust ourselves. The time Jupiter was direct in Pisces was short as he joined the other major heavy hitting planets in retrograde season. Jupiter has been retracing his steps, backtracking in Piscean energy, making us do an inward journey of healing where our beliefs are concerned. Now, Jupiter is backtracking into Aquarian energy where we must revisit some topics and themes that began back in December 2020 and helped us usher in this new year in 2021.
A lot has taken place since the beginning of the year, and now with new information, details, emerging shifting our perspectives, we have to take a time out to review and readjust. Jupiter re-entering into Aquarian energy will focus on the mental plane and where we have to progressively push ourselves out of the comfort zones we’ve created and trigger us to level up once again. Because retrograde season is taking place, this is an inner renovation of our spirit. We must analyze what we’re no longer interested in, and aligned with, and break free of it.
On the global stage we’ll see a re-emergence of the “virus” although it won’t be real, just more fluff and fear mongering in order to create a space where more rules and regulations will be forced upon society. Lucky for us, more and more people are awakening to the lies and illusions of what’s going on in the world and we’ll see another huge re-emergence of those willing to stand up and fight for our freedoms. Aquarian energy is all about rebellion against the bigger systems that try to oppress us and keep us dependent on them. The aquarian energy will fight for liberation and freedom, and progressively push the envelope to fight for humanity - yes, even those who are still asleep and appear “against” those who are awake.
The energy will feel lighter and more future focused as we elevate our mental planes to a new level of intelligence, solving one problem at a time. The more important energetic shift is coming on August 8th, when we enter into the Lion’s Gate portal and we all shift into new timelines and contracts.
You should already be feeling the energy shift of these major heavy hitting planets preparing us for a brand new world. The energy will intensify as we move through the month of August and things will feel much more extreme and slightly chaotic until we adapt to this new energy. Aquarius energy is ruled over by Uranus which is the planet of awakening through sudden shock and awe. We need to be prepared to fly by the seat of our pants as we enter into the new dawn of the age of Aquarius.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.
Jupiter Retrogrades in Pisces
Today, June 20th, we have Jupiter going retrograde in Pisces. He's only been there for a quick minute. He's only two degrees in Pisces and now he's going to pause and retrace his steps. Jupiter is about growth, he's about expansion - especially where our beliefs and our spiritual practice is concerned. He wants us to step outside of our comfort zones and push the boundaries of our knowledge, of our capabilities, of the opportunities that await us.
The life lessons that were actually working through while being in Pisces is a huge indicator as to what 2022 is going to be about. A lot of this is about disconnecting from our external realms and moving inward, reconnecting with our spiritual practice, and really fine tuning and strengthening our intuition and our connection to the Divine.
Because the knowledge that we seek is within us. It is not outside of us. The validation that so many of us look outside of ourselves for, is within. The only validation that you need in life is whether or not you resonate with the gut feeling, with your intuition, with your higher truth.
Jupiter retrograding is joining the other major heavy-hitting planets Saturn, Mercury, and Pluto. This is going to be a huge internal revelation, renovation, recalibration, and rejuvenation. Pluto is picking apart and highlighting for you, your fears and insecurities and where it is that you've given your power away and where it is you need to take it back. Where it is it you need to put a death to certain parts of yourself blocking you from truly aligning with your Soul's purpose. Saturn’s retrograde is doing the inner work needed in order to make peace with the karmic life lessons and cycles that you've already been taught to see whether or not you're going to incorporate them in your 3D reality in order to ascend and evolve to the 5D reality in New Earth that awaits us.
Jupiter going retrograde in Pisces is only going to add to the fact that the answers that we’re seeking, the truth and the knowledge that were after, we have inside of us! We have to grow and expand our spiritual connection to ourself first and foremost; and to the Divine second, because it's all the same. We are the power of the universe! The Universe - yes, outside of us holds some power and holds some knowledge. But, we ARE the Universe! The Universe is within us!
So this is going to be a huge wake up and shake up for those of you that are still looking outside of yourself in your external realm for truth, for knowledge, and for validation; because everything that you need is within you!
If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.
Welcome To Capricorn Season
It's the time of the year when the Sun moves from the bright, optimistic, adventure-seeking Sagittarian energy, to the ambitious, responsible, hard working energy of Capricorn.
