Astrology Forecasts TheEnergyBoutique Astrology Forecasts TheEnergyBoutique

Neptune Retrogrades in Pisces

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (26).jpg

Every planet goes retrograde (backwards in its path) at some point. We are all too familiar with Mercury retrogrades, and although each planet has a different effect on us when they retrograde, the planets closest to us, like Mercury and Venus are felt a bit more than the planets that are further away from the Earth, like Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. Although the effects of these planets are less than what we would experience from our neighbouring planets, don't be fooled in thinking the effects won't be felt at all.

Today Neptune has gone retrograde. Neptune, the "dreamy" planet of idealism and imagination, along with illusions and confusion, is the ruler of Pisces, a water sign (emotions & intuition), and rules the 12th astrological house of the subconscious and deeper emotions.

Neptune is a planet that sometimes encourages us to live a life of denial. It lends the energy that can encourage us to make excuses, and will support us to live in a world of daydreams and illusions. It also encourages us to continue ignoring dark truths that we really should be confronting head on. When Neptune goes backwards (retrograde), it can feel like we've had a bucket of cold water thrown at our faces, forcing you into the uncomfortable situations that you need to be in — all in the name of growth.

From now, and for the next 5 months until the retrograde ends, we will all feel the overall effects of this transit. Some of the feelings you can expect to face will be uncomfortable to say the least, but very imperative for your growth.

A Big Wake-Up Call Is About To Happen...

You're going to be faced with some truths and realities that you've been trying hard to ignore. Because Neptune's dreamy energy allows us to quickly pass over unpleasant truths, its move backwards gives us the opposite effect: a harsh wake-up call. Try not to react initially to this news, and instead allow time for it to be absorbed and contemplated over before getting too emotional over it.

Some Serious Self-Reflection Is About To Take Place...

Neptune is a planet of spirituality and provides a great energy and opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth. This retrograde provides the perfect time and energy to go inward to discover your true wants, needs and desires. You will be able to identify the areas of yourself that requires a bit more attention and work, by figuring out what in life is working FOR you, or AGAINST you. Neptune in retrograde offers a strength in ridding bad behaviours; whether it be putting a stop to self-sabotaging tendencies, or ridding one's self of an addiction. Addictions begin primarily due to the want and desire to escape reality, so this retrograde lends the power to step out of escapism.

Spiritual Growth Is On The Agenda...

Neptune retrograde is also super helpful when it comes to spiritual growth. This growth stems from a foundation of confusion at first, as you contemplate what it is you actually believe in. Even those who stand firm in their beliefs will find themselves second guessing their understanding of spirituality and how it's a part of their lives. This is a great time to come to terms with your spirituality and to get a better understanding of it. You will have new ideas or understandings around your spirituality, which can cause inner-conflict and confusion. Be patient with yourself during this time and process. When Neptune goes direct, clarity soon follows, and we may receive a new understanding that we will then have to integrate within ourselves in order to move forward.

You're Going To Have Some Pretty Profound Ah-Ha Moments...

With this Neptune retrograde forcing us to acknowledge things we've been trying really hard to ignore, you'll also be having some important revelations, or ah-ha moments. Neptune’s "dark side" is actually a blessing in disguise, as it uncovers the harsh realities of what we've been avoiding. Be forewarned that these ah-ha moments might be painful to acknowledge and absorb, but it's super important to face these issues head on. You'll be pushed out of your dream world to face reality and get real with yourself. Endings of bad relationships, jobs, and anything else that makes you unhappy, is highly likely during Neptune's retrograde as it gives you the swift kick in the butt you need in order to make the changes necessary that you might regularly just try to ignore. Neptune in retrograde gives you the push you need to leave the negative behind.

You'll Have The Energy And Motivation To Take Action...

Even in an uncomfortable state of acknowledging things you've tried so hard to ignore and keep hidden, you will also have the energy and motivation to make long lasting changes to your life. Neptune retrograde is pushing you to confront your darkest truths and step out of your dream world. It's also going to lend you the energy to push you to get things done. You're likely to feel motivated and inspired to walk away from the things that no longer work for you, and encourage you to try something new. Pay attention to your dreams during this time, and don't be surprised when certain pieces of your dreams enter your reality.

