Mars Enters Gemini
Today, Mars, (the planet of action, energy, passion, and anger) moves into Gemini. This is a very interesting aspect as we jump from having Mars in an earth sign (Taurus) to and air sign (Gemini).
Gemini (being an air sign) rules the mental plane making our minds more active than they have been throughout Pisces season with all the watery emotions clouding our judgment. We have struggled to maintain clarity and had lost our ability to focus on the details.
Gemini also rules information, how we take it in from the world, process and make sense of it, and then communicate and express ourselves outwardly. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that rules the hands and because of this, we have a lot of energy urging us to DO something with our hands to keep our mind distracted. Mars in Gemini could totally be represented by the saying "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
Mars is bringing a fire energy to Gemini's air, meaning we have to monitor how much we are fanning that flame. Our minds are going to be all over the place as they come back online. We will be distracted and jumping all over the place. Gemini loves to multi-task, keeping their mental plane active and engaged at all times.
The same goes for this planetary aspect, but there are a few cautions that come with this placement.
First, the fire energy of Mars is impulsive. It would rather act now and think later. If we act on these impulses, you can best bet you will find yourself in some situations you'd rather not be in, that will require some effort to get out of.
Second, Mars also brings a lot of passion to the table which Gemini can totally work with. There is a high level of productivity that can get accomplished during these times. Do be cautioned though, it is better to multi-task among 3 projects than it is to multi-task among 10 projects. There is a caution here that we do not spread ourselves too thin as we won't really end up accomplishing much.
Third, Mars is also very aggressive. It can cause frustration in a second, and throw a full blown tantrum the next. Because Gemini rules communication and expression, we must be mindful about how we are speaking to others, as we could come off as blunt, rude, and mean. If the energy of Mars can make our tongues sharp, we have the ability to hurt people with our words which will cause drama that doesn't need to be caused. This is a great energy to be bold enough to speak our truth, but just be cautious about how that truth is being delivered.
Be mindful that this energy needs to be exerted through physical movement and exercise. If we do not exert this energy in a healthy way, it will continue to boil within us causing physical symptoms such as anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches, that we'd rather not deal with. Being this high strung will cause us to lash out at the first opportunity to do so.
It is best to work WITH these energies instead of against them. So make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity to alleviate the fire energy building within, be mindful of how you are speaking to others, and keep your mind busy and engaged at all times.
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons, and advantages and disadvantages. This aspect is no different. Mars is a power house of an energy to work with, and Gemini is a brilliant energy that will help us connect the dots of logic, as long as we do not act upon our first impulses.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through. Please take advantage of the Monthly Forecasts available to help guide you through the month, as well as Energy Forecasts I put out to help you stay in alignment with the cosmic energies.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts January 2021
We ushered in the new age of Aquarius with the great conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn on the solstice, and now we get a taste of what 2021 will be. January, although slow to start in the first half, will prove to be exactly what we need in order to think about our future and start putting the pieces together to create a new reality.
*** Important energy shifts for January ***
January 6th - Mars enters Taurus
January 8th - Mercury enters Aquarius
January 8th - Venus enters Capricorn
January 13th - New Moon in Capricorn
January 14th - Uranus Goes Direct
January 19th - Sun enters Aquarius
January 28th - Full Moon in Leo
January 30th - Mercury Retrogrades in Aquarius
After last year had you breaking down some illusions around who it is that you are, and what it is that you need to be doing in life, you had your strength tested in order to break you down in order to have a breakthrough. Your inner warrior re-emerged empowering you to make the right choices, especially in your career. Now that Mars (your ruler) is moving out of Aries and into Taurus, you will now see a time to slow down and carefully refine the relationships of value, and the skills and talents that you have that you've been keeping in the dark. Creating a stable foundation is necessary in order to plan for the future. This month is about tapping into your higher intelligence and allowing your intuition to create a vision for the future. This will allow you to build upon all the foundations in which you've already created. There will be a huge stabilization in your financial security as far as your career is concerned. Setting new goals and ambitions for the year to come will help align you with the career path that you've now manifested. Mid month, there will be a sudden shift, having an opportunity present itself to shake up your worth and values. This may manifest in your relationship or in an increase of financial security. You will have to rely upon your mental plane - receiving information and guidance from your higher self - in order to create a vision for the next chapter. You will be making new connections with the right people in new networks and communities in order to improve on the foundations that were tested over the course of the last year. By the end of the month, there will be a huge illumination revealing some repressed emotions and memories, removing energetic blocks that have prevented you from truly stepping into your power and sharing your unique abilities with the rest of the world. This energy will encourage you to take center stage and to stop playing small. Aligning with your soul’s mission - allowing love, abundance, and creativity to now lead you through life, will prepare you for many thoughts and ideas to come through. Although there may be many tabs open in your brain, you will receive a higher sense of clarity on what needs to be done and how to organize logically and practically the steps forward that you are about to take in embarking in on this next chapter.
After a very dark, and tumultuous year of recognizing your place and focusing in on personal relationships, you will now get an opportunity to take all that was revealed to you and apply it to real life situations. There will be many insights and downloads of information on how you can improve your career sector and how to engage with new information and process details much faster and more efficiently. The lessons in which you've been learning since last year, about trusting yourself, listening to your intuition, and challenging your current spiritual beliefs, will create a new foundation, a new worth, a new value, within your life and how it is that you operate. Because you are ending chapters and now integrating those life lessons in all that you do, you'll be taking a more serious tone on what it is you want to experience over the next year. Don't allow your emotions to cloud your vision at this time, as we need to tap into our higher selves allowing that vision to show us how it is we are going to create a new reality. You will feel a sudden shift forward releasing you from some of the inner conflicts and inner turmoil you've been experiencing. There is a Great Awakening of your own personal strengths and now you get to take action implementing all that you've learned about yourself, and integrating with who it is that you now are. The focus on your career will become more of a priority as you recognize what parts of the roles and responsibilities you are no longer aligned with. There will be new ideas, new connections, new inspirations, coming through the mental plane that will guide you into a new framework on how it is that you do your job. Towards the end of the month, there will be a huge release of some very heavy emotion that has been affecting your home and family dynamics. This will be a huge emotional weight removed from your heart chakra, freeing you and empowering you to create a reality that involves more things that you love and that brings you joy. You will have to expect new ideas, new perspectives, new information, and new ways of communicating how it is that you think and feel, especially where your career is concerned. This month you will have to process the sadness and disappointment from the previous year before truly stepping onto a new path.
Although you wish to leave the sadness and confusion of last year behind, you are currently going to have to go through an inner re-organization on what actually means the most to you. This will provide you with an opportunity to sort out what relationships need to stay and which ones need to go. This month will show you where it is you need to refine how it is that you share your skills, talents, and abilities, with the world and how you use those skills, talents, and abilities, in order to create financial security for you and your family. There is a lot of reflection that needs to take place before you are truly prepared to take a step forward in this brand new chapter. Be patient with yourself as frustrations will arise in not having the clarity that you were hoping to have, moving into this new year. Your power lies in your ability to create and hold a vision for the future; to refine the details of that vision to allow you to clearly map out a plan of logic before applying any kind of physical action in order to make things happen. You will have to get very serious focusing in on your relationships and who is no longer supportive and encouraging you to move forward. You will likely see a clear divide on who needs to stay and who needs to go. There are chapters requiring endings before you are able to set new intentions for the year to come. Take a good look at the energy in which you feel around certain people especially in your working environment. Although you want a different reality, you have to get clear on your vision of what it is you are trying to work towards. This will require you to close the door on some life lessons - and on some people - and on some roles and responsibilities required of you in your career. You will feel a sudden awakening of sorts, pulling you back into a spiritual practice which you may have abandoned. This is a time to reflect on all you would have experienced and acknowledge the shadow parts of yourself; realizing what parts of you also need to be left behind. Towards the end of the month, a new positivity and optimism will infiltrate your mental plane giving you visions of clarity and confidence; and in the next steps to take in order to start manifesting and creating the kind of reality which you can now envision. You will feel a huge release of a negative mental narrative that has been preventing you from truly stepping into your power. This negativity has held you back from standing in the spotlight of your uniqueness, and for truly pursuing all of the things that you love and bring you joy. With this new clean-slate of energy, you will be anxiously tapping into your higher self for clarity and direction. You will make new connections with others, receiving inspiration from your higher self on how it is you are going to plan for the new adventures you are about to embark on.
You will feel a sudden shift of energy pushing you forward in realizing new inspirations and passions calling to you. This is a time where new people can enter into your realm providing you with a solid foundation of love and encouragement, helping you build a new reality. You will be reviewing all of your past experiences in order to find a new direction in which you will begin to walk. You will be setting new goals in your career sector and focusing on new worth and new value in your current skill set. Your mental plane may seem heavy and dark as there is an anxious and negative narrative that has been holding you back from truly stepping into your power. These dark thoughts need to be acknowledged and integrated and transformed into a source of power. Your communication skills and how it is that you express these darker emotions, will help you grow and build past some of the energetic blocks which you have been haven't been able to overcome. This energy is blocking your relationships. There will be a new focus, not only on your own value and worth, but on the value and worth of those that you choose to share your life with. There are relationships that are depleting you of your energy, and those relationships need new boundaries put into place in order to protect your emotional security. With this new information and acknowledgement, you will be able to set new intentions for the kinds of people you need in your reality to love and to support you setting a new tone on the kinds of people that you will let into your realm. There will be a sudden shake-up in the middle of the month that will have you reconsidering the choices and options that you currently have before you. Be sure to listen to your higher self and pay attention to your dream state, as details of the new path in which you should be following will emerge. Old plans need to need to be let go of. You must re-edit and revise where it is you'd like to go from here. There are endings required in friendships and working connections in order to provide you with a clean slate moving forward. Towards the end of the month, there will be a huge illumination of information and details surrounding some personal relationships and money matters. This new information will help you to release anyone or anything that is not of value. You will also see a shift in your own perspective in how it is that you view yourself and the skills and talents in which you possess. This will release you from some energetic blocks that have been preventing you in stepping into the spotlight and truly harnessing your inner power. Follow your soul and heart’s mission as it is setting you up for a new path moving forward. With these new insights, you will have the clarity in recognizing where the inner transformation must take place first, before the external transformation can follow.
After a year of trying to figure out what it is that you should do to create financial stability in your life, this first month of 2021 offers you an opportunity to build and strengthen the ideas in which you brought to life in 2020. This is a time of refinement, testing the foundations in your relationships and in your skills and talents, and how it is that you're bringing forth those abilities in order to provide you with financial stability. There will be a huge focus on your partnerships and relationships, recognizing where you've been blocking your blessings and where you been preventing yourself from meeting the right kinds of people and making the right kinds of connections. You will be entering into a new group or network of like-minded people that have the skills and knowledge to help support you in manifesting your new reality. It's time to get back to basics and start taking care of yourself. Your health and wellness should be priority and you will have to carefully consider how your health and wellness - especially your mental health - is being affected by some people that should be released from your reality. It is time to build a new routine of focusing on yourself before being of service to other people. You will have the confidence and clarity to initiate new exercise routines, new spiritual practices, and new ways of making sure your mental health is stable and secure. You will feel a sudden shift mid-month pushing you to take action, creating new ways to make a career or income. All the ideas you've been contemplating are now asking to be manifested. Towards the end of the month, there is a huge shift in energy freeing you, liberating you, from some of the restrictions you have placed around your heart. This liberation will provide a clean slate to make new connections in your romantic sector and in creating new friendships. You will feel a huge emotional release of some of the negative thoughts and emotions that you've been carrying since your birthday. It is time to step out of the shadows. It is time to step into your power. It is time to listen to your heart and start incorporating all the things that makes your heart happy into your day. Your wounds have been healed. It is time for you to re-emerge and stand in the strength in which you've been afraid to truly harness. There are some amazing insights being gifted to you - especially were partnerships and relationships are concerned. Recognizing how it is that you share yourself and your energy with others, will provide a new opportunity to connect with people that are more like-minded than those of your past.
There are new adventures unfolding for you, but you must take the time to make sure the foundations you currently have in your life are strong enough to support this new energy. You will see a huge focus on your relationships and money matters, recognizing new horizons and opportunities being presented before you. You've testing the waters and now it's time to start creating a reality that aligns with your vision. You have a new perspective on yourself and what makes you happy. You have learned through tough love life lessons what is most important, and now it's time to focus on building new structures and foundations were love and money is concerned. You have a new opportunity to set new goals for the future, but you will have to reorganize your daily routine, providing more time for yourself to concentrate on your own health and wellness before being of service to other people. There is a huge shift taking place in your mental plane, showing you where it is you need to free yourself from some current roles and responsibilities. You will refocus on listening to your heart and learning to tap into your creativity to overcome some of the mundane tasks and routines that now feel like an imprisonment. There is a playful energy asking to come back into your life, especially where your career is concerned. There is a new opportunity to visualize a new reality where your career, and following what makes your heart happy is concerned. There will be a sudden shift forward, pushing you into a new learning chapter, tapping into new excitement and new adventures. You will be tested by the Universe with a shake up and wake up call in order for you to truly learn how to let your intuition guide you. This new information and perspective will help you to reorganize and restructure your day-to-day life. You need to be more present in the tasks and chores you have in the run of the day. You have to make more of an effort to put yourself first, taking care of the physical body, and tapping into a new spiritual practice, in order to stabilize the mental plane. There will be a huge purge and release of some of the darker thoughts and emotions that has been preventing you from truly standing in your power and taking control over manifesting love, creativity, and joy in your life. The heartache that you have been carrying will be released towards the end of the month, freeing you to see where changes need to take place - especially in the mental narrative that you have towards yourself. You must stop picking yourself apart, stop over-analyzing yourself, and stop casting judgment on not doing enough for other people.
It's time for you to get very serious and make the changes that the Universe has been asking of you. There is a huge focus on releasing people that you have been afraid to let go of. There is an ending, a closure of chapters, where love is concerned. There is also a huge focus on ending what has been a very long career status. New chapters are opening up for you, but you must create a space in order for them to enter. You will feel a new energy take over, freeing your heart space of all the pain and trauma that was created and triggered throughout this past year. You are being asked to focus greatly on your home, your family dynamics, the relationships, and your finances, and how these are contributing to the overall emotional insecurity that you have experiencing about making changes. This realization will provide you with a new framework on what kind of goals and intentions you want to set for yourself ,and see manifest over this next year. There will be a huge shift in energy allowing you to finally take action and start implementing some of the changes that you’ve already been trying to make peace about. You know who has to stay and who has to go. You know what needs to end in order for new things to begin - especially where love and money is concerned. Having these realizations and taking action implementing some physical changes in your reality to provide endings and prepare for new beginnings, will release you from some of the heavier weight you've been carrying in your heart. Freeing yourself, liberating yourself, from some of these painful connections, will open you up to new love, new playful energy, and a new creativity that was not able to flow because of the blocks in which you created. There will be a huge energy helping you to release and sever some friendships and connections that no longer nurture you and support you in moving forward. Listen to your heart. Pay attention to your energy. You know who fills your cup up and who depletes it. Cutting these cords and releasing the soul contracts will free you up and create a space for like-minded individuals to finally cross your path, and have an opportunity to become part of your reality. There are new ideas of inspiration and creativity coming through. New ways of expressing yourself through words, art, and music will hep you to stop trying to play small and instead step into the power of love and beauty. Find your peace and balance between the roles and responsibilities being asked of you, and the activities that actually make your heart happy and bring you joy.
You will feel a new energy, drive, passion, excitement and desire, to connect with the right people and open yourself up to new love and to new connections in your reality. You will have to take it slow; carefully creating a foundation that is safe and stable enough for you to share yourself with others without being consumed by other people's energy. There are new ideas and information coming through that will have a great impact on your home and your family dynamics. This energy will feel very freeing to you, liberating you from some of the energy blocks you yourself have created around your heart, and within your home. You will have a huge opportunity to tap into a new power of expressing yourself -especially in your relationships and where your career is concerned. You have a lot of very valuable information and knowledge that needs to be shared with others. It's time for you to recognize where keeping to yourself has created a block in allowing the right people and career opportunities to find you. Having this realization will allow you to set new goals and hold onto a new vision of how it is you are going to connect to like-minded people and help them through their own experiences through sharing your story. You will feel a sudden shift - a shake up and awakening - in your partnership and relationship sector. This could mean releasing and ending certain unsupportive relationships, or; it could mean a new opportunity to make new Soul connections with other people. New foundations are asking to be built - both in how you share yourself in love in romance and in friendships. A huge focus will be on how to rearrange and restructure your home life, the relationships in it, the boundaries that have been blocking blessings, and realizing where it is that you need to nurture yourself by providing yourself with the emotional stability that you haven't been able to find an exterior relationships. Towards the end of the month, there will be a huge release of energy and emotions that have been blocking career opportunities to actually manifest. You have to stop playing in the shadows. It is time for you to step up, level up, and take the next opportunity to stand in the spotlight. You are too unique to not share yourself with the world. Playing it small has been preventing you from truly being successful. Releasing this energy, these ideas, these emotions, will not only help you to reach the next level of success in your career life, but also show you where it is that you can grow and expand your ideas, your Inspirations, and open yourself up to new connections, new relationships, a new network, that will provide the financial and emotional stability and security that you need.
You're being asked to put a huge focus on building a solid routine in your life. You need to be more present in the tasks and chores of your daily responsibilities, while also creating enough time to take care of your own health and wellness -mind, body, and soul. Think very carefully on how it is you are sharing your energy with others before putting it into yourself first. Recognize the relationships that you have and the roles and responsibilities of you. Recognize where you've been using those focuses in order to distract yourself from bettering yourself. There are brand new ideas and information coming through that will push you into a new learning chapter. This is about being able to identify how it is that you think, how it is that you feel, and being able to communicate with confidence and clarity on what it is that you want, need, and desire. New goals are forming. New ideas are being downloaded to you, freeing you from some of the limitations you faced in this past year. It's time to refocus your energy on your own self-worth and self-esteem. It is time for you to start advocating for yourself in your personal relationships. It's time to take control over your finances, and bring the skills and talents and abilities that you have learned over the years to the forefront in order for you to create a new income for you and your family. Having these realizations will not only help you to up your self-worth, but will also show you where new career goals are asking for your attention. It is time to stop playing it small, to stop flying by the seat of your pants, and make a logical and practical plans for the year ahead. You will feel a sudden shake-up of energy mid-month, rattling your current daily routine, showing you where in your physical body energetic blocks are now manifesting as physical ailments. You will need to implement new exercise routines, new spiritual practices, and a new way of being accountable for your mental health. The shake-up will provide you with an opportunity to shift your perspective, to see where it is that you can take control over some of the elements in your life. This will bring forth new information and details that will help you formulate a plan on what it is you need to do in order to take care of yourself, and to be of service to other people. Towards the end of the month, there will be a huge release of energy, emotion and ideas, that have been preventing you from making plans for new adventures. It's time to listen to your higher self, and to integrate all that you've learned through tough life lessons. This is a time for you to speak your truth, and take center stage advocating for yourself, asking for what it is that you want, need, and desire, from those that you share your life with. This energetic release will allow you to express yourself in a way that you haven't before. You will be heard with confidence with clarity and taken more seriously than ever before. This is a time to get very clear on what it is that you want for yourself, in what it is you want to experience, using your communication skills to the best of your ability. Speak into reality what it is you're trying to manifest.
You are starting your new natal year off on a great foot, with more financial security and opportunities to create abundance than you ever planned on. Now, with this solid foundation under you, you're able to let your guard down a little bit to turn that seriousness into playful energy where you can create and express yourself in a brand new way. You're being asked to focus on building relationships of love. You're being asked to align with what brings you happiness and joy. You are being asked to create a vision for the future that allows you to stand in the spotlight and really harness your power. There are new ideas, visions, and Inspirations being downloaded to you. Your intuition is asking you to focus on what it is you want to create and bring to life. You will see a brand new value and worth within yourself, within the skills, talents and abilities, you have within you. You are seeing yourself from a different perspective and because of this level up; you are being asked to the plant seeds of new intentions and goals that you wish to accomplish. You will feel a sudden shock, a curveball type of energy - wake you up to follow what it is your heart has been asking of you. New relationships may take form, while relationships not aligned with your heart’s desires may dissolve and disappear. This new awakening and energetic push forward to follow your heart, will have you opening up your mind to making new connections in love and friendship. Towards the end of the month, you will feel a huge part of you be released. The fears, insecurities, and negative narratives that you've been harbouring towards yourself, holding you back, keeping you in the darkness will now be released. You are now being freed in order to expand into your new sense of self. To tap into new energy, to take centre stage and truly allow the world to see your uniqueness and to allow your skills, talents, and abilities to be seen by a larger audience. This purge and release of energies will free you up to see where new foundations can be created. Where new relationships can be built. Where new talents, skills ,and abilities can be expanded on. Where new financial goals can be set, and where new emotional and financial security can be put in place in order to support you in the growth that you will experience over the next year.
You begin your new year in a bit of darkness as you are in your dark season approaching your birthday. There has been many events that has asked for your undivided attention on reorganizing your home and family environment. It is time to put the focus on relationships of value and worth; cutting cords with those who do not support who it is that you are, and who it is that you are trying to become. It is time to set new ground work for a stable foundation to build off of as you manifest your vision into reality. You will have a brand new perspective emerging; filling you with positivity and optimism about your future. You'll have new ideas, information, and details be revealed to you on how it is that you were going to make new connections in both love, friendship, and in your career. It's time for you to cut the cord between your past and your present. It is time to create a new space where new like-minded people can enter into your realm. You will still have to sort through the darker emotions that have been exposed to you, that resurfaced in efforts to cut the cords with those that are holding you back. Acknowledging those darker emotions will free you, and liberate you, to set new goals and take action on building new foundations in love, friendship, and career connections. There will be a sudden shake-up of energy mid-month, affecting your home, the family dynamic, and the relationships within it. This is when you will be tested, and will need to implement new boundaries in order to provide a safe and secure place in your home and emotions. You will begin to feel like you are on the right path and start feeling more like yourself, once freed of these realizations. Your mind will be racing with new ideas, new ways of doing things, new ways of problem solving some of the blocks and challenges you haven't been able to overcome. In doing so, you will be releasing a huge emotional cycle that is been blocking the right kinds of people from entering into your realm. You have to be strong and stand up for yourself; making sure that you release certain connections that are not healthy and not supportive of who it is that you are, and who it is that you're trying to become. You will be infused with a beautiful energy helping your mental plane to see past all you are moving away from, and instead lock in on the excitement of the possibilities that await you.
As you get closer to your birthday, you will realize how your perspective has changed and how you are communicating with more confidence and clarity in your personal relationships. Bringing your creativity to the forefront in all that you do, will help you rebuild some foundations that were not strong enough to support the vision and the dreams that you had for yourself. It's not easy to close chapters and provide endings to ideas that you once had for yourself. Recognizing that you have overgrown old ideas of yourself, old inspirations, and old plans for what it is you wanted to manifest, will help you to create a new plan with new goals more aligned with your higher self. It's time to get serious and set new goals for the future. It's time for you to boss up and start creating a life that is more aligned with your heart space instead of being aligned with what you think other people with think of you. There will be a shake-up in your perspective and in your mental plane mid-month. These “aha moments” recognizing where it is that you’ve shortchanged yourself in past situations, will then empower and inspire you to push forward, not making the same mistakes, and not self-sacrificing your own wants, needs, and desires for other people. There's a huge ending/closure to the dreams that you once had for yourself, and that can be scary when you're unsure of the new dreams and visions that you want to manifest. Tap into your higher self, and listen to your intuition allowing it to guide you away from what wasn't working and towards what will. There will be a huge energetic release of some of the blocks that you; yourself have had a hand in creating. This will help you shake up your daily routine to provide yourself with more time to stabilize your health and wellness - mind, body, and soul. It's time for you to bring forth the skills and abilities that you've kept in the shadows. Allow your creativity to create opportunities for you to do what it is you love, to be of service helping others, and to create a stable foundation of independent income. Align with your Soul's purpose. This energetic release will provide you with a clean slate, allowing your intuition to download you with a brand new vision for the future. This energy will encourage you to take your time building new foundations, testing them for their stability before moving forward. It's time to stop flying by the seat of your pants and instead tap into the logical and practical ways of planning for the future.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts December 2020
December is the final chapter of the Great Awakening of 2020 where we close the door on some very important cycles with a cosmic bang! We are about to embark on a brand new age and era but not before the Universe helps us to purge and release some emotional and energetic baggage before our journey. December is jam packed with cosmic events to help us prepare for a brand new time in history where the human evolution reach new heights of ascension.
*** Important energy shifts for December ***
December 1st - Mercury enters Sagittarius
December 14th - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
December 15th - Venus enters Sagittarius
December 15th - Chiron Goes Direct in Aries
December 17th - Saturn enters Aquarius
December 19th - Jupiter enters Aquarius
December 20th - Mercury enters Capricorn
December 21st - Sun enters Capricorn (SOLSTICE)
December 21st - Jupiter Conjunct Saturn
December 29th - Full Moon in Cancer
This month I’m using The Revelations Tarot deck.
