Moon Magick

How To Set New Moon Intentions


With every New Moon, we have an opportunity to set new intentions for the lunar month ahead. Most times the intentions we set carries an energy for up to 6 months. Each zodiac sign carries both positive and negative energies and help us to define what it is we want to change, create, and invite into our lives. The energy of each new moon helps our soul’s evolution through the zodiac wheel and lunar calendar to help us cover the depths and corners of our desires and to enrich us with experiences that will help shape our soul’s expression.

So how do we set New Moon intentions?

If you took my Elemental Energy course, you may remember how we have to align the elements within us in order to actually create and manifest the things we desire. It all starts with a spark of passion (fire energy), becomes a vision in the mental plane (air energy), and when there’s the right kind of emotion attached to it (water energy), we can begin taking action and seeing it come into form in the physical realm (earth energy).

Because each zodiac sign shows us different parts of ourselves, we have 12 unique opportunities throughout the year to better ourselves and refine our soul’s expression. The days prior to a New Moon event are usually highly emotional and maybe even reaching a crisis point with situations arising that cause frustration and dissatisfaction with one’s reality. These darker emotions rise to the surface under the dark phase of the moon to help show us where we need change and where we are no longer satisfied with situations in our reality. We are given these darker emotions as messages to use as a guide to create new intentions which we can ask for under the New Moon’s energy to manifest in our lives.

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New Moon intention rituals don’t have to be complicated. It can be as simple as having clear and conscious thoughts and visions within your mental plane and heart space, or it can be more complex with energy clearings, written requests, ceremonies under the moon, and offerings to the Universe or our ancestral spirits. You have to find a practice that feels good to you otherwise you aren’t operating from the kind of energy or vibration needed to manifest your desires. You never want to set intentions out of a desperation vibration because all you will manifest is situations that are of the same vibration.

You must hold your frequency at a level that mimics the reality you are asking for. You must hold the vision for your future so strong in your mental plane and heart space, that you can act as though you’ve already received the blessings from the Universe. It is embodying the emotion along with the mental vision as if you were already living in the reality you are trying to manifest.

I advise my clients to do the following:

  • As we approach the New Moon, I ask that they pay special attention to the situations and emotions that arise that trigger a sense of wanting/needing change. I encourage my clients to pick up a pen and write down on paper what they want, instead of what they don’t want.

  • I invite them to tidy up their space and organize their surroundings as to clear the energy within their homes. This can be done with sage, incense, music, fresh air, or drumming.

  • On the night of the New Moon, I encourage my clients to head outside under the moon (even if the weather isn’t clear enough to visibly see the sky), and I encourage them to have a conversation with the Moon Goddess herself. I invite them to connect with the cosmos and to recite all the intentions they had written down, with gratitude and thanks to the Lunar Goddess for making magic happen. It’s always advisable to thank the energies of the cosmos for their guidance and protection they offer us as we manifest new realities.

  • In a safe manner, I also encourage my clients to burn the piece of paper after reading their intentions to the Universe, allowing the energy you funnelled from your mind, body, and soul, into the paper to be returned back to the earth. I personally always end my moon rituals with the burning of my requests and then a simple statement such as “And so it is!” before heading back indoors. These words affirm to the Universe that the stage has been set and that you are ready so see your reality start shifting in favour of bringing your newly requested intentions to life.

  • After the New Moon ritual, I personally make my bed with a clean set of sheets knowing that once I provide a clean slate for me to sleep upon, I prepare myself, mind, body, and soul, to awaken to a brand new energy where my intentions have been rooted into my reality and I can awaken with a brand new mindset to work with the energy I’ve created the night before.

Again, your spiritual practice has to consist of actions that feel good and feel right to you! This is a very personal journey of the soul and one size does not fit all. What is important is that you hold love and light in your heart and in your head while you extend your vision requests to the Universe.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Happy Manifesting!