You'll Feel Better Prepared In Planning For The Future...

One of the best, most positive things about Neptune retrograde, is that it pushes you to make real, solid plans for your future. Between the spiritual growth, the ah-ha moments, and the motivational energy to take action, you really do have all the help you need to make important goals for your life that really are going to be good for you in the end. Neptune in retrograde will definitely show you how to start actually working towards the life you envision.

You'll Have A Strong Sense Of Understanding... 

For many of us, we will gain a greater perspective of ourselves and the relationships we have. We will begin to see the truth of issues that have been weighing us down, and consuming our thoughts since a significant event took place in our lives last six months. We are all going to experience a heightened sense of intuition during this retrograde, and with it, we will be able to receive a lot more information than usual. Trust yourself and the thoughts and feelings that arise during this time, as you will be more in touch with truth now, then ever before. Be patient with yourself as you experience the growing pains that accompany a new shift in perspective, and receiving the new information being thrown your way. Take the time to absorb the knowledge, and process it accordingly before you make any rash decisions or take action on a new path forward.

It's important for all of us to spend a bit more quiet time inward, as this energy can help you reconnect with your higher sense of purpose and inner values. It's a great time to revisit that five-year plan you drew up at the start of this year. If you feel like you've lost track of your long-term goals recently, lean into this energy as it will help you gain perspective on what it is you actually want for yourself.

It's up to you to decide whether you go with the flow or whether you want to be dragged through these times of change.

If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.



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Neptune Retrogrades In Pisces


Every planet goes retrograde (backwards in its path) at some point. We are all too familiar with Mercury retrogrades, and although each planet has a different effect on us when they retrograde, the planets closest to us, like Mercury and Venus are felt a bit more than the planets that are further away from the Earth, like Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. Although the effects of these planets are less than what we would experience from our neighbouring planets, don't be fooled in thinking the effects won't be felt at all.

Today Neptune has gone retrograde. Neptune, the "dreamy" planet of idealism and imagination, along with illusions and confusion, is the ruler of Pisces, a water sign (emotions & intuition), and rules the 12th astrological house of the subconscious and deeper emotions.

Neptune is a planet that sometimes encourages us to live a life of denial. It lends the energy that can encourage us to make excuses, and will support us to live in a world of daydreams and illusions. It also encourages us to continue ignoring dark truths that we really should be confronting head on. When Neptune goes backwards (retrograde), it can feel like we've had a bucket of cold water thrown at our faces, forcing you into the uncomfortable situations that you need to be in — all in the name of growth.

From now, and for the next 5 months until the retrograde ends, we will all feel the overall effects of this transit. Some of the feelings you can expect to face will be uncomfortable to say the least, but very imperative for your growth.

A Big Wake-Up Call Is About To Happen...

You're going to be faced with some truths and realities that you've been trying hard to ignore. Because Neptune's dreamy energy allows us to quickly pass over unpleasant truths, its move backwards gives us the opposite effect: a harsh wake-up call. Try not to react initially to this news, and instead allow time for it to be absorbed and contemplated over before getting too emotional over it.

Some Serious Self-Reflection Is About To Take Place...

Neptune is a planet of spirituality and provides a great energy and opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth. This retrograde provides the perfect time and energy to go inward to discover your true wants, needs and desires. You will be able to identify the areas of yourself that requires a bit more attention and work, by figuring out what in life is working FOR you, or AGAINST you. Neptune in retrograde offers a strength in ridding bad behaviours; whether it be putting a stop to self-sabotaging tendencies, or ridding one's self of an addiction. Addictions begin primarily due to the want and desire to escape reality, so this retrograde lends the power to step out of escapism.

Spiritual Growth Is On The Agenda...

Neptune retrograde is also super helpful when it comes to spiritual growth. This growth stems from a foundation of confusion at first, as you contemplate what it is you actually believe in. Even those who stand firm in their beliefs will find themselves second guessing their understanding of spirituality and how it's a part of their lives. This is a great time to come to terms with your spirituality and to get a better understanding of it. You will have new ideas or understandings around your spirituality, which can cause inner-conflict and confusion. Be patient with yourself during this time and process. When Neptune goes direct, clarity soon follows, and we may receive a new understanding that we will then have to integrate within ourselves in order to move forward.

You're Going To Have Some Pretty Profound Ah-Ha Moments...

With this Neptune retrograde forcing us to acknowledge things we've been trying really hard to ignore, you'll also be having some important revelations, or ah-ha moments. Neptune’s "dark side" is actually a blessing in disguise, as it uncovers the harsh realities of what we've been avoiding. Be forewarned that these ah-ha moments might be painful to acknowledge and absorb, but it's super important to face these issues head on. You'll be pushed out of your dream world to face reality and get real with yourself. Endings of bad relationships, jobs, and anything else that makes you unhappy, is highly likely during Neptune's retrograde as it gives you the swift kick in the butt you need in order to make the changes necessary that you might regularly just try to ignore. Neptune in retrograde gives you the push you need to leave the negative behind.

You'll Have The Energy And Motivation To Take Action...

Even in an uncomfortable state of acknowledging things you've tried so hard to ignore and keep hidden, you will also have the energy and motivation to make long lasting changes to your life. Neptune retrograde is pushing you to confront your darkest truths and step out of your dream world. It's also going to lend you the energy to push you to get things done. You're likely to feel motivated and inspired to walk away from the things that no longer work for you, and encourage you to try something new. Pay attention to your dreams during this time, and don't be surprised when certain pieces of your dreams enter your reality.

You'll Feel Better Prepared In Planning For The Future...

One of the best, most positive things about Neptune retrograde, is that it pushes you to make real, solid plans for your future. Between the spiritual growth, the ah-ha moments, and the motivational energy to take action, you really do have all the help you need to make important goals for your life that really are going to be good for you in the end. Neptune in retrograde will definitely show you how to start actually working towards the life you envision.

You'll Have A Strong Sense Of Understanding... 

For many of us, we will gain a greater perspective of ourselves and the relationships we have. We will begin to see the truth of issues that have been weighing us down, and consuming our thoughts since a significant event took place in our lives last six months. We are all going to experience a heightened sense of intuition during this retrograde, and with it, we will be able to receive a lot more information than usual. Trust yourself and the thoughts and feelings that arise during this time, as you will be more in touch with truth now, then ever before. Be patient with yourself as you experience the growing pains that accompany a new shift in perspective, and receiving the new information being thrown your way. Take the time to absorb the knowledge, and process it accordingly before you make any rash decisions or take action on a new path forward.

It's important for all of us to spend a bit more quiet time inward, as this energy can help you reconnect with your higher sense of purpose and inner values. It's a great time to revisit that five-year plan you drew up at the start of this year. If you feel like you've lost track of your long-term goals recently, lean into this energy as it will help you gain perspective on what it is you actually want for yourself.

It's up to you to decide whether you go with the flow or whether you want to be dragged through these times of change.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your June Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

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Neptune Retrogrades In Pisces


Every planet goes retrograde (backwards in its path) at some point. We are all too familiar with Mercury retrogrades, and although each planet has a different effect on us when they retrograde, the planets closest to us, like Mercury and Venus are felt a bit more than the planets that are further away from the Earth, like Saturn, Jupiter, and Neptune. Although the effects of these planets are less than what we would experience from our neighboring planets, don't be fooled in thinking the effects won't be felt at all.

Today Neptune has gone retrograde. Neptune, the "dreamy" planet of idealism and imagination, along with illusions and confusion, is the ruler of Pisces, a water sign (emotions & intuition), and rules the 12th astrological house of the subconscious and deeper emotions.

Neptune is a planet that sometimes encourages us to live a life of denial. It lends the energy that can encourage us to make excuses, and will support us to live in a world of daydreams and illusions. It also encourages us to continue ignoring dark truths that we really should be confronting head on. When Neptune goes backwards (retrograde), it can feel like we've had a bucket of cold water thrown at our faces, forcing you into the uncomfortable situations that you need to be in — all in the name of growth.

From now, and for the next 5 months until the retrograde ends, we will all feel the overall effects of this transit. Some of the feelings you can expect to face will be uncomfortable to say the least, but very imperative for your growth.