It is no coincidence that the zodiac signs rule the timeframes that they do, and especially after the year we just had, we should all be really happy to be ending the year, and starting a new one, under the Capricorn Sun.
Capricorn is an earth sign and takes their roles and responsibilities in life very seriously. They are overly ambitious without getting too ahead of themselves, as they know what is actually reasonable for them to accomplish.
With Saturn, the planet of karma as their ruler, we have a tendency to reflect back on the year's events seeing exactly how each karmic lesson played out. With a reasonable approach and a down-to-earth view on life, Capricorn takes but a few minutes to compartmentalize the thoughts and feelings that each karmic lesson taught them before looking forward, setting tangible goals for the future.
Capricorn season also triggers the solstice. In the Northern hemisphere we are experiencing the winter solstice, a time of retreat where we step back to review and reflect. When we rest, recharge, and reorganize. In the southern hemisphere it triggers the summer solstice, which is a time for new sparks of life to be ignited. Where new adventures unfold and new exciting shifts take place in our realities.
This year, Capricorn season - and the solstice - is even MORE spectacular, because we are witnessing a once in a lifetime event with Jupiter and Saturn making their great conjunction. This astrological event is BIG TIME news for many reasons. We are ushering in a new age of life, a new cycle of humanity’s evolution, and a new chapter of energy initiating 12, 20, 800, and 23,000 year cycles! It’s BIG deal!
Under Capricorn's energy we are able to see very clearly the steps we need to take in order to reach our goals, and easily make a check list of things we need to take care of. Where Capricorn takes their roles very seriously, especially where their career is concerned, they will do their very best to exceed the expectations set out for them.
As we venture into a new world, a new energy, a new perspective, Capricorn lends us the support to be as methodical as possible to break down each step we need to take, operating within a certain framework to reach success. When the Sun moves into Capricorn it also triggers the winter solstice for us here in the northern hemisphere, which ushers in a brand new energy to work with.
Although the holidays are a bright and cheerful time for many, the Capricorn energy still adds a serious tone of organization to our holiday season, making sure the to-do list is checked off and complete.
As we enter into a new year, there is no better energy for us to be under the influence of than Capricorn. We've spent many moons envisioning our futures, our new dreams and goals. We've had opportunities to purge the elements of our old selves and our old lives in order to be as light as ever as we walk into the new world as we know it.
Capricorn is eager to tackle the steps which are necessary to complete before arriving at the final destination, which of course is the dreams we've been working so hard on manifesting into our reality. We have a tendency to be more realistic about what we can actually accomplish within certain timeframes with this Capricorn energy, making our dreams more visible than ever before.
With the ambitious, hard-working energy of Capricorn supporting us in the early days of the New Year, we will no doubt hit the ground running, eager to get building and creating our Soul's vision.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Jupiter Enters Aquarius
Today, Jupiter - the planet of growth, expansion, abundance, optimism and positivity - moves out of the heavy and earthy sign of Capricorn, and moves into the airy energy of Aquarius. Jupiter spends approximately a year in each sign and spent 2020 teamed up with Saturn and Pluto to magnify the damage and destruction that was necessary to level the playing field of the old paradigm. Jupiter usually brings great positivity and optimism, but when weighted down by other heavy hitting planets like Saturn and Pluto, we really didn’t see the beauty that Jupiter is all about over this past year.
To continue this week’s season finale of the great awakening, today’s energy shift will be felt mostly in our mental planes. We move from the heavy earth energy that was mostly focused on our material and physical realm, to entering into Aquarius where we will grow past our old set of beliefs, break the barriers and limitations of our mind to expand past our current awareness and consciousness, to dive into a brand new world.
The last time Jupiter was in Aquarius was in 2009. If you can rewind to that timeframe you will notice how you were encouraged to grow and expand in that year, diving into new territory and explore a new set a beliefs. Depending on where Jupiter is transiting your birth chart, you will see a huge growth and expansion in this area of your life. Collectively we will see a huge push forward in areas of humanitarian efforts, medicine and technology, communities both big and small, and a great awareness and understanding of what we need to heal as a collective.
