Mercury Enters Leo

Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, re-enters into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Most of us will barely remember Mercury entering Leo the first time around on June 26th, because so much has gone down since then, it literally seems like a life time ago.
But, only a month ago we actually got a taste of what Leo does to the way we express ourselves when we finally stood up and spoke up about our feelings. Mercury in Leo honours the heart-space, speaks one's truth, lives more authentically, sparks new creative and romantic passions, and has fun, acting playful and lively, with a child-like energy. Because Leo is the performer of the zodiac and tends to be a bit dramatic in taking over the spotlight, we will likely feel a strength to want to be heard and seen.
Mercury rules the mental plane, and since Mercury came out of retrograde, it's been deep in the emotional and intuitive waters of Cancer, trying to mend fences and repair hearts from the chaos created while retrograde.
So here we go again.
Leo energy makes us bold, brave and confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths. It's great timing actually to emerge from the darkness of emotions over the last few months, and REALLY stand up proud! Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.
A lot of difficult truths were revealed while Mercury was in Cancer. The retrograde caused hurt feelings that we all tried so hard to avoid. We are so passionate about sharing our truths with Mercury in Leo, and our new truths have yet to be told.
Again, we need to remind ourselves of the few cautions that come with this energy.
Caution #1: Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.
Caution #2: This energy influence makes us have the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.
Caution #3: Because we are still under Mercury's retrograde shadow (until the 15th) we are still in clean-up mode trying to fix what was broken under the retrograde energy. This means that there is a fairly good chance that we may have to revisit what we spoke about under this energy influence to pick up some pieces or clean up the aftermath of our truthful expression at a time when emotions weren't clearly understood. This is just another reason to formulate what you want to say in your head, and then allow the brilliant Mercurial energy to analyze and edit the best way to deliver it all, and know when it cut it short.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can download your monthly forecast, or book an Astro or Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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New Moon In Leo

Today we have our Black, Super New Moon in Leo which serves as the catalyst for us to emerge with brand new energies and sense of self. This is the tipping point so to speak, where after months of emotional anguish we are feeling strong enough, revived, and renewed enough, to stand tall and proud as we walk out of the dark cave we've been hiding in.
This is a black moon, meaning it is the second New Moon in the same month (which doesn't happen very often), and it's also a super moon as the proximity of the moon from earth is at its closest distance, not only appearing closer than ever, but the intensity in which this moon is effecting the tides (and the water within us) is extreme.
A New Moon is classically a time to invite new ideas, intentions, new elements to our lives, and this New Moon is not only a great time to be setting new intentions, but it is the first New Moon in months that actually support us in manifesting.
We have been beaten down and knocked over the last couple of months. With eclipse season breaking us down, with all the planets in retrograde forcing a pressurized transformation of our inner-selves, this new moon, the absolute center of the zodiac wheel and galactic calendar has our hearts wide open, bearing all wounds in the name of love.
This New moon carries a lot of power, asking us to step up and take ownership, to take back our power, to take control of our lives, and to be the leader we need to be in our own worlds. This new moon takes place only 46 minutes before mercury comes out of retrograde, meaning we can finally start moving forward again and escape the emotional waters that many of us have been drowning in.
This New Moon taking place in Leo is the heart of the lion. This is when we allow the heart to lead, to show us where it is we've been living in fear, and where we've allowed our ego and critical mind to block our intuition and our heart from making the decisions.
Under this energy we are being encouraged to take the anxieties we feel in our gut up into our heart space, and the fears and doubts we create in our mental space, down into the heart chakra. And when you calm the mind long enough, you will see that the heart knows and heals all. No one knows you better than you know yourself.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Welcome To Leo Season
Today the Sun, our vital life force, moves into its place of power and comfort in Leo. Leo is an fire energy, very much focused on the matters of the heart, where love, passion, and expression reigns. Leo is represented by the lion and demands the same kind of regal attention. It represents strength, pride, and passion in all forms.
The Sun moving from Cancer to Leo is a welcomed changed by all. The Cancer season topics and themes of the home and family dynamic had many of us broken hearted on some level. We got double-whammied with the eclipses and having us beat and broken down before we could breakthrough and emerge as the king of the jungle we actually are.
Leo season will bring romance, (the fun, playful kind), to the forefront. We want what the heart wants and the heart wants to be loved! We want to be acknowledge and appreciated. We want to be applauded for all we've gone through. We want to stand on the center stage with the spotlight on us, and relish in the attention. This is a time where our romantic relationships and our creative projects will thrive. Anything that we are passionate about will take the limelight, and with the roar of the lion encouraging us to express ourselves in whatever ways we need, will not only be heard, but will be accepted.
Our playful sides shine under this energy, and we want to have fun! We are generous with our time and attention, and also with our money which you should be cautious about. Our fun-loving, free flowing spirit may spend money that we actually don't have.
Although this energy will pick us up and give us a strength we've been lacking, it does come with some cautions. Because the Leo energy is loud and demands attention, we could find ourselves acting overly dramatic and emotional about things that there's just no need of. We are seeking attention any way we can with this energy so be cautioned that your not looking for attention in the wrong ways. We could become overly expressive, oversