Mars in Sagittarius + Mercury in Capricorn
Mars - the warrior planet ruling over energy, drive, passion, and anger - moves from it’s place of comfort and power from Scorpio into the fiery energy of Sagittarius. While Mars was in Scorpio, we had our focus on what it is we desire. We explored the depths within us to see where it is we want to go from here. That energy was very intense and highly focused on making things happen in order to align ourselves with the right path to get us to our ultimate vision.
Now that Mars in entering into the fancy-free sign of Sagittarius, our quest for learning and exploration becomes heightened. We are eager to learn about new things under this transit. The Sagittarian energy has us excited and curious about the world around us, and very motivated to jump into new things where learning are concerned. It’s where we tap into our higher selves, our inner wisdom, and connect the dots from our shadow work.
We may find ourselves having lots of energy to throw into new projects, but because Sagittarian energy is all over the place, we may start things and never truly finish them. We want to experience life under this energy, but seeing as the Sagittarian energy has big, huge, expansive ideas, we might just find ourselves biting off more than we can chew.
The good news is, this particular energy event will hep us kick start our new year’s resolutions (technically our New Year began after the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag on December 4th), and will help support us in setting out to learn new things. It will be up to us to dig deep and activate our passion in order to stick to a plan and have the discipline to see our newly founded projects through.
Be mindful that all this fire energy can also push the boundaries of anger and irritability. We may become very frustrated in trying to get things started, or trying to maintain the focused needed and required to get new projects off to the right start. Use this fire energy to motivate yourself to start fresh instead of letting it push you into the depths of anger of not knowing where to start.
Only hours after Mars moves into Sagittarius, we have Mercury - ruler of the mental plane, information, and communication - moving out of Sagittarius and moving into Capricorn. After what has been a very forward-thinking time of inspiration and very hungry quest for truth and knowledge, Mercury’s time in Sagittarius had us thinking big and unable to focus on one complete thought and idea at a time. Mercury shifting into Capricorn will help us put the blinders on and focus on what beautiful ideas and inspirations we had while in Sag and actually plan and strategize how to move forward with bringing these elements to life.
Mercury in Capricorn is shifting our mindset now to a more down-to-earth approach as we find a way to bring our genius ideas for the future into our reality. We add logic and practicality to our long term dreams and visions. With Mercury now in Capricorn, we are a bit more rational now as we look at all the ideas and inspirations we received under the influence of Mercury being in Sagittarius, realizing the importance of our focus is now on our foundational goals.
We are now setting the stage for our inner dreams to come to life, and that stage needs to be a pillar of strength for us to grow upon. It is time for us to use our knowledge and our new found truth in practical ways. We need to ground, connecting our physical selves to this physical world before our higher level of consciousness gets revamped and carried away.
Please listen to this week’s ASCENSION FORECAST if you haven’t already. And check out DECEMBER’S ENERGY FORECAST for a rundown on these astro events will effect your life. Listen to your ZODIAC FORECAST (Sun/Moon/Rising) to get a bigger picture on how the energy will shift in your life and how to use it to the best of your ability.
Mercury Enters Libra
We get to ease some pressure from our mental planes as Mercury - the ruler of our thoughts, ideas, perspectives, information, and communication - steps down from his place of power in Virgo to move into Libra.
Mercury was very much at home in its place of power in Virgo, helping us to hone in on the details of our lives, to discern what in our routines and systems needed to stay and what needed to go. Mercury ruling over the mental plane - really helped us to kick the old, negative programming to the curb. Now that Mercury is entering into Libra, we will be able to analyze our relationships; especially where love & money is concerned. Because Mercury rules over our communications, you will find that your social interactions become much more light-hearted, playful, and fun.
There’s a much more rational approach that we take when diving into matters that effect our relationships status, and it’s a great time to be the mediator within yourself and those tougher conversations that we’ve been putting off. Mercury allows us to see where the scales have become unbalanced in our relationships and also has the cool, detached, and flirty kind of energy to talk our way back into a much more fair, and balanced state. We can see both sides of the coin under this influence and we are open and understanding enough to co-operate in a way where the compromises we must make to meet another in the middle are fair to all concerned.
Watch out for being overly indecisive as Mercury moves through Libra, as one of the more negative traits of this Libra energy is to find sitting on the fence quite comfortable. We may find it hard to make a decision and are likely to sway back and forth on a topic needing external reassurance to actually decide and commit. We strive for harmony under the Libra energy, but make sure you aren’t sacrificing your own wants, needs, and desires, just to keep the peace.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Leo
Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, moves into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Leo is a fire sign and honours the heart-space. Leo is about speaking one's truth, living authentically, creative and romantic passions, and a fun, lively, child-like energy.
Leo is the performer of the zodiac, and tends to be a bit dramatic in their storytelling once they've taken over the spotlight. Because Mercury rules the mental plane, we've likely been debating big ideas in our heads, and trying to bite our tongues during conversations while Mercury was in soft, emotional and intuitive Cancer. But Leo energy makes us bold, and brave. We get confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths.
Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.
A lot of difficult conversations were avoided while Mercury was in Cancer. We were so concerned with hurting other people or upsetting them with our words, that we actively avoided expressing ourselves. That all gets tossed out the window as Mercury moves into Leo, as we are so passionate about sharing our stories we aren't really concerned with how it will effect those that hear what we have to say.
There are a few cautions that come with this energy. Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.
Another caution about this energy influence is the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Cancer
Today, the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury, moves from his place of power and strength in Gemini, to the deep emotional and intuitive, family oriented sign of Cancer.
Mercury, although not at his strongest self here in Cancer, plays a very important role of communicating our deep seated emotions involving the family dynamic, with a clarity and intelligence that has us expressing ourselves from an emotionally intense stand point.
Mercury’s logic and practicality get slightly blurred during his time in Cancer, but once an emotion is triggered, he does use his power to make us contemplate and process the emotion fully, before we express our thoughts and feelings to others.
Because Mercury rules the mental plane, and Cancer rules our heart space, you will see a beautiful dance between the two, meeting in the middle where the throat chakra is located. This is a time of heightened sensitivity and awareness, and will have us connecting the dots, unpacking our pain, and speaking our truth with such clarity and ease that we won’t even believe how fluid our conversations and interactions with others will be.
Don’t be fooled though, we are talking about some very intense emotions here. These are the conversations that we’ve been avoiding and that we’d rather not have. But because the goal of this energy is to give us emotional and intuitive insight, blended with the intellectual insight we are piecing together in the mental plane, we really will have a totally different perspective on our home and family dynamic. We are emotionally charged and intellectually centered.
This, although a time where domestic disputes could be on the rise, we also have an opportunity for a huge emotional clearing as we put closure to some long term family issues and traumas. The role of Mother could be triggered for many people as Cancer rules the Mother figure and the role of family nurturer.
It’s also going to be a time where we stand up for ourselves and let others know what we need to feel safe, secure and supported. This is about nurturing ourselves as easily as we nurture others.
Use this energy to clear the air on any family drama, any topics surrounding what it is you need from your loved ones, and a time to heal some emotional Mother wounds.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, and to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Gemini
Mercury, the planet of information, intellect, and communication, is moving from Taurus into Gemini picking up the pace in our minds.
Mercury rules Gemini the sign of the twins, bringing both parts of himself together. Mercury is in his place of power here. He effects our mental plane making our minds move at lightening fast speeds. We are able to wipe our brains clean of all the old programming and obsessive thoughts we've been having and start fresh creating a new record for ourselves to listen to.
We are processing the information our brains are taking in at warped speeds. The details of our environment get seen in a new light, and we are able to makes sense of things much quicker with a strong sense of clarity.
Although this brain power is an amazing advantage for us to experience right now, there can be an element of burn out if we are overwhelming our minds with too much stimulus. We need to be able to control our brain power and exercise extreme focus when our mind becomes scattered.
This is also a great time to be forming new ideas and perspective about some long standing issues in your life. Suddenly you will see the dots connect and be shown a perspective that you can't unknow. You will be amazed with the "ah-ha" moments and downloads of information you'll receive while Mercury is in his place of power.
We also get a huge push to speak up and out. We are still in Taurus season where we are upping our value and worth, and now some people in our lives need to hear how we are going to be treating ourselves, and expect to be treated, from now on.
How will Mercury in Gemini effect you?! Download your Monthly Forecast to find out!
If you are given the opportunity to speak up and express yourself on any matter that is of value to you, now is the time to do it. We have a way with words when Mercury is in Gemini meaning our words carry more weight and value than we previously realized.
Our words, our message, hits our audience in the right kind of way to have them understand, acknowledge and accept our opinion and the feelings we express.
This is a very powerful time.
This is a time where we have expansive ideas and inspirations, but they come so fast that we can barely retain the information. Make it a practice to be writing your epiphanies and insights down to revisit them at another time.
Take advantage of Mercury being in his place of power by exploring your surroundings and picking apart scenarios in your head. We can come to some serious, solid conclusions under this energy, so make sure you are paying attention to your thoughts and that you use your mind power for positive growth.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Taurus
Today, the planet of information, communication, and expression, moves out of fiery Aries and into down-to-earth Taurus. Mercury rules our mental planes and the time it has spent in Aries had our mental planes in overdrive, pushing us aggressively to come up with new ideas, and expressing ourselves in a brand new, confident, brave kind of way.
As much as we benefitted from this energy, it will be a welcomed break to have our mental planes calm down a bit, grounding our thought process into a more logical, and focused way.
When Mercury is in Taurus, we are focused on life as it is, and not what we want it to be. We get tunnel vision, focused on our basic needs, our foundations of work, money, and long-term relationships. We are thinking clearly with Mercury in Taurus, and because Taurus rules self-worth and values, you can expect to only communicate and express yourself when there is a message about your boundaries to be relayed.