You wrap of the year with a brand new perspective on your past and future. It’s finally starting to makes sense why you had to suffer through the hardships and tough life lessons you did as it all was in preparation for this next chapter of your journey. This month you will see your thoughts and ideas take off as you learn to incorporate your life’s wisdom in all you do. Setting off in new adventures will help you to stay excited and curious about what the next year will hold for you. Your inner warrior has been unleashed and now you are actively taking steps forward to turn all of your past pain into a source of power. Helping others by sharing your experiences and being the example of hope and strength they need, will fulfill you with a new meaning and purpose in your life. Since you’ve finally found yourself in a spot of comfort after re-organizing and re-arranging some details in your life, now is the time to set your eyes on new goals you want to reach and accomplish as we move forward. You’ve found yourself connecting with new groups of people and those of like mind will help support you in accomplishing the new dreams you are envisioning for yourself. There is a great opportunity for you to expand on your career and set out new ideas on how to advance past your current position and roles and responsibilities. Your career position is much more stable now that it has been, and now you’re being asked to expand on what you want to accomplish next. The struggles you’ve endured since January, especially with your home and family dynamics, will find closure and peace before we jump into a brand new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’re facing some pretty tough changes in your world that you’d wish you could fast forward through. The space in between things ending and new things beginning is starting to take it’s toll on your mental plane. You’re deep into a tough life lesson where you need to open your mind to lightening the mood and make things more playful no matter how heavy the emotional energy may be. It’s hard to see the silver linings when things get dark and heavy but it’s your job to find peace and comfort through this transitional period. The pain you’ve been carrying in your heart needs to be released before it starts causing physical symptoms in your body. Putting on a tough face for others is doing you no good. There is a power in the pain you carry and now you must unleash your inner warrior to move forward into your new reality. You may find yourself feeling discontent with your career and may need to switch up your routine to create a new spark. Detaching from some roles and responsibilities may help you feel less pressure and help to create a better energy for you to work in. You’re being forced to change whether you like it or not. It’s better to roll with the new paths opening up for you instead of being dragged. You’ll feel a huge release of worry from your heart and your head where your home and relationships are concerned before entering into a brand new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve really been struggling to feel like yourself which will continue to be a struggle if you don’t let go of people from your past. You cannot emerge as the brand new self you’ve been working on, if you stay in the same environment and surround yourself with the same people. The Universe has been trying to shift you forward, but you continue to struggle with surrendering the very things you’ve been praying would change. You desire new relationships of value and worth, but won’t create a space for them to enter. You might be bored with your career, yet you don’t know what you would want to do besides what you’re already doing. It’s time for you to reflect back on all you’ve learned and bring forth the skills and talents you’ve kept in the dark. You’re being presented with new options to move forward on an exciting path and into new territory. It’s not like you to shy away from a new adventure, but because you are still deeply attached to who you were and how things used to be, you are missing some great opportunities. It’s time to get serious about what you want to do next. You have the ability to jump into a new learning opportunity that could help you advance in the ways you’ve been praying for. The struggles you’ve been having with your own self worth and your basic values will be released before the new year, filling you with the confidence you need to start fresh.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Now that you’ve found yourself coming full circle in areas of your life, you can start making the changes necessary to shift your path away from repeating itself. Your day-to-day life has been a struggle for you, as you can’t seem to make the time to take care of yourself. Your routine is out of balance and causing you to be on auto-pilot preventing you from being in the present moment of what needs to be done. It’s time to throw yourself into a new topic and theme as you’re being called to new adventures of learning. You’ve been struggling with your mental health and have gotten stuck in a rut that you need to dig your way out of. The issues you’ve been having with your career will final start to resolve, as you recognize where in the past you’ve failed to stand up for yourself and make your efforts be seen. Things need to change as you recognize the people you surround yourself with aren’t of like mind and semi responsible for the mental funk you’ve been in. You will see a huge shift in your relationships as we near the end of the year. Recognizing who deserves your energy and attention will help you to enforce new boundaries in the relationships that are depleting. You are about to go through a deep energetic transformation as you prepare to release some emotional blockages you’ve been struggling with since this year began. You will embrace the best parts of yourself that you are for sure about, releasing the rest that represents the old you before entering into the new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’re stepping away from the extreme highs and lows you’ve been struggling with, as you find more stable ground. The balance between your heart and your head is needed now more than ever, as you step into a new chapter. It’s time to get back to doing all the things you love. It’s time to throw caution to the wind and allow people to get closer to you and connect with you on an emotional level you’ve been trying to avoid. The energy has been too heavy and it’s time to rebalance the scales to bring back the playful energy you so desperately need. This is a perfect time to start new projects and learn something new along the way. Shifting your mental plane into a more positive frame of mind will help you get out of the funk that has been holding you down. The past pains you’ve endured are healed enough to unleash your inner warrior and gain power over your heart space. New opportunities to explore emotional connections are available if you let your guard down just a little bit. You will have a great window of opportunity to connect to new people that are more like minded and have the qualities and characteristics that you now need in sharing yourself with other people. It’s time to take care of business and get into more of a routine with your days. Balancing your tasks and chores with time for fun and play will minimize the extreme highs and lows you’ve been experiencing. You will be unloading some serious heartbreak you’ve become too attached to where your home and family dynamics are concerned. Free yourself of this energetic baggage before entering into the new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve had quite the struggle within your home and the family dynamics in it. You finally find yourself in a calmer state than months gone by, and now you can shift your mental plane into being more happy go lucky with all the changes that have taken place. New life lessons are showing you were there is still more to learn in how to make a happy home, but much of that depends on how much guilt and resentment you’re willing to let go of. There’s a deep transformation taking place in your heart space as you turn your past pains into a source of power. Your strength is your greatest feature and now it’s time to start feeling as strong as you appear to others. You’ll need to take a time out and reconsider your daily routine. You haven’t been making enough time to take care of yourself before giving all of your energy away to others. The mental funk you’ve been in will diminish as you see where you need to free yourself from some tasks, chores, and obligations that you’ve become weighted under. It’s time to get serious and start taking care of business where your heart is concerned. You need to lighten the mood a bit and get more playful with how you tackle your day. It’s a great time for starting new business ventures where you can unleash your creativity in new ways. You’ll see a huge shift in your working style and schedule as you rearrange your days to better align with the new goals you have set for yourself in the new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve definitely struggled to find peace and comfort in your home and the relationships in it. There is an element of disappointment and total displeasure for current circumstances and events in your life. There will be a shift in your mental plane and your current outlook on things that will help you to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s now up to you to voice your opinion and express what it is you need from others in order to find safety and stability once agin. There will be a more positive and optimistic energy that will help shift you out of this current funk that comes from recognizing your struggles and where you’ve failed yourself in standing up for what it is you need. You’ve sacrificed a lot for those you love and this has left you in a place where you find it hard to love yourself and your life the way it deserves. You will find a new spark of love and excitement in your days once you realize what actually brings you joy. This is a great time to explore what makes your heart happy and start stepping away from things that cause you unhappiness. You will see a more stable energy take over your home and those in it, when you regain a new strength and drive to make changes to your life in this next chapter. You will see a huge shift, releasing yourself from some of the roles and responsibilities your career has put on you that has contributed to your overall displeasure in life. Major changes need to take place to balance the scales between your home and career before we embark on a new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Now that you are setting the stage for your new natal year, it may feel like you’re still struggling to embrace your new self. You’ve been faced with some pretty extreme options in life and although you dream of a reality that awaits you, you have to be willing to let go of the people, places, and things, attached to your old self. The transitional period is a tough one as you redefine your value and worth. You’ll see a positive turn of events in your finances that in turn will help you to see where you need to pour your energy into from here. You’ll feel more optimistic and confident about the new path you’re walking as we move through the month, but recognizing where it is you are your own worst enemy will be the revelation you need to switch up your routine and how you spend your days. Your home life, and those in it will have the bulk of your attention as you make plans to grow and expand your foundations in the new year. Things get a bit more serious where business is concern as we set ourselves up for success and shift our perspective to what it is we want to create and bring to life long term. Who we share ourselves with will be a huge focus as we release some serious emotional baggage before entering into the new year. Reflecting on past life lessons and using that wisdom to avoid repeating old patterns will shift our focus onto who and what is important to hold onto as we enter into a new chapter.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Happy birthday Sag! As you enter into a new natal year, you are still sorting out the pieces of the past year and what you want to get rid of as you usher in new plans for the future. Some of the struggles in your personal relationships will resolve as you find yourself reconnecting with your own wants, needs, and desires, and realizing who and what actually makes you happy. You are reinventing yourself as you set new goals for the new year. But first, you have to get real with yourself and check in to see if you are still happy sticking with the plans you’ve already put into play. There’s a huge revelation where your heart is concerned and carrying the weight of the pains and struggles from the past 5 months is now up for renewal. You may find yourself wanting to scrap your plans all together to launch yourself on a new adventure that will help you get out of the mental funk you’ve been in. You’ve gained a new respect for yourself and through your own strength of dealing with life you’ve seen a new worth and value in who you are. It’s time to get serious about what you want to experience and accomplish in your new natal year, as flying by the seat of your pants is no longer working for you. You’ll see a huge shift in your thinking and with new events and information emerging you may just have to put in end to your plans early, to create a space to start fresh for the new year ahead.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
The closer you get to your birthday, the darker you seem to get. The whole year and all you’ve endured is catching up with you and making you a bit down and depressed about where you currently find yourself in life. It’s perfectly normal to be feeling this way as you approach your birthday. You are sorting out what can stay and what can go. You’ve had a lot of changes effect your day to day life and really mess with your routine. You’ll have to get a bit serious in making more time for you to take care of your mind, body, and soul before spending all of your time and energy on work. Your mental health is suffering but you’ll start to feel lighter and more confident about making some changes to your life for your new natal year. There have been a lot of changes and disruptions in the home and the relationships within it. Although you’ve been trying to mask your hurt and displeasure for your current circumstances from the world, you might just see that things change mid-month as you power forward with making plans to switch things up where you be more comfortable being yourself. Business opportunities will be plenty as you are in a position to really pick and choose what you want to do with your career and the options to make more income may surprise you. You’re about to reinvent yourself as you prepare for a new year, setting goals for you to accomplish not only in a career sense but being open to new relationships and allowing new people into your world should be on your list of things to do.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve been faced with a choice point in making a decision about what your heart actually wants. It’s a tough place to be in as you seem to be growing and expanding your career opportunities and connecting with new people on the same level and of like mind. But, you can’t truly grow if you won’t allow your heart to release those that continue to hold you back from being your best self. There is a new window of opportunity for you to set new goals for you to reach. There is a new chapter of success opening up to you but it will require you to leave certain people behind. You may a have a shift in your thinking and how you truly see yourself. The pain and trauma you’ve been trying to heal from has kept you narrow minded on the options available to you. Taking a new perspective on your pain and using it to power yourself forward may just be what you need to close the door on the past for good. You are about to level up and reinvent yourself in a way you never thought possible. It’s time for you to grow and expand past your current experiences to manifest the kind of life you’ve been praying for. Don’t let yourself down. Don’t go back to situations you’ve prayed yourself out of. Realize the life lessons for what they are and move on into new territory. Get serious about your life and branch out and away from the people and places that make you feel stuck in the past. You’ll feel a huge weight be lifted off of your heart space from the struggles that took place in your home and family since your birthday. Surrender to it and let it go before we enter into a new year.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
You’ve seen some huge changes take place effecting your home and the relationships in it. Getting back to the basic foundation of who you are and what you love is exactly what you needed. Your career has been a problem for you as you’ve struggled to really find what brings you a sense of meaning and purpose. There’s a much more optimistic mindset taking over now as you begin to come out of your funk and find love and joy in all you do. Making plans for the future is exciting. You are at a point in your life where you can look back on all you’ve learned and experienced and choose what you want to do more of while deciding what you never want to do again. The struggles you’ve had in your own self worth are finally seeing a new positive light. The pain you’ve had trying to get ahead financially will suddenly shift into a new strength and power for you to push forward with. It’s time to get in touch with yourself again and reconnect to your soul. You’ve gotten too far away from your spiritual practice and now it’s time to reconnect and start a new chapter of healing. Get serious about what you want to do with your life especially when it comes to how you make money. Set some small goals for yourself that aren’t too big and easy to accomplish. Break your big picture vision down into manageable steps and see how much more successful you are at crossing things off the list and finally getting ahead. You’ll feel a huge weight be lifted off of your heart and head by the time we enter into the new year. Unleash your creativity and make things playful again to see what you want to create and bring to life in this next chapter.
What does 2021 have in store? Book yourself a Year Ahead Reading.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts November 2020
November will definitely speed up for us as the Universe hits the fast forward button on our lives. There will be a certain amount of chaos that will need to take place before leading us to a place of clarity. Things will feel a bit crazy as we speed through lessons and timelines to get us in position for the new paradigm we will enter into in December. There are some huge events taking place this month that will definitely transform our inner worlds while we see the effects take place on the global stage. We are accelerating through time and overcoming long standing obstacles at an exponential rate.
*** Important energy shifts for November ***
November 3rd - Mercury Goes Direct in Libra
November 10th - Mercury re-enters Scorpio
November 11th - 11:11 Activation Portal
November 12th - Jupiter Pluto Conjunction
November 13th - Mars Goes Direct in Aries
November 15th - New Moon in Scorpio
November 21st - Welcome to Sagittarius Season
November 21st - Venus enters Scorpio
November 28th - Neptune Goes Direct in Pisces
November 30th - Full Moon LUNAR ECLIPSE in Gemini
This month I’m using The Light Seekers Tarot deck.
Things may have gotten a bit tense in your personal relationships. Big changes in how you share yourself with others and how you communicate your thoughts and emotions clearly will need to be revisited. There’s a need to clear the air and find a middle ground. You may see where you have been living in extremes and thinking in complete opposition to your partner. There’s a few questions that still need to be asked of yourself first, and of others second. You may have to dig deep in the darker emotions you’re feeling to connect the dots on how this is impacting your closest relationships. You’ll finally feel more like yourself mid month when Mars - your ruler - moves forward once again. This will give you your energy and drive back to move forward pushing through the blocks you’ve been faced with. Pace yourself. Don’t burn yourself out trying to accomplish everything at once. You’ll get a great opportunity to reinvent yourself and revive some old ideas that just didn’t pan out the first time around. This light at the end of the tunnel is now getting brighter and towards the end of this month, you’ll see brand new paths and opportunities unfold to reignite the spark and passion within you. The struggles you’ve been facing since your birthday will be overcome very quickly now that you are healing parts of yourself and allowing your creativity to lead the way. New information will come to light that will help you express your new ideas to a new audience with a much greater response than you’d expect. You’ll be putting your new skills and knowledge to use in real life situations that will help you communicate your talent and skills in a brand new way.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve been faced with some tough challenges that has made you take another look at how you run through your day. Certain tasks and chores became too much and forced you to recognize where changes had to take place. You’re perspective on how you are of service to others has shifted, showing you where you need to be there for yourself first. Your relationships with others has been a soft spot in showing you the deep karmic bonds between you and those you love. You’ll feel a huge shift forward pushing you to take a more healing approach in all you do. Busting your ass for other people has put you in a position of seeing how very little you do to ensure your own health and wellness - mind, body and soul. New ways of nurturing your loved ones will be adopted as you reorganize your own needs. Setting the stage for how you will share yourself with others will provide you with the stability you need to be there for others while still putting yourself first. You may feel called to reach out to old friends and even put yourself out there to allow new connections to form. Your plans and goals have now shifted and taking the time to re-establish your focus on the future will have you seeing where you have to get more creative in how you are planning for the future. You will feel a huge weight be lifted off of your shoulders by the end of the month when what you’ve been in conflict about - within yourself and with others - will finally see a resolution. This inner turmoil dates back to the spring when new information came to light altering the year you had planned for yourself.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve had to revisit a few issues that popped up in your closest relationships. Seeing what your heart wants to do in life has been a battle for you as you decide on what path to take moving forward. The sparks have been ignited but the energy has been confusing you as you are unsure on which path you should take. You’ll receive a bit more clarity on what to do as you get back to the basics of your daily routine. Providing yourself with the time to balance your internal scales and take care of your mind, body, and soul will help quiet the mental chatter that has you torn. You’ll come to realize a lot by the middle of this month and suddenly feel much more excited, passionate and driven on pursuing new goals. Connecting with like minded people will offer you more opportunities to clearly define where it is you want to position yourself moving into the future. You’ll get a powerful opportunity to reorganize and restructure the way you’ve been handling your days. Being honest with yourself and recognizing where you have been operating on auto pilot will help you to recenter yourself and create a new way of operating throughout your day. The conflict you’ve been experiencing in your relationships will be settled and with a clean slate you’ll feel excited to take on a new path and adventure. Theres’s a new confidence and optimism backing you to spice things up and make the energy a bit more playful in your interactions. The fogginess around your career and the uncertainty of your income will be resolved and open up new opportunities for you to pursue. You will feel a huge shift in your energy by the end of the month when the blocks you’ve been facing since your birthday will suddenly disappear.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Having some darker emotions of past topics and themes in your home life haven’t been easy to deal with. Although the energy has been heavy, there is a lighter energy moving in to help you have the conversations needed to resolve these sticky situations. You may have to step back and really ask yourself some tough questions about what it is you truly love to do, and how open you are to letting the walls down around your heart space. Revisiting some hobbies that you once thoroughly enjoyed might just bring back the spark that seemed to get snuffed out by other roles and responsibilities. You’ll see a sudden shift forward in your career and it may even feel chaotic as time speeds up pushing you through situations that were previously blocked for you back in the spring. Be sure to take a time out to see if these changes feel good and aligned with what your heart actually wants. There’s a deep transformation happening within you and you may realize that you might have gotten off track trying to pursue a goal that you no longer identify with. The excitement will come back into your life as you take a good look at how you’re spending your days. Seeing a new hope and confidence in how you are taking care of yourself before taking care of others will be the mental shift that you need to invite excitement back into your world. Things may get hot and spicy in your love life as new romantic connections enter your realm. Existing relationships will see a bump in passion making things feel intense and sensual once again. You may be drawn back to some spiritual practices as you reconnect with your soul self. A new desire to learn mystical arts or energy healing will push you into a new learning chapter of life. You’ll feel a huge shift in your mental plane towards the end of the month when you find a peaceful middle ground between your heart and your head. There’s been competing ideas since your birthday and by the end of this month you’ll feel solid and stable in choosing one path over the other.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Your mental health has definitely suffered over the past month or two as you ebb and flow between past memories and current desires. Relationships and how you’ve shared yourself with others has been a hot topic as you work to process some emotions and memories from your past. The weight of the roles and responsibilities of your home life and those family dynamics within it have triggered some darker emotions in you that have really dampened your soul. You may have to rethink how you’ve been providing yourself with safety and security and where you need to implement new boundaries in order to properly take care of yourself as you take care of the tasks and chores within your home. You’ll feel more like yourself mid month when you get your passion and drive back. Learning new skills and setting your sights on new goals will help you to regain your confidence and optimism that you lost under the pressure of your responsibilities. Shifting your perspective and reworking some things within your home will show you where you need to let go of some ideas and focus on only those that still make your heart happy. You’ll feel much more stable in your choices once you acknowledge where the heavier emotions have crept into your life and open your eyes to how you can make the changes needed to focus on the things that truly matter. You’ll be much more positive and excited to take on new challenges towards the end of the month as you carefully decide what it is that you actually want to spend your time doing. Find new life in old hobbies will reconnect you with your creative side and help you to start fresh with a new attitude. You’ll have a total shift in perspective as the weight and darkness is lifted from your mental plane. Where you’ve felt at odds with yourself and in conflict with others will resolve opening you up to new connections about to cross your path. Aligning yourself with the right kind of people to encourage your future plans will give you the encouragement you need to set off in a new direction.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve really had a totally upgrade and renovation of your mental plane as new perspectives and attitudes have taken over. Seeing yourself and the value you bring to others has been a game changer in evaluating your relationships and money matters. There’s been some tough topics that have resurfaced to help you see where you needed to let old ways of thinking go. Your mind has been expanding to see new possibilities emerge and how to go about setting new goals for yourself to accomplish. The passion and excitement you’ve been lacking will suddenly shift you forward to follow new paths and experiences that you’ve been hesitant to jump into. New information and details surrounding how you communicate your thoughts and feelings to others will have you connecting with people on the same journey as you’re currently on. The conflicts and confusion taking place in your home and in the family dynamics will finally be resolved creating a much more exciting and optimistic perspective on the future. There’s a more playful energy coming back into your home where things have gotten too serious. Being able to speak your mind with confidence and clarity will help everyone know where you stand and help them understand what you will no longer tolerate in your home and relationships. Your romantic relationships and close friendships will take on a new energy as you shift your focus on how you share yourself with others. There may be a few partnerships that you let go of - especially in a business sense - while making space for those of value to get the best parts of you. By the end of the month, you will close the gap between your heart and your head where your career is concerned. You’ve been split down the middle and at conflict with two competing ideas. This energy will help you find a middle ground where you can blend your opposing ideas together.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
Your mental plane has been a bit of a dark place since your birthday. Trying to sort out and purge old mindsets and obsessions has been exhausting but soon you will find a happy place in between those extreme thoughts where you can adopt a brand new perspective moving forward. You may still have to do some deep thinking about your finances and get to the root of the problem with your budget and spending. Old habits need to die hard in order for you to have the financial safety and security you desire. You’ll feel a huge push forward in the middle of the month to clean house of those that consume too much of your time and energy. You will have to stand up for yourself and create new boundaries for those you allow to stay. New connections are forming but until you can control how much of yourself you extend to others, it’s best you take a step back. Think very carefully about how much you’ve changed over the past year and how much more you’d like to transform moving forward. You will have a beautiful opportunity to level up your confidence and self worth encouraging you to tap into new talents and skills that can create more income and abundance. You’ll start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel towards the end of this month, when your mental game shifts into more excitement and optimism for what awaits. Your passion will return and you may feel even more adventurous to take on a brand new chapter of learning. You will have to do some serious thinking about your relationships and money matters before the month is over. Recognizing where you’ve been blocking yourself from stability and abundance is the first step to setting yourself free. Allow your creativity to take over and spice up your day-to-day routine with new ways of doing things and a new mindset on how you complete your tasks and chores. Making time to balance your own mind, body, and soul before sharing yourself with others will give you a new practice to perfect in managing your energy. You’ll see a new opportunity be illuminated for you by the end of the month that will allow you to bring old talents and hobbies to life by stepping into a brand new adventure. Blending what you’ve learned and what you want to learn will open up a new excitement and passion in your life to let your creative side soar.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Happy birthday Scorpio! With the new natal year on the horizon, you may feel the tug of darkness still helping you to close certain chapters before you get the party started. You mental perspective is shifting especially where partnerships are concerned. A certain amount of healing has to take place before you can jump into your new year and that healing has shown you where you’ve become too independent and not needing others on your journey. Once you switch up your mental game, you’ll see where your energy is needed and that starts with how you move throughout your day. You’ll feel a push forward to rearrange your daily routine and the tasks and chores involved. Your success depends on the small habits you have and how you share your energy with the day. Make time to balance your energy and to nurture your health and wellness through activities that calm the mind, body and soul. You have a beautiful opportunity to reinvent yourself and set new goals and desires for the upcoming year. Get your head right and focus on what you want to see happen in both love and money. Stop hiding your talents from the world and bring your best self to the stage to create new income and abundance. Your confidence will be at its highest for setting off into a new direction. You’re levelling up your self worth and that value will be reflected in all you do. You’ll reconnect with your soul by the end of the month and really dive into what makes your heart happy. Bringing old projects to life and creating new ventures will be successful if it’s what brings a smile to your face. You’ll feel a completion and finality among the mental war you’ve been having with yourself. It’s time to stop thinking in black and white and find new life and possibilities in the grey area. Bridge the gap between the old and new, your heart and head, and your ideas for the future. Resurrect yourself in a brand new form and take this next natal year by storm.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
It’s almost birthday time Sag but first, we have some healing to do. You are in the darkest days as you approach your birthday giving you a chance to explore the darkest parts of yourself as you prepare to enter into a new year. You’ve had plenty of changes to your daily reality to make you rethink your life, especially who you are outside of the partnerships you’ve created. You’ve been given an opportunity to think about the new goals and experiences you’d like to have, but the uncertainty of it all has put a damper on your normally adventurous and excitable heart. You’ve been forced to contemplate new ways of being you if only you could let the old memories of you die first. You’ll get your groove back mid month when you finally realize what makes your heart happy. You can’t find your soul’s purpose on auto pilot so getting back to the hobbies you love and activities that make you feel at peace are where you’ll find your answers. You’re still holding onto the way things were too tightly to fully embrace the new adventures the universe has for you. So work on your vision for the future instead of replaying moments from the past. You’ll start to see the light at the end of the tunnel by the end of the month when you step into your season. The confidence and optimism you’ve been lacking will return just in time to encourage you to jump on new opportunities to revamp your home environment. The family dynamics within the home have seen huge challenges but when you look at it from a perspective of a new opportunity to create a safe place to nurture yourself and others, you may not feel like its a disruption and more of a blessings. The divide you’ve been feeling in your personal relationships will see resolve by the end of the month when the extreme circumstances you’ve been facing will finally find a middle ground. The divide between your heart and head will be illuminated and new ideas to bridge the gap will suddenly appear.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You’re about to enter into the second half of your dark season as you approach your birthday. It may feel like you’ve stepped backwards in some areas of life, but throwing yourself into your work can be the kind of distraction that just might pay off in the long run. You are tapping into parts of your creativity that you haven’t experienced in a while and this will definitely help you in your career and maybe even open up new opportunities to create income and abundance. You are aligning with the right kind of people in your work place to help really bring your ideas to life in a way that will get much more attention than what you’re used to. Although you’re still trying to figure out what’s next for you, setting new goals and being open to making new connections is where your success really lives. Aligning yourself with who you want to be this time next year, will help you figure out the path forward. You’ll see a sudden shift in your home and family dynamics mid month when some frustrations may arise for growth and betterment. Learning how to set new boundaries with those you love will ensure you aren’t being taken advantage of and you can feel more at ease to relax within your space. You can feel the shift in energy helping you to grow past some outdated ideas of yourself. You are growing - slowly but surely - and some changes are definitely needed in order to reinvent yourself for this next chapter. You’ll feel much more confident and optimistic about your next chapter as we near the end of the month. This will help you wrap up some loose ends in relationships and business matters to prepare for what you have planned in your new natal year. You’ll have some amazing ideas pop into your brilliant mind towards the end of the month that will excite you for the year to come. Expanding your money matters and reaching new personal goals will seem like a new adventure instead of feeling like a chore. Your success is hidden in your daily routine. Restructure your day to allow enough time to rest and take care of your health and wellness. Your mind will be very active so engaging in activities that help calm the mind, body, and soul will be your greatest outlet for release.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
It’s been very difficult for you deciding what it is you want to do next. You’ve explored talents and skills from your past to see if they still spark excitement and passion within you. You’ll be much more decisive on your next steps as we enter into the month and you’ll start seeing huge shifts take place in your mental plane where love and money are concerned. It’s time you walk away from anything that sparks darkness in you and step closer to things that make your heart happy. You’ll see a huge opportunity in your career to jump back into something you love to do, with a brand new energy encouraging you to move forward. You’ll be put in a position of power to speak your truth and take control of your life. Your aggressive feelings have been trapped inside for far too long and now it’s time for you to speak your peace and clear the air. You’ll see a huge shift in your thinking especially where your career and money matters are concerned. You’ll be setting new goals and connecting to new people, even a larger community to help you share your gifts and talents in a brand new way. Get serious about what you want to accomplish in life and take steps towards creating a career that will help you accomplish them. You have so many talents and skills that you’ve put on the back burner that are essentially blocking your blessings and your path moving forward. Get creative and make time to reconnect with your soul self. Meditate or journal to uncover what it is your heart wants you to do. Get back to the basics of what you want in love and money and create a vision in your head for you to hold tight as you follow the path that will lead you to manifesting just that. You’ll feel a huge release of energy by the end of the month where you’ve been conflicted and torn. Your heart space has carried too much hurt and pain since your birthday for you to continue to drag this baggage into your next chapter. The conflict between what your head thinks and what your heart wants will disappear as you shift your mental game onto what you can do for yourself, by yourself, instead of investing all of your energy into allowing others to lead the way.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
You’ve definitely be doing some deep thinking and rearranging your mental game. You’ll find a lot more clarity on what you’ve been confused about as we enter into this month. You’ll find yourself reconnecting with old parts of you that got pushed to the side as you pursued other things. Realizing the amount of talent and knowledge you have from days gone by will show you that you have more options and opportunities than you thought you did. You’ll be setting off onto a brand new path of adventure that sparks some excitement in you. It’s been while since you’ve been amped up and excited to take on a new challenge, but as you were forced to reconsider what you’ve been doing in life to make money, you’ll find you weren’t living in alignment with your soul’s desires. Get serious on what you want in life where love and money is concerned. You’ll feel a huge shift in energy mid month that will help you tackle new passions and experiences with a totally different mindset. Setting new goals for yourself will feel liberating instead of overwhelming. Planning a new adventure and means to create income and abundance doing what you love will be rewarded with blessings as you correct your path. You’ll see brand new opportunities open up in your career to take what you’ve already learned in days gone by and breathe new life into it to live a a life you love. It’s been a very difficult mental game for you this past year, and you are finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. You’ll feel more like yourself again by the end of the month as you level up your self confidence and get back to doing the things that bring you joy. You’ll feel a major release in energy as some of the weight of your home and the family dynamics in it find resolve. Where you’ve been conflicted and divided will find a happy and peaceful place in the middle where you can start fresh and take care of yourself and those you love.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts October 2020
October should be deemed the climax of 2020 as the wheels of fortune start moving ahead once again. We’ve had quite a year and most of it has been a deep destruction of the old paradigms we thought would last forever. The world around us and inside of us has seemingly changed as we embody our true essence as light beings here to shift the world into new earth. We start this month off with a bang with a full moon in Aries, Pluto joining Jupiter and Saturn moving direct, a mercury retrograde, another portal activation just in time to close out the month with another full rare blue moon on Halloween! This particular event hasn’t happened in close to 20 years and will definitely make for an interesting hollows eve!
*** Important energy shifts for October ***
October 1st - Full Moon in Aries
October 2nd - Venus enters Virgo
October 3rd - Mars conjuncts Eris
October 4th - Pluto Goes Direct in Capricorn
October 6th - Mars nears Earth
October 13th - Mercury Retrogrades in Scorpio
October 16th - New SUPER Moon in Libra
October 17th - Arcturus Portal Activation
October 22nd - Sun enters Scorpio
October 27th - Mercury Retrogrades in Libra
October 27th - Venus enters Libra
October 31st - Full Moon in Taurus
This month I’m using The Revelations Tarot deck. Click the image to check out my must haves.
Just when you were on a roll the Universe pumps the breaks on your progress. You are being slowed down for you to do a bit more thinking and planning before hitting the ground running. This likely is causing some anger and frustrations to arise, but lucky for you we are using that energy to remove emotional blocks and clear the way for a brand new strength and determination. Things aren’t going quite as you had planned back on your birthday, but you are being rerouted for your best interest. You have to learn to pace yourself and not burn through all of your energy so early on in your endeavours. Think about how you can restructure your day and routine to provide yourself with some time to rebalance the scales in your own health and wellness before showing up and being of service to everyone else. Some deep mental and emotional blocks are being activated within you to help purge and clear out some old baggage. This may effect who you are leaving behind as you recognize who is actually supporting you and who is encouraging your self -sabotaging behaviours. It’s time to do a clean sweep of those you hold shallow connections with. You have to create a space for new connections to move into your life, because believe it or not, letting others help you in your cause will get you to where you want to be a lot faster then running a solo act. It’s time to build a team of people who are like minded to support you in your vision moving forward. You may have some tough conversations with your loved ones as you try to reestablish balance in your relationships. Get back to the basics and recognize all of your skills and talents that you’ve yet to unleash onto the world. Seeing the value in what you have to offer others will increase your own self worth and your bank account.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You may be consumed with worries and fears as things feel like they are unravelling at the seams. It may feel like the rug has been pulled from under you but rapid changes to your reality is the only way you seem to learn how strong you really are. You have many soul contracts being honoured at this time as you step up to the plate and take the lead on nurturing those you love back to a place of health and stability. Over-extending yourself is highly likely as you get tunnel vision and forget to balance the scales. Learning to incorporate activities that bring you a sense of peace and joy into your routine will offer you a safe place to regain your footing. By doing things that make your heart happy, you can easily give more of yourself to those you are currently helping and assisting. This is a tough adjustment for you as your routine has shifted. The darker emotions surfacing are helping you to renew your trust and faith in yourself and in the Universe. Be cautious of your energy levels and recognize where you are operating from an empty cup. You are no good to others if you yourself are not fulfilled. Some huge perspective shifts are taking place as contemplate your connections to others in close relationships. Seeing people from a new set of eyes allows you to gain perspective on your role in their life. New foundations in your relationships are being tested and you must be practical in how you choose to respond. Taking care of yourself is not selfish and is greatly needed now more than ever.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’re being asked to step back from your social circles to gain clarity on who needs to stay and who needs to go. You’ve been holding onto some painful connections and because of that your progress has been stunted. You had such a clear vision of what you wanted back around your birthday, but somewheres along the way you forgot who you are and sidetracked back into old patterns and behaviours. You have to stop distracting yourself with other people and what may be best for them. You have to focus on yourself and get yourself more aligned with the vision you once had. Your boundaries have been tested and you have allowed some people to take away your power. It’s time to step up and take your power back! Get back to who and what is most important - starting with yourself and what you need to feel safe and secure. Revisit some activities that bring you joy and make your heart smile to raise your vibration back to a place of healing. Get more playful with your interactions and don’t allow things to get too serious. It’s time to switch up your mental game and recognize where you’ve been letting yourself down. Stop picking the scabs of your past wounds and get out of your own way to embrace your future.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
After a topsy-turving journey in your career path, you are finally seeing some solid routines and foundations take form. The structure and security you’ve been lacking finally shows you were you can relax and start building new. You are feeling more aligned with your vision and the Universe is trying to reward you for your patience and efforts. New relationships are entering into your realm just as a few of your old connections fade away. Managing your energy and how you share yourself with others will be a main focus as you settle into new routines and realities. Your finances are changing once again but this time offering you more abundance and stability. Take the time to revisit your goals and see how you can make huge strives in accomplishing them now that you feel a bit more stable in your environment. An upgrade in your own self value and worth will reverberate through the cosmos and will attract others of similar energy and intentions into your world. Your love life is getting an upgrade as you feel more comfortable in sharing yourself with people in ways that you were too guarded to up until now. You will be encouraged to revisit some topics and themes around what you’re truly passionate about, as the Universe is now conspiring in your favour to manifest your vision for the future. Reorganizing your space and environment will be just the change you need to feel like you can relax and encourage a peaceful state of mind. Some tough conversations with some close family members will need to be had in order for you to let your guard down around your heart space. This will be cleansing to your soul to find resolution, and to clear the air where tensions have resurfaced.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve recently had a change of heart when looking back on your past pains and traumas. Seeing things from a new set of eyes helps you to expand your heart space and prepare for new adventures. There’s a huge focus on your skills and talents as you create a stable foundation for your future. You may be growing your material or financial wealth to new levels while accumulating things of value representing your success. Your relationships and money matters gain more attention as you embark on new adventures of the heart. Letting go of old habits and behaviours and reorganizing your routine to better manage your energy, will help you stay balanced and connected to seeing projects through. Revisiting some painful memories connected to the home and family unit will provide a cleansing of your heart space to be better aligned with the love coming your way. It will create a shift in perspective as you remove some emotional and psychological blocks from your soul to help shift your focus back on what you need in relationships to feel valued, safe, and secure. There have been some extreme changes take place in your home life and the family dynamics in it. Now it’s time to talk the hard talks to help clear the air for new beginnings. You may find yourself thinking in extremes only to show you where balance needs to be restored. Your outlook on life dictates your health and wellness so it’s time you balance the scales between your heart and your head. Whatever obstacles and challenges you’ve been facing in your career path will suddenly shift, providing you with a chance to level up your roles and responsibilities and the pay raise that goes along with it.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Only a month into your new natal year and you’re already being tested. The transformation within yourself of wanting better and standing strong on your boundaries has created a bit of chaos in your relationships. You are being put in positions to reclaim your power, as you recognize where you haven’t been fighting for yourself. Putting the focus back on who and what is most important to you will help provide you with the clarity you’ve been needing to see who needs to step up in your life and who needs to step out. New passion and desires are igniting within you, and slowly but surely you are letting your guard down to new love and adventures that await you. You’ll see a huge shift in your mental plane as you revisit some old ideas and emotions. Doing a deep dive into your psyche may provide you with some huge insights of why you have such a hard time doing for yourself what you so easily do for others. Shifting the focus back on yourself to elevate your own self-worth and value, will help you to see where new foundations need to be implemented in how you are being of service to others, and how you manage your time, energy, and money. New information and details are resurfacing to help guide you away from your old patterns and to fully embrace the new you you’ve been manifesting and envisioning. It’s time to get back to basics and build yourself a world of safety and security in your relationships and how you share yourself with others. The new foundations you are testing will provide multiple opportunities to expand your horizons and step into new adventures the old you wouldn’t have dared to do.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
Happy birthday Libra! As you begin a brand new cycle you may have to do a fair bit of house cleaning within your mind, body, and soul. The relationships you have in life are very important for your own growth and progress. But when you keep sacrificing your own wants, needs, and desires, to make others happy you are denying your own power. It’s time to balance the scales between your heart and head, between your dreams and reality. There are many chapters ending for you right now to help give you a fresh start in living a life more in alignment with what makes your heart happy. Old realities no longer trigger excitement in you, because you are meant to be creating something new. Leaving old comfort zones and environments behind will create a new space for the stability you’ve been praying for to take form. This may mean you’ll have to reconsider what it is you are doing to create an income and what you value more, time or money. The scales won’t be balanced right away, but by focusing on what you’d like to see happen over the next year, you will create a beautiful stage for new opportunities to manifest. You are birthing a brand new you and with that a new set of dreams and goals for the future. Get back to the basics of what you truly desire and what you are passionate about, and make small moves each day to align with the new path you wish to travel. A change in your heart and your head will will empower you to take the lead and make things happen as you transform your current reality into something you’ve only ever dreamed of.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
As your birthday approaches, things get a bit dark and heavy in natural scorpio fashion. It’s time to get real with yourself and get out of your own way. The secret to your success is in your daily habits, but you just can’t seem to nail down a routine that will support you in making your dreams come true. You have some new connections coming your way that will bring you either love or money. It’s important that you don’t avoid what’s destined for you as your self-sabotaging ways rear their ugly head again. You feel the shift in energy encouraging you to leave the past behind and to step into your place of power in the limelight. But until you acknowledge where your control issues are keeping you in the dark, your voice and knowledge will never truly be heard. It’s time to give your head a shake and gain a new perspective on what it is you actually want for yourself. Your actions do not align with the prayers you’ve been asking for and it’s time to get aligned with your hustle. Spend some time creating a new vision for the next year and allow your creativity to lead the way. It’s time you balance the scales between your heart and your head and start matching your actions with your words. Let go of your connections to your past self and see where you’ve outgrown certain areas of your life. It’s time to start fresh but only if you can find a sense of peace and harmony between the old and the new. Step outside of your current reality and see the blessings you’ve been blocking. You have a new and exciting chapter opening up for you, but only if you learn to let people in and not go on every adventure alone.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You may find yourself in a place where you have no clue what direction to take next. There’s a huge release of anger and frustration from not being able to identify what it is you’re passionate about and what kind of adventure you want to go on You’re being asked to pause and take a good look around. Where have you come from? What do you enjoy doing? It’s time to get back to the basics and see where your current values are asking for your attention. What is most important for you right now? Strengthen all that you know to be true and create a new foundation for you to build off of as you reveal to yourself what it is you currently desire. There’s been a huge transformation taking place effecting all of your material possession, your roots, your stability. This may feel like it’s been taken away from you, but in fact, it’s helping you to get rid of the fluff and get serious about what you actually want in life. Take the time to move inward and ask yourself the tough questions. Recognize the parts of you that need to be left behind in order to truly embrace the new paths ahead. Make a plan for the future by thinking about what kind of friendships and relationships you need in order to feel supported. Consider your money matters and what you’re saving for. Pick out all of the things that no longer excite you and see what is left. There is great beauty in finding a sense of peace in every situation no matter how far off from your path you may feel. New connections are opening up for you, but you have to let go of the old way of life and fully embrace the future and unknown. This is a new horizon that will require you to reorganize your daily routine and make time to nurture yourself back to a place of health and wellness mind, body, and soul.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You may feel like you’ve taken a couple of steps back especially where your home environment and family dynamics are concerned. There’s a need for you to re-establish what makes you feel safe and secure. The connection to powerful female figures in the family will be highlighted as you step up to the plate and take new roles and responsibilities on to help nurture what is currently needed within the home. You’re daily routine might need a bit of tweaking as you start implementing some of the talents you’ve been hiding away from the world. The belief in yourself especially in your career is levelling up as you expand the opportunities to show the world what kind of talents you really have. You’ve been doing some major transformation within yourself and stepping up the responsibilities you take on in life. You’ll see a huge shift in the way you operate as you’ve been removing mental and emotional blocks from your path. You’ll be receiving some pretty profound ideas of insight that will help you make new connections in your career. This can help expose your ideas to a greater audience that will appreciate your method of communication. New opportunities to advance in your career and pay scale will be offered to you as you align with the right people in your field. You have an innate ability to bring beauty into some darker topics that people will appreciate you for at this time. You may have to push yourself out of your comfort zone to extend your creativity to a larger project. Step out of the old box you’ve created and let your passion lead the way.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
Things may feel a bit out of control as you finally realize where you’ve been working against yourself. You’ve given your power away within your relationships and it’s time to take it back! Shifting the mental plane out of the darkness and into the light will help you to see where you’ve been living in extremes and where balance needs to be re-established. You will be recognizing where your worth is and where it is appreciated. Get back to doing things you love and that make your heart happy with a sense of meaning and purpose. Money matters will shift your focus back onto all of the skills and talents you have and show you how to use them in ways that will create a more stable income for this period of transition. You cannot avoid healing your wounds for much longer. Chapters need to be closed in order for the healing to begin. By recognizing what parts of yourself you’ve now outgrown can help you cut the cord to all you attracted when you were your old self. Get your mind focused back on what’s important. Take the roles and responsibilities you have in life very seriously and get to work in building a career that you can build off of as you reclaim your power and rebuild your foundations. New paths and adventures are opening up for you. It’s up to you to elevate your beliefs in yourself and know and trust that you are moving in the right direction. Huge life lessons have been learned and now you can implement that knowledge as you move onto new chapters in life. It’s time to balance the scales and start putting yourself back at the top of the list. Get realistic with who needs to stay and who needs to go in order to protect your own heath and wellbeing. There is great peace and harmony found in the safety and security of your home environment among those who love and protect you. Let go of the old and prepare to embrace the new.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Negative Nancy has taken over your attitude as the shift and transition of your current circumstances has you more focused on what you’ve lost versus what you’ve gained. There’s been a huge ending to a relationship or career that you once embraced as your identity. This loss was actually a divine removal of circumstances that no longer serve you. Getting back to the basics including the people you love, will help you to regain focus on what is important and where you got distracted from those people due to your choices in life. You’ll be making some new connections to the like minded people you need to surround yourself with. New communities and new ideas will help you align to your soul’s purpose and new desires. Take a look back on your path and identify what you are truly passionate about. What makes your heart happy? Life lessons are now ending in order for new chapters to begin. Review all of your skills and talents and see where new opportunities can open up for you. There is a deep transformation taking place within and around you, but it all starts with your mental game and your perspective. Kick negative Nancy to the curb and move inward to reconnect with your inner voice. Your intuition is your greatest gift that always gets pushed to the side. Allow your excitement for life and your creativity to resurface. The playful energy will help guide you to the new paths that are unfolding before you. It is going to take some work to rebalance the scales between your heart and your head. But trust yourself and reach out to your loved ones to help you see what is important and where you need to stop living in extremes. Release your current mindset to the cosmos, and ask the Universe to bless you with a new light and vision. New horizons are unfolding but you have to wipe the dirt from your eyes in order to see them.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts September 2020
September is going to feel a bit chaotic. We are about to embark on our new path as we put our lightcode activations to work jumping into the new timelines we’ve been manifesting. There’s a lot of moving parts in September, and the energy will be very intense as we struggle to get this new adventure off to a good start. Many of the blocks we’ve been hitting will disappear clearing the way for a brand new energy to take form and manifest.
*** Important energy shifts for September ***
September 2nd - Full Moon in Pisces
September 5th - Mercury enters Libra
September 6th - Venus enters Leo
September 9th - Mars Retrogrades in Aries
September 12th - Jupiter Goes Direct in Capricorn
September 17th - New Moon in Virgo
September 22nd - Fall Equinox & Sun enters Libra
September 27th - Mercury enters Scorpio
September 29th - Saturn Goes Direct in Capricorn
This month I’m using The Light Seekers Tarot deck. Click the image to get this deck for yourself.
The more deep healing work you do - especially to remove the blocks you’ve created within yourself - the more space you make for the blessings to move in. You will feel a huge release of some of the heavier emotions you’ve been holding onto suddenly free you up to focus on creating the life you’ve been imagining. The relationships that have been testing you lately, will finally see resolve, as your own perspective has changed providing clarity on why you feel the way you do. A simple heart-to-heart will clear the air and find a place of peace and harmony restored with those you share yourself with. There is a huge encouraging energy backing you to take action and create new projects that will help see your grand vision come more into focus. You have the spark you need to bring things to life and help breathe new life into old projects or connections. You will need to be mindful of your energy mid-month as Mars (your ruler) goes retrograde. This may feel like you are being held back from making as much progress as you’d like, but tensions and frustrations can arise if you aren’t patient. There are huge opportunities to advance your career and increase your monetary abundance this month. You might not see the rewards until early October, but the stage is being set in a big way. Take the time to re-organize your day-to-day routine to provide enough time for your own health & wellness as you step up into a new role of being of service to others. Strive for balance in all you do, as the potential for burnout is high for you Aries if you’re not careful. You’re about to see a transformation in yourself - mind, body, and soul - that you’ve never experienced before. You are finally stepping into your true power to be the leader you’ve always been destined to be. Remember, only you have the power to step out of your own way and allow the Universe to show you your highest potential.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
You’ve definitely been shook to your core Taurus as you awaken to a life outside of your comfort zone. New roles and responsibilities have opened up for you as you take on the role of nurturer. Please make sure you make the time for your own health & wellness as your time is being consumed with taking care of others. Your basic values have come to light especially where your home and family relationships are concerned. You’re giving more of yourself now than you have in the past, and those receiving your love & care could not be more grateful. Some situations will arise this month that will have you questioning your own spiritual journey and life’s greatest mysteries. It’s important you explore your emotions and don’t allow them to manifest as anger & frustrations. The foundations of your life have been cracking under the pressure, but has also gifted you with a beautiful opportunity to discover your own personal strength and power. Adopt a new perspective on what it is you actually love and find enjoyment in, and make plans to incorporate more of that in your day-to-day life. Pay special attention to your heart space this month as there are new insights and situations emerging that will cause a great conflict - and then breakthrough - where your heart is concerned. You will have to re-arrange your normal daily activities to better align with the new goals and purpose you’ve set for yourself. It’s important that you try to achieve balance among what it is you need while still taking care of those you intend on nurturing through this transitional time. A brand new perspective is emerging for you as you contemplate who in your life is of value, and how you can deepen those relationships. This realization may lead you to creating more a of a space in your life for new friendships & relationships to grow. This transformation phase you are in will definitely help you to see a bigger picture unfold as your new system of beliefs change and encourage you to think about your future path a bit more in depth than usual.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
Things are looking up! Your finances are becoming more stable and you’re finding your way back to a place of comfort within your career. You may have to give yourself some time to sort out what you want to do next. There are so many ideas floating around in your head that you just need to pick one and run with it. You’ll have a beautiful energy backing you to make some new heart felt connections and even spice up the romance department. New or old hobbies will get a new spark of life as you make more of an effort to include more joy in all you do. You’ve taken enough time to sort through your thoughts and feelings and this month you’re being encouraged to actually speak up and share your ideas with others. You may feel a bit frustrated with your current circle of friends, but a new shift in perspective will have you awakening to new goals and desires that will help align you with people of like mind. Getting involved with a small group or community could be just what you need to feel connected once again. The opportunities for you to advance in your career or level up to the next phase of abundance will no longer be stalled out and blocked for you. As you rebuild some of the basic foundations of who you are and where you want to go, you’ll find things coming together at a very quick pace. It’s a good idea to restructure your day-to-day routine, making a bit more time for yourself. Your own health & wellness is of top priority before giving away all of your energy to others. Your mental space will gain lots of clarity and direction helping you to rebalance the scales of your life and distribute your energy equally among all of those you share yourself with. It’s important to take an inventory of your mental health as you tackle some darker emotions you’ve been purposefully been avoiding. Focus in on the parts of yourself that you’ve outgrown and willingly step out of your own darkness to lead your new path into the light.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session.
It’s been quite a path to get you to this point, but the learning curve was just what you needed in order to launch into this new path and adventure. Your home and family dynamic is much more stable and balanced for you to endure these huge changes in your life. It’s important that you’re able to voice your needs and concerns, and you just weren’t as strong in advocating for yourself even this time last year. It’s time you reflect back on the path that got you here for you to understand why things had to happen the way they did. You are on the path to doing what you love and finding real meaning and purpose in all you do. You might feel a bit frustrated with your career and the blocks you’ve encountered, but you’ll see a huge shift forward as you re-arrange some things and begin fresh in an old role. You’ve done a great amount of healing and confidence building to prepare for the kind of connections you’ll be making this month that will only add to the love and abundance you’ll share with others. A brand new perspective is unfolding, and with new insights and information, you’ll be able to see the path forward with a lot more clarity than ever before. Make a point of balancing your work and home life to ensure all areas are taken care of as you make strides forward in your new reality, it will save you a lot of headaches later on. A huge transformation in your heart space will open you up to a new spark in romance which will make your latest transformation and “level up” complete. With great love comes great responsibility, and karma is now acting in your favour.
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Now that the celebrations from your birthday have ended, it feels like it’s time to get organized. You’ve been noticing how different you are lately in comparison to your old sense of self. You’ve been doing a lot of healing and reflecting which has lifted a heavy weight off of your heart. You’re transformation is almost complete as you finally put an ending to some negative ways of thinking. You’ll have a more balanced perspective in areas that once use to consume you. You have a lot of love to give and talents to share with the world. It’s time you start building a life based on your values and what you love to do. You’ll likely feel some frustrations with the challenges you face in bringing some projects to life, but there is another layer of self-discovery to learn as you start this new adventure. It’s time to take care of business and get organized. You could benefit greatly by getting into a routine and build yourself a nice little foundation to grow off of. Think of all the things you want to accomplish, and all the possessions you’d like to own. It’s time to get strategic with your money in how you spend and save for the future goals of your new self. You may need to dive into some new topics and research and learn all you can about how to put all of the pieces together as soon as possible in the most organized fashion. Flying by the seat of your pants can only set you up for a certain level of success. It’s better to build something from the ground up creating a stable foundation to build upon one step at a time. You do need to schedule a bit more time for yourself, as your mind, body, and soul could use a bit more attention.
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Happy birthday Virgo! With your new natal year ahead of you, it’s time to get the party started in a very organized and strategic fashion. First, your energy needs to be evenly distributed among those you share yourself with. Being at everyone’s beck and call all the time distracts you from taking care of yourself. You’ll be making some huge transformations this month all starting with your mindset. Focus in on the details of your great vision for the year ahead and get to work taking it one step at a time. Take a look at your finances and see where things got out of hand. Having a plan for your next goal is the quickest way to have the money to go after what it is you want. Your spiritual side is asking for a bit more routine. You have gotten a way from diving into the depths of your soul, but you know you’re being called back for more healing and learning. Try to keep your cool as huge frustrations arise. Pushing so strongly to get ahead may cause more upset then if you were to take your time. Your heart has done a lot of healing, and you’ve been called to introduce more joy in all you do. Opening yourself to a new level love and romance might be exactly what the doctor ordered. Make sure you hold your vision for the future strong in your mind, and make a plan to reorganize your schedule and daily routine. You have to spice things up and adopt new ways of doing things to allow enough room in your life for spontaneity to happen. Don’t be too quick to avoid the darker parts of self that emerge as you bust out of your comfort zone in this time of transition. There’s a lot of power in turning the darker emotions into a source of light. When you’re done integrating those darker parts, you will be able to pour your whole heart into making the big moves that will reward you throughout the next year.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
You’re deep in your dark season Libra as your birthday is just around the corner. Focus on letting go “what was” and embrace “what is”. You’ll have a huge shift in your daily routine causing a lot of emotional drama inside. It’s okay to be sad about moving forward in life leaving certain elements behind. Give yourself the time you need to detach from the old life and self you’ve grown out of. Because this month you receive such clarity of the future version of your life, it will make the sadness that less of a weight on your heart. Things are changing within you and around you. You may have realized you’ve outgrown some friends and need to make new connections. This will act as the push you need to open yourself up to new love in all ways. Friendships and romantic connections can emerge for you stirring up new excitement and desires. Finding yourself in a stable place within your home and family dynamics will help keep you grounded as you expand your social circle and heart out to the world once again. Take a time out before your birthday, to reflect on all you have accomplished and endured. Giving the attitude of gratitude even to the dark parts will help heal your soul. It’s time for you to shine again Libra, it’s been too long you’ve been playing small. Give yourself the same kind of encouragement and support as you so easily do for others. You have a beautiful mind, and you need to share your ideas with others. You’ll see a huge shift forward once you are in your fullest power, to break free from the holds and restrictions you’ve felt suffocated under.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You’ll be feeling a huge release of emotions related to some of the insecurities and doubts you’ve been feeling around your heart space. New projects and ideas you’ve been creating will finally be able to come to life, as you’ve removed some of the blocks within yourself that has been preventing you from stepping into your power. The walls you’ve built around your heart space were built to protect you from being hurt, but now you’ve realized that it’s been blocking out a lot of joy and happiness too. You’ll feel a huge shift in your mental plane especially where relationships are concerned. You may have gotten a bit off track trying to avoid some spiritual connections and now your soul is asking for you to get back on track. You’ll see a huge leap forward in your career sector as you bring new ideas and projects to life. The blocks that have been preventing you from taking center stage are being removed from your mental and heart space. Get serious about implementing new routines and systems with your day to day life. Make the time you need to take care of your health and wellness while being of service to others. Your mental game will be on point as you start using your voice and sharing your ideas with more people. You have worked too hard perfecting your craft to stay silent about all the knowledge you’ve absorbed. Take a minute to consider the new goals you have for yourself, and realize it may require you to step out of your comfort zone and make new connections with a new group of people. Finding like minded people to share your experiences with will help you to build relationships of value and safety. Be sure to balance your mental scales with your spiritual self as you approach your birthday. Get reflective enough on your past to see where you’ve grown but stay present enough to realize where you need to grow from here.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
A pretty huge closure is taking place within your home and the family dynamics in it. It’s exciting to be on a new adventure but chaotic when the path hasn’t quite taken shape yet. You’ll be finding yourself needing to make new friendships and connections with like minded groups and communities. Sharing your ideas and hobbies with others will help give you more of a foundation to build off of as you shift into your new reality. You’re on a new path that will reveal a new level of self discovery. It’s time to use the big picture vision you have for the future to motivate you to get things in order. Get serious about what you want to bring to life and see manifest in your world. It’s important to make time to do the things that bring you joy, but not at the cost of your roles and responsibilities. You’ll see a lot of rearranging and reorganizing of your material possessions and your own self worth. This transitional phase might feel a bit overwhelming but this new adventure is what you’ve being called to experience. You’ll see some opportunities arise to help your career along. This may mean you’ll have to restructure your day-to-day routine in order to keep up with the new roles being offered to you. You’ll have plenty of time to balance the scales in your world once all the moving parts stop moving. For now, concentrate on making sure you’ve done the kind of healing you need to support your new self in your new endeavours. Having a brand new mind set will help you push past the blocks and obstacles to find new worth in building new foundations in your world to grow off of in the future.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You have had a huge awakening that has had big implications on how comfortable you are with your current reality. A shift in your mental plane might have revealed where you are playing it safe and where you need to push yourself to grow. The conflict you may be feeling is a result of no longer feeling in alignment with your career and the goals you’ve set for yourself. What once was an ideal situation now feels like a prison as you recognize where you’re not feeling as free and independent to create and express yourself as you’d like. Get serious about what it is you actually want for yourself and say no to everything that isn’t it. It’s okay to change your mind and recognize that you’ve outgrown your current reality. There is a lot of anger and frustration creeping in, in relation to your home and some family dynamics. There will be some troubling emotions to deal with as we watch what we once wanted now turn into something we no longer desire. You’ll be shifting your attention on the growth that you’ve made and finally make the decision to bust out of your comfort zone and set the bar even higher. Things will be moving very quickly and you can expect to be living a brand new scenario in your home and career sector as you get closer to your birthday. You are about to set off in a brand new direction where you can utilize all you’ve learned in a different capacity. You may find yourself in an environment where collaborating with others sparks more creativity inside you than doing things on your own. Branch out and connect with new groups of people and trust that they are more like minded than the people of your past. You have too many great ideas to keep them to yourself.
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You might be feeling a heaviness when you think about all that you’ve lost. Especially if you’ve been struggling with your own self confidence and self worth. You have been given all the tools and resources you need to create a new life for yourself, but yet you seem like you’re not ready to implement what you’ve already learned. You are in a period of self discovery as you focus on the kind of future you want to manifest. But your actions are not aligning with what you dream of and that is blocking your path from moving forward. You will see a huge spotlight focus in on your relationships and maybe an inner conflict over what your heart feels versus what your head thinks. It’s time to get real with what it is you want in your life and stop playing small because of how much energy and effort it will take you to make those dreams become reality. You’ve been biting your tongue for too long, thinking you are doing others a favour by not hurting their feelings with your truth. But the true disservice here is that you’re not advocating for yourself and letting people know how you think and feel. Get back to trusting yourself. Your spiritual self is asking for attention as you’ve veered a bit far off of the path you’ve been praying for. You’ll see a huge shift forward in your day-to-day life and routine once you decide you deserve to go after your dreams and not stay in places that require you to play it small. You may find new career opportunities be presented to you that will spark new life and abundance. Once you get your mental space balanced and focused on moving forward, nothing will stop you for getting what you want. It’s time to recognize where karmic connections need to end, in order for you to begin again. You can’t start a new life until you’ve let go of the old one.
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You’ll be feeling a lot lighter after purging the last few bits of your old self. You’ve been going through quite an identify transformation since your birthday, and you are finally starting to feel more like yourself again, creating big dreams and goals for the future. You’ve seen your relationships from a new perspective which should help you understand why some of the conflicts unfolded the way they did. By speaking your truth and initiating a few heart-to-heart conversations, you will see the balance be restored in relationships that have seen some conflict over the past few months. It’s time to get excited about life again, especially diving into projects and hobbies that spark a lot of joy. Recognizing what makes your heart happy is the first indicator on what you need to be spending more time doing. Restructure your day-to-day routine to allow enough time to take care of yourself. Your mind, body, and soul equation has been out of balance and is asking you for more attention. You’re in a period of building new foundations, and they have to start with the routine you create for yourself. There may be a huge increase in your self confidence as you recognize where you’ve gotten off the path and where you need to jump back on. Making new connections through your workplace will help you to expand your mind into the future and set new goals for yourself to reach. Don’t get lost in feeling torn between two paths as a huge amount of clarity will help you see your path very clearly by the end of the month. Set some intentions on how you want to strengthen your existing relationships and build a stronger connection with those you love and find to be of value. A lot of chapters are ending which can cause some sadness but try to focus on all the chapters that are waiting to begin. It’s time for you to get focused on what you want to learn and what direction you want to take from here. The big picture vision you have for your future needs a bit of leg work done before it can actually manifest. Where are you feeling held back from embracing your true self? Those blocks and restrictions will be removed for you to advance on you path very quickly.
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Astro & Tarot Forecasts August 2020
August is going to a pretty intense month as we enter the month already in the Lion’s Gate portal window of opportunity. We start with a liberating full moon in Aquarius while Uranus - Aquarius’ ruler - squares off with the fiery energy of the Sun. The biggest event we have this month is the Lion’s Gate portal on 8/8 where we are at the Sun’s peak in Leo season, aligning with the star Sirius to receive some pretty intense downloads as we lock in and anchor in our new timelines that we’ve been working on since the Spring.
*** Important energy shifts for August ***
August 3rd - Full Moon in Aquarius
August 4th - Mercury enters Leo
August 7th - Venus enters Cancer
August 8th - Lion’s Gate Portal
August 15th - Uranus Retrogrades in Taurus
August 18th - New Moon in Leo
August 19th - Mercury enters Virgo
August 22nd - Sun enters Virgo
With both your ruler (Mars) and Chiron (wounded/healer) in your sign, you can bet you are peeling back the layers you’ve built around your heart. There are some profound wounds being revealed for you to heal as you watch many of your closes connections fall away from you. Friendships are dissolving if they aren’t on the same wave length as you. Your mental game will be on point as you dive into projects and hobbies that reignite your inner child. It’s important to take a step back and focus on your home and those relationships in it. Getting in touch with your own vulnerability will open up a new level of connection with your relationships as a few heart to heart conversations need to be had. The walls you’ve built around yourself may have been for protection, but if you’re heartspace isn’t open to everything, then you are blocking both pain and joy. You’ll be feeling the push and pull of your emotions as the month progresses asking you to slow down and stop trying to force things and make things happen. You may need a time out to reconsider a few of your foundations, whether it be your relationship, the way you make money, the possessions you wish to acquire, or simply recognizing where some things (and even people) may no longer be needed in your world. Get serious with what it is that brings you the most love and joy. Dig deep and ask your inner child what it wants to do to create more fun. Examine the creativity within you and ask yourself how you want to unleash your talents to the world. Then make it a point to restructure your day and routine to include the activities that help to enrich your vibration and bring a spark back to your life. It’s time to get organized and make time for both work and play.
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You’ve likely been feeling some discomfort with the roles and responsibilities you have within your career. Whatever has been holding you back and making your feel frustrated will finally shift into a new energy. Start thinking outside of the box on how to create a more comfortable environment for you to work in. Free yourself from some tasks that weigh you down and approach your position with a new set of eyes. With the drama taking place in your home life, emotions have been all over the place. It’s time to stop avoiding your feelings and get super real with how it is you’ve been feeling about certain people. You may have to take center stage and speak up loud enough for everyone to hear your concerns. Expressing your true feelings and intentions will help lift the weight of emotion off of your heartspace as it grows to heavy to carry. Trying to understand other people’s perspective may help to organize your own thoughts and feelings. The connection you have to the mother role and the feminine divine energy in your family will be shifting as you get back to the basics of what’s important. You may need to reorganize your environment to help you feel safe and secure in your own little world. There will be much to reflect upon as you realize you aren’t the same version of yourself as you were last year, or even since your birthday. Take a time out to get in touch with what actually brings you a sense of happiness, peace and joy. Revisit old hobbies that you can lose yourself in. And make a space in your day to do the things that you actually enjoy doing.
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You’ve definitely graduated through the last tough life lesson you’ve been faced with. You should be feeling much more optimistic about the future and the excitement of the unknown is calling your name. A huge release of energy will free you from the heaviness you’ve been experiencing. And with this freedom you are able to now have more space for new people and new connections to enter your world. Your mind will be spinning with new ideas. Throw yourself into creative projects and hobbies that you’ve gotten away from. It’s time to have fun and create a more playful atmosphere for your living situation. You may be taking stock of your current life and making new goals for yourself. Take the time to think about what it is you truly value within yourself before you go looking for someone to share yourself with. Restructure the way you think about yourself, how you value yourself, and how you share yourself with others. It’s time to level up in the self-love department and shift your perspective on all you are instead of focusing on all that you are not. You’ll be encouraged to slow down and reflect upon all you’ve been through. Take this opportunity to turn the pain and struggle you’ve endured into power and strength. Don’t look at how many times you’ve fallen, instead focus on all the times you’ve gotten back up. It’s time to adopt a new outlook for the future. Visualize all the happiness and love you want in your world and take small steps by making space for inviting joy into your day.
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Your transformation from your solar return energy is finally complete. There has been a lot of purging the parts of yourself that have still been too attached to certain people or outcomes. Learning how to surrender to the Universe’s way of directing you to what’s yours has always been a tough lesson. But this month you’ll feel lighter as you are freed from some connections and friendships that are no longer supporting who you are. It’s a great time to sit down and look at the relationships you’ve been cultivating and consider whether or not they are holding you back from levelling up. We get too attached to our roles in other people’s lives and can block the new connections looking to empower us. It’s time to level up your value and worth. It’s time to start putting yourself back on the top of the list and start taking care of yourself as if you were a friend. Ask your inner child what it needs to feel safe and secure and rearrange your home environment accordingly. You may see a huge purge of your old possessions to create a new energetic environment for new material items to fill your home. You’ll be encouraged to take a serious look at what you’ve grown too attached too, before realizing that you need to restructure how you are sharing yourself with others. When you start valuing yourself you will need to create new friendships that mirror that value. Visualize the kind of supportive relationships you’d like to invite into your world and get excited about your life again. You may need to have a serious chat with those you decide to keep in your life and let them know where you stand.
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With a new natal year at your feet, this is a great time to look at the year ahead from a new fresh set of eyes. We often reflect on the year that has just passed to see how far we’ve actually come. This is a great time for you to recognize the healing journey you’ve been on and how much you’ve actually accomplished. The last little bit of weight you carry from past hurt in relationships will be lifted off of you as you no longer need to be reminded of all you’ve endured. You are being empowered to shift your focus on all that you want to gain instead of all you think you’ve lost. It’s a time to get very real with yourself and be vulnerable enough to admit where you’ve been blocking yourself from moving forward. Things will get sentimental for you as you dig deep in the past for the strength you need to rebuild your future. There’s a brand new you coming out to play and nothing can get in your way once you’ve made up your mind. You’ll be encouraged to step back from trying to make things happen to review what it is you actually want to bring to life. The roles and responsibilities you have are creating a beautiful and strong routine for you to build upon and reap the rewards of in the future. Get creative in visualizing the life you want to be living and make sure you create enough time and space to be silly and do the things you love. Tweak your routine to make sure it’s balanced with both work and play, but also focus on your own health and wellness as you take more responsibility on.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
It’s always the darkest just before dawn. As you are deep in your dark season just before your birthday, things may feel tense and conflicting. You need to take a good look at your daily routine and see where you’ve gotten stuck in a rut. There is a new energy sweeping through that will free you from the mundane tasks that weigh you down, freeing you to create a schedule that is more reflective of the balance you need to accomplish. Think outside the box of how you’ve been running through your days, and create a routine that allows you to do more than just be of service to other people. Your health and wellness routine should be tweaked so that you feel like you are pampering yourself instead of punishing yourself. You’ll be super reflective this month reviewing all your past pains and traumas only to realize that you are stronger than you’ve given yourself credit for. There is no shame or guilt in recognizing where you’ve been playing small as long as you do your best to stand center stage and shine brighter than you’ve been shining. Get real about the company you keep. You’ve grown too attached to low vibrational people preventing you from levelling up. It’s time you take your power back and start acting empowered instead of dimmed. You’ll be encouraged to take a step back and dive back into your spiritual practice. It’s time for you to jump into new adventures and open yourself up to new people. Before you enter into your new natal year, carefully consider what kind of life you want to be living. Purge all the heaviness you carry inside of you and create a clean slate for your future vision to manifest. Stop hiding in the dark, it’s time for you to shine!
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You may feel a sudden shock to your heartspace as you are being asked to let your guard down. You think you’ve healed but you’ve actually stalled the full purge from taking place by numbing and blocking certain feelings and memories. You will be feeling much freer after you open the flood gates of emotions and give yourself permission to have a good cry. You are in your dark season as you approach your birthday which means there is a huge purge of emotions about to take place. Stop fighting the lump in your throat and let the tears flow. Allow the energy to move within you and to find its way out. You have so much love to give but it’s being blocked by the weight on your heart you’ve been carrying. It’s okay to grieve the friendships you’ve lost and the people you no longer feel connected to. It’s okay to feel the weight of the roles and responsibilities you have within your job or career. It’s okay to feel overwhelmed with your life and the changes that have been forced upon you, but you have to actually allow yourself to feel it before you can move forward. You will be encouraged to slow down and take a good look at yourself. See where you refuse to let go, where you refuse to surrender to the process of transformation. Look at the foundations in your life and see if they are stable enough to support you in the future. It’s time to level up your worth and value but first you need to drop the bags of pain you’ve been refusing to put down. Visualize the kind of people you want to spend your time with and reflect back on the people you’ve allowed access to you knowing full well they weren’t the kind of people you needed. It’s time to be accountable for blocking your own growth, and to purge the part of you that doesn’t think you deserve the kind of life you long for.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
It’s time to shake things up and see where new cards fall. Your home has been both a source of comfort and a source of chaos. It’s important you take the time to create a space that supports your safety and security. You are purging many of your attachments as you restructure how you’ve been living. Your personal relationships are evolving to the point where you are either all in, or you are all the way out. Creating space and distance in relationships that don’t feel safe is necessary. You may feel hesitant to let new people into your world, but yet long for deeper more meaningful connections with the people you surround yourself with. You’ll be having some pretty grand ideas where your career is concerned. We are tired of living in the shadows of other people’s success. Now you are ready to take the center stage to have your voice heard. It’s time to get real with yourself and where you’ve been limiting the happiness and excitement in your life. You long for new adventures but yet refuse to step outside of your comfort zone to allow them to happen. You’ll be encouraged to take a good look at where you’ve been blocking the right kind of people from entering your world, all under the guise of protecting yourself. You may want to rethink the relationship you desire and see if your actions are aligning with allowing those connections to actually find you. There’s a huge focus on growing and expanding your roles and responsibilities where work is concerned, but with great growth comes growing pains. Don’t get so caught up on your quest for success that you prevent yourself from making new connections with like minded people. You cannot truly experience success if you have no one to share it with.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You’ve completed the latest chapter of life lessons and experiences as you open your mind to a brand new world. Old friendships are being purged as you enter into new territory where new people of like mind can find you. You are essentially releasing yourself from an outdated way of life as you amp up for a brand new adventure. You’ll feel the excitement rise within you as you free yourself from restrictions that had you stuck in one place. A huge transformation is taking place in your life that will see you in a better situation than the one you’ve been living in. Your home environment is being restructured and redesigned to help give you a safe and secure place to rest and feel at home in. Rebuilding your world can be exciting because it gives you another opportunity to be a new version of yourself. You’ll be encouraged to slow down and reorganize your daily routine. It’s important you take stock of your value and worth and make plans to create routines that allow you to focus on building strong foundations. Make sure you are creating enough space and time to take care of your own health and wellness while you work and play as hard as you do. Finding the spark in creative projects or hobbies will help create a lighter energy within you as you dream a new dream for your future. There are many career opportunities available to you, but it’s up to you to define what actually brings you a sense of meaning and joy.
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You may be feeling like you’re ready to switch things up and let go of some of your attachments. The weight of all you have has had you feeling stuck when now you are starting to feel like a change may be in order. Focus on what feels stable in your life and recognize where things have been feeling uncertain. It’s okay to scrap old goals and plans in order to start fresh. You’re having some pretty big ideas that can be pretty exciting. You feel the stagnancy of your world get heavy and force you into making some changes. Having a different perspective on your life will reveal where you feel you are lacking the spark of excitement. Your creativity will be through the roof so make sure you throw yourself into creative projects and revisit old hobbies that you use to really enjoy. Whether you want to admit it or not, your wants, needs, and desires for personal connections is encouraging you to let your guard down and put yourself out there in new ways. It’s okay to want deep connections in your life, but you also have to put the work in to putting yourself out into the world and be open to accepting the people the Universe throws your way. What makes you happy? What brings you a sense of joy? It’s time to slow down and really examine the kinds of things you need to make more time for. Your inner child wants to play and be silly, so make the time in your day to unleash a bit of playful energy to keep the mood light. What do you want to be doing this time next year? Visualize the life you want to be living and purge and part of yourself that stands in the way of you manifesting your vision. It’s time to go on new adventures. It’s time to expand your mind and see the bigger picture. Hold a vision for the future and then make small steps to align your daily activities to make the big picture manifest.
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It’s time to stop messing around. You’ve been struggling to level up since your birthday and now it’s time to make the jump. You will have a great window of opportunity to let go of the parts of yourself still holding onto the past. You are free. It’s time you start acting like it. You are no longer being held back and restricted in embracing your full power, so it’s time you step up to the plate and take your power back. It’s time to do what is right… FOR YOU! It’s time to balance the scales… IN YOUR FAVOUR! It’s time you wrap your head around seeing the truth for what it is and release yourself from any relationship that has you feeling less than your best self. Stop looking at your past hurts as open wounds you will always bear, and instead see them as war scars you have to prove your strength. Get serious about restructuring your routine to allow you enough time to take care of yourself. Be your biggest fan and befriend yourself. Visualize the kind of people you want to share your life with and say no to anyone that doesn’t measure up. Slow down to reconsider your home environment. What do you need to feel safe and secure? Re-examine your finances to see where you can make some changes in creating a world you actually want to live in. Are you too busy trying to take care of others to focus on yourself? Set some new boundaries for how you share yourself with other people. Don’t let everyone have access to you and instead recognize where you’ve allowed the wrong people into your world to take advantage of all you have to offer. Focus in on the parts on yourself that you need to change to prevent making the same mistakes in the future.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
You’ve definitely had some shock and awe to awaken you to the way you’ve been living. Suddenly you’ve recognized that the world you’ve created for yourself no longer feels in alignment with your soul. You will feel a bit freer to see where new connections must be made and new goals must be worked upon. The bigger picture of the future you’ve been envisioning will start pushing you to make small changes to prepare your life for another transformation. You will be feeling much lighter in your energy as you recognize things you are no longer attached to. It’s liberating to see where you got too weighed down and to recognize how much you’ve let go of in order to heal. It’s time to restructure your routine to make more time for your own health and wellness. There’s more to life than work but you have to be healthy enough to enjoy it. It’s time for you to take a time out and rediscover what it is you love and what brings you joy. You’ve stepped away from so many creative projects and hobbies that you use to love, that it’s time to make time to get back to that part of yourself. You’ll be shifting your perspective this month on how little time you spend doing things you love. This realization will help you rebalance the scales to provide enough time and space to create joy in your world. Your mind is changing. It’s okay to not feel satisfied with your current life. Whether you need to have a heart to heart to truly express what it is you feel you’re missing, or whether you’ve been biting your tongue for too long, you have to speak up and out. Get some things off of your chest especially where love and money is concerned. Get real about what you want to see happen in your life and set some new goals for the future. Take the time to organize your mind and then organize the space around you. It’s hard to think clearly when the clutter of the world is in your face all the time. Your personal relationships need attention. How you share yourself with others and how your exert your energy needs to be rebalanced. You know who is important enough to make the effort, so get back to the basics and create peace and harmony with who you love.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts July 2020
We enter into July still in the middle of eclipse season and retrograde season. Although July “looks quiet” compared to past months, the quiet and subtle undertones of all the major heavy hitting planets being in a retrograde will still create a ripple effect in our attempts to heal old wounds and prepare for new paths ahead.
*** Important energy shifts for July ***
July 1st - Saturn Retrogrades in Capricorn
July 4th/5th - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn
July 11th - Chiron Retrogrades in Aries
July 12th - Mercury Goes Direct in Cancer
July 20th - New Moon in Cancer
July 22nd - Sun Enters Leo
With Mars (your ruler) now in your sign, this is your time to take action and make things happen Aries! You will feel a huge surge of energy pushing you forward to go after what it is you want and to take the lead on making some changes to your life. Your career has been in a cycle of taking one step forward and two steps back, but this month you will have a small window of time to break that cycle and close the door on the struggle you’ve been having to get things off of the ground since 2018. The energy will be much lighter as you take control and put your energy and passion behind taking a new direction where your career is concerned. The energy moves in your favour and you can see that excitement trickle over into your home and the relationships in it. Now that there’s a new kind of stability taking hold, you may have to create some new routines and boundaries in your home to make sure you are evenly distributing your energy to those you love and what it is you love to do. There’s a new level of self care needed for you to stay slow and steady instead of falling victim to your normal pattern of burning yourself out. Make sure you are managing your time and energy correctly to make time for fun and playful activities that will help fuel your serious endeavours in making new career goals successful.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
You may find yourself retracing some steps you’ve made since the year began Taurus. A lot has changed and you’ve been feeling some anxiety in your mental plane. You have new ideas and beliefs emerging within you as you try to integrate some of the life lessons you’ve overcome, but your beliefs are challenged by people outside of you. The steps you’ve taken to get outside of your comfort zone will leave you questioning what is next for you. What do you want to learn? What do you want to explore? Where do you want to travel? Don’t let the questioning create instability in your mind. Recognize you have the freedom to do everything or do nothing. There are new conversations emerging connected to your home and family dynamic that will trigger you to express yourself in ways you’ve been purposefully trying to avoid. You will find that speaking your truth - as uncomfortable as it may be - will free you in a way you couldn’t have imagined. Recognizing where you need to start nurturing yourself instead of trying to make others happy will be a huge jump in you self-worth that will have you feeling amazing. It’s time to close the door on some family issues in order for you to rediscover what makes you happy and where you find your joy.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
Now with your birthday behind you Gemini, you are starting to feel the new sense of self and the power you hold come to life. It’s been hard for you to realize that some people needed to be let go of and that you needed to do a clean sweep of what is most important to you as far as your basic wants, needs, and desires go, but you are finally ready to stop resisting the changes forced upon you and start making things happen. You may have to revisit certain conversations that will provide a good, solid ending to a long drawn out chapter of your life. Don’t be afraid to let your voice be heard. You are finally letting go of parts of yourself that you’ve been desperately holding onto all in the name of familiarity. You of all people shouldn’t fear change, and now that you’ve accepted the fact that anything is better than the hell you’ve been going through, you are ready to leap into a brand new chapter. You’ve created the clean slate needed in order to align with people who will support and encourage your growth while still seeing your value and worth even on the bad days. Don’t be afraid to change up how you are making money. Whether you take on a side hustle or change careers entirely, the way you make money and plan for your future is opening up new opportunities to invite abundance into your life.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
Happy birthday Cancer! With your solar infusion from the sun energizing you for your next natal year, you will definitely be feeling the push to leave your past self behind. There’s a huge emphasis on your relationships and what you need in a partner to feel safe and secure within yourself, but much of the limitations and disappointments you’ve endured from your friendships and romantic partners has been your lack of boundaries. You are very sacrificial when it comes to giving up what it is you want, need, and desire. Much of the resentment you feel in relationships comes from you giving too much of yourself and expecting others to reciprocate on that same level. You will see a shift in your mental frame on how you share yourself with others and what you need to do to start nurturing yourself the way you so easily do for others. Set the tone for this brand new year and the kind of energy exchanges you are willing to engage with. You will find a brand new surge of energy push you towards rediscovering what makes you happy and brings you joy, opening yourself up to a brand new chapter of love as you infuse it into your day-to-day routine.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
The closer you get to your birthday Leo, the more purging and cleansing needs to take place. Being in your dark season may make you feel a bit sad and sentimental as you reflect on the past, but you’ve made such huge strides over the last year its hard to get caught up in the dark for too long. Your day-to-day life and routine has definitely shifted and you are beginning to see the rewards for all your hard work. Try to make a bit more time for yourself though to balance out your mind, body, and soul. Staying busy and distracting yourself from yourself will only haunt you in the months to come. Be sure to contemplate what it is you have control over and what it is you don’t. You try so hard to make things happen that sometimes if you surrendered to the Universe you’d see them fall together in ways that are better than you could have imagined. As you prepare for a brand new year, be sure to recognize the parts of you that have been holding you back from truly aligning with what your heart and soul desires. You have a huge strength inside of you that can help you overcome even the largest hurdles as long as you get out of your own damn way.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your birthday!
It’s time to retrace some of your past pains Virgo as you redefine what it is you love and what brings you joy. Much of your joy comes from being successful and helping others along the way. But getting caught up in being of services to others all the time can take you away from being of service to yourself first and foremost. You will be reviewing some hard truths about your past hurts where love is concerned as you enter into your dark season ready to purge old memories and trauma. Keeping busy with tasks, chores, and work can only last for so long until your heart demands some attention. You are in the process of reorganizing your goals and future dreams and much of that has to do with being aware of what it is you no longer feel aligned with. You will see old friendships and connections fall apart to make space for new people to enter your realm and help you open that heart space up again through genuine connection and a sense of community. Get back in touch with your spirit and soul and surrender to what the Universe wants to show you about your growth and the path you are about to take. Abandoning your routine and creating a space for unpredictability could land you in the right places at the right time to meet the right people for your future.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
You will be redirecting your attention back on your home life and the family dynamics within it Libra. There have been a few changes that have had a huge impact on your home and comfort zone, but now it’s time to get a bit more serious with your plans for the future. Your career has been up in the air not really knowing what to do about the changes that have been forced upon you. You may even feel pulled into a new career avenue all together. This energy is asking you to see a finality point in the ups and downs you’ve been experiencing in your home and career zone since 2018. It will feel a bit heavier of a responsibility until all of a sudden the tide shifts and the light airiness you’ve been desiring around these topics finally takes hold. Giving yourself a time out to seriously contemplate your new goals and aspirations might help you make some lingering decisions where your home life and career life cross paths. A new passion and desire for excitement will take hold and lead you on a brand new path of rediscovering what brings you the greatest amount of happiness and joy.
Book a Solar Return Reading for your upcoming birthday!
As much as you’d like to stay in the shadows Scorpio, it is time to step up to the roles and responsibilities you have to share your knowledge and experience with others. Whether you are using your voice, words, or creative expression to reach the masses, you will find some great opportunities to speak your peace and share your wisdom. You are like a sponge when it comes to learning and absorbing new information and now you must figure out what you want to dive into next. There is a huge opportunity for you to grow and expand your career by stepping into the spotlight and being more of a presence in your role of authority. You’ve been struggling with the concept of how to be the center of attention without being seen for many years now, but this month this cycle ends. There’s a brand new chapter of life lessons opening up for you to explore new emotions through allowing people to get closer to you and allowing them into your comfort zone. Your ideas around the home and family dynamic are changing to prepare you for a brand new period of discovery around love, happiness, and joy. It’s time to be a bit more vulnerable and let love (in all of its forms) in when it comes knocking on your door.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
It’s not really business as usual this month Sag as a chapter related to the career is finally coming to a close. Whatever commitments you’ve been honouring since 2018 have now been fulfilled releasing you from old obligations and freeing you up to start a brand new chapter. You’ll likely be making some serious changes to your home and comfort zone as a fresh start to create a new environment is now opening up for you. You may see huge changes take place in your relationship and in the way you are making your money. Your material possessions will be rearranged and setting new goals for the future will be on the top of the list. The great transformation that has been going on within you - releasing the old parts of yourself that keep getting in the way of you moving forward - are finally falling into place while your exterior reality is now being rearranged to match your new vision for the future. You are ready for a brand new adventure and to explore the world outside of the one you’ve been creating for the past 2 years. Open your mind to what you want to learn next, because there’s many opportunities coming your way.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
You may feel like you are having to reinvent yourself once again Capricorn as you put the pieces of your life back together in a more organized way. You fell off your routine and things got a bit messy in your mental and emotional health, but now you get to start fresh on old projects. This is your chance to create new systems and structures in your life to make you feel the stability you’ve been lacking. Going back to old positions and projects with a fresh set of eyes will be very cleansing for you to use your new frame of mind. The struggles you’ve faced to align yourself in a career that you love will finally be locked in as the past 2 year struggle to find yourself is now being closed. A new energy will have you reconsidering your relationships and friendships with others as you realize that you need people in your life a lot more than you ever thought you did. This realization will open you up to nurturing those people of value in your life already and open you up to creating new connections that will help and encourage you to grow individually and creatively. Finding sources of joy and happiness are essential for you now, as you need to balance your day with playful and joyful energies to help balance out the pressure and seriousness of the roles and responsibilities you have in your career.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
Emotionally you’re feeling a bit messy Aquarius. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way you’d had hoped. Even with all the warning signs your forged ahead to try and make your vision come true. All the disappointment you are currently feeling will soon be released as you close the door on a huge chapter of your life that began back in 2018. It’s been quite a ride and it has given you some of the most beautiful life lessons you could have ever asked for that won’t be fully recognized until the pain goes away. You are in a stage of release as you purge the dark parts of your life and create a new space for new chapters to begin. You’ll see a brand new energy effect your home and family dynamic as you reconfigure the details of your life and rebuild your day to day routine. Put your attention on your own health and wellness as you surrender to the Universe and allow it to clean up the karma of the past and provide you with a clean slate to work with as you move into the future. Your relationships will see a brand new spark of excitement open up towards the end of the month as you re-establish what makes your heart happy and what brings you joy.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
You’ve had some pretty powerful realizations about your life Pisces and maybe the cookie cutter vision of what you thought you wanted is no longer sparking a fire within your soul. It’s okay to abandon a path that you no longer feel aligned with as you create new goals and visions for the future. You have committed yourself to certain roles and responsibilities in your career that you must honour. But don’t feel like it’s holding you back from planning and strategizing your next move. Your home and the relationships in it need your attention as a new chapter unfolds for you and those you love. Finding out what makes your heart happy and feel full will be the starting point for recognizing where you need to rebuild certain aspects of your life. Whatever you’ve been struggling with since 2018 will finally be released as you shift your focus back on your own health and wellness. Take the time you need to balance yourself mind, body, and soul. And make the time in your day to reconnect with your spiritual self. Invite a more happy and playful energy into your day to day routine, and watch your entire world shift into a much lighter energy for you to work with.
Need some guidance? Book yourself a session today and get the guidance you need.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts June 2020
*** Important energy shifts for June ***
June 5th - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sag
June 18th - Mercury Retrogrades in Cancer
June 20th - Sun Enters Cancer (Summer Solstice)
June 21st - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer
June 22nd - Neptune Retrogrades in Pisces
June 25th - Venus Direct in Gemini
June 27th - Mars Enters Aries
It’s time to put all of your knowledge and learning to good use Aries. You will see huge opportunities to extend your teachings to others as your past learning is greatly needed by those looking for direction. You may have to struggle to balance your work life with your home life as some of the family drama that you faced last year may resurface again. You have expanded your mind so much that revisiting these issues will allow you a greater perspective on how to heal the trauma within the home and the relationships in it. You might find reality slapping you in the face where your dreams are concerned. We got a bit too over zealous creating the visions we’ve been working so hard to manifest. We need to come back down to reality and think logically and practically about what we can actually accomplish. You’ll be feeling a bit freer towards the end of the month to make some moves in your relationships and in your money matters that have consumed your mind for the past month. We have thoroughly sorted through our values and now we are given an opportunity to make some changes and get up to speed with all of the things we’ve been thinking about. You’ll have many opportunities to step into the limelight and really shine. You are having some great inspirational ideas that will definitely help you make up for lost time where your career is concerned. You may even see a career advancement opportunity open up for you, as the education you’ve absorbed is finally going to pay off.
You’ve been very successful opening yourself up to changes since your birthday Taurus. There’s a shift taking place inside you helping you to re-evaluate what is important to you, creating a desire to be a bit more adventurous. You are recognizing parts of yourself that you no longer identify with, and working very hard to leave those parts behind. Be cautious of your interactions this month especially where your female family members are concerned. You may have to have some tough conversations that will require you to communicate your feelings in a brand new way. The new goals and ambitions you are considering are creating a bit of excitement for you to look forward to. The changes in your perspective around your relationships and your money matters will lead you to initiating some new connections in your life. Seeing the value in the people you share yourself with and in the things you spend money on will help put into perspective what it is you are working towards. You might find a bit of anger and frustration bubble up towards the end of the month as you feel held back from going after what it is you desire. Use your emotions as a key to new paths and ideas you should be initiating. You are entering into a learning chapter where the past lessons you’ve learned will test you to see how much you’ve actually integrated into your wisdom and knowledge.
Happy birthday Gemini. As your solar infusion downloads you with the energy you need for your new natal year, keep in mind that things are going to be moving very fast for you right out of the gate. Relationship are a hot topic for you as you’ve done a lot of debating on who and what deserves your love and attention. The disruption to your daily routine will finally reach a breaking point where you’ll have no choice to restructure how it is you move through your day, implementing a good balance between work and relaxation. You’re having some great ideas connected to your career and new roles and responsibilities emerge for you to step up to the plate and lead the way. The dark parts are over for now and the complicated emotions you’ve been experiencing will shift to push and encourage you to be your best, brightest self. You will feel a new strength and confidence take over as you aggressively go after what it is your heart desires. Because you are ending so many chapters, you are creating a beautiful space for new cycles to begin. This is a great start to your new natal year.
As you finish out your dark season and really sit in the heaviness of your emotions before starting a new natal year on your birthday, you will find much comfort by creating new routines within your day. Your health & wellness is of great importance and giving yourself time to strengthen your mind, body, and soul will prepare you for the new beginnings your new natal year will bring. You will re-emerge as your best self. You’ve done a lot of work to surrender to the dark parts of self that you no longer feel aligned with. Purging this darkness will help you to shine even brighter as you awaken to your next adventure. The curiosity you have to learn and experience new things will push you out of your comfort zone and onto a path of self-development. You may find yourself disconnecting and being frustrated by the roles and responsibilities you have in your career as you feel pulled in other directions. Pay very close attention to who you are spending time with and the new people who enter your realm, as there is a high probability for new soul contracts to be initiated.
You’ve probably already started some new exciting projects, Leo, but make sure you don’t distract yourself from some of the heavier emotions bidding for your attention. Being in the dark season as you approach your birthday, you are doing the inner work necessary to move past your past and leave those heavier emotions behind. You may get a bit sentimental as you reflect back on the last year, especially where all the changes in your home have been concerned. This will help you to release some of the emotions you’ve been holding onto keeping you from truly sharing your heart space with another person. You are excited about what awaits you. You know that there is a good things awaiting you where love and money is concerned. You can FEEL the light at the end of the tunnel even if you can’t see it just yet. Your excitement and eagerness to jump into new things will be the energy you need to make you determined enough to re-arrange your routines to provide more of a balance between work and play.
You might be dealing with some deep emotions surrounding your home and the relationships in it. There is a want, need, and desire to put things in perspective and gain clarity on who and what is deserving of your attention. You will find yourself revisiting some goals and ambitions you had that got pushed to the side while other things demanded your attention. Focus on the roles and responsibilities you have in your career and what you no longer feel aligned with. Because you are reworking other elements in your life, your relationships might take the brunt of your disconnection. The moves you have been thinking about making where love and money are concerned will be more supported for you to take action upon towards the end of the month. You will have to work very hard to find the silver linings and make the best out of a bad situation. Realizing that you need to balance your work and home life will expose you to some things that will bring the fun back to your life and help you focus more on creating pleasure and joy.
You will feel a sudden shift in your mental plane as the ideas and inspirations feel fast and furious. New perspectives are emerging as you contemplate the next path you want to take. Reconstructing your career and the roles and responsibilities it asks of you will be faced with a lot of optimism regardless of how abrupt these changes might feel. You need to get a bit more realistic in your self-care practices, as you tend to put a lot of pressure on yourself to stick to certain routines that may cause more harm than good. Be flexible and move forward with the new interests in learning and exploring allowing a new routine to organically happen. Your feelings and desires surrounding love and relationships will have you opening up a part of yourself that you haven’t experienced in a long time. Put that passion and aggression to good use as you focus on restructuring your home and family dynamics, paying close attention to your finances and the shift in lifestyle they may require.
You will see a lot of opportunities open up for you this month Scorpio. The value and worth you’ve found in yourself will help create more money and abundance in your life. Realizing that it all starts within you, you’ll finally start to see your hard work come back to you three fold. You will be reorganizing your thoughts and ideas this month, leading you to integrate your spiritual knowledge in your everyday life. You’ve gained much wisdom over the past year and now you need to show the Universe that you’ve learned these lessons and are ready to move past them. You’ll be focusing a bit more attention on how to bring some fun back into your world. Your creativity is at an all time high, and the playful energy you tap into will produce a lot of happiness and joy in your life and spread to those around you. You’ll have an amazing opportunity to open your heart up to a new level of love as you push your seriousness aside and invite in new exciting feelings. You are a master at dealing with the darkness and tough situations in life and changing that weight into a source of power. Pay special attention to how you move through your days. It may be important to reorganize your daily routines allowing a bit more time for self-care. You’ll see a major opportunity open up towards the end of the month that will have a great impact on advancing your career.
It’s time for you to start shining your light Sag. It’s been an up hill battle since your birthday but now with some exciting new changes entering into your realm, you are ready to stand in your power and take a brand new direction. You may have to deal with some family drama as things get mixed up and rearranged. Some of the topics and themes that have been a point of pain in your home and the relationships within it are asking to be closed for good. It’s time to get real about your life. There are many changes happening all at once, but taking care of yourself and enforcing boundaries to protect your time and energy are important for your long term self care. You will finally feel free to pursue new opportunities involving your job or relationships towards the end of the month, as the events are moving very quickly to get you situated on a new path. The energy of excitement has been reignited in you once again as you re-establish what it is you are passionate about, and what brings you joy and happiness. The Universe will provide you with some great opportunities to upgrade your skills leading to a new start to make more money by the time we head into July.
You have a lot of karmic events playing out for you this month Capricorn, and it all starts with your mental health. The shift in your perspective has been a great one, opening you up to new opportunities to truly align your gifts and talents with the kind of lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of. You may have a bump in the road mid-month as some family drama - especially with the mother or other female relationships you have - come to a boiling point. Tough conversations will be had in order to speak your truth and clear the air. Your home and comfort zone may be disrupted as you rearrange some elements of your life that you no longer feel in alignment with. Just when you were feeling good about your daily routine, things will be changing again. This time you will need to focus more on the energy you spend on certain tasks in your day, and where you can step up to be of service to others. You will likely see a lot of changes take place in your home that may have you rethinking what makes you feel safe and secure. All of these changes will force you to take a good look at your attachments especially where you career and the identity you have to your job title is concerned.
You are being asked to give some serious thoughts about your future goals and vision Aquarius. Things got dark and disruptive and now you have a different path unfolding in front of you. You will have to revisit the past in order to figure out what you still find to be of value. Your day to day life has seen huge changes and a new routine is definitely needed. You’ve been putting your own health and wellness on the back burner to make others feel like there are no problems, but the truth will be slapping you in the face pretty hard this month especially if you’re choosing to ignore it. It’s time to get real about your life. Your reality, not the illusion of your life you’ve created. Get serious about your own worth and value and from there figure out your long term plan on which path you are about to embark on. You will be fast forwarding through some karma this month which will have you moving on in new ways to find your passion and what actually makes you happy. You’ll have to dig deep to find the strength and determination required for you to take the lead on creating a new path for yourself, one that is more fulfilling to your soul’s goals and responsibilities.
Your career is full speed ahead Pisces but make sure you don’t burn yourself out. You will be so far in the depths of your roles and responsibilities that the Universe will force you to find new joy and happiness outside of your working routine. Your passion and love for what you do in life needs to be re-evaluated so you have enough time and energy to do fun things that make you laugh. It’s time to take a good look in the mirror and see the person you’ve created. You may just find you’ve outgrown your storyline and that will lead to a great change. You will have some family drama arise that will ask for your attention and get you to refocus on your relationships. As much as you want to run away from those tough conversations, they aren’t going anywheres and they need you to address them to close the door on them for good. There are a lot of changes coming your way towards the end of the month where love and money is concerned. The new energy of determination you have will be the fuel that lights your fire on going after new goals and maybe even make some new connections to people that are entering your realm to initiate new soul contracts for you to experience.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts May 2020
*** Important energy shifts for May***
May 5th - True Nodes Shift (gem/sag)
May 7th - Full Moon in Scorpio
May 11th - Saturn Retrogrades in Aquarius
May 11th - Mercury Enters Gemini
May 13th - Mars Enters Pisces
May 13th - Venus Retrogrades in Gemini
May 14th - Jupiter Retrogrades in Capricorn
May 20th - Sun Enters Gemini
May 22nd - New Moon in Gemini
May 28th - Mercury Enters Cancer
This month is all about learning and discovering new information. You are actively trying to expand your mind and shift your thinking. Your mental plane will be working overtime to absorb all the information you are exposed to. Your long term plans of levelling up your skills and education will eventually pay off, but for now you need to focus on the details of your day-to-day life, and make steps each day to learn and explore new topics and themes. You’ll find plenty of opportunities to chat and collaborate with others this month. Your communication skills are levelling up and expressing yourself becomes a bit more easier to do. You may have to take a step back to reconsider your future goals and review whether or not some revisions need to be made on how to move forward. Your career path is changing and the path you had intended to take now has a few more twists and turns in it that you originally expected. Take the time to move within yourself and explore what it is your heart and soul wants you to do next. Having the blessing of intuition and vision will allow you to see the big picture to help you break down the steps to be strategic in reaching your end goal.
Happy solar return Taurus. As you enter into a brand new solar year and cycle, it’s time to take stock of where you are at and where it is you want to be. You are undergoing a huge transformation within yourself as you leave parts of yourself behind and allow a new energy to lead the way. You may have to take a step back and give some thought to your relationships and who is actually getting your best self. You are in a period of review and as you increase your own self worth, the energy you attract will be shifting. Your career will see some changes as we try to reorganize how we face restrictions and limitations. But because you are open to considering new goals for you to reach, and you are interested in learning new skills, you will definitely see a shift in your money matters finding a new sense of safety and security in your financial plan. Continue to focus on the basics of your wants, needs, and desires, and embrace the attitude of gratitude to get you to the next chapter of your life plan.
As we approach Gemini season and your birthday month, there’s a deep thought process taking over as you re-examine your relationships and your personal goals. You’ve outgrown yourself in a lot of ways, and leaving parts of you behind may pose to be a bit of a struggle. Your dark season has revealed a lot of attachments to people and ideas that are no longer in alignment with what you want for yourself in the days to come. You will see a shift in your attitude and the way you are seeing things take place in your life. Stepping back to reflect on all you’ve been through and all you’ve learned will expose you to a bigger picture of where you’d like to see yourself in a year from now. You may find it frustrating to have to surrender to the universe and ebb and flow with the events that will effect your day-to-day routines, but switching up the way you move through your day, especially where you make time for yourself to nourish your mind, body, and soul, is never a bad habit to get into. Be mindful of your words this month as they carry a greater weight than you are aware of. Your own inner process of stripping away the old thoughts and feelings may come off as rude and hurtful when expressing yourself to others.
You find yourself in the middle of your dark season as you get closer to approaching your birthday. The dark season helps you to move inward to reflect back on who you’ve become over the past year and help you to release some old attachments to both people and ideas. When contemplating what it is your heart yearns for in a romantic relationship, you may identify where it is you’ve become too attached to needing things to be a certain way. You still have some deep emotions to sort through especially where your heart is concerned. Taking a step back to reconsider your path will allow you to see the bigger picture and how to take small steps to align with the vision you wish to see manifest. You may be reviewing your career choices as you re-evaluate how much energy it requires from you. You may also find a shift in perspective where sharing your energy with others are concerned. Listen to your intuition and pay attention to your dreams as they will reveal tidbits of information to help you shift your mindset into a new light, seeing how old situations can be resolved in new ways.
You’ve hit the ground running as you take on some major changes to your life. The excitement and enthusiasm you now have about building something new for yourself is borderline obsessive and all consuming. It’s important to recognize the changes that are taking place within your home and the relationships within it, so you don’t lose focus on what’s most important. You will be taking a time out to reconsider your plan moving forward. Some old goals you had may no longer trigger excitement in you. You have to think very carefully about how you are positioning yourself to be in alignment with your greater vision. You will need to let go to some past emotional attachments before your heart can dive into a new passion as a whole. It may be time to reconsider how it is you’ve structured your daily routine. It’s important that you take the time to rebalance your mind, body, and soul, and make sure you are aware of your current mental health. Burn out is definitely a possibility as you become too focused on making things happen without making the time for your body to rest. Focusing on self-care will be a main focus for you towards the end of the month.
The shift in energy is already being felt as you feel a spark being re-ignited within you. Your career has the majority of your focus with new opportunities emerging right in front of you. There’s a huge release of a mental block that’s been weighing you down and keeping you a bit more quiet in expressing yourself than you’d prefer. Reviewing how you move through your day-to-day life, and implementing new routines will be a game changer in shifting your mental game. Taking time for yourself and rebalancing your mind, body, and soul, will do wonders for regaining some excitement about helping others reach their goals. Your heartspace will need some attention mid month as you reflect back on your past relationships and the attachments you still have to past hurt. A new chapter of love and romance is opening up for you as long as you can lower the walls you’ve built around your heart. Your mental game will be shifting towards the end of the month, giving you a brand new perspective on how to balance your energy between the roles and responsibilities you have in your career, with the boundaries you need to reinforce in your home and family relationships to protect yourself from being taken advantage of.
You are about to embark on a brand new journey or learning and exploration. Exposing yourself to new topics and themes will awaken the curiosity in you, and expand your mind to a brand new vision that you’ll work hard to try and manifest. You may be grieving a certain loss which, although can be very painful, is also is a beautiful thing to know you are capable of such love. You will be taking a step back to review what it is you actually love in this world and prepare yourself for entering into a new phase of sharing yourself, your heart, and all the things that make you happy and bring you joy with new people who will be entering your realm. You’ll need to review your daily routine and make some edits to your schedule to allow yourself more time to take care of your mind, body, and soul. Distracting yourself with outside chatter isn’t helping you to get in touch with your inner voice to receive the guidance you require for this next part of your journey. There is a review of all you’ve learned and experienced as the past creeps back into our present to see if you can handle things in a different way. This is a time where you can create a new sense of closure with some of the family drama that has been weighing very heavily on your heart.
You’ll be taking a good look at what it is you value and what it is you want to acquire. There’s a sense of taking stock this month as you hold onto what you find to be of most importance and fully release your attachments to old people and ideas, especially where love is concerned. Reflecting back on all you’ve experienced and accomplished since last fall will help prepare you for even more transformation as the second half of your natal year begins. You may be stepping back to reconsider your home situations and whether or not you need to make some changes to your environment or to the people in it. As you become more aware of how attached you’ve actually been to certain scenarios, you can free yourself from the obsessive thinking that depletes so much of your energy. Give yourself permission to love again, to enjoy yourself and have fun again. Make time to do the things that make you laugh and smile. It’s a heavy and dark process to be in constant state of transformation, so lightening the mood with pleasurable things will help you to purge the parts that you’ve been holding onto for far too long.
A new storyline takes shape as you balance the scales between what it is that’s best for you and what it is you desire, versus what it is that is being asked of you to fulfill the happiness of others. You will see a huge shift in your energy as you release some heavy and dark emotions from your soul. You have been carrying a lot of weight on your heartspace especially where your intimate relationships are concerned. You might have to take a step back to gain a better perspective on how you think and feel about certain relationships in your life, and learn to communicate your thoughts and feelings with a more direct sense of confidence. Topics and themes from your past will re-emerge to be discussed and laid to rest for good. But it will challenge you to take all you’ve learned and actually USE those life lessons to create a change in your conversations. Heart felt discussions are needed and can no longer be swept under the rug. Your home and family dynamic is changing and revealing how you feel about that is absolutely necessary. The impact of your career changing does create some insecurity around your financial goals, but this is a time to restructure your life to only have goals to acquire things of importance. Your self-worth will take a dive all in the hopes that you find a new sense of value in who you are as you renew your faith and beliefs.
You may feel like you are taking steps back in life, but really you’ve just been given a huge opportunity to reconsider the path that your on, and make changes where you see fit. Your day-to-day life and the routines you’ve been stuck in aren’t doing good things to your mental health. You need to make more of an effort to dig yourself out of the rut you’ve been in and create a more fluid routine for you to stick to. You’ve abandoned the health and wellness aspect and really need to make the time to nourish your mind, body, and soul. You’ll need to take a time out to reconsider your goals, and maybe make a decision to reinvent certain parts of your life. You had a lot of changes to your world since your birthday and many of those changes seem like they are being taken away. Your finances are a major concern as you review whether or not your current situation still supports the things you’ve acquired. You may find you lose confidence in yourself and the plan you had made but all of this is being constructed for you to make better choices in re-organizing your life. You’ve had some time to contemplate your wants, needs, and desires in connecting with others and seeing how you’ve prevented trustworthy and valuable relationships from forming. This is a time out month for you to re-edit your plan, revise the steps moving forward, and maybe reinvent yourself once again.
You are in the depths of a great transformation where you’ve been forced to leave your old self and life behind, to honour a new love, passion, and spark in your life. You have new considerations to bring into your future planning as your goals are shifting. You will see a huge shift take place in the way you feel about your career and how attached you are to some of the ideas you’ve had of yourself in how you make your money. You need to take a time out to rediscover who it is that you are. The storyline has changed for you and you are required to level up in ways you’ve never had to before. This will require you to take a good look at your heart and the ones you share that heartspace with. You have a new energy cycle moving in that has the potential to push old love out. As you take stock of your new situation and all that has changed, the energy you release from your heart will prove to be the catalyst you need to leave some people behind for good. You’ll be taking a much needed journey inward, to reconnect with your soul. Listen to your intuition as it tries to guide you to a path more aligned with honouring who it is you are and who it is that you want to become.
You may find yourself switching perspectives as the most recent events gave you an opportunity to reconsider what is important to you and what you need to spend more time doing. Your home life and your career have changed and with this change new goals are emerging. Take this time to prepare yourself for all of the changes to come. You may feel a huge release take place within you as you let go to some of the attachments and beliefs you’ve had. Taking a time out to reflect and review your current circumstances may open you up to the bigger picture of what you want to explore next and where you want to go from here. Your communication skills will be tested as you navigate expressing yourself in new ways. Some family drama may re-emerge from past situations in order for you to see how you will handle it this time around. You’ll feel a shift in your physical energy creating a new excitement and passion within you. This is likely connected to reviewing your relationships and family dynamics so see things from a different perspective. You may have to do some serious healing where your hopes and wishes for your career is concerned. This is an opportunity for you to set new goals for yourself and explore new ways of making money. A brand new energy cycle will have you much more focused on your basic values and the important relationships you want to strengthen in your home and family dynamics.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts April 2020
*** Important energy shifts for April ***
April 3rd - Venus Enters Gemini
April 4th - Jupiter Conjunct Pluto
April 7th - Full Moon in Libra
April 9th - Venus Enters Pre-Retrograde Shadow
April 11th - Mercury Enters Aries
April 19th - Sun Enters Taurus
April 22nd - New Moon In Taurus
April 25th - Pluto Retrogrades In Capricorn
April 27th - Mercury Enters Taurus
This month you will see a shift take place moving your world forward. This isn’t going to come easy though. You’ll need a clear vision on what’s important to you and where it is you want to grow from here. You are initiating a brand new energy cycle that will carry you through your new natal year. After releasing a bit of heavy weight surrounding your relationships, you’ll be able to balance the scales in your favour and get back to basics as you re-organize your values. Your career will see a huge shift forward by the end of the month as you step into a new place of leadership and authority. After you take the time to clear yourself of old parts and pieces, you’ll re-emerge with a new fire and passion to lead others into new ways of living. Be patient with your mental state until mid-month as you are still deep in the emotional fog and delusion. Things will rapidly shift for you allowing you to be more direct and clear in your thinking.
Emotions are emerging from deep within you as you are in your dark season prior to your birthday. It may feel unstable inside yourself especially seeing as these emotions aren’t welcomed into your heart space. You may be experiencing a state of confusion as the feelings muddy the waters of your vision, but it’s up to you to get a grip and allow them to be acknowledged and released. You aren’t falling apart, you are merely re-organizing your energy and focus as you are about to enter into a brand new energy calendar. Although you hate change, you do recognize at this point in time that it’s absolutely necessary and very much needed in order to find a better routine to rely upon as you move through your day. You are facing a learning curve opening your mind up to new ways of thinking and seeing the world you live in. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone may seem scary but there are many things for you to learn and discover about yourself.
It is no surprise that you are stuck between two parts of yourself as you re-evaluate your basic values. You always seem to be so divided in your thoughts and emotions that this month you’ll need to do some soul searching in order to leave the old parts of you behind. You’ve been bearing the weight of some heavy emotions relating to your relationships on your heart space, and this energy being released will free you up to think a bit more clearly and logically on what actually matters. There is a great healing taking place for you this month as you move within yourself to take your power back and see the transformation and rebirth of who it is you are becoming take hold. As you enter into your dark season before your birthday, things get quiet so you can unravel and see where it is you need to grow. Pulling away from social distractions will help you to get your energy stabilized and focused on moving forward.
As you take the very first steps into your dark season as you build towards your birthday, we have a check in point for you to start reflecting on all you’ve accomplished over the past year. This is a time when you need to sort out what is important to you and finally let go of some family drama that has been weighing heavily on your heart. You’re connecting to new people and making new connections through what is a very hard social time, but because of the changing dynamics of your role in your career, you find yourself connecting to people in new ways. Your vision is getting clearer on what it is you want to build for yourself. There is ultimately a purge or release taking place that will have you moving inward to take back your power and control. Although it may feel like things are falling apart, they are actually falling together as you enter into a new chapter.
You’ve done a pretty good job in accepting the new truths and realities but now it’s time for you to step up to the plate and change your game. You’ve had lots of time to think about the ghosts of your past and all the emotions you’ve been running away from, and now it’s time to accept your past and position yourself to move forward unattached. You are shifting your perspective and now open to seeing new ideas and ways of doing things in a light you would have never accepted this time last year. Your career has changed and the roles and responsibilities you now have need you to take the lead. You will need to first get down to business and re-organize how it is you’ve been moving through your day. You haven’t put your own health and wellness as a priority and only solid leaders can lead by example. It’s time to get serious and start being more of service to others than you’ve been in the past WITHOUT sacrificing yourself.
It may not feel like it, but you’re actually on the right path and entering into a time of abundance as you shift out of old energy and into your new power. You may have some re-arranging to do when it comes to your job and what actually matters to you. There’s a huge release taking place freeing you of some values that have been working against you. You have more skills and talents you haven’t shown the world yet, and this could very well lead you to create new income and security for yourself. You’ve branched off into new territories learning more about what’s going on in the world as you see the bigger picture. Although you want everyone on the same page, not everyone is ready to handle the kind of information you’ve already learned. You’ll feel a huge shift at the end of the month as your heart space asks for clearing. You need to take your own power and control back and root it in what your heart wants instead of what others are asking of you.
You need to get a grip as we approach your full moon release early this month. You will feel increasingly nervous and filled with anxiety until you purge the way you’re thinking. The energy will stabilize mid-month providing you with clarity as you haven’t been thinking clearly for quite some time. This is a point of transformation for you especially where your finances are concerned. Your home and family dynamic will get back to basics and your values of what’s actually important in life will become more clear. You are so eager to jump the gun because you have too much chatter and stimulation coming in from the outside world. You need to take a step back and start thinking for yourself as you align your heart and your head. New financial situations will arise to help ease your mind a bit, but you have to actively work towards balancing your energy within yourself and come back down to earth instead of being lost in your mind.
This month you are stepping into your power and taking the leading on helping others. The way you’ve been sharing yourself more openly is exactly what the world needs. It’s important for you to re-arrange how it is you express yourself and communicate your knowledge to others. The emotions you’ve been carrying relating to your romantic past and your wants, needs, and desires for future romance is coming to a head. You may shed the pain and suffering you’ve experienced as you feel more vulnerable and open to sharing yourself with someone from a whole different level of intimacy. You will gain clarity on how to restructure your day to day life, making time for your own health and wellness as you continue to be of service to others. You’ll feel a shift towards the end of the month that will move you inward to hash out the bugs in your mental plane. It’s time to take control and share your ideas with the rest of the world.
You need to stay strong and determined to protect all that you’ve already created. This isn’t about changing things up, this is about strengthening what it is you already know works. You’ll have a lot of new ideas and urges to branch out to create new experiences. But your strength lies in focusing on all that you’ve already put time and effort into making it a more stable foundation for you to grow upon. You’ll have to work hard to balance your emotions with the energy and information you surround yourself with. Your day to day life has dramatically changed and you need to do what you can to create normalcy. Start by making time for you to take care of your mental health. You need to be strong and solid in your vision for the future. You will have to rearrange your values especially when it comes to your finances, but there’s no better time to unearth all your skills and talents you’ve locked away to try and create a new form of income than now!
You’re definitely on edge and ready to fight and defend when needed. Just when you thought you were moving ahead in the world, the Universe had other plans. It’s important for you to establish a healthy routine for your mental health. The buzz of information and potential “what ifs” are creating an energy of anxiety and restlessness within you. Focus on your job. You have many roles and responsibilities to live up to and honour, especially where your creativity is concerned. Your home and family dynamics seem disconnected and fuzzy with ignored emotion. Yes, it’s great that you can keep busy but not when you use tasks as a distraction from your feelings. You will feel a huge awakening in your heart space as the tensions build. Focus on all that you currently have and find the blessings to keep yourself positive. You need to step up your self-worth game and start taking care of yourself in new ways. It’s time for you to take your power back.
You are in a very choppy emotional storm where you have many options and decisions to be thinking about. You’ve ignored many signs & symbols trying to guide you onto the right path, and here you are now feeling the pressure to make changes that should have been made months ago. Your values and desires for the future are changing. You’ll enter into a deep state of contemplation as you feel the emotional disconnect from things and people you’ve tried hard to hold onto. The lessons that you’ve learned now need to be applied in order to release you from some of the restrictions you’ve been facing. Your home and family dynamic is of major concern as you no longer feel safe and secure in the world you’ve created. You’ll see new boundaries take form and a shift in your energy as you move inward to gain the power and control you need to make the hard decisions you’re currently being faced with.
You’re not use to sitting around allowing yourself to be still and not be productive. This is a tough time for you as you recognize that you’ve lost a sense of your identity as your day to day life has changed. You will be rethinking your values and what you actually see as important when it comes to love and money, creating a totally different energy within your home and relationships. You’re transforming these heavier energies inside you into something lighter. You may feel like your inner world is out of balance and you feel chaotic without stable foundations and routines to rely upon. You’ll gain a totally different perspective mid-month as things become clearer on how you can take the lead and help others remain positive. You’re mental plane will simmer down and become much more focused on building new foundations and systems for you to focus on as you bring people together.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts March 2020
*** Important energy shifts for March***
March 4th - Mercury Retrogrades in Aquarius
March 4th - Venus Enters Taurus
March 9th - Full Moon in Virgo
March 9th - Mercury Direct in Aquarius
March 16th - Mercury Enters Pisces
March 19th - Sun Enters Aries
March 21st - Saturn Enters Aquarius
March 24th - New Moon in Aries
March 30th - Mars Enters Aquarius
How did your February measure up?! Listen to February’s Forecast and see how aligned you were with the cosmos.
This month you come alive again Aries. You’ve been in the thick of it all being in your dark season before your birthday and spending the last month in your 12th house of your hidden world, you soul, and your isolation reflecting on your life and connecting the dots. You’ll be revisiting some connections you made back in January. With new ideas inspiring you to raise the bar on your goals and grand vision, you’ll finally be able to take action on manifesting this ideas this month. That will come after some discomfort in rearranging and re-organize your schedule and how you manage your time. Your mind, body, and soul equation is out of balance and you’ll need to let go of perfection in order to actually be productive. Your energy force will peak as we enter into Aries season and the spark of life encourages you to take action on new experiences and getting the party started. With Saturn, a major planet on the move you’ll be expanding your groups and network in order to create a new platform to help support the new systems and routines you need to put in place. The end of the month brings you hyper-sensitive clarity and the perspective to logically see the path forward and how to execute it with precision and ease. Hold a vision for what you want over the next year Aries, you’re about to enter a brand new world.
This month you’ll be very introverted and reflective over the past year. As you are deep in your dark season before your birthday, you are very much reviewing all of your emotions and attachments especially where your career is concerned. You’ll be inspired and excited to have new roles and responsibilities in your career, creating a bit of excitement to switch things up and use your brain in a different way. You’ll have to take a step back from life to take inventory of what it is you find value in, especially where your relationships are concerned. You’ll feel a huge release in your heart space as you recognize the harsh and critical judgements you’ve put on yourself. There is a need to re-organize your routines and practices to better accommodate your energy, promoting more time for health and wellness, and for activities that you actually enjoy. You may have to have a couple of tough conversations this month, cleaning up some misunderstandings that were created last month while mercury’s retrograde messed with your feelings. A brand new sense of self is beginning to emerge for you and as you get closer to your birthday, you’ll feel the shift of raw power within encouraging you to create new opportunities to experience life outside of the comfort zone you’ve created. You’ll see a brand new energy enter into your mental plane, activating brilliant ideas and inspirations for you to make happen creating more freedom in how you manage your day.
This month you get to gain some clarity on what it is you want to explore next. February was tough on you with your ruler (mercury) drunk at the wheel during the retrograde, and causing a lot of confusion on where it is you’re trying to go. You’ve had to face some tough truths and emotions about yourself and where you’ve been blocking yourself from moving forward. You’ll gain great insight this month, on how to get back on track and what it is you need to stay focused on. You’ll be carefully reviewing what means the most to you, where your values and worth has shifted, and this will have an impact on your relationships and which ones you choose to let go of. Your home and family environment will see a huge shift, as there is an ending or closure to some dysfunction and upset that began back in September. It’s important for you to release the need for perfection, and see how much more you can accomplish when you stop trashing talking yourself in your inner dialogue. Things are changing and you may have to have some tough conversations that you’d rather not have. But there’s a need to clear the air, especially with some people in your working environment that have upset you in the last couple of months. Communicate your thoughts and feelings with job related matters with clarity and emotion and see how the roles and responsibilities change. You will feel a huge shift in your mental plane towards the end of the month when you finally start feeling like yourself again, and can tackle rearranging some practices and routines in your life to better accommodate your future visions and goals. You’ll be excited to branch out and explore new topics and themes, learning everything you can possibly absorb before setting off in a new direction with new adventures to be had.