The energy will feel lighter and more future focused as we elevate our mental planes to a new level of intelligence, solving one problem at a time. The more important energetic shift is coming on the 21st, when Saturn - already in Aquarius - and Jupiter align with one another in the cosmos creating the great conjunction. This shifts us into a brand new cycle.
Jupiter and Saturn only meet up with one another in the cosmos every 20 years, but this event is far more significant ending a 200 year cycle in earth signs now that we attempt to balance the karmic scales of the collective and move into air territory. We have been too focused on the material and physical realm over the last 200 years. We have taken things to the extreme. Now, in air signs, these heavy hitting planets will help us to bring our divine intelligence into play to help us solve some worldly problems that have been ignored for far too long.
You should already be feeling the energy shift of these major heavy hitting planets preparing us for a brand new world. The energy will intensify as we near the 21st, and things will feel much more intense and slightly chaotic until we adapt to this new energy. Aquarius energy is ruled over by Uranus which is the planet of awakening through sudden shock and awe. We need to be prepared to fly by the seat of our pants as we enter into the new dawn of the age of Aquarius.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Jupiter Goes Direct in Capricorn
Jupiter - the planet of growth, abundance, fortune, and spirituality - starts to move forward after retrograding since May. Jupiter is a major heavy-hitting planet that, along with a few others (Saturn & Pluto) have been involved with the huge events we’ve seen thus far in 2020.
Jupiter entered into Capricorn last December where the focus on old systems, structures such as the government, banking, schooling, & health care systems, celebrities, royalty, and the old paradigm were focused in on and amplified for our our attention. Had Jupiter been acting alone, we would have seen a huge growth in these sectors without all the damage and destruction (thanks Pluto)!
Jupiter went retrograde back in May slowing the external energy down and pulling us inward to really review our belief systems. Jupiter retrograde wanted us to see where inside of us there was room to grow and expand past the old self. Jupiter’s retrograde put the brakes on moving forward, and instead really tested our current status and situations in life.
Globally we seen the topics and themes of the damage and destruction ripping down old outdate structures and ideas hold a certain pace. We’ve been losing our positive mindset with each passing day. We’ve been dealt horrible hands round after round as we try to hold onto what very little optimism we have left. Jupiter has a tendency to put a magnifying glass over everything making it that much more “extra” than it needs to be. That’s partly the reason why 2020 seems so intense is because Jupiter has been amplifying the situations of misfortune around us.
Now with Jupiter going direct, we will start seeing things move forward once again - SLOWLY. We have to keep in mind, Mars just went retrograde pumping the brakes on Jupiter trying to move forward too quickly. It will take a couple of weeks for Jupiter to come out of his deep slumber and get his bearings about all that has transpired as he was deep in la-la land.
None the less, we will start seeing situations move forward especially ones that have been stalled out since the Spring. We will feel a shift in our luck as Jupiter’s retrograde brought a lot of misfortune. And we will start to regain our positive and optimistic outlook as we see the big picture unfold of why these not-so-nice months had to happen.
Although Jupiter going direct is a good thing, it does mean that we can expect a couple of rough patches as he gets up to speed and moves forward on his course. Saturn will be going direct again at the end of the month, and Pluto will follow shortly thereafter. When this trio teams up in the cosmos once again, we may see another intense situation emerge that will amplify the damage and destruction once again. The fear of the “second wave” may not unfold the way you think it will, and instead come at us from another angle.
Regardless, we have to remember that all of these events are divinely scripted by the cosmos to help us evolve to the next level of consciousness, to help propel us through the darkness and into the light. And, to help humanity reach levels of new earth we could have never imagined under the old paradigm.
Depending on where Jupiter has set up shop in your birth chart, you will see those topics and themes resurface in order to move ahead in a new direction.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Jupiter Enters Capricorn
Jupiter - the planet of growth, expansion, and opportunity - shifts out of his place of power from Sagittarius and into Capricorn for the next year. This next year, we will see an increase of abundance to our material worlds especially where money is concerned. Capricorn, being an earth energy, is very grounded, strategic, calculated, and very focus on business gains.
Jupiter in Capricorn will help us to actually manifest all that we’ve been working towards by gifting us with an energy to redefine our dreams - that we likely over exaggerated under Sagittarius’s influence - and get back to the basics where implementing new structures, routines, and practices, are concerned. We get realistic about our path forward and apply the hard work and determination needed to get from point A to point B.