This is a great time to think about all of the talents and skills you possess, and think very carefully about how you are utilizing them to the best of your ability. Are you being productive in the thoughts and emotions you are trying to communicate to others?
There is a deliberate act of expression that happens when Mercury is in Taurus, as we only feel the need to share things of value. The conversation in our relationships will be more direct as to cut away the bullshit, and deal with life as it is. When Mercury is in Taurus we have the opportunity to see details in our environment and social exchanges that we may have overlooked.
Since the Taurean energy has us concerned on the physical senses and experiences, we need to listen to what our body needs. Taurus is an earth energy, stable, strong, and somewhat rigid, as they despise change. This will influence us due to the fact that Taurean energy is also very stubborn.
There is a caution during this transit to be aware of how far you will go to dig in your heels and not budge on an idea that you may become too attached to. There isn't a whole lot of wiggle room in the fixed energy of Taurus, so be mindful of where your stubbornness will reveal itself when your ideas are being challenged.
This energy is a great way to simplify, and minimize the activity in the mental plane, only focusing on one thing at a time, and only on things that are existing in your world already. We've spent months dreaming and envisioning our dream life, but now we need to get back to reality and see if we are utilizing the tools and resources we currently have to the best of our abilities.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Aries
Mercury (the planet of communication, information, and expression) has successfully survived its weakest placement while in Pisces (since March 15th), to emerge full of life into Aries as we start a brand new mental game.
Although being in Aries isn't the best placement for Mercury to be in, it's a much better energy than when it was clouded with watery emotions and confusing intuition in the depths of Pisces.
Aries is a fire sign, and full of impulse, spontaneity, bravery and confidence. Mercury being an air sign, mixed with the fire energy can make for quick thinking, bold ideas, and impulsive actions and speech.
Our mental planes have been struggling for some time, so coming online again, especially in such a fiery sign such as Aries, will prove to be both rewarding and challenging. We find the benefits of this transit to be lightening fast thinking, the ability to have such a greater perspective of life and the inner workings, the instantaneous piecing together of pieces and details that didn't quite make sense before, and the ability to communicate with confidence and clarity.
The downside to this transit is that we can find our brains on overload. With the amount of information we are now processing at speeds much quicker than we are use to, we could feel overwhelmed and get anxiety with all the pressure in our heads. There's also a concern that the impulsiveness of Aries will act on a new idea without allowing the air element to apply logic and long term planning.
Where fire and air are concerned, we need to make sure we don't fan the fire too much as it will burn out of control causing damage where there was never intended to be any.
Our tongues grow sharp under this transit. Aries has a tendency to act now and think later. With the fire rolling off the tongue, we may find ourselves speaking out of turn and causing hurt feelings in others. Be very mindful of the words you are using and the tone you adopt to deliver your messages to others.
We have the opportunity to tap into the beneficial energies of the transit to use to our advantage and start tapping into a new level of truth within ourselves. We also have the opportunity to get burned so definitely act with caution.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Pisces
Mercury, the planet of communication, information, and the ruler of our mental plane is now moving out of Aquarius, where we were blessed with moments of pure inspiration and brilliant ideas leading us to make great changes in our lives, to Pisces, where it’s not in its most favourable position in the cosmos.
When Mercury enters into intuitive and dreamy Pisces, the information in our worlds and communication of all kinds gets wish washy and kind of vague. Mercury is in it’s weakest place of power in Pisces as the emotional and sensitive water sign leaves little clarity to the matters of the mind as it lets intuition and subconscious mind lead.
Mercury entering into Pisces can often feel like a mercury retrograde. We will become more imaginative and expressive with our ideas and have visions of creativity and dreamy like qualities. The arts, music, dance and of course psychic abilities, will be enhanced under this placement and influence, but other than expanding our dreams and ideas, other than exploring the depths of our emotions and intuition, we really won’t have the best time in expressing ourselves, communicating with clarity, or the ability to focus on our mental activities like we’ve been able to do under Aquarius’s energy.
Pisces prefers to live in their inner worlds, to be in touch with everything beyond this physical realm, and will do pretty much anything to escape the harsh realities of our day to day life. We are in an opportune energy to expand on our dreams and really allow our imaginations to run wild.
Be cautioned that you may find the ebb and flow of the Piscean energy a bit overwhelming to adjust to, as we are now asked to give our physical and mental bodies a rest and let our inner worlds take over. We can learn a lot about ourselves during any planet’s placement in Pisces. Take a time out from reality and move inward to see what your intuition and subconscious mind wants you to explore. This is a time for spiritual expansion and learning to use your intuition to guide you and learning to communicate your inner most dreams and desires to the external world.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Goes Direct
Mars - the God of war, ruling over our physical drive, energy, passion, and anger - is going direct today after being retrograde since September 9th. Mars is a ball of fury pushing his way through whatever stands in his way to go after what he wants. Being retrograde, he’s been stalled out, held back, and forced to retreat to revise the plan and regroup.
We’ve struggled to make things happen while Mars has been retrograde and we’ve been given plenty of time to fume over all the frustrations we’ve felt in our lives. The energy has been internalized and now that we’ve re-strategized our plans forward, Mars going direct will give us the much needed drive and energy to actually take action and do something about all we’ve been thinking about.
We have to pace ourselves though. Mars isn’t the best at energy management and can very easily burn himself out before ever seeing the finish line. It’s almost like Mars was a caged animal while retrograde and he’s plotted his revenge against his captures and and has been building up anger and frustration on how to get even. Now that the cage is open and Mars is free, he’s on a mission to make up for lost time and to strike anything or anyone down who gets in his way.
We might have realized our true passions and desires while retrograde, and now we get to do something about it. The urgency we have to get the party started can feel exhilarating but again, we must be cautious to manage our energy wisely and avoid burn out. Mars in Aries is a powerful energy. Mars rules over aries and is spending 6 months in his place of power which is very odd for a mars transit. But hey, 2020 has been odd all in itself so nothing can really surprise us at this point.
When mars first entered into his place of power, we seen an uprise in riots and rebellion from the people trying to speak up and out again the corruption on display. When mars went retrograde we seen that energy shift. I suspect to see some sort of rage against the global governments reach an all time high now that mars is going direct again. Although we want to avoid war and needless blood shed, we can’t expect the great awakening to go without rebellion and taking our power back.
In your own life, where ever mars rules in your chart, you will see a forward shift like no other. This area of your life has been stalled out and unable to make true progress. Now with mars direct, we will quickly accelerate through life chapters and events to try to make up for lost time.
Today is also Friday the 13th, which many people hold suspicions about. Some people think Friday the 13th is very unlucky and carries a lot of accidents and danger. I tend to believe that Friday the 13th is more of a favourable day in the cosmos, however, with mars now going direct we do have to be cautious of accidents as mars is in a hurry and very accident prone. This shift is an intense one.
Mars is also the co-ruler over scorpio season which adds an extra added punch to the already extreme energy we’ve been experiencing. After mercury shifting into scorpio earlier this week, the 11:11 portal activation, the 3rd and final conjunction between jupiter and pluto yesterday and now today’s intense shift in energies, the new moon in scorpio on Sunday is going to be a doozy!
Make sure you take advantage of this cosmic whirlwind by grounding in truth, aligning mind, body, and soul, and doing what you can to activate the great forces of manifestation we are currently under. Download your new moon in scorpio guide if you haven’t already!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Goes Direct In Libra
Finally, after a very long and confusing month and a half, Mercury - the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental planes, information, and communication - is going direct! We have been bombarded with information and details that haven’t necessarily been true all planned and plotted to confuse us into a state of not knowing. Not knowing essentially strips the trust of outside sources (government, media, healthcare, etc.) and causes a great awakening within one’s self.
Mercury went retrograde on October 13th, after having just entered into the depths and darkness of Scorpio waters. Dark truths and corruption were highlighted before mercury was essentially drugged, falling asleep at the wheel. Besides the normal disruptions in technology, plans and appointments, communications and thinking clearly, this particular mercury retrograde also provided a beautifully painful and uncomfortable opportunity for people to wake up and trust their intuition.
Mercury slowed his role in our lives as he remained unconscious, dazed and confused of his surroundings, backtracking through the early degrees of scorpio. Mercury slipped back into the final degrees of Libra which, although didn’t help much, got us out of the dark probing energy of scorpio waters.
Mercury asleep in Libra gave us a chance to revisit some of our relationship issues and made us face some of the misunderstandings we experienced in our personal connections. Mercury was retrograde for the very rare Taurus Blue Full moon on Halloween which just helped give us a solid stage to shut our critical minds down even further to allow the energetic knowledge of the spirit realm flow into our consciousness that much easier.
Now with Mercury going direct, he will essentially “come to” from his deep, drugged sleep while retrograde and will need a bit of time to get his bearings before starting to piece together all the details and information he received while unconscious.
He’ll be in his shadow period trying to make sense of all that transpired while he was asleep and it couldn’t come at a more interesting time than today - the USA elections. Because mercury is waking up in Libra, we are going to see a huge divide between our hearts and our heads, and between two very extreme groups of people, thoughts, opinions and ideas. Libra energy will help to find peace and balance in those extremes, and help mediate the situation to a point of fairness. But again, it’s going to take 2 weeks for mercury to be thinking, seeing, and speaking clearly. We will likely see chaos ensue, misinformation from all sides, and a need for higher ranking courts and governing bodies to help make a fair judgement - both on the global stage and in our personal lives.
Mercury will then re-enter scorpio on November 10th, pushing us to get to the bottom of the truth as we wade through the details of lies and corruption to find a middle ground as painful and as uncomfortable as it may be. Mercury’s shadow period gives us all a chance to retrace all that has happened and essentially give those not yet awake to what’s going on in the world a second wake up call. The energetic war that is taking place in our cosmos is being reflected on the global stage here in the 3D realm and make no mistake, we are in uncharted waters from here on out.
Will will have to revisit some ideas that got pushed to the side. We get a fresh set of eyes to see where obstacle still need to be resolved, and we get a chance to have the conversations we need to have in order to clear the air. Until mercury is full alert and awake we will struggle to make sense of things, but receive clarity bit by bit.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Energy Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Libra
We are getting the love & relationship party started as the messenger of the Gods and the Goddess of love and money make their move from Virgo into Libra. Libra season is just around the corner which helps us to balance the scales in life, especially where love is concerned.
Mercury was very much at home in its place of power in Virgo, helping us to hone in on the details of our lives, to discern what in our routines and systems needed to stay and what needed to go. Mercury rules over the mental plane, and while in his place of power, really helped us to kick the old, negative programming to the curb. Now that Mercury is entering into Libra, we will be able to analyze our relationships; especially where love & money is concerned. Because Mercury rules over our communications, you will find that your social interactions become much more light-hearted, playful, and fun.
There’s a much more rational approach that we take when diving into matters that effect our relationships status, and it’s a great time to be the mediator within yourself and those tougher conversations that we’ve been putting off. Mercury allows us to see where the scales have become unbalanced in our relationships and also has the cool, detached, and flirty kind of energy to talk our way back into a much more fair, and balanced state. We can see both sides of the coin under this influence and we are open and understanding enough to co-operate in a way where the compromises we must make to meet another in the middle are fair to all concerned.
Watch out for being overly indecisive as Mercury moves through Libra, as one of the more negative traits of this Libra energy is to find sitting on the fence quite comfortable. Many Librans find it hard to make decisions and are likely to sway back and forth on a topic needing external reassurance to actually decide and commit. We strive for harmony under the Libra energy, but make sure you aren’t sacrificing your own wants, needs, and desires, just to keep the peace.
Listen to September’s Energy Forecast
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Leo
Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, moves into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Leo is a fire sign and honours the heart-space. Leo is about speaking one's truth, living authentically, creative and romantic passions, and a fun, lively, child-like energy.
Leo is the performer of the zodiac, and tends to be a bit dramatic in their storytelling once they've taken over the spotlight. Because Mercury rules the mental plane, we've likely been debating big ideas in our heads, and trying to bite our tongues during conversations while Mercury was in soft, emotional and intuitive Cancer. But Leo energy makes us bold, and brave. We get confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths.
Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.
A lot of difficult conversations were avoided while Mercury was in Cancer. We were so concerned with hurting other people or upsetting them with our words, that we actively avoided expressing ourselves. That all gets tossed out the window as Mercury moves into Leo, as we are so passionate about sharing our stories we aren't really concerned with how it will effect those that hear what we have to say.
There are a few cautions that come with this energy. Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.
Another caution about this energy influence is the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.
The third factor of this energy, is that Mercury will go retrograde next week, giving us an opportunity to revisit past situations, re-edit how we handled them, and revise the closure we need to provide in order for it to be settled. This means that there is a fairly good chance that we may have to revisit what we speak out about under this energy influence to pick up some pieces or clean up the aftermath of our truthful expression at a later date. This caution is just another reason to formulate what you want to say in your head, allow the brilliant Mercurial energy to analyze and edit the best way to deliver it all, and know when it cut it short.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Goes Direct In Cancer
Finally! After three too many weeks of mercury (the planet of information, communication, and expression) being water logged in all the emotional waters of the home and family dynamic, we are ready to start seeing things clearly and moving out of the deep end.
Mercury first entered into Cancer back in May, and made for a messy turn of events where our feelings were concerned. Mercury in emotional and intuitive Cancer made us hyper-sensitive and the shutdown in our mental clarity didn’t help us to sort through how we were thinking and feeling very easily. Mercury caused all kinds of miscommunications, and misunderstandings especially in our close relationships. It brought up a lot of triggers within our own emotional security. It showed us where we need to implement more boundaries in our lives in order to protect ourselves and our energy.
When mercury went retrograde, it started retracing its steps, moving back over the topics and issues created years earlier, and in true retrograde fashion, dug up all kinds of lessons we all thought we were done with.
Now with Mercury going direct again, he is giving us a two week shadow period to try and clean up the mess we've made since May. Our mental game will come back online and help us to make sense of all we’ve been thinking and feeling. The waterworks are definitely over, but prepare yourself for one last cry as we revisit the topics and things that upset us many moons ago.
With mercury now moving forward, we will see situations resolve themselves. We will feel the clarity come back into our mental space, and we are going to be able to express ourselves, communicate our thoughts and feelings effectively and actually have them understood.