This month you will finally see some of the changes you’ve made within yourself actually root in and become a solid foundation for you to work off of. February threw some family drama back in your face to test you and see if you could handle it in a better way. Although the emotional rollercoaster wasn’t fun, you’re really starting to see the new sense of self emerge and be present even when the past is trying to trigger you. You’ll be making new connections and friendships this month with like minded people that are actually in alignment with your goals and visions. There will be a huge shift in your mental plane opening you up to new perspectives and new ways of actually expressing yourself with confidence and clarity. You will have to retrace your steps and likely have some heart-to-hearts to clear the misunderstandings that mercury’s retrograde created. But with your career now settling in and new routines and schedules being initiated, you can finally create some time to have some fun! The inner work you’ve done to transform your energy and root in your new attitude will have you having some brilliant ideas and powerful insights that will lead you to restructure and rearrange your daily routine. You’ve learned from your life lessons and are now implementing boundaries in order to protect your energy while still completing the tasks and chores required of you. The transformation you’ve made within yourself is definitely complete, and now you can see the new you emerge as you wrap up some lingering issues from the past, to create a space for new cycles to begin.
This month you’ll be focused on the relationships you have with others and how to better manage your energy when sharing yourself with other people. Last month was a bit of a doozy, but you’re starting to come out of your shell. You’ll be having a huge shift in perspective this month in how you spend time with others and who it is that is worthy of your time and energy. You’ve been doing a lot of reflecting on past friendships and relationships and realizing that the new people entering your life are nothing like those you connected with in the past. You’ll be taking a time out to re-evaluate your values in relationships, and take stock of how it is you are making money and planning for your future. Your goals have changed, and because of that you are seeing life from a brand new perspective. You’ll feel a huge release of an emotional weight you’ve been carrying connected to your possessions and the value they hold in your life. You’ve made such great strides towards acquiring the necessary things that you feel equal your success. The judgements and criticisms you cast on yourself are holding you back from being as successful as you’d like, and this month is when you change your mental game. You’ll start feeling the excitement of change brewing towards the end of the month. You’ll start to feel alive again and eager to take action on making things happen. You may have a chance to break free of some old reactions and emotions where relationships are concerned as you free yourself of some pain and trauma you’ve been carrying on your heart. This month is when you set new goals for yourself again, and actually have the energy to make them happen.
This month you will be re-organizing how it is you move through your day. Your routines are getting old and rigid and need to be spiced up. Because your mental plane isn’t working like it should (your ruler mercury is in retrograde) you’ve felt very dark and critical of yourself. You’ve been running out of steam and not being able to think your way through the emotions that have come up for you has really caused you to disconnect. You’re going to get back to basics this month and focus on the small details of what makes you happy. You’ll be opening up new interests and entering into a positive time of learning new skills that eventually will be making you money. The struggle you’ve had since your birthday will finally come to an end. You’re half way through your natal year and at the tipping point of your energy and focus. You need to lighten up and stop the negative narrative in your head. The judgement and criticisms you cast upon yourself are preventing you from the kind of success you desire. You’ll have an opportunity to mend some fences with a heart-to-heart that even though you’d rather avoid, is very necessary to strengthen the relationships you find to be of value. You’ll be restructuring your routines and practices to allow more time, energy, and attention for your own health and wellness, to ensure that the mind, body, and soul equation becomes balanced. The systems and structures you’ve created need to be revamped and with the energy coming towards the end of the month, you’ll have the physical drive and mental clarity necessary to make those changes happen.
This month is about honouring your heart space, finding things that bring you joy, and nurturing the spark in your romantic and creative endeavours. You’ll gain a bit more clarity on some of the brilliant ideas you had back in January that didn’t get a chance to come to life. You’ve been thinking about how to live more in alignment with what your heart desires and with new insight, you’ll see a much clearer plan on how to do that. The changes that you’ve been making to yourself and to your daily routine will get tested as you step back and take stock of what is actually important to you, what you find value and worth in, especially where love and money is concerned. You’re hyper-focused on the future and creating a plan for your long-term security will help you to make the transformation complete. You’ll feel a huge release of a karmic chapter mid-month as you release the harsh judgements and criticisms you’ve been playing in your head for far too long. This will help strip away the blocks you’ve created around your heart space preventing you from truly expressing yourself and finding outlets for your passion. You may have to revisit some topics and themes you experienced last month in order to redefine the changes you’ve made to your health and wellness. Implementing new routines and practices can be great, but not if they cause more stress. There’s some tweaking that needs to be done to rearrange how it is you move through your day. You’ll feel a huge push forward towards the end of the month as you come alive again, excited and full of passion. You are brave now and are eager to experience new things in life. Listen to your heart and to your gut instincts as you navigate into new territory. By recognizing where new systems and structures can be implemented to support your creativity, you will be initiating a brand new energy cycle that will likely attract both people and activities that feed your soul.
This month you will be highly focused on your home environment and the relationships within it. You will revisit some brilliant ideas and inspirations you had back in January that didn’t get time to manifest. This energy will support you in creating a safe place to operate from as you open yourself up to new people and decide to share yourself with them in new ways. Your values are changing especially where love & money is concerned and you may just find new people enter your realm that are aligned with the new values you identified would be worthy of your time and energy. There will be a huge shift in your mental game, releasing you of some harsh judgements you’ve casted on yourself, releasing you of the pressure you put on yourself to be perfect. This essentially will open a new energy cycle for you to experiment with, especially where making new connections are concerned. Your social media presence will hit new heights as you align yourself with like minded people, and stop holding yourself back due to your perfectionism. You may have some tough family conversations mid-month cleaning up some residual effects of conversations gone wrong in the previous month. We are acting from a higher sense of self now, and with the clarity we gained, we can see the family dynamics from a new perspective. You got to break the walls down around your heart Scorpio. They may have been built with the intent of protecting you from hurt, but now it’s blocking you from finding the happiness and joy in activities you use to love. The energy will be forcing some change upon your daily routine towards the end of the month. You’re finally feeling the energy required to make the changes necessary to promote a balanced way of living while still nurturing your mind, body, and soul. Some of the systems and structures you have in place in your home zone will need to be tweaked as we are levelling up our lifestyle to be more productive and enjoy life a bit more. Take the lead on initiating new projects and throw yourself into anything that makes your heart smile.
This month you’re going to be upping your communication game in order to express yourself in a brand new way. You’ve been seeing things from a different angle and with that huge insights have had you changing your mind and forming new ideas and opinions. You’ll need to take a step back and take a good look at your daily routine and where you can find more stability in the way you flow through your day. You’re taking stock of what is of value to you in your relationships and in your money sector, because the long-term goals you’ve had for yourself have now changed. You will see a huge release of stress, perfectionism, and criticism involving your career position as you realize the mental game you’ve had, has been destructive instead of supportive. You’ll feel much more confident taking the lead in making the changes necessary to your home and the structures you’ve put in place. With your new perspective showing you paths of ease, the changes won’t be as difficult to make or to stick too. You’re really going to come alive after what has been a bit of a dark period for you towards the end of the month, when you feel the excitement and passion be re-ignited within you. This will encourage you to get back out in the world and have some fun. There is an energy encouraging you to create new memories and experiences in life, and find things you really love to do. You may feel a huge shift in your mental game towards the end of the month as suddenly you see the systems and structures you have put in place needing an upgrade and a bit of tweaking. Voicing your opinion using confidence and clarity will help you to take charge and be taken seriously as you switch up the tasks in your day to accommodate a more free flowing routine.
This month you’re going to be taking stock of your possessions, your goals, and what is of value to you. You’ve made some changes in your world and now it’s time for the dust to settle. By taking a step back and seeing how far you’ve come, you can now take a good look at where it is you want to go from here. You gained a bit of freedom last month and now you can take a minute to check in with your heart and see if the changes are making you happy. Your creativity is going to peak this month as there are some beautiful energies promoting you to dive in head first and truly express yourself through your creative projects. You will notice a shift in your energy as you contemplate all the learning you’ve done and how you’ve been holding yourself up to levels of expectations that no one can actually achieve. You need to expand your mind a bit to recognize where it is you want to explore from here and maybe even plan an adventure for yourself to look forward to. You’ve had some great ideas that haven’t been brought to life. You’ll retrace your steps back to these inspirations and figure out how to fully express them to the world. Your home and family life have seen some changes that will need to be revisited. It’s important that you build yourself a safe environment to be in especially as you heal some of the emotional wounds through having some tough conversations you’d rather avoid. Things are changing and you’ll have an opportunity to reorganize the systems and structures in your life to promote a much more stable foundation and routine to build of off. It’s a great time to get mentally honed into your next goal to help bring your vision to life.
This month is when you come alive Aquarius. You were stalled out with your burst of energy from your solar infusion on your birthday, as the Universe dipped into some energies that put you on pause. You’ll have to retrace your steps back to January to revisit the ideas you had about the changes you wanted to make but were unable to bring to life. You’ve been revealed a lot of truth since then, and you may see these ideas from a brand new perspective. You’re going to have to take a step back and really review your home and family situation. This is a time to level up your own self-worth and when you do, it will have a direct effect on your relationships. Sometimes you can’t UNknow something. But now, you have the great opportunity to release and purge some heavy emotions that began back in September. Release the need to be so hard on yourself. The negative narrative you spin in your head isn’t the truth. You’ll finally gain some insight and clarity towards the end of the month when your communication sector gets activated. You may start thinking totally different and have a lot of new opinions about old ideas. Use your voice with confidence and clarity to get your point across. It’s important that you take time for yourself to get your head right. You have the opportunity to re-emerge from your darkness in a brand new power, brave and bold in taking actions to rearrange your life. There are some powerful energies helping you to take a new path towards the end of the month.
This month you get to power up before launching into a new natal calendar. Because of the retrograde, you’re really not feeling the power of your birthday infusion, and won’t until the end of the month. This gives you more time to be reflective and contemplate what it is you want to experience over the next year. There are some powerful connections and insights being exposed to you now, showing you were you’ve been playing small and where it is you need to break free from old habits and patterns. You’ll need to think very carefully about how it is you value yourself, your relationships, and if you’re using your skills and talents to the best of your ability. There’s a huge focus on you wanting to grow and expand your possessions over the next year. Levelling up your home environment and having a better space for you to nurture yourself and your loved ones in should be at the top of your list. You will feel a huge shift in some of your personal relationships. You’ve become withdrawn and disconnected and getting back on the same page with your loved ones should be a priority. Towards the end of the month, you’ll feel fired up and ready to take action on making life exciting again. You have some new creative energy dying to be released and you might just find a special way to harness that energy and communicate yourself through creative projects. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition as we round out the month. Your spiritual upgrade is being activated making you hyper-sensitive to the world around you. The Universe will be sending you signs of encouragement and validation if you’re paying attention.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts February 2020
*** Important energy shifts for February.***
February 3rd - Mercury enters Pisces
February 7th - Venus Enters Aries
February 9th - Full Moon in Leo
February 16th - Mars Enters Capricorn
February 16th - Mercury Retrogrades in Pisces
February 18th - Sun Enters Pisces
February 23rd - New Moon in Pisces
As you move into the dark days before your birthday, there’s a time of reflection for you to see how everything truly comes full circle. There’s a lot of introspection going on for you this month, which will give you a much needed pause to allow yourself to catch up to all the changes in the world around you. You’ll feel a bit more direct and honed in on what it is you’re going after, while a new fire ignites within. This new energy, excitement, and passion will give you the push you need as you build towards your future goals based on the visions you received last month. There will be a huge weight be lifted off of your heart space allowing you to clean the slate from an emotional weight you’ve been carrying since August. This will lighten you up and give you the courage you need to step into the spotlight and truly align with your power. There is a shift within you mid month, giving you a great opportunity to take a small (but mighty) step forward in your career. There’s a powerful healing energy that’s going to help you wash off the energy of the past year before you enter into your newest season.
You’ve definitely been expanding your mind especially where being more social and making new connections are concerned. The new goals you’ve been setting for yourself, may not seem like a big deal to the average person, but because you only change things up when you feel compelled to do so, these changes, for you, are huge! There’s a new awareness you have about the importance of friendships and connecting to a larger group of people, other than just your close circle of friends and family. Being introduced to new social situations doesn’t seem as overwhelming as it once did. You’ll feel a huge emotional weight be lifted off of your heart space mid month, as a painful family dynamic has now come full circle in order to be healed. You’ll be excited to jump into learning new things and exploring the world around you, as you adopt a more open and optimistic perspective about how you experience joy and pleasure. You may see some old friends from the past make an appearance towards the end of the month, as your karmic connections and contracts are being renewed.
There’s a lot going on in that mind of yours Gemini, and although you seem split down the middle about your current position within your career, new karmic contracts to help with your advancement will find their way to you this month. The weight you’ve been carrying in your mental plane has been a big one, and this month you’ll get a time out from the Universe to truly reflect upon all that you’ve been through since August. Since you prefer to process your emotions in a logical way, you may find it hard to handle the surge of emotions breaking through the walls you’ve built around your heart space. You will likely be adopting a brand new perspective on how it is you’ve been communicating and expressing yourself, realizing that you haven’t truly been speaking your truth, and making your voice be heard. You’ll receive a boost of confidence and clarity to fully express what it is you’ve been thinking and feeling, especially to those within the home. Certain parts of your old self need to be let go of. You’ve been the block standing in your own way for too long now. It’s time to shift that mental frame and align it with what you feel in your heart. It’s time to do what is right for you.
Just when you thought you were settled in knowing what it was you were doing in life, the Universe wants to throw you a learning curve. Sure, you’re good at what you do and you’ve got the routine down pat, but this month you get a solid look at the lay of the land before you. There are new things you want and need to be learning in order to advance your career. The excitement you have to explore new topics and themes will have this transition moving seamlessly. The foundations you have been building upon are getting stronger, but this month you’ll see a new energy take form in your love, money, and home. The energy and effort you’ve been putting in to stabilize new routines and practices will come in very handy when some intense emotions arise around the middle of the month. You may find yourself feeling really unsure and insecure about your relationships, your job, and your future financial state, but please know this will be short lived, as the energy you initiated around August is coming up for release. There will be a defining moment of clarity in what it is you desire in your personal relationships. You may even find yourself in a more aggressive and romantic mood. This is a great start to some of the karmic healing coming up for you towards the end of the month, as we see how all the pieces are coming together and how everything - past, present, and future - are tightly connected.
This is a pretty big month for you Leo. After all the hardship you’ve faced since your birthday, you’re finally going to start feeling like yourself again. There’s been a lot of unknowns for you this past 6 months, and even though you’ve retreated a bit to lick your wounds quietly, by the middle of the month you’ll feel full and ready to let go of who it is you’ve been, in order to embrace who it is you’re trying to be. The huge emotional weight you’ve been carrying since August will finally free itself. You’ll realize where it is in your life you’ve been afraid to step into the spotlight. Going deep within yourself to explore the darker emotions you’ve been feeling will show you how to get out of your own way and turn that pain into power. You’ll feel confident and energetically charged up enough to finally implement a bit of routine and structure into your day to day life, mostly so you can start taking care of yourself again. The mind, body, and soul need attention, and now that you’ve recognized where you’ve been stalling and distracting yourself from making these changes, you’ll be able to shift your mindset to new ways of doing things. There’s a huge karmic cleansing taking place for you this month Leo, and as you stand in your truth, you will be freed of a lot of the weight you’ve been carrying and you’ll move forward with a clean slate to to work with.
You may spend the month wrestling your inner passions and desires Virgo. A lot of memories, emotions, and even lovers from your past may appear in order for you to open that heart up a bit more and share yourself with those you love a bit deeper. Some karmic connections with past relationships may come up for renewal or definite closure. This is a month of soul healing and with that you might be triggered to unleash your deepest emotions that you’ve worked hard to bury and avoid. There will be a huge shift mid month when you get a clean slate to work with after releasing some heavy emotional weight that began back in August. It’s been a hard emotional battle for you since your birthday, but you’ll finally start feeling more like yourself as we move throughout the month. Redefining what is important to you, what your heart actually wants, and what it is you want and need from others in relationships, will be the main topic and theme as you peel back the layers of your heart and free yourself from the walls you’ve built there.
You’re going to see a huge shift in your mental plane as you move through the energy of February. You’ll be making a clean cut from past patterns and behaviors in order to implement new routines, practices, and structures to build your days off of. This is about working smarter, not harder. You will see a change in the way you move through your day, and especially with the energy and effort you put forth in activities that will help support your health and wellness - mind, body, and soul. With the new information you’ve received connected to your home and family relationships, things may feel a bit rattled. But knowing where to protect your energy and emotions in relation to other people will be a test for you this month. You’re redefining your relationships, and enforcing new boundaries for your loved ones to honour. There may be a few friendships released all in order to create space for new, like-minded individuals to enter into. You’ll feel much lighter as we get a good karma cleansing allowing us to start fresh with an emotional cycle that will have us calm, cool, and confident in moving forward with our healing - especially in relationships.
You’re going to experience a total eclipse of the heart this month scorpio. We are entering into powerful healing waters, karmically cleansing us of past hurt and pains. The energy and effort you put into guarding your heart has also disconnected you from people and activities you love. The energy has been heavy and now we lighten the mood. You need to bring the playful, silly energy back. Our heart space will be busted wide open in order to let new love enter into our life. The past no longer needs to be carried with us, as this energy will rid us of emotional weight. You’ll be gaining a purer idea of what it is you actually want to do in life, where you can gain more purpose, and where it is you need to step out of your own damn way in blocking yourself from real success. It all starts in the heart space. Your communication style and how it is you express yourself will become a bit more passionate and direct. There seems to be an energy pushing us to get the the point of the matters in order to heal the situation and move on. Do your best to align with your power and speak the truth. It’s time to set your heart space free.
You’ve done a lot of work since your birthday Sag. Figuring out what it is you want to do to plan for your future, and taking the essential steps in moving towards those goals has given you a great footing to build upon. This month, the attention gets focused on your home life, the relationships in it, and where it is you need to implement new boundaries and structures in order to take care of yourself. This month holds a huge healing power to rid us of and emotional cycle connected to the home and family since August. This release will free you up to stay in the present moment and do what is right for you here and now, as you build new connections within the home. You will feel a lot more powerful and confident to step out of your comfort zone mid month, especially to start learning new topics and travelling to new places. You’ve been holding yourself back, and this month you get freed of those insecurities and doubts. You could see a huge advancement in your worth from all the inner work you’ve been doing, and with that, you’ll see a shift in your relationships and in the plans you are making for your future. This will be a month where huge a karmic clearing takes place and lifts the weight and struggle from your home life.
This month you need to take a step back Cap. You have been exerting so much energy in pushing forward and trying to make things happen, but now you need to rest. It’s time for you to stop pushing forward and to take a minute to reflect back on where it is you’ve come from. There are many ideas you’ve had over the last few months that have seemed to get put on the back burner. You’ve become so focused on achieving one particular goal, that many successful ideas have been lost. This month you need to pause and revisit some of those ideas. You’re going to see a shift in your mental plane helping you form new ways of expressing yourself. This energy can help you with any creative projects you have been working on, that will connect you to a larger audience. You’re still working out what it is you want to see change in your home life, and that’s okay. This month will be a thinking month for you and as you move through the energy, you may just see what parts of yourself you’ve outgrown and need to release. There’s a new energy entering into your world that will help you refocus on what is important, and recalibrate your energy and perspective on how it is you’re going to get there.
As you’ve sifted through the muddy emotional waters of your inner world, awaiting the new solar infusion from your birthday, some new energies have popped up for you to run with. You’ve realized that you have to up your game especially where finding value and worth within yourself is concerned. There’s been a huge focus on you trying to strengthen your personal relationships, as well as trying to create an income off of implementing new skills and talents. The journey of loving yourself isn’t an easy or quick trip. The more you love yourself, the more boundaries need to be put in place so others know how to love you as well. You’ll feel a huge shift in your relationships mid month as you release a huge emotional weight that you’ve been carrying since August. The insecurities, doubts, and fears you have will subside as you step into your power and take control of the situation. It’s time for you to reconnect to yourself. Your mind, body, and soul equation is out of whack. There’s a powerful karmic cleansing taking place changing our current karmic contracts that will see many opportunities for you to revisit the past, and re-edit some of your plans for the future.
The mental and emotional exhaustion you’ve been facing is nearing the end of its cycle Pisces. Your birthday is just around the corner and with that, a brand new natal calendar will begin. You’ve been doing a lot of inner reflection, reviewing your path and how it is you’ve gotten to where it is you are now. You’re seeing the full circle of how everything is connected in your life and how each step of the past has been taken to get you to your future. You’ll feel a new energy of determination enter into your world as you clearly define what your next goal is, and how exactly you plan on achieving it. There will be a huge release of an emotional weight you’ve been carrying since August, and with this release you’ll be prepared to enter into your new natal calendar with a greater confidence and clarity you’ve ever had. Your day to day routine will see a shift as well, as you change things up and manage your time and energy better. You’ll need to slow down towards the end of the month and reflect back on some of your connections and friendships. You’ve outgrown some people in your world and are no longer aligned with their energy or goals. That’s okay. It’s okay to release anyone or anything that isn’t encouraging or supporting you to reach the new goals you’ve set for yourself. You’re coming into a brand new cycle of your own power Pisces, don’t let anyone or anything stand in your way.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts January 2020
*** Important energy shifts for January.***
January 3rd - Mars enters Sagittarius
January 10th - Full Moon Eclipse in Cancer
January 10th - Uranus Direct in Taurus
January 12th - Stellium in Capricorn (Saturn/Pluto CONJ)
January 13th - Venus enters Pisces
January 16th - Mercury Enters Aquarius
January 20th - Sun enters Aquarius
January 24th - New Moon in Aquarius
Things are going to be a bit crazy for you as the month starts off. There are so many moving pieces all coming together to accelerate your career and the new learning topics you’ve gained interest in. You’ll be exploring how to implement your previous skills in new ways to increase the income coming in. All while expanding your future opportunities for career advancement by the current education you’ve been interested in. Your home and family dynamics have seen a huge shift in change, and this particular energy will see a story be complete. Things are eerily getting back to a sense of how they were, yet, so much has changed its hard to see how things could ever be the same again. The middle of the month will see a huge increase in your drive forward to pursue new career goals and add to your personal finances. There are multiple energies helping you to anchor in new routines and foundations in your career life, to build upon for years to come. There will be a brief pause of emotions towards the end of the month where you get to reconnect and reconsider the emotional connections in your life and how to interact differently with those you love. The grand vision for your future goals and ambitions become much clearer towards the end of the month, allowing you the clarity you need to set a plan in place on how you are going to grow your network and connect to other like-minded individuals. You’ll be able to problem solve some of the long-standing issues you’ve been trying to overcome once you start thinking outside of the box.
You’ve had many ah-ha moments over the past year that has totally changed your perspective on some home life issues and relationships. Your mental plane is swirling with new ideas and you’re actually open to changing up a few aspects of your life. You’re definitely open to speaking your truth in a new way of communication with your family unit, and the confidence and certainty you now have within yourself will be backing you to take a stand. You’ll feel the urge to take control and change the way you handle yourself in family conflicts this year, and because you’ve learned so much about where it is you stand in other people’s lives, you now have a better way of understanding where you need to protect your emotions. You’re more open to exploring the world around you now, getting away from the rut and routine you’ve been stuck in for so long, to see what else is out there in the world you may enjoy. You may just find yourself connecting with new friendships this month, as you get outside of the box you’ve been living in and see who else is out in the world. You’ll see a shift in how you think and feel about your job towards the end of the month. There’s a new freedom being infused into your career sector where you aren’t as emotional attached and obsessed with the roles and responsibilities of what your career asks of you.
You’ll start the month and year off being a bit more curious on what the universe has in store for you as far as your romantic relationships are concerned. The hard life lessons that you’ve learned in regards to what it is you want, need, and desire, in a romantic partner, are opening you up to new possibilities. The money matters in the home will start to resolve themselves as you clearly define new budgets and set up new financial goals. You’ll be triggered to do a bit of soul searching this month, to truly discover what it is you want in your life, and how you’re going to go about getting it. You have a year of major transformation ahead of you, where you leave certain parts of yourself in the past for good, and embrace the new parts that you’re still exploring. Your career will see a new project arise that will require your greatest creativity. The success of it will lead you into new career opportunities where you get to learn about new topics and themes, which in turn will increase your income towards the end of the year.
This month will have you focused on setting up new practices and routines in your life to help support your health and wellness. You’re truly coming into your own this year Cancer, and it starts by releasing the parts of you that are still stuck in the past. There is a new group or community of like minded people available to you now, which will also serve as a great support in cultivating your new goals and dreams. There’s a huge emphasis on your relationships this year, and making sure your existing relationships are with the right people, while only connecting with new relationships that support your future goals and dreams. There’s a bit of a reflection time on your past love experiences towards the end of the month as you get lost in fantasy and daydream of the possibilities of a heightened state of love in your life. Towards the end of the month, you’ll be having all kinds of new opportunities to meet people through your career and social events that may just align you with a special someone.
Get ready to have fun learning new things and bringing your inner child out to play. There is a strong desire for you to start exploring with new hobbies and activities that will inspire you to get more creative and playful with how you have fun. You’ll see a full circle release take place closing the door on some of the darker emotions you’ve experienced where your home and family has been concerned. Your career sector receives a huge push of energy to get you into a place where you can be making more money, or acquiring new skills that will eventually lead to a career advancement opportunity. You have to create a new routine for yourself to stick to this year Leo, especially making time for balance your mind, body, and soul. Your day to day life needs a bit of structure and building a healthy routine will be your greatest challenge this year. You’ll feel a transformation take place within you towards the end of the month where your romantic feelings are concerned. There may be some sadness reflecting back on past pains, but all is necessary to wash you clean of that energy and prepare you for new levels of love. You’ll see the world open up to you by the end of this month, giving you plenty of opportunities to connect with new people making some solid new friendships and may be even a special someone if you haven’t already found them. Relationships will be a huge focus for you at the beginning of this year.
It’s natural to be defensive going into new territory Virgo, but the past family drama is going to settle down and no longer put a strain on your heart. The new goals and dreams you’ve been envisioning will open you up to making new connections with the right kind of people to help support your dreams this year. You’ll see yourself learning new skills and abilities early on this year that will eventually help advance your career. You may feel a huge release of emotion in the middle of the month, as your heart chakra is getting an upgrade this year. It’s important to fully acknowledge all the pain you’ve been carrying and put it down to create a space for new love to enter. You’ll be swept away with romantic thoughts of both love for the future and sadness from the past as we near the end of the month, preparing you for new karmic connections that are about to enter your world. It’s important to make more of a focus on your health and wellness this year and reorganize the way you run through your day to day routine. You need to be building better ways of doing things that will support your daily life habits in the years to come.
The inner exploration you’ve been doing has lead you to a new found confidence within yourself. You are communicating your thoughts and feeling with more confidence and clarity than ever before. It’s important to take all that you’ve learned in past situations and learn how to do things differently especially when expressing yourself to those around you. Your career and home life balance will strike a bit of a comfort zone, as we are closing out some storylines that had you feeling unsure about your home dynamic and your working environment. The shift in energy will see a new transformation take hold in how you look at your finances and how you are going to prepare for your financial future. Your main topic and theme will be reestablishing your home and the safety and security it provides you. You have seen many changes take place in the home that has provided you with a new way of planning for the future, including those that you want to be a part of it. You will be restructuring what activities you engage in to support your mind, body, and soul. You’ll need to tweak your daily routine to make sure you are flowing through the tasks and chores of the day, with a presence and mindfulness of your energy levels and how to balance them. Towards the end of the month, you’ll feel a new energy take over your heart space urging you to be more creative and express yourself in different ways. There’s a playful energy that needs to be reintroduced to your life, to counter balance all of the heavy themes you’re trying to leave behind.
By implementing what it is you’ve already learned into new ways of creating income, you’ll see an increase in your personal finances, and a new interesting in learning a new theme or topic. As you let go of some of the family drama that has been weighing on your heart, you are opening yourself up to new possibilities of letting people in. Expanding your heart space and giving yourself permission to explore new relationship dynamics with both the old and new people in your life will prepare you for new karmic contracts coming your way this year. Don’t be surprised when you suddenly start attracting the people in your life that are more aligned with your vibration and future goals then you’ve met thus far. There’s a huge focus on how you are expressing yourself (both verbally and energetically) and because of that you may just find yourself capturing the attention of the right kind of people. You have a lot to teach others Scorpio, and now that you’re stepping into the limelight a bit more, your voice will actually be heard.There’s a huge possibility of levelling up your love life towards the end of this month, as you’ve been working on ridding past pains from your heart space and creating a space for the possibilities. Your home and family environment will see a lot of focus towards the end of the month, as you create new goals and dreams and start connecting with the right people to offer the safety and security you are looking for to help get you that much closer to where it is you want to be.
Entering in this new year as the new you will prove to be very successful as you lay new foundations for you to build off of in the years to come. You are feeling stronger now and able to push yourself to explore new ideas and ways of doing things. Taking all that you’ve learned and applying it to new opportunities will see an increase of income and abundance in your home life. You will finally let go off some of the sadness you’ve been holding onto related to your home and the restructuring of the family dynamics within it. It’s important to focus on your basic needs in your relationships, finances, and goals for the future. Your main topic and theme this year will be to strengthen the structures in your life and make sure they are strong enough to build upon as you go after new dreams. You’ll be revisiting some memories from the past that will trigger some emotions within you, as you reflect on all that has changed in your home life. This will motivate you even more to make the changes necessary to regain stability in your family dynamics. Be prepared to change the way you’ve been thinking about your future. Some of the struggles and obstacles you’ve faced are now being resolved due to you thinking outside the box and being open to doing things in new ways.