A Big Wake-Up Call Is About To Happen...

You're going to be faced with some truths and realities that you've been trying hard to ignore. Because Neptune's dreamy energy allows us to quickly pass over unpleasant truths, its move backwards gives us the opposite effect: a harsh wake-up call. Try not to react initially to this news, and instead allow time for it to be absorbed and contemplated over before getting too emotional over it.

Some Serious Self-Reflection Is About To Take Place...

Neptune is a planet of spirituality and provides a great energy and opportunity for both personal and spiritual growth. This retrograde provides the perfect time and energy to go inward to discover your true wants, needs and desires. You will be able to identify the areas of yourself that requires a bit more attention and work, by figuring out what in life is working FOR you, or AGAINST you. Neptune in retrograde offers a strength in ridding bad behaviors; whether it be putting a stop to self-sabotaging tendencies, or ridding one's self of an addiction. Addictions begin primarily due to the want and desire to escape reality, so this retrograde lends the power to step out of escapism.

Spiritual Growth Is On The Agenda...

Neptune retrograde is also super helpful when it comes to spiritual growth. This growth stems from a foundation of confusion at first, as you contemplate what it is you actually believe in. Even those who stand firm in their beliefs will find themselves second guessing their understanding of spirituality and how it's a part of their lives. This is a great time to come to terms with your spirituality and to get a better understanding of it. You will have new ideas or understandings around your spirituality, which can cause inner-conflict and confusion. Be patient with yourself during this time and process. When Neptune goes direct, clarity soon follows, and we may receive a new understanding that we will then have to integrate within ourselves in order to move forward.

You're Going To Have Some Pretty Profound Ah-Ha Moments...

With this Neptune retrograde forcing us to acknowledge things we've been trying really hard to ignore, you'll also be having some important revelations, or ah-ha moments. Neptune’s "dark side" is actually a blessing in disguise, as it uncovers the harsh realities of what we've been avoiding. Be forewarned that these ah-ha moments might be painful to acknowledge and absorb, but it's super important to face these issues head on. You'll be pushed out of your dream world to face reality and get real with yourself. Endings of bad relationships, jobs, and anything else that makes you unhappy, is highly likely during Neptune's retrograde as it gives you the swift kick in the butt you need in order to make the changes necessary that you might regularly just try to ignore. Neptune in retrograde gives you the push you need to leave the negative behind.

You'll Have The Energy And Motivation To Take Action...

Even in an uncomfortable state of acknowledging things you've tried so hard to ignore and keep hidden, you will also have the energy and motivation to make long lasting changes to your life. Neptune retrograde is pushing you to confront your darkest truths and step out of your dream world. It's also going to lend you the energy to push you to get things done. You're likely to feel motivated and inspired to walk away from the things that no longer work for you, and encourage you to try something new. Pay attention to your dreams during this time, and don't be surprised when certain pieces of your dreams enter your reality.

You'll Feel Better Prepared In Planning For The Future...

One of the best, most positive things about Neptune retrograde, is that it pushes you to make real, solid plans for your future. Between the spiritual growth, the ah-ha moments, and the motivational energy to take action, you really do have all the help you need to make important goals for your life that really are going to be good for you in the end. Neptune in retrograde will definitely show you how to start actually working towards the life you envision.

You'll Have A Strong Sense Of Understanding... 

For many of us, we will gain a greater perspective of ourselves and the relationships we have. We will begin to see the truth of issues that have been weighing us down, and consuming our thoughts since a significant event took place in our lives last six months. We are all going to experience a heightened sense of intuition during this retrograde, and with it, we will be able to receive a lot more information than usual. Trust yourself and the thoughts and feelings that arise during this time, as you will be more in touch with truth now, then ever before. Be patient with yourself as you experience the growing pains that accompany a new shift in perspective, and receiving the new information being thrown your way. Take the time to absorb the knowledge, and process it accordingly before you make any rash decisions or take action on a new path forward.