Because lots has happened to us since mercury first entered cancer, and as it went retrograde (most specifically eclipse season among retrograde season) coming out of this backward motion may take some time. It would be an ideal time to check out what mercury entering into cancer started the first time around, what mercury going retrograde had you facing, and seeing what your focus is coming out of the fog.
With the other major planets still in retrograde we will be forced to think about what is best for us. What is best for our family. Where can we get back to the basics. Chiron just went retrograde yesterday, creating a perfect storm of healing where our ego and identity is concerned. With mercury now direct in cancer we will no doubt be able to see where we’ve been sacrificing ourselves for others, where we need to nurture ourselves, and where we can let go of some generational trauma we’ve been holding onto by allowing the pain in our families stay alive within us.
Mercury goes direct in cancer will allow us to think and feel more directly and as such, give us a brand new perspective on how to make our hearts and our heads come together in alignment to push us forward.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Retrogrades In Cancer
Today, the planet of information, communication, and expression goes retrograde joining the other major heavy hitting planets already in retrograde. Mercury when retrograde, usually slows down our mental processes making the way we see things, and how we interpret information a bit cloudy and skewed.
Mercury retrogrades have the tendency to take us back in the past, to revisit some topics and themes that require attention and a new closure, and to reassess our plans before moving forward.
Now with Mercury retrograding in Cancer, we will be feeling a bit more sensitive and nostalgic than normal. The family dramatics will resurface, rearranging the family dynamic and reconstructing the boundaries we have in place to protect ourselves, but with Mercury now retrograde in Cancer, the emotional, and sensitive reactions will overtake what has been heated and fiery.
We are still in a time of reassessment of our plans, re-evaluating what isn't working and what needs to be tweaked, but under the Gemini energy, we are still very divided in our own thoughts and feelings. Mercury retrograding in Cancer gives us the opportunity to apply our intuition to what it is we are reviewing. Our softer sentiments can smooth the edges of what was a very fiery, hot topic, and help us to truly connect our emotions to these situations instead of allowing our ego & pride get in the way.
Because of the recent eclipse energies still stirring within us, this energy influence from Mercury retrograding in Cancer will allow the download, the shift in energy, to be a bit more calm and peaceful. We still have some integrating to do, and the emotional emergence of Mercury moving backwards in Cancer will provide a closure to many topics and themes that were triggered last summer when Mercury retrograded in Cancer and brought up all kinds of feels around the mother figure, the feminine divine energy, our homes and living arrangements, and where we need to enforce boundaries to help protect our emotions.
With 5 planets in a retrograde, (and in eclipse season) we are looking to sort out some past karma before moving forward with new chapters and timelines. Allow Mercury’s retrograde to show you where your generational wounds need to be healed, where your relationships with the mother or feminine divine energy needs more attention, and where your values have changed in the home and the relationships in it.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your June Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Cancer
Today, the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury, moves from his place of power and strength in Gemini, to the deep emotional and intuitive, family oriented sign of Cancer.
Mercury, although not at his strongest self here in Cancer, plays a very important role of communicating our deep seated emotions involving the family dynamic, with a clarity and intelligence that has us expressing ourselves from an emotionally intense stand point.
Mercury’s logic and practicality get slightly blurred during his time in Cancer, but once an emotion is triggered, he does use his power to make us contemplate and process the emotion fully, before we express our thoughts and feelings to others.
Because Mercury rules the mental plane, and Cancer rules our heart space, you will see a beautiful dance between the two, meeting in the middle where the throat chakra is located. This is a time of heightened sensitivity and awareness, and will have us connecting the dots, unpacking our pain, and speaking our truth with such clarity and ease that we won’t even believe how fluid our conversations and interactions with others will be.
Don’t be fooled though, we are talking about some very intense emotions here. These are the conversations that we’ve been avoiding and that we’d rather not have. But because the goal of this energy is to give us emotional and intuitive insight, blended with the intellectual insight we are piecing together in the mental plane, we really will have a totally different perspective on our home and family dynamic. We are emotionally charged and intellectually centered.
This, although a time where domestic disputes could be on the rise, we also have an opportunity for a huge emotional clearing as we put closure to some long term family issues and traumas. The role of Mother could be triggered for many people as Cancer rules the Mother figure and the role of family nurturer.
It’s also going to be a time where we stand up for ourselves and let others know what we need to feel safe, secure and supported. This is about nurturing ourselves as easily as we nurture others.
Use this energy to clear the air on any family drama, any topics surrounding what it is you need from your loved ones, and a time to heal some emotional Mother wounds.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Gemini
Mercury, the planet of information, intellect, and communication, is moving from Taurus into Gemini picking up the pace in our minds.
Mercury rules Gemini the sign of the twins, bringing both parts of himself together. Mercury is in his place of power here. He effects our mental plane making our minds move at lightening fast speeds. We are able to wipe our brains clean of all the old programming and obsessive thoughts we've been having and start fresh creating a new record for ourselves to listen to.