This is a big year for you Capricorn. As you are jumping into the new year with your new solar energy from your birthday, you’re mind is spinning with all you want to do and accomplish. Take a minute to reflect back on all you’ve learned in order to see how you can apply it to your present situation and of course use it to increase your career opportunities. There will be a shift in your family environment this month, encouraging you to let go of some of the pain that has prevented you from letting new people into your world. You’ll need to pay attention to your heart space and how you are actually expressing yourself. Inviting in a more playful energy in all you do will help lift the seriousness that you’ve been stuck in for far too long now. This year is going to be about you truly embracing who it is you are. You’ve seen some major changes in your life over the past few years and this year is when all the pieces fall back into place. Be sure you are communicating your thoughts and feelings with clarity as you may get lost in translating your inner vision to the people around you. Give yourself time to fully dream about where it is you want to be this time next year, and put a plan in place on the steps to take so you’re not overwhelmed with it all in your mind.
Although you seem relatively sure and ready for all the changes you’re awaiting, the inner conflict you’ve been having is still pretty intense. The future looks exciting but also scary as hell. It’s important that you take the time to set in a routine of how you’ll be running through your days. Health and wellness needs to be on the top of your list this month, as your mind, body, soul equation seems out of balance. Preparing your home in a more organized fashion will help build new foundations for you to rely on as the roles and responsibilities will be changing for you. You are entering into a year of huge life lessons, new karmic contracts and because of that you may find new spiritual practices will help you in staying grounded as the world around you grows quite quickly. Your money matters may see a huge shift, as well as your personal relationships. This is all needed in order for you realize what and who is truly important to you, and secure their position in your life for the future. A brand new you is being downloaded towards the end of the month, and leaving the old parts of you behind is required in order for you to embrace who it is you need to be this year, to accept all the changes that are coming your way.
Everything that you’ve learned thus far is helping your career and the opportunities for advancement. Your job is very important to you, and now that you’ve proved that you are knowledgeable and a leader in your industry, you can set new goals for you to set out to achieve. You’ll see a shift in your heart space as it direct connects to your home life and the people in it. The struggles you faced last year, are coming to an end, creating a new space for you to build relationships that support your new sense of self. Your abilities to take control and communicate effectively are helping your confidence levels. You do have a voice and it feels good when people listen to you and respect what it is you have to say. Your major theme this year will be about opening you up to new opportunities to set goals and meet the right people to help get you there. By thinking outside of the box, you will resolve some ongoing issues that you just couldn’t seem to overcome until now. Make sure you take some time towards the end of the month, to truly reflect back on all you’ve been through and how far you’ve come. There’s a certain mental perspective that will shift for you now, as you see how your past has brought you into your future.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts December 2019
Welcome to December!
November really tested our spirit and soul as we dove deep within ourselves to face the darkness. The mental plane was under pressure to make sense of things and our intuition was confused by the old pieces of ourselves refusing to let go. We finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel the last weeks of November which gave us hope for what the last month of the decade would bring. December lightens the mood and sets the tone for the year of manifesting we are about to enter into. We shift out of the darkness and into the reality in which we are now starting to see very clearly.
*** Important energy shifts for December.***
December 2nd - Jupiter enters Capricorn
December 9th - Mercury enters Sagittarius
December 12th - Full Moon in Gemini
December 12th - Chiron goes Direct in Aries
December 20th - Venus enters Aquarius
December 21st - Sun Enters Capricorn (Winter Solstice)
December 26th - New Moon in Capricorn (Annual Solar Eclipse)
December 28th - Mercury enters Capricorn
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You are going to see a positive shift in your career sector as you see new opportunities emerge and a lot of growth and expansion take place within your roles and responsibilities. You have been struggling to fully emerge yourself in your power as a leader and authority figure in your place of work, but this month everything shifts into high gear. You are thinking bigger and broader than you have been really setting new goals and paths of discovery for the year ahead. You will be upgrading your learning and will see how that new knowledge will impact your growth in the next year. The wounds that you’ve been reflecting upon will urge you to try new things. Experimenting with how you present yourself to the world will be a successful endeavour as you work towards building your image into something new and powerful. You’ll see an increase in your online presence, connecting you to new people and networks. These like minded individuals will appreciate your role and hang off of all your words and new ideas. Set the bar high for the next year Aries. With the power and drive you currently have, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to achieve them all. Get detailed on what your personal and career goals are before the New Year, as we are about to shift into a year where everything we’ve been working towards, finally manifests.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You are elevating your mind after learning some tough lessons this year Taurus. The hardships have allowed you to open your mind and broaden your perspective to some situations that have weighed heavily on your heart. You’ll see a positive shift in your mindset now that you’ve risen above some of the struggles, and now the quest for you to implement what you’ve learned into your life will be the main goal. Now that you know better, you can do better. Your mental plane has been getting an upgrade and renovating itself to new ideas and evolving the way you think. Now you can let go some of the inner conflict you’ve been having with yourself, and finally integrate those parts of self into the brand new you. Your spiritual side has grown and evolved over this past year, and now listening to your gut and intuition will be the norm. Not everything has to make logical sense, and now that you have strengthened your vibration, you can blend your intellect with what you feel in your heart. You might be making some new connections this month, especially through work and a social event related to your career. It’s okay to let new people in, now that you’ve reinforced your boundaries and worth. The new year will be highly focused on you experiencing life from a new level of understanding. The lessons you’ve learned have opened a door for you to respond to your environment and the people in it differently. Honour your quest for knowledge and explore the world around you.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
This month you will be focusing hard on leaving the past in the past where it belongs, while you grow yourself into a brand new you. The challenges and obstacles you’ve faced over the past year - especially in your relationships - has given you plenty of knowledge and opportunities to expand your self-worth. Your personal and career goals are changing as you elevate your confidence and with that, you may just see new opportunities to advance coming in the new year. You will see a shift in your energy as you truly merge your old parts of self with your new perspective in life, and from that you’ll be seeing the world around you quite differently. You’ll be busting out of your introverted shell and actually enjoying the social scene once again. Connecting to old friends and making new connections will give you the boost of confidence you’ve lost since your birthday. Thinking about the next year ahead of you, will have you really defining your goals and new ambitions, especially where love and money is concerned. There will be a huge transformation in your roles and responsibilities as we close the year off, as you get back to the basics and focus on what is worth your time and energy. Say goodbye to the part of you that has been burdened by trying to please other people Gemini, this next year is all about you!
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You will see a brand new energy and focus take place on your relationships and how it is you share your energy and time with others. You’ll see a huge shift in the people you are meeting and will be surprised how many like minded and quality friendships you make as we enter into a new year. You’ve had to learn the hard way how to manage your day-to-day routine in order to protect your energy and take care of your health and wellness. But now that you know better, you are definitely going to do better. Your desire to learn more ways to promote your own wellbeing won’t stop here as there is a huge desire to put more focus on your mind, body, and soul. Your intuition has reached new heights allowing you to reflect over the past year with a new sense of knowing than you’ve had up until this point. Connecting the dots and making sense of all you’ve experienced will be clear as day, as you dig into your new roles and responsibilities where your career is concerned. There’s a strength about you now that you didn’t have before and people are definitely seeing the change! Your vision on future goals and what’s important in both love and money will have you highly focused on what you want to experience in the year to come. The year ends off with a blessing on your personal relationships as you align to the people that are meant for you. This will act as a solid foundation of support for you to rely upon as we enter in the year ahead.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You will see a positive shift take place in your mental plane as you settle into new routines and practices to support your mind, body, and soul. You are highly focused on what it is that brings you joy and are thinking of new things to learn to spark old passions that may have died out. You are releasing some heavy energies connected to the past connections you’ve had, especially where leaving old friendships behind have waged a war inside of you. You’re no longer okay with sitting in the pains of the past and will be shifting your mental frame into focusing on the possibilities of connecting with the right people in the year ahead. You may even consider letting a few chosen people into your heart as we close the year out, knowing what truly matters to you when you consider your heart and your head. The roles and responsibilities you have to make sure your health and wellness is on the top of the list may be a slight adjustment, but setting yourself up for major success in the next year all starts with the details of your daily routine.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You will be focusing more on what brings you a sense of joy and pleasure as we go into the final month of the year, especially involving romantic partners and/or the children in your life. Tis the season to be playful and dive into the land of imagination with the magic of the holiday season. You will feel a new energy shift in your mental plane to adjust to the home and family dynamics that took place over the past year. You are seeing the big picture of how the family will be moving forward in the new year, and it’s looking much lighter and happier than days gone by. There is a release in the inner conflict you’ve been having where your career is concerned. Having too many irons in the fire isn’t helping your productivity. By dividing your focus you aren’t feeling like you’re doing as good of a job as you should be doing, according to the high level of standards you put on yourself. Simplify. The pain you’ve been dealing with as far as how you feel about yourself and the image you put out there, will have you experimenting with your looks. You could see a totally renovation of your style and image as we move into the next year. It’s important to get back to the basics where your routine is concerned and take care of your mental and physical health. The balance needs to be restored and redefined. Enjoy the blast of energy you’ll be receiving in the final days of 2019, as it clears your heart chakra of the weight you’ve been carrying for far too long.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You will see a sudden shift of positive energy in your home and comfort zone, as some of the financial struggles you’ve been facing will come to an end. Your mental plane has shifted its attention on the future and all you want to learn. These learning adventures will lead you onto a path where you will be able to express your thoughts and feelings in a brand new way. You will feel a huge release of the divide within yourself as you have learned some lessons that have allowed you a brand new perspective where your mental health is concerned. The pain and trauma you have suffered in the past from your relationships will be encouraging you forward making some changes and experimenting with how it is you share yourself with other people. As you redefine what is important to you where love and money is concerned, you’ll feel a lot more detached to some of the weight these topics have put on you in the past. This will be very freeing for you as you set new goals for yourself to reach in the new year. It’s time to get back to what makes your heart happy, and being a bit more playful will help to raise the vibration within your home that has been rather serious for far too long. The positive changes in the home and family dynamic will set the mood for you as we start fresh in 2020.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You’ll be connecting to a lot more people and having your thoughts and feelings heard as we close the year out. There’s been a growth and expansion in your mental frame freeing you to another level of how you communicate with others. There is a more positive outlook on your ability to make money which has levelled up due to the value in which you now see in yourself. Letting go of the inner conflict you've been having - especially where you know you have to say goodbye to certain holdups you have about yourself - will free you to share with the world in a brand new way. The pain you have experienced in the past will push you to create more of a solid foundation for you to live off of, especially where the details of your day are concerned. Making time to balance your mind, body, and soul will prove to be helpful as it prepares you to be more of service to others. You are redefining what it is you need feel safe and secure in your home and the family dynamics you create within it. Although you enjoy your independence, lacking emotional connection and security isn’t doing you any favours either. Expect to see a huge shift in how you are interacting with the world around you and how you express yourself as we enter into the new year. You have some great ideas and a lot to teach others and you will now have all the tools you need to reach a larger group of like minded people.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You will see a huge shift in the way you value yourself and in how you value your skills and abilities. There’s a new energy encouraging you to dig deep and bring out all your talents for the world to see. Redefining what it is you are good at and what it is you enjoy should help provide you with new ideas on how to increase your financial situation to help make you feel a bit better about the future. You are feeling refreshed from your solar infusion that your birthday brings and your mental plane is now out of the darkness and into the light. You’ve done all the reflecting over the past year you can do, and now it’s time you take what you’ve learned and reinvent yourself! There will be a huge release of an emotional divide you’ve had in your personal relationships, freeing you to try new ways of connecting with those you love. Your heart has carried pain for too long and now you are willing to experiment with new ways of doing things to free yourself from past hurts. Get back to the basics where your mental plane is concerned and focus in on what it is you value, especially when connecting to others. There is no room in 2020 for shallow relationships or friendships as you’ll be highly focused on building things that will stand the test of time.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You are about to embark on a brand new adventure with yourself Capricorn. Say goodbye to the last years of struggles as you truly step into your own power. As you approach your birthday you’re already feeling the buzz of energy within you. You are about to grow and expand yourself and how others see you in ways you haven’t explored before. Although you’ll be semi reflective of the past year, you do so as you stand on the verge of a new year that will see more growth and improvements to who it is you are, what it is you do, and reaching goals you couldn’t even imagine! You’ll feel a huge release of the inner conflict you’ve been having in your mental plane, freeing you up to new ways of living and running through your day. It’s important to tweak your routine to suit who it is you want to become so you don’t get stuck in who it is you’ve been. A lot of the pain and discomfort you’ve been feeling in relation to your home and family situation will be lifted urging you to create a new foundation for you to grow off of. Your independence is important to you and redefining who it is you are in the family dynamic will be a great start to a new year where rebuilding relationships will be important to you. Get back to the basics where love and money are concerned Capricorn. You may have a great vision for the future but themes you make right now are more important on how it is you’ll actually get there. Don’t be afraid to let your new light shine. You’ve worked too hard to overcome the struggles you’ve been faced to play small any longer.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You’re about to dive into a world of the unknown as you expand your roles and responsibilities are concerned. Your karma is speaking loud and clear as you deal with the repercussions of the choices you’ve made. There’s reflection needed as you take in a ll you’ve expereinced over the past year, and really take the time to align again with your spirit and soul. You will be seeing a much brighter perspective when it comes to the future of your career, however, the duties you have to be a leader in your field have changed now that you are balancing your work and home life to accommodate the new reality in which you’ve been creating. There will be a huge emotional release for you as you stopping fighting yourself on the home and family dynamics you’ve created. You’ve been debating your two sides of self for far too long and it’s time to unify your heart and your head. Your ego and identity has suffered a huge blow over the past year, and now instead of mulling over all the pain you’ve been carrying you’re willing to put the weight down and try new ways of being you. It’s good to look inside of yourself in order for you to see your own worth. You may have to quiet your mind in order for your heart to speak its truth as you re-evaluate what is important to you where love and money is concerned. Yes, your independence is important, but asking for help when you need it is also a strength you’ve yet to perfect. You’ll be highly focused on setting new goals for the upcoming year where your roles and responsibilities are concerned. Seeing new people enter your world and be more of like mind then some of the connections you’ll be letting go of, may be just what the doctor ordered.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
You’ll be seeing a brand new world open up to you where you career is concerned. Your hard work and self discipline has paid off and the connections you’ll be making through business are going to benefit you as we move into the new year. You’re eager to learn all there is to know about your current career and advancing through the ranks is highly probable as you embark on the next decade. You’ll feel a huge emotional release surrounding some of the issues effecting your home and family dynamics are concerned as you’re no longer at war within yourself. Instead of living in extremes you’ll find a nice cozy spot to live in the middle of your competing goals. You’ve learned a lot of your weaknesses over the past year Pisces, but now it’s time to focus on your strengths. You have so many skills and talents that you’ve yet to show people, that using them to your advantage may just have you seeing an increased sense of worth and value, not only in your bank account, but within yourself too! Move within to take time to reflect upon everything you’ve been challenged with and have overcome. You are redefining what it is that is important to you where love and money is concerned and from that you’ll be making some new goals to set out for yourself to accomplish. Be prepared to see your network grow as we enter into 2020. This will promote good business and career opportunities for you to secure next year, as well as increasing your authority on what it is you do for work.
Book your 2020: YEAR AHEAD Reading to get the full story on what to expect next year!
Astro & Tarot Forecasts November 2019
Welcome to November!
After October was a challenge to restore the peace and harmony in our lives and in our relationships, November brings us a time to do some inner reflection, some reevaluation, within our mental, emotional, and spiritual state. There is a great healing taking place in our Souls, but we need to be strong enough to take a walk into the darkness in order to face our fears. Whatever isn’t FOR US will be destroyed, and whatever is holding us back from fully embracing our power will be released.
*** Important energy shifts for November.***
November 1st - Venus Enters Sagittarius
November 12th - Full Moon in Taurus
November 19th - Mars Enters Scorpio
November 20th - Mercury Goes Direct in Scorpio
November 22nd - Sun in Sagittarius
November 25th - Venus Enters Capricorn
November 26th - New Moon in Sagittarius
November 27th - Neptune Goes Direct in Pisces
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October had you transforming, fully embracing your new vibration as you leave the old, darker parts behind, November will free you up to explore yourself, your relationships, and your next phase of the adventure in learning. Because mercury retrograding in scorpio will be in effect for most of this month, there will be a quiet undertone of inner exploration as you dive within your psyche and subconscious. The energy surrounding your career is high bringing in the kind of financial success that makes you a bit less intense with your finances. Take caution though, this month could be a bit too fancy-free on the purse strings, as there’s a high probability for over-spending. The shift in your new self-worth will have you re-arranging your finances, re-evaluating how you use your talents and abilities, and some long-term plans you’ve had for yourself may need a bit or revising. You’ve recognized the areas within yourself that have been blocking you from fully embracing your next adventure, but this resurrection of your power, energy, passion, and drive, will have you jumping into your next phase in no time. You’re eager to set out on a new path and acquire new knowledge while you put your existing knowledge to work. Your career sector may see a boost in both public recognition and in income or advancement towards the end of the month which will help you to relax that much more right before we jump into the holiday festivities. As you think of all that awaits you in the coming year, you start to dream again, envisioning where your path will take you, and the kind of experiences you still have yet to enjoy. Let your intuition show you the way to building your next phase and adventure, the clarity you crave can be found in your dreams.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October forced you to refocus and balance the personal relationships you have with those you love, November will ask you to revisit some dramatic relationships fallouts, one… last… time. Trying to figure out if there’s another way to do things, to communicate and interact with the conflicted relationships in your life will have you pondering whether or not this person is worth the effort. Is it going to change? Is it a lost cause? You may just find the answer is releasing your own emotions and expectations of the relationship in order for it to not be so damaging and destructive. There’s a reinvention of self for you this month, and as someone who resists change, you’ve recognized where change has to take place within yourself and the way you operate to create more freedom and flow in your life. You are morphng into your best boss in your home and work life. You always to a good job at whatever you’re invested in, but there’s a new found authority happening in your values. This is a great time to think about the connections you currently have and where you could be meeting new people to align to your new goals and dreams for your social life.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October focused on having you transforming your day to day routine, November will see you taking your power back in your relationships. You’ve been disconnected from yourself, your intuition, and the world around you. Sometimes you have to retreat in order to heal. But this month, you are regaining your footing and reclaiming your power. Where you haven’t trusted your intuition in the past will now come up for review. You’ll have to revisit some situations and conversations from the past, but now that you are reconnecting with your power, you’ll see these matters from a new set of eyes. Transforming your day to day life hasn’t been easy. The mental state you’ve been in has been tough to break. But with your reclaimed power comes a lot more freedom for you to see past the darkness and where it was you gave your power away in the past. The new goals and intentions you have for your relationships will lead you on a path to connect with those willing and able to respect your boundaries, and the new dreams surrounding your career life will finally start to manifest in your reality.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October had your heart being exercised at its full potential, November will see your day to day life change in new, positive ways. The work and effort you’ve been putting in to building new foundations for yourself are finally starting to pay off. You are using your skills, talents, and abilities in a new way creating a new income or financial upgrade that will help you to feel more safe and secure long-term. There’s a change in perspective and release of emotions surrounding your goals and connections that was initiated from the Spring. Revisiting some heart felt disappointments and struggles from that time will look very different now with your current growth and understanding. The depth of transformation that has taken place in your heart chakra, freeing you from some of the pain and darkness from the past, is freeing you up for new adventures. Discovering a new way of moving through your day to day routine, structuring activities that promote balance will be a new adventure for you to play with as you explore what it is you need to feel secure within your own energy. Things get a bit serious when it comes to your romantic connections this month, as you are re-evaluating what it is you need from another person in order to feel safe in a relationship. You are thinking much more long-term about your relationships, friendships, and financial situations that you have in the past months. Get ready to start a new learning adventure where you can explore a more freer way of living that you have in the past. The structure and routine of the past will be thrown to the wolves as you find a flow that supports you in your new endeavours.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October had focusing on your home and family connections, November will help you to battle some inner demons still hanging onto your heart strings. Memories and emotions from past heartbreaks are coming up for review and to be released. You’ve done so much work on trying to build a stable home life for yourself that now your heart felt connections need a bit of focus. You’ll feel the weight on your heart space free itself up when you move inward to finally break the chains that have been holding you back from truly sharing yourself with another person. You may also feel a sudden shift in your work area as the focus has been mostly on your home life. The scales are unbalanced, and this month you will try to stabilize them. Your home life and the family dynamics within them have demanded a lot of your energy and attention, but a few balls got dropped while tending to your comfort zone. The energy shifts your attention on making sure you mental state comes out of the darkness and rejoices in being playful and creative again. You’ve been tethered to the past and the pain it has caused you for far too long, and this month you will see that part of your heart die of and regenerate into something more open and ready to explore avenues where it can fully express itself. It may just be time to let that special someone into your heart.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October challenged you to speak up and communicate your thoughts and feelings in brand new ways November will have you revisiting some issues in the home and family dynamics within it. Your heart had suffered in the past with both romantic and family dynamics not honouring you the way you deserved. Although you were quick to dismiss and block that emotion from your heart and head, the past has a funny way of re-emerging. You’ve learned a lot about yourself through your relationships with other people, and now that you’re communication skills have been honed, you may just have to put them to the test to rectify some of the relationships that need a second chance, or a final closure. Having a change in heart is okay, even for you Virgo, but keeping that to yourself isn’t honouring those that need to hear it. Now you’re eager to explore new ways of building relationships and mending those broken relationships within your family. With a new sense of self worth, and a new perspective of what it is you want for yourself in your future, you might have to dust the old heart chakra off and give it another chance at a love that you thought had slipped away. You may just see where your illusions of you relationship status have been blocking your view. Changing your way of thinking and feeling about what it is you want, need , and desire in sharing yourself with someone else may just have you rethinking about a few relationships that got away.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October helped you build new foundations for yourself as your values have changed, November will help you to truly grasp a new perspective on what it is you have in life, and how you equate that to your own self worth. Through the pain and suffering of re-evaluating your material world and personal finances, you are being offered a new perspective on your life and how you see your success. You’ve had some tough lessons in love and money, and most importantly in your own self worth. You will have a chance to take a step back and reflect on all you’ve experienced as far as loss goes, in order for you to see how that material loss equaled a valuable self-worth gain. Releasing the ideas of you only being as successful as the things you possess will free you up to see where you’ve been blocking yourself from using your gifts and abilities to their fullest potential. Wade through the deep waters of emotions within to remind yourself that you are not what you have, and that you value more about yourself then just the things you surround yourself with. You are ready to free yourself from a harsh way of thinking, and with that, you are ready to explore a new path forward with your new found perspective. This shift will allow you to reorganize your home space, see what really is of value to you, and get serious about your long-term plans instead of living day to day. There will be a huge jolt in your day to day routine and how it is you flow through your daily life. Restoring the balance to your work and life equation will give you a solid foundation on creating new dreams for yourself in the future, after you destroy the illusions you’ve been telling yourself.
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After October resurrected you in a brand new light, November will encourage you to root your new energy in your new natal year. Your finances have finally broken through the blockages of the past few months, but so has your ideas on love and money. You are thinking long-term now and are anxious to free your talents and abilities from the restrictions you’ve been holding onto. Revisiting parts of your old self and seeing how they contributed to your overall growth will have you re-energizing yourself in a brand new energy. You are opening parts of yourself up now to forming new relationships and strengthening the relationships that you often keep at a safe distance away. You are no stranger to the darkness within, but this latest inner exploration of the pain and trauma you’ve held onto from your past heart breaks needs to be released for good. Push the seriousness to the side long enough for your playful side to see the light. Your heart chakra is asking for you to let it out to play so it can experience new ways of expressing itself both creatively and in love. Use your communication skills to your best of your ability this month as your words carry a great weight to them. You have lots to share and if you could get past your need to stay so private, you’d see that your words and ideas can actually help many people on their current path. This is a brand new year for you Scorpio, so dream the grandest dream you can for yourself, and then get out of your own way.
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After October helped you take a time out to move inward and reflect on the past year’s experiences, levelling up your self-worth, November will show you where it is you need to rebuild yourself, restrengthening yourself and your spirit before heading into a new natal year. You’ve made a certain peace with your inner spirit as you’ve dove deep into the hurt and pain of the last year. Recognizing where the weight has been on your heart has helped you to realize that there is a better way to honour yourself and those you love other than staying in a state of sadness. As you approach your birthday you will expose dark parts of yourself to the light to be transformed in ways that are going to support your growth and soul’s evolution throughout the next calendar year. As you call back each part of the power you’ve given away, you will once again start thinking, feeling, and operating for a whole sense of self. Releasing old habits and behaviours, especially ways of thinking will help to free you up to find a better flow to run through your day to day tasks. Focusing a bit more on balancing the mind, body, and soul will help you to stabilize your health and wellness. And finding a new meaning or purpose for yourself, maybe a new career or a volunteer position to help give back to others will ground you in a sense of community. As November comes to an end you will feel your energy shift into a new, lighter, more positive energy that will help you feel more like yourself again, being optimistic and hopeful for the year to come.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
After October exposed you to new networks and connections that can help you reach your dreams, November will challenge you to move inside yourself to explore your inner world to reconnect with your intuition and creativity. You’ve met the right people and are now in the right position to get to work building towards the new goals and dreams you have set for yourself. These new roles and responsibilities will require you to step out of your comfort zone just a tad, to recognize the value of the people you surround yourself with. Your heart chakra is opening up, expanding your romantic and creative opportunities. You need to leave the heaviness behind to embrace a more playful approach of how you handle yourself and the work you do. Letting go of a few disappointments you’ve accumulated since the spring will have your creative juices flowing like never before. But recognizing your high expectations and harsh judgements on yourself are the only things that have ever been blocking your way forward. Towards the end of November, you will begin to re-evaluate your worth, your skill set and what it is you actually value in your relationships with others. You may even find new financial goals need to be set for your new natal year. It’s a time to think very hard about what it is you want for yourself for the long-term, as you’ve finally reach a place where thinking that far in advance is actually realistic for you to do.
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After October had focused on your career and preparing for your next move in life, November will have you reflecting on what it is you’re actually working towards as you create new goals for yourself to accomplish. You may be feeling very social this month as you align yourself with new friends and new people in your network that you can rely on for future support. A huge release surrounding your home and the relationships within it, will help you to create a more stable future for yourself in moving forward. Whatever transpired in the relationships within the home back in May, will finally see an ending. Reviewing your options for your career path, factoring in the new details that have emerged will be a main topic as the course of your career life has changed. There are external influences impacting the ability for you to commit to the roles and responsibilities your career has for you, and these issues need to be resolved, before your life changes once again. Tying up lose ends of the past where your career and your home dynamic is concerned should be the main area of attention for you. Towards the end of November you will see a restructuring of your faith, what it is you believe in, and the soul contracts currently being played out. You chose to walk a different timeline back in September, and now figuring out the details of how to move that timeline forward will be re-evaluated inside of your spirit. You may see a change in your material world as what you’ve accumulated since the Spring may have to be readjusted to fit your new life moving forward. Make sure you are using all of your skills and abilities to your advantage to build a foundation of financial security for you to grow off of as we move into a new year.
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After October had you making new connections, aligning with the right people to get you to your newest goals and dreams, November will see a blending of energy to help you apply all that you’ve learned through your schooling and experience to your current career position. The energy will get a bit more playful at your job as the hard learning phase is over. Now that you've expanded your mind and skillset to the current position, you can let your guard down a bit, as you’ve proven what it is you know and what it is you’re worth. You will release a huge emotional block that began back in May involving your communication style and actually using your voice to speak up what it is you know. The authority role you’ve embraced has been a challenge for you but using your voice to speak up and out has shown both yourself and those you work with that you actually DO know what you’re talking about. There will be a review of your knowledge through your own independent learning or actually diving back into a course, or school setting. The insecurities you have about yourself, about what it is you know, has you looking to reaffirm your education and skills. There is a new part of yourself opening up and wanting to be discovered and explored. You’ve applied all that you’ve learned from the past to your current profession, but now you seek new knowledge to help your career in the future. Make sure you are making time for your friendships and relationships this month, as you’ve been disconnected from those that mean the most to you for the past 6 months. Things are going to start settling into your new life flow now, opening you up to getting back to the very basics of what’s important in your life.
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Astro & Tarot Forecasts October 2019
Welcome to October!
After September was about keeping our nose to the grind stone and putting in the hard work to identify what needed to stay and what needed to go in our lives, perfecting our energy and rooting in our new vibration and karmic contracts, October will be about the balancing act we do to bring the darkness into light to truly transform ourselves and anchor our energies into our reality, so that we can’t choose to go back to our old selves and repeat the cycles we just grew out of. October will prove to launch us forward, stepping away from the pile of rubble that was the destruction of who we were, and invite us to explore the depths of our soul and resurrect the fires within to fuel us to explore who it is we now are.