We will also see this energy on a grander scale as the collective will be making adjustments to the leaders and authorities of the world. Our politicians, banking systems, and world leaders, are all going to be destroyed in order for us to rebuild something new that will actually support where we are at as a collective. We’ve been living under rules that no longer apply to our growth as a society, and so changes will be made.
In your own life, you will see new foundations form, while sturdy foundations strengthen. We will be eager to grow and expand our worlds, whether it’s new career positions, new houses, new relationships, anything that will stand the test of times when it comes to supporting our future goals and dreams. This particular energy is definitely setting the tone for what 2020 will offer us, and growing and expanding our physical worlds sounds pretty damn exciting!
If you want a better look at where Jupiter in Capricorn will be effecting your life in the New Year, you can book a Psychic Reading session, or book your 2020 Year Ahead reading.
Jupiter Goes Direct

Jupiter, the planet of growth and expansion has been retrograde in its place of comfort and power since April 10th, 2019. Jupiter first entered its place of power in Sagittarius back in November of 2018, providing us with major learning opportunities where expanding our minds, beliefs, and spiritual self is concerned.
When Jupiter went retrograde back in April, the energetic force and influence Jupiter usually lends us to make things happen outside of ourselves, turned the energy inward for a journey and exploration of our inner world. It has been a time of huge consciousness expansion as we've connected to our intuition and spiritual selves, helping to grow and expand the way we see ourselves and the world we live in.
If you know what area of your birth chart this transit is taking place in, you can bet that area of your life has seen the greatest growth, through the harshest of challenges since Jupiter moved into Sagittarius.
We've received huge revelations that we can't just unknow. We've revealed lots of repressed truth and memories, we've conscious or unconsciously have identified where it is in our life we've been trying to escape. And because Jupiter is all about growth and expansion, these issues have been magnified under this influence to really grab our attention.
Jupiter really doesn't mean any harm. It is the most positive planet we could have working in our favour, but Jupiter's energy does have the whole "blessing in disguise" kind of vibe. We really do face some ugly truths with Jupiter's help and assistance, but in this case, the truth really does set you free!
Now that Jupiter is going direct, we can take all we've learned about ourselves and our truth, and actually do something about it in our external lives. If you had people close to you reveal their ugly side and you can't unknow certain details, you might just have to implement some boundaries moving forward or choose to disconnect all together.
If you discovered a new truth in your relationship, how you feel about yourself, your career, or your desires, you will now receive an energy boost to go ahead and make the necessary changes in your external world to reflect your inner growth and the revelations you've received.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can download your monthly forecast, or book an Astro or Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Jupiter Goes Retrograde In Sagittarius
Jupiter, the biggest planet in the solar system that influences us with expansion, growth, and abundance, is going retrograde today in Sagittarius. Jupiter first enter its place of comfort and power as Sagittarius's natural ruler back in November 2018, helping us to expand our spiritual selves, grow our dreams and opportunities, and receive abundance in all forms.
We've been undergoing a spiritual transformation as we are on this quest for truth, for meaning, and for a higher purpose. Our environments have been changing, our relationships transforming, and our opportunities have become more available for us to grow.
Like any planet that goes retrograde, it appears to us here on earth as the planet is moving backwards in the sky, when in reality, it's just an illusion. The planet isn't actually going in reverse, but rather it's at a slowed pace in its orbit and while other planets appear to fly past this retrograde planet, we see it as moving backwards.
When a planet is in a retrograde, the influence of energies that is usually projected outside of ourselves, occurring in our outer realities, move inward. Retrogrades are a time for us to slow down, reflect, re-adjust, before resuming our paths forward.
The most famous retrograde that most people are aware of is Mercury's retrograde. Mercury's retrograde gets a bad wrap because it causes so much chaos and disconnect among communication styles.
There is nothing to worry about with Jupiter going retrograde. This optimistic planet is always in good spirits and even though we may be challenged to try and slow our pace, growth, and evolution down for just a sec, Jupiter's positive energy always has a looking at the bright side of things. Jupiter is what I like to call "the silver linings" planet, because even in the midst of some really tough challenges or hardships, Jupiter shows us the silver linings to everything we experience and endure.