We are processing the information our brains are taking in at warped speeds. The details of our environment get seen in a new light, and we are able to makes sense of things much quicker with a strong sense of clarity.
Although this brain power is an amazing advantage for us to experience right now, there can be an element of burn out if we are overwhelming our minds with too much stimulus. We need to be able to control our brain power and exercise extreme focus when our mind becomes scattered.
This is also a great time to be forming new ideas and perspective about some long standing issues in your life. Suddenly you will see the dots connect and be shown a perspective that you can't unknow. You will be amazed with the "ah-ha" moments and downloads of information you'll receive while Mercury is in his place of power.
We also get a huge push to speak up and out. We have just come from Taurus season where we upped our value and worth, and now some people in our lives need to hear how we are going to be treating ourselves, and expect to be treated, from now on.
If you are given the opportunity to speak up and express yourself on any matter that is of value to you, now is the time to do it. We have a way with words when Mercury is in Gemini meaning our words carry more weight and value than we previously realized.
Our words, our message, hits our audience in the right kind of way to have them understand, acknowledge and accept our opinion and the feelings we express.
This is a very powerful time.
This is a time where we have expansive ideas and inspirations, but they come so fast that we can barely retain the information. Make it a practice to be writing your epiphanies and insights down to revisit them at another time.
Take advantage of Mercury being in his place of power by exploring your surroundings and picking apart scenarios in your head. We can come to some serious, solid conclusions under this energy, so make sure you are paying attention to your thoughts and that you use your mind power for positive growth.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Taurus
Today, the planet of information, communication, and expression, moves out of fiery Aries and into down-to-earth Taurus. Mercury rules our mental planes and the time it has spent in Aries had our mental planes in overdrive, pushing us aggressively to come up with new ideas, and expressing ourselves in a brand new, confident, brave kind of way.
As much as we benefitted from this energy, it will be a welcomed break to have our mental planes calm down a bit, grounding our thought process into a more logical, and focused way.
When Mercury is in Taurus, we are focused on life as it is, and not what we want it to be. We get tunnel vision, focused on our basic needs, our foundations of work, money, and long-term relationships. We are thinking clearly with Mercury in Taurus, and because Taurus rules self-worth and values, you can expect to only communicate and express yourself when there is a message about your boundaries to be relayed.
This is a great time to think about all of the talents and skills you possess, and think very carefully about how you are utilizing them to the best of your ability. Are you being productive in the thoughts and emotions you are trying to communicate to others?
There is a deliberate act of expression that happens when Mercury is in Taurus, as we only feel the need to share things of value. The conversation in our relationships will be more direct as to cut away the bullshit, and deal with life as it is. When Mercury is in Taurus we have the opportunity to see details in our environment and social exchanges that we may have overlooked.
Since the Taurean energy has us concerned on the physical senses and experiences, we need to listen to what our body needs. Taurus is an earth energy, stable, strong, and somewhat rigid, as they despise change. This will influence us due to the fact that Taurean energy is also very stubborn.
There is a caution during this transit to be aware of how far you will go to dig in your heels and not budge on an idea that you may become too attached to. There isn't a whole lot of wiggle room in the fixed energy of Taurus, so be mindful of where your stubbornness will reveal itself when your ideas are being challenged.
This energy is a great way to simplify, and minimize the activity in the mental plane, only focusing on one thing at a time, and only on things that are existing in your world already. We've spent months dreaming and envisioning our dream life, but now we need to get back to reality and see if we are utilizing the tools and resources we currently have to the best of our abilities.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury Enters Aries
Mercury (the planet of communication, information, and expression) has successfully survived its weakest placement while in Pisces (since February 3rd), to emerge full of life into Aries as we start a brand new mental game.
Although being in Aries isn't the best placement for Mercury to be in, it's a much better energy than when it was clouded with watery emotions and confusing intuition in the depths of Pisces.
Aries is a fire sign, and full of impulse, spontaneity, bravery and confidence. Mercury being an air sign, mixed with the fire energy can make for quick thinking, bold ideas, and impulsive actions and speech.
Our mental planes have been struggling for some time, so coming online again, especially in such a fiery sign such as Aries, will prove to be both rewarding and challenging. We find the benefits of this transit to be lightening fast thinking, the ability to have such a greater perspective of life and the inner workings, the instantaneous piecing together of pieces and details that didn't quite make sense before, and the ability to communicate with confidence and clarity.
The downside to this transit is that we can find our brains on overload. With the amount of information we are now processing at speeds much quicker than we are use to, we could feel overwhelmed and get anxiety with all the pressure in our heads. There's also a concern that the impulsiveness of Aries will act on a new idea without allowing the air element to apply logic and long term planning.