*** Important energy shifts for October.***
October 3rd - Pluto Goes Direct In Capricorn
October 3rd - Mercury Enters Scorpio
October 4th - Mars Enters Libra
October 8th - Venus Enters Scorpio
October 13th - Full Moon in Aries
October 23rd - Sun Enters Scorpio
October 27th - New Moon in Scorpio
October 31st - Mercury Goes Retrograde in Scorpio
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September had you focused on your relationships and how to truly connect to those you share yourself with, October will help you in transforming, fully embracing your new vibration as you leave the old parts behind. Your career goals and success is now hitting a high point because of your recent rebalancing of how to connect in exchanges where you share yourself with others. Your energy is vibrant and you are attracting new people to your circle like a moth is attracted to a flame. You’ll feel an intensity pulling you to move inwards to ask yourself the deep questions on who you really are and what it is you truly desire. The way you melt your intuition with your mental plane will have you swimming in new depths as you bring some of your darker emotions and memories to the light. You take on a new charm in your personal relationships, understanding that your raw, and brute force is sometimes too aggressive in getting what you want. Adopting a more flirty and playful energy, entering into a mental game of wit will have you obtaining the desired outcome you are looking for. Things get emotionally intense and passionate in your romantic relationships as the rollercoaster ride of darkness to light begins. You will be probing your relationships for the deepest darkest secrets and wanting to commit on an even deeper level. The full release of an emotional cycle that has heavily impacted your relationships since your birthday will now come to an end. This is a time where you clearly define who you are as an individual within the context of your external relationships. This is where you take your power back and actually DO something to create a new energy and spark within the bonds you share with others. There are a lot of heavier emotions rising to the surface for release this month Aries. Your quest for betterment will be successful if you are willing to do the dirty work. Allowing repressed memories and emotions to resurface will have you turning your pain into power and helping you to use your fire and aggression to leverage all your new ideas and intentions for your highest good. The journey you make inside of yourself to analyze your thoughts and behaviors will lead to a brand new understanding on how to get out of your own way, and stop being your biggest block in getting what it is you desire.
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click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September forced you to reorganize your day-to-day routine, to adopt new ways of doing things and reframe your mental perspective on your daily tasks and chores, October will help you to refocus and balance the personal relationships you have with those you love. The life lessons you’ve learned over the past 5 months have been substantial in providing you with a new perspective on how you share yourself with others. Allowing yourself to share deeper parts of yourself with those you love and work on bettering those connections will test your communication skills and test you to see if you actually learned anything over the last few months. Your physical energy will be evenly distributed with your mental plane allowing you to engage in intelligent conversations instead of exerting your brute force in order for you to get what you want. This energy will help your day to day mental tasks by connecting the dots and feeding you information with much more ease. Your emotions will be tested in your close relationships as topics of worth come up. It’s important to connect your intuition with your intellect prior to engaging with your friends and family at this time. Deep and meaningful conversations are likely to arise which as uncomfortable as they may make you feel, are necessary for the development of your soul connections. You will feel a shift in your intuition as you release some of the karma attached to your actions you created in the Spring. The release of this emotional and energetic cycle will free your anger and irritability that you’ve been repressing since then. You may have to face some darker parts of yourself as you explore your relationships and have the past resurface in order for you to truly learn from your mistakes. This will impact the way you’ve been thinking about your closest relationships and will out your new communication skills to the test.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September focused on you opening your heart and truly expressing yourself in your creative and romantic connections, October will have you testing your new found love by transforming your day to day routine. You are taking your power back as you resurrect yourself from the darkness you’ve been living in since the Spring. This new attitude and vibration you are embodying will have you deeply thinking and analyzing yourself and your emotions. The level of communication you need to implement in your relationships will be tested and luckily you are in the right mind frame to mediate the situations that once had you feeling powerless. Your intensity and passion are being reignited, and with that, there are some changes you have to make to honour that new energy in all you do. You will happily release some of the connections and friendships that haven’t been supportive to you and take control of who it is you share your energy with moving forward. It’s time to put an end to some old habits that you’ve been holding onto for safety, and truly embrace the new energy you’ve cultivated by making it a part of your day to day life. The darker emotions like anger and frustration will arise to show you what areas of your life needs to be switched up. Rewind to the past to analyze where it is you let go of doing the things you love and make an effort to bring those parts of you back to life.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September had you focused on nurturing yourself and the family dynamics within your home, October will have your heart being exercised at its full potential. Your personal relationships will be the first to take new form as the old roles and responsibilities you once performed are now a thing of your past. Romantic endeavors will suddenly shift forward as well now that you’ve done the work in redefining what it is you actually need from someone in order to feel safe and supported. Your heart will undergo a very in depth analysis resparking new creative and romantic expressions as you resurrect a more playful energy. Any family issues will be resolved with your ability to emotionally detach and mediate situations to a fair and just resolution. The intensity of passion gets resparked within you as your values and worth are re-evaluated. There is a full release of an emotional cycle strongly connected to your career and your success. This cycle is now behind you as you enter into new karmic contracts where you take on new levels of responsibility. There is a rehashing of repressed memories and pains from your love life. This is to honour some of the deeper emotions that have been avoided to protect you from fully connecting with those you love.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September had you absorbing new information, reformulatiing how it is you feel about certain topics, and encouraging you to express yourself more openly, October will shift your focus onto your home and family connections. The struggles you’ve been having implenting new habits and routines will finally stick as you focus on balancing your mind, body, and soul. There is a new energy effecting your home and family dynamic, and communicating what it is you need to feel emotionally safe and secure to those you love will be a test of all you’ve learned since the spring. Your mental plane gets a boost having you charm and wit your way through conversations that will get you what it is you want. Communicating yourself effectively by replacing your aggression with fairness for all involved will see you more success than your direct force ever would. Things heat up and get a bit intense where your home and family is concerned. There’s a new foundation being built and the worth and value you put on your relationships will be of the utmost importance this month. You’ve gone through some pretty tough learning lessons since the spring, and although you will see an ending of much of that struggle, you will have to prove to the universe that you’ve absorbed those lessons by implementing what it is you’ve learned in your day to day routine, and focusing in on what areas within yourself you now set out to explore. Your emotions run high where the home and family is concerned and because of that you may experience some harsher feelings arise, in your efforts to start anew. When the past resurfaces to test your new knowledge, use the darker emotions to guide you into the light.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September tested your new sense of worth, allowing you to create new foundations based on the values you brought into your new natal year, October will challenge you to speak up and communicate your thoughts and feelings in brand new ways. The heartache you’ve experienced since the Spring will now release itself from your energy and invite you to transform your outlook on love. Your interactions and exchanges with others will be very intense this month as you have no time or patience for anything shallow. You will see a balance be restored to your skills and abilities to make money and have a new sense of worth and value in what it is you do. You are asking all the hard questions of both yourself and those around you as you desire more deep, and meaningful connections. The transformation you’ve been going through will see a full release of some of the anger and irritability you’ve been experiencing since the Spring. This is a time to resurrect yourself by communicating your inner most desires with confidence and clarity. Your words carry more value and weight than ever before. Exercise mental caution before entering into conversations of the heart, as you may have to revisit some of the pain you’ve caused with your sharp tongue and critical judgments.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September had you redefining and renewing yourself in preparation for the new year ahead, October will help you build new foundations for yourself as your worth and values have changed. The struggles you’ve endured in your home and family dynamics will now settle as you’ve set boundaries and taken your power back. Be prepared to analyze yourself, your self-worth, and the value you see in your skills an abilities as your intuition blends with your intellect to make a new assessment of what it is you do. You’ll feel a boost of energy in your mental plane pushing you to be your best, most charming self. Through your fairness you’ll have the ability to mediate any situation with your desired result. Your self confidence gets a good going over as you explore the darker and more hidden truths of yourself and your relationship to money. The feelings you’ve been having about your romantic partnerships since the spring will come to an end, and the fears that you’ve had preventing you from sharing yourself with others will step aside. Your want, need, and desire for deep and meaningful relationships will push you in new directions to explore what it is you need to feel safe in sharing yourself with another person. You may feel some past confidence and self-esteem issues rise up as you explore these parts within yourself. Luckily, a new mind frame and perspective will emerge once you wade through the darker emotional waters.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September lead you into the darkness to purge who it is you’ve been and all the pain and trauma you’ve experienced, October offers you a time to step out of the shadows and resurrect yourself in a brand new light. Your new thoughts and feelings you’ve formed over the past 5 months are ready to be shared with the world. As you embrace your new ways of thinking, allowing your intuition to blend with your intellect, you will have many things to share with those around you. You may have an issue balancing the scales of your emotions, allowing your inner world to become your external reality, but as you enter into a new intellectual battlefield, you will see your charm and wit mediate the situations that your blunt force could never resolve. There is a new air about you. Your self-worth and values in life have changed. You are creating new foundations for yourself to exert your skills and talents in new ways to create new money to validate your past experiences. You can now take charge of your life by implementing new habits and routines that favour the care needed for your mind, body, and soul. How you rewire your mental programming is going to be essential for your long term success and for your overall health and wellness. As you enter into a new calendar year, you take on new energy as you dive deep into your repressed emotions and memories. Opening the wounds of the past under the light of the Sun will truly show you that your pain has been the true source of your power all along. Now to use it to your advantage instead of allowing it to hold you back.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September opened you up to new friendships, connections, and dreams, October will help you take a time out to move inward and reflect on the past year’s experiences. Your self-worth and money issues will move forward after being stalled out and delayed since the spring. The energetic block preventing you from making progress in using your skills and abilities to make new income will now be removed. There’s an inner journey you are about to take as you explore your intuition and allow your mental plane to to show you what needs to be let go off, especially where karmic ties are concerned. There will be a new energy backing you to be a bit more balanced in the way you approach conversations and social exchanges with others. Holding back and restraining your normal direct aggression will show you that you can obtain your desired outcome by exercising more charm and wit than your normal force does. Stepping back as you approach your birthday to re-evaluate what is important in love and money will do you a favour in helping you to hone in your focus and intention on what it is you’d like to pursue next and set out to accomplish. There will be a heavy weight lifted off of your heart tied strongly to an emotional connection that was triggered in the Spring. This release will free you up to explore more playful energy in both your creative and romantic endeavours. It’s time to do some deep reflection, and dive into the depths of your emotions to bring the darker parts to the light. Repressed emotions and memories will surface from the past to be fully accept and acknowledged supporting you in a clean slate as you move into a new calendar year.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September had you focused on your career and setting new goals for yourself, October will expose you to new networks and connections that can help you reach your dreams. The challenges you’ve faced in reinventing yourself over the past 5 months are now moving out of the way. You will be able to use your intuition to guide you into the right environments that will help you communicate your thoughts and ideas with a grander vision. There is a new energy backing you to be a bit more flexible with your working relationships, as you’ve learned that being too rigid and stern isn’t getting you what you want. You’ll have the ability to engage in a debate of intellect that will have you obtaining your desired career goals with much more success than when you had being aggressive about your ambitions. There’s a full completion on an emotional cycle you’ve been holding onto since the Spring where your home and family dynamics are concerned. This is a a time to take action and regain your individuality within the home environment and become a bit more independent than you have been over the last 5 months. You will find yourself making meaningful connections to others as you use your social circle to your advantage. The fear of intimacy and meaningful relationships will surface in order for you to create a new understanding of how you can connect to those on the same like-minded level as you giving birth to a much grander vision.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September served you with some hard learning lessons, now you’re being asked to prove that you’ve actually learned something from it. October has you focused on your career and preparing for your next move. The soul searching you’ve been doing since the Spring will test your new sense of self and encourage you to align with your intuition and karmic path. You will be analyzing your career position to determine what your next move should be. There is an opportunity to step forward in a big way that will require you to be raw and honest with yourself. The new information you’ve received and the new thoughts and ideas that have come along with it will now have to be expressed and shared with those you interact with on a day-to-day basis. Use your intuition and your intellect to make informed decisions about your future by taking a good look at the past. You will have to consciously choose to make decision that prevent you from continuing patterns and behaviors that haven’t and will not continue to support you in evolving your spiritual growth.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After September challenged you to dig deep and transform yourself in your career and relationships, here you are resurrecting yourself stronger than ever before. October will now open the door to new connections where you will be aligning with the right people to get you to your newest goals and dreams. The life lessons you’ve learned are now going to be put to the test as you rely on both your intuition and your intellect to navigate you through your existing knowledge and how to apply that to your reality. Your communication skills are going to get an upgrade as you learn how to talk your way through tough conversation using a game of wit and charm rather then your normal direct and forceful ways of getting the result you desire. There’s still a lot to learn in your new reality and because of that you are seeing your self confidence soar. The more you know the more you grow. Your values in love and money are being rearranged and there will be a huge release of the insecurities you’ve been feeling since the Spring. It’s time to step into your power and take charge exerting all it is you’ve learned to make you excel.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can
click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts September 2019
Welcome to September!
After August pushed us to get the party started, actually encouraging us to take action and see things that had been delayed actually start to move again, we were asked to get serious about the details of our lives. The Virgo energy had us hyper-focused on the inner workings or our mind, and the outer workings of all that needed to get organized. Many of us felt we slowed down and stalled out mid-month, when in fact we we’re actually just taking a time out to get to work building and creating new routines and new ways of doing things in our lives.
September will start off slow. We need to keep our nose to the grind stone for the first couple of weeks until we get a huge shift of energies encouraging us to abandon our solo mission and projects to focus on our relationships. As we move through the month of September we will be restoring balance to our lives, infusing peace and harmony into the relationships that we value, and making sure we orient to joy and pleasure every moment we can.
*** Important energy shifts for September.***
September 14th - Full Moon In Pisces
September 14th - Mercury Enters Libra
September 14th - Venus Enters Libra
September 18th - Saturn Goes Direct in Capricorn
September 23rd - Sun Enters Libra
September 28th - New Moon in Libra
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August encouraged you to get your mental game right, and organize the details of your life, September will have you seeing a huge release of an emotional chapter that carried with it a huge karmic lesson. Now that you’ve integrated this lesson, you will be moving forward with tying up the loose ends of the past to get your day-to-day life and routines back in order. There is a huge focus on your relationship sector this month as the energy builds, encouraging you to clear the air, and level the playing field with those relationships that have been brushed to the side. This is about you being ready to share yourself with people again, and doing so with a more balanced approached to your emotions and how you express yourself. You will be re-evaluating some of the relationships you currently have in your life, and will restructure the importance of those you truly value. Your career sector gets a push of energy to move forward from some of the things that got stalled out and delayed since the Spring. This will require you to create a new path forward after having to abandon certain goals and dreams. Because there is a new energy supporting us to re-organize our lives, your career sector, and the roles and responsibilities that go along with it, will see a brand new flow. Your main focus this month is on your interactions with others; defining who it is you feel worthy of spending your time and energy on, and making sure you surround yourself with those who want peace and harmony in their lives just as much as you do.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August exposed your heart chakra, showing you what it is you truly love and enjoy, now you get to integrate these new feelings into your every day life. September will trigger a huge release within you, letting go of certain emotions connected to your perspective concerning your friendships and community. This has been a very powerful “ah-ha moment” that will lead you to feel more connected with those around you. Your day-to-day routine, the structure, the way you move throughout your day, how you make time for your health and wellness, and how you are able to help others, will be a focus for you to restore balance to your life. You are focused on bringing a sense of joy and peace to all you engage in and who you share your time with. You’ve learned a lot about yourself and the life you’ve created over the last few months, and now it’s time to take action putting those new lessons to work. Your outlook and perspective has broadened and you are seeing more possibilities for yourself than ever before. The reorganization of your environment and the efforts to make it as aesthetically pleasing as possible, will see a brand new energy shift take over your space. There’s a huge spotlight on making sure you balance your energy as you run through your to-do list day to day.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August encouraged to re-organize your home and family dynamic, September will offer you an opportunity to really explore what it is your heart wants. There are many pains that weigh heavily on your heart, and this month you will be exploring how to express that to those that need to hear it. Your heart wants more than what you’re currently feeding it. It’s become awakened in a brad new way where passion projects, creative outlets, and new romantic feelings want to be freed. The transformation you’ve been going through since the Spring has opened your eyes to a lot of parts within yourself that want to be expressed, and now, you’re going to get the support you need to take action in aligning your outer reality with the inner world you’ve been creating. You will have to identify which relationships in your life need to be rebalanced, and which ones need to be let go of. Your heart desires fairness, peace, and harmony, which needs to be reflected in your current relationships moving forward.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August offered you new ways of thinking about what it is you value in yourself, and where it is you find the value in your time and money, September will encourage you to integrate your new work/life balance as you reorganize your home and family dynamic. There will be a huge release of an emotional weight connected to your latest learning chapter. You now have been exposed to how the dots from your past directly connect to your present and your future. Your horizons have been broaden and more possibility awaits you now than ever before. Because your routines are changing, to make the work/life balance a bit more comfortable, you’ll now need to tweak your home and family environment to reflect the new organization of your wants and needs. This is a time to dig deep and find the joy in even the smallest task, and really find the peace and harmony in your environment and those you share it with. You’ve done a lot of inner work restructuring your beliefs, wants, needs, and desires in your personal relationships. Now you can move forward by taking action to balance the scales with those you find to be of value. Your outer world will now start to take shape reflecting your new views on how you want to share yourself with other people and what you need in those relationships to feel equal.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August encouraged you to focus on building your worth, both in confidence and in money, September will teach you how to communicate your inner emotions with confidence and clarity. You will be feeling a huge emotional release as you close the door on some darker parts of your emotions. You new vibrational upgrade will be complete with this last purge of the parts that no longer support you in your journey. This closure will free you up to speak up to those that need to hear about your new perspective on life, especially where your new boundaries need to be enforced. Your relationships need some attention, and the air needs to be cleared. This will provide you with great opportunities to balance the scales among your heart and your head. Your daily routines are going to get a makeover as you balance your energy, making sure you reserve enough of your own energy to devote to your health and wellness. A new structure is being put into place to help you balance your mind, body, and soul. This will be a very social month for you, but only connecting to those that you feel reciprocates your energy and effort, and supports your growth and evolvement as you re-invent yourself.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August offered you opportunities to rewire your head and your heart as you embraced your new vibration, September will provide you opportunities to integrate your new relationship with yourself through love and money. You will experience a huge emotional release and ending in your relationship sector, letting of those who no longer support you in your growth. With new energy comes new loss as we vibrate to a frequency higher than those around us can support. Clearing these emotions from the past relationships you’ve had will clear the way for new, like-minded people to enter into your world. You will be encouraged to re-organize and restore balance to your own self worth and value, applying it to how you use your skills and talents to create income and abundance. Your reflection of worth will be echoed back to you through love and money as you find your center point within. The inner work you’ve been doing to heal your heart, align your desires with your romantic and creative endeavours will suddenly move forward as your outer world will begin to reflect your inner state of love and expression. You will see a brand new energy take over the way you see yourself, your abilities, and you efforts to create long-term relationships with those that are aligned with your new values.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August offered you a quiet place to reflect and connect the dots of your life, September will provide you with opportunities to integrate this knew knowledge as you level up to your new best self for your new natal year. There will be a huge emotional release taking place where you will see an ending and closure to your current routine and daily life. Releasing certain habits, ideas around your health and wellness and how you distribute your energy towards helping others will free up a clean slate to create routines more supportive to your long-term goals. You’ll get some amazing opportunities to restore balance to yourself, mind, body, and soul, before fully embodying your new vibration as you start your new natal year. Be fair in how you re-evalute your own worth, and what it is you value about yourself, and what you value in your relationship with others. The inner work you’ve done since the spring re-organizing your home and family dynamics will now take on a new energy as we are being asked to reinforce our boundaries in certain relationships to protect and nurture our own wants and needs. Take the time to reflect back on your last year and who it is you’ve become to realize who it is you’d work towards becoming in your next year of life.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August offered you opportunities to expand your network and connections to help you grow your career, September will take you inside of yourself to reflect and review all that’s taking place within your soul. There will be a huge emotional release of your heart chakra as you close the door on some emotional weight that has been preventing new people in getting close to you. This will clear your energy and prepare a new and clean slate for more supportive relationships to enter your world. As you move inward, you’ll balance the scales of your heart and your head, with your outer world which will begin to reflect your new perspective on relationships. You’ll see a huge shift in how it is you communicate to those around you, especially where your career is concerned. The inner work you’ve done reagrding how you express yourself and share your thoughts with others has transformed into a source of power for you to know use in your interactions. There is a certain level of peace and harmony that you find within yourself as you prepare to start a brand new cycle in life. This will show you where it is you have been lacking joy and pleasure in your life, especially where sharing yourself with others is concerned.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August offered you opportunities to re-organized your work life and career situation, September will provide you will new connections through your larger network to really align with your new dreams and goals. There will be a huge emotional release related to all the obstacles and trials you faced over the last couple of months where your home and family dynamic was concerned. The relationships that were tested, the boundaries that were implemented and enforced triggered the re-organization of the home and the family dynamics within it. The need for balance and fairness in your friendships and greater communities will force you to re-evaluate who and what brings you joy. This is about recognizing who is supportive of your new dreams and ambitions and what friendships and connections aren’t strong enough to support you in moving forward. The inner work you’ve done over the past couple of months to re-build your self-worth and value, will now ask you to take action implementing new ways of using your skills and abilities to create new abundance and income in your live for years to come. Restructuring your inner beliefs around your own value in the world will now be reflected back to you through your love and money. You will see a huge shift in your relationships as they take on new forms. Connecting with new like-minded people will give you the support and encouragement you need to become your best self as you move into the future.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August will offer you opportunities to really apply what you've learned in life and in schooling to create new opportunities for you to earn the income you deserve, September is going to ask you to get serious about what it is you actually want and desire in life. You will feel a huge emotional release in your mental plane as you let go of certain perspectives and ways of thinking. This ending will see the way you’ve been communicating (or lack there of) take on a new life. You will be spending a huge amount of time, energy, and focus, on creating and cultivating new relationships and partnerships in your career sector, as you balance your roles and responsibilities with others. You will feel a powerful shift within yourself as you finally are able to move forward on your path, from things you felt have been holding you back since Spring. Your new energy and belief in yourself, your skills and talents, will show you where it is your light will really shine in the workplace. As you restore balance to your work/home life equation, you will find more peace and harmony in the environments in which you spend most of your time.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August offered you opportunities to transform yourself into a more elevated and connected energy, September will encourage you to explore your world a bit more in depth as you work on integrating your new energy in all you do. There will be a huge emotional release ending a cycle that was focused on you upping your self-worth. Having new insights about your skills and abilities and how to use them to your advantage to gain the kind of monetary wealth you desire, you’ll find yourself wanting to earn new ways of exploring your talents to create a more stable foundation for you and those you love. You will be pulled to set off on new adventures both in the physical world around you and your new perspectives within. You are finding out that your new life lesson is about discovering what bring you balance, pleasure, and joy. The inner work you’ve been doing within yourself since the spring, will now integrate into your daily life. You will be more in tune with your intuition now as you create new foundations and structures for yourself. There will be great efforts exerted to take all that you’ve recently learned about yourself, what you’ve learned on your travels, and the possibilities that await you in your future to create a reality that aligns with your inner vision.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
After August will offered you opportunities to step up to the plate and put forth the effort and hard work needed to truly make your dreams come true, September will ask you to let parts of yourself go to fully support who you need to be to support your future. There will be a huge release of an emotional cycle creating an ending to how it is you’ve been feeling about yourself. The lack of confidence and your insecurities will be a thing of the past as you recognize all that you’ve actually accomplished. You will see an effort to balance your mind with your heart, letting go of old outdated ways of thinking and feeling about yourself, your money, and you intimate relationships. The struggles you’ve faced since April to get your new career goals off the ground are finally going to shift forward in your favour. You’re now connecting to a larger network of people that are of like-mind when it comes tot he career goals you share. Take the time this month to move inside of yourself and see where it is you feel out of balance. This is about you recognizing how far you’ve come, and where it is you are still trying to go. There are parts of your old self you’ll need to leave behind before you can truly find the joy and pleasure in your new life and the new relationships you are cultivating.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
The 12 Days Of Solstice
"Grounding" is a term you hear often and although people have a good idea of what it means, there's still a lot of confusion on what it is, how to do it, and why we should even do it in the first place.
Grounding (or earthing) is a practice in which you connect to the earth, to allow all parts of yourself integrate together as they connect to the universal energies of the earth. We are made up of our emotional body, our mental body, our Soul body, and our Physical body.

Those who are air dominate in their charts will be stuck in the mental body, using their intellectual minds to navigate through life. Those with water dominate elements in their chart will be mainly operating from their emotional and intuitive selves. Those with lots of fire in their charts take action and need to be on the move with all of their energy and drive, and those dominate in earth will be slow and steady, focused on their earthly tasks and chores.
Our soul body is our energetic make up of how all of the other bodies interact with one another. The completeness and integration of all parts of yourself equal your spirit, the energy that drives you through this earthly realm.
Grounding is important because it anchors each part of self to one another as you connect to the earth. It integrates your mental state with your emotional state, with your energy, passion and drive, and then harness that power within your physical body allowing you to operate from a balanced place of power.
Although there are more ways to ground then to connect with the earth, sticking your bare feet in grass, dirt, or sand is the quickest, cheapest and most efficient way to connect to source.
Depending on your elemental make up, there could be one form of grounding that works better for you over the other. Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) need wind, electricity, and mind exercises. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) needs water, salt, and emotional calming. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) need exercise, focus, and water. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) need the dirt, the earth, nature.
One thing all the signs need is to ground.

When The Energy Boutique's SHOP opens its virtual doors on the 21st, I will be offering Grounding Mats. It is a mat that is filled with positive and negatived charged ions that, when you allow contact with your body, your energy will be anchored and integrated together.
This mat is a great tool to have at work to have under your desk, helping you to calm your stresses and make you more clear headed when interacting with your co-workers. This is also great for people who live in apartment buildings who don't have access to a green space. This is amazing to lay on during your yoga practice, sleep on, or sit on any time you are feeling over active in you mind, your heart, or are feeling overwhelmed with all of your access energy.
A Grounding Mat is a great tool to have access too, to provide the grounding effects at any time, in any situation. I can't wait for you to try it for yourself!
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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Welcome To Taurus Season
The Sun has moved out of the fiery, assertive, passionate, sign of Aries getting our new energetic calendar off to the right foot. He now moves into Taurus where we will take what we started for ourselves in Aries, (new boundaries, new passions, new projects, new jobs, new relationships) and use that as a foundation to build upon.
Taurus is the second zodiac sign in the wheel and is an earth sign. It is ruled by the Goddess Venus who inspires Taurus to go after anything that brings them pleasure, joy, and security. Taurus is a very sensual sign, trusting the body senses to guide them to true comfort. They reward themselves with things of beauty, lush fabrics, sparkling objects and trinkets. They also find value in food as they are all about feeling that comfort.
Their overall motivation in life is to seek security by working hard to build the structures that will have long-term rewards to their home and finances. There is no sign more "down-to-earth" than a Taurus. So much so, they believe that slow and steady always wins the race. They enjoy routine, structure, stability, and being productive.
When the Taurus energy is strong, we can tap into all of these great qualities and really build the foundations we need in life to launch off of. Taureans aren't afraid of hard work or getting their hands dirty if it means they see the reward quickly, knowing that the job is done well and going to stand the test of time. They are by no means materialistic people, however, they do connect deeply with physical items as they represent their journey, their success, and their reward.
There is a caution with this Taurean energy, which is that we may become so grounded, so centered, so methodical in our approach to building and creating new foundations for ourselves, that, “slow and steady” turns into “so slow that nothing will get done”. Tauraens are by no means lazy, but often get so consumed about how to go about initializing a plan that they never really get started.
They are probably the most stubborn of all the signs, and as they represent the ram, there is really no wonder why. When they are defending themselves, they dig their heels into the earth below, lower their head exposing their horns, and kick up dust to show that they aren't messing around. If you do happen to push a Taurean’s boundary, you will be charged at without a second thought and the great head of the ram will knock you on your butt.
If you are lucky enough to love a Taurus, you will see their undying loyalty, constant nurturing (especially with food being offered to you the minute you enter their home), and a very kind-hearted soul that will do anything for those they love.
They are a fixed sign, meaning they have a hard time with change. They aren't likely to make many changes to their lives as they value routine and structure above all else. Even with life's circumstance forcing them to change, they often choose to be dragged than to go with the flow.
These qualities are exactly what we need right now coming out of Aries season. The spark within us has been re-ignited, our passion is leading the way, and now we can take everything we realized we wanted over the past month, and get to building.
Our actions are much more calculated and methodical now. We have no problem accessing the patience required to get the job done right, as we are focused on the long-term now, more than ever.
We also get a chance under this influence to focus on nurturing the body. Spoil yourself with spa days, massages, salt baths. Buy new clothes, a small trinket to represent your current stage of success. And although comfort food is on the top of the list, be cautioned that that kind of comfort is only good for you in moderation.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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