Jupiter will be in retrograde until August, making for a pretty sweet timeframe for us to slow down a bit to catch our breath and get our bearings. This year has been an intense series of life lessons and upgrades which seem to come back to back and more intense then the ones that came before it. This nice little break will have us moving inward to explore where we currently are at in our faith, in our beliefs, in our dreams.
Think back to November 2018, and think of all the really good things that have happened since then. Now think of all the bad things. If you take a good look at that bad list, you will see the silver linings emerge out of those hardships and from that you will gain a bigger perspective and picture on why certain things had to happen to get you to this place on your path.
Over the next several months we will be upping our spiritual game. This is a great time to dive into any kind of schooling or eduction especially where spirituality is concerned. This is where we learn how to be more authentic, more real. This is where we learn to speak our truth with every ounce of bravery we have within. This is where we get to expand our inner world, grow our spirit, and accept the abundance in love, learning, and evolution we've been blessed with.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
New Moon In Pisces
The New Moon in Pisces takes place today granting us an unbelievable magical opportunity to really trigger the karmic events in bringing our inner dreams to the outer world. This is by far the most potent New Moon we will have this year as there are major aspects taking place with several major heavy-hitter planets.
For starters, a New Moon is a powerful time to be inviting in new energy to help us evolve and further us on our spiritual path. Because this is taking place in Pisces, the sign of the dreamer, you can expect our unconscious selves and our intuition to be connecting to the Universe at an all time high.
We had Mercury (the planet of intellect, information, and communication) go retrograde in Pisces yesterday, making us move inward as we explore how we are communicating with our inner selves, our intuitions and the Universe as we connect back to source. Having mercury retrograde in Pisces, will have us quickly looking back on how far we’ve come and take stock on where it is we still want to go.
Neptune, (Pisces ruler), is currently in the sign of Pisces (its home and comfort zone) making it act at its most potent energy, influencing our dreams and unconscious desires. Our faith in ourselves, in our intuition, and in the Universe, is at its peak now, urging us to take that leap of faith required to really put ourselves out there in the world to get into position to start seeing our inner dreams start showing up in our external realities.
The New Moon in Pisces is creating a slight tension with Jupiter in Sagittarius. With this aspect, it is just enough applied pressure on us to really be wanting to expand our horizons and go after our truths.
The New Moon is also harmonizing with Mars in Taurus, which triggers our drive and passion to really get out in the world and be seen from a different perspective. This aspect is having us do whatever we need to do in order to level up our personal finances, to better our material wealth and possessions, and to step up our productivity in our work to hit that next level of success.
As Chiron is already in Aries, pushing us to claim who we really are in the world and to come out of hiding, Mars will give us that “kick in the ass” we need to truly step into the light from our dark comfort zones.
Luckily, we can pause all the dreaminess going on to check into reality with Saturn in Capricorn. This aspect is making sure we test the strength of the foundations under us to make sure we aren’t getting carried away with ourselves and that the steps we are being urged to take are the right ones for us. We don’t want to underestimate our footings at this time and find ourselves stepping into a sink hole.
Uranus, the planet of sudden changes, unexpected opportunities, rebellion, freedom, and revolution, makes its move into Taurus today setting a brand new energy cycle for us over the next 7 years. This is no joke. Because this happens on the same day as our New Moon in Pisces, you can expect for our judgement to be slightly off and that there will be a lack of clarity until this energy gets a chance to stabilize. This will influence the leap of faith we are making during this energy be focused on where we need to land on the other side of this gap to fully embrace our new path as we set out on a quest for revitalizing the way we work, and how we acquire money and possessions.
As you can see, this New Moon is jam packed with astrological magic as we embark on a journey that we have no map for. Trusting ourselves, our intuition and the Universe is the only choice we have at this point. The more we try to hang on to old structures, habits, and beliefs, the more we try to control the events taking place and the path forward, the more difficulties we will find ourselves in. The only way out of this energy with success and with ease is to fully surrender to life and deal with whatever comes up for you with fluidity.
Going with the flow is your best bet during these times. It is better to roll than to be dragged.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
Should you require any assistance in navigating these energies, please book a session online and I’d be happy to help guide you through.