Where fire and air are concerned, we need to make sure we don't fan the fire too much as it will burn out of control causing damage where there was never intended to be any.
Our tongues grow sharp under this transit. Aries has a tendency to act now and think later. With the fire rolling off the tongue, we may find ourselves speaking out of turn and causing hurt feelings in others. Be very mindful of the words you are using and the tone you adopt to deliver your messages to others.
We have the opportunity to tap into the beneficial energies of the transit to use to our advantage and start tapping into a new level of truth within ourselves. We also have the opportunity to get burned so definitely act with caution.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
***The Elemental Energy & Intro To Astrology course are still being offered at 50% off for your learning pleasure. Use discount code: EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.***
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
Normally, Aries season is full force forward, but this year, because of us still being under Mercury’s retrograde shadow and Mercury still in Pisces, we've had the brakes put on our actions. Mars, (Aries ruling planet) is sandwiched in between Saturn & Pluto causing a lot of restrictions and destruction. We are still trying to adjust to the overwhelming thoughts and ideas in our mental plane, while our physical energy just isn't up to par.
Where is Aries ruling in your chart? Save $56 on the Intro To Astrology Course. Use EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your March Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Saturn Enters Aquarius
Today we have a MAJOR astrology event taking place that is going to go down in history as the great shift of our times. Saturn, the great lord of karma, the ruler over structures and systems, is now moving from its place of power in Capricorn, to it’s second home in Aquarius. Saturn is not a fun energy. It rules over hard work, hard life lessons, and self discipline. I often refer to Saturn as the military grandfather of the zodiac - very cold and rigid as he barks orders from his role of authority. Saturn and Pluto (ruler of destruction, transformation, and rebirth) are the duo responsible for the crumbling of the systems and structures we are currently experiencing and will continue to show us the hard life lessons we must overcome as we move through 2020.
Back in January, there was a historical astrological event between Saturn and Pluto triggering the potential war talks, the economic downfall, and of course, the most recent corona virus. (Listen to the podcast episode here). As these heavy hitting planets have been in Capricorn (business, government, and roles of authority) for quite some time now, we are definitely seeing the results of their encounter worldwide.
The major of the heavy hitting planets have been grouped together very tightly in the cosmos creating chaos in the world, and since Saturn reached its 29th degree of Capricorn (a crisis point) we have seen the damage and destruction of this energy spread like wild fire. Saturn moved into it’s 29th degree on the wee hours of March 10th - just after the full super moon in virgo (health/wellness/crisis) but also when mercury (the messenger of the gods ruling over the mental plane) came out of its retrograde and went direct in Aquarius.
Saturn, now ready to make the jump from earthy Capricorn (consumerism, material values, hierarchies) to airy Aquarius (intellect, information, collaboration) will literally be the turning point of our history. This particular cosmic event will trigger a restructuring and a reorganization of our world. The systems and structures we’ve had in place are no longer in alignment with the vibration of the collective consciousness. We have seen traditional roles of our government, banking systems, economy, health care, politicians and celebrities crumble.
This, although extremely painful and chaotic to live through, is a much needed turn of events to revolutionize society, to focus more on the health and well being and value of human lives, animals, and nature over the capitalist idea of making a dollar. We could not continue on that path. Now, with Saturn entering into the humanitarian sign of Aquarius, we will see breakthrough take place in our medical, scientific and technology sectors to push us into a brand new age.
We must return back to basics using this energy in pioneering and innovating for the future. We had to get rid of all the old systems and structures that were more focused on consumerism and making a dollar versus taking care of life and the world around us like we are about to do.
Saturn moving into Aquarius will shift us out of our comfort zones of sticking to what is familiar even though it doesn’t feel good, and now support us is creating a world that will encourage and support humanitarian efforts. This is where the global collective comes together to unify the worlds resources and cherish the human experience above all else.
Saturn will be moving into Aquarius for only 3 months before it will retrograde back into Capricorn. What we experience over the next 3 months will give us a good idea of what’s to come for our global community over the next 2 - 3 years. We will have amazing breakthroughs take place that will help us overcome the current global crisis and handle future events with more humane systematic controls then what we’ve currently been implementing.
This is a time where we create a new earth. Where we keep the collective’s health and well being at the top of the list of priorities, and where we suddenly see how to put the pieces back together in a much more functional way.
Once Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn, we will see an emergence of tension to test the structures we discovered while Saturn is in Aquarius. This will help us iron out the bugs and refine the details to get fully prepared for the revolution of humanity once Saturn re-enters Aquarius in December. where it will stay for the next 2-3 years.
We are definitely living in unprecedented times, and although things may seem a bit crazy in the world right now, it is absolutely necessary to breakdown before we break through. The chaos isn’t quite finished yet, as the major heavy hitting planets are still very much flexing their powers globally in the government and financial sectors. We will have to focus very hard on the world we would like to live in to make sure the global collective is at the right vibration for new earth to emerge.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online and I'd be happy to guide you through.