It's important for all of us to spend a bit more quiet time inward, as this energy can help you reconnect with your higher sense of purpose and inner values. It's a great time to revisit that five-year plan you drew up at the start of this year. If you feel like you've lost track of your long-term goals recently, lean into this energy as it will help you gain perspective on what it is you actually want for yourself.

It's up to you to decide whether you go with the flow or whether you want to be dragged through these times of change.

NEW - ASTRO eGUIDE: To best use the planetary energy to your advantage, download the Astro Event Activity Guide to use the exercises for your own personal development.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Marlee Henry

Psychic Advisor

The Energy Boutique

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My Podcast Is Alive!!

If you haven't seen my posts or received an email about my Podcast yet, this post is for you!I launched my first episode of The Energy Exchange last night and I've been getting such great feedback about it. It was a lot of fun to do, and I have so many episodes planned and ready to go!I hope that you will listen in and follow along as those who have already listened had a lot of really good things to say about it.If you have any topics you'd like to hear me talk about, please email me and I will be sure to schedule it in.Without you guys it wouldn't be what it is so thank you for all of your love and support!Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy Boutique Should you require any assistance in navigating these energies, please book a session online and I’d be happy to help guide you through.

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Uranus Enters Taurus

Uranus, the planet of shock and surprise, unexpected and sudden change, revolution, freedom, and individuality, makes its move into Taurus where it will stay for 7 years. Uranus has an 84 year total orbit, meaning it takes that long for it to do a complete cycle throughout all the signs. It spends approximately 7 years in each sign and with each move Uranus makes it impacts us as a global collective on some pretty powerful issues.

Uranus moved into Taurus (the sign where the Goddess Venus rules over love, beauty, money and possessions) back on May 18, 2018, and stayed there until later retrograding back into Aries in November. Although the time in Taurus was not for very long, it did give us a taste of what’s about to come.

For many of us, 2018 was a time of breakdowns and destruction. Our relationships were rattled, our careers were shaken and the world came together as we supported women all over the world in the #MeToo movement. I personally had my foundations rattled into a pile of rumble as many of us did, creating a brand new opportunity to align ourselves with our authentic truth and start living lives that were supportive of our Soul’s heart and desires.

When Uranus slipped back into Aries, it gave us a bit of a break to go back to our inner worlds and clean up the mess that was created within. But now, with Uranus direct in Taurus, we can expected a huge shift in ourselves and in the world as the lightening of Uranus strikes down hitting mother earth, triggering all of us to upgrade our vibrations and frequency to support the 7 year cycle that has been initiated.

This shift will effect everyone, but will have the most impact on the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius), as they get fast forwarded in life lessons forcing them to leave their comfort zones. These fixed signs do not like change unless it’s a change they themselves want and agree too. Unfortunately, they won’t have much of a choice under this particular influence to get out in the world and spice things up.

Uranus in Taurus will have long-term effects on us as this aspect favours long-term relationships, long-term growth, and long-term success. We will find ourselves attracted to things of beauty that break the mould as far as what we were previously use to being attracted to.

We will see global changes in how we protect mother earth and how we use the resources of the world. With sudden changes and unexpected opportunities revolutionizing the way we operate in our finance sector, no doubt we will feel this energy on an individual level as well.

Because Uranus is moving into Taurus on the same day as the most magical New Moon in Pisces takes place, just hours after Mercury dips into a retrograde, we can expect for the energy to be a bit wonky until it stabilizes.

Until then, it’s a perfect time to tap into the New Moon vibes, dreaming of all the beautiful things you’d like to experience in your life, especially considering the areas that Uranus and Taurus will effect.

This is a brand new world, as most of us weren’t around back in the 1930’s when Uranus and Taurus were last together, so we are all in uncharted waters. What I know to be true is that individually, we are aligning to a brand new frequency that is very supportive of our earth, its resources, and the feminine energy that spans the globe.

It is exactly what the world needs right now, so please do your part by first taking care of yourself, empowering your own energy and vibration, and recognize that when we all work on ourselves, we connect on a collective level which funnels our energy not only into each other, but into the earth as a whole.


Marlee Henry

Psychic Advisor

The Energy Boutique


Should you require any assistance in navigating these energies, please book a session online and I’d be happy to help guide you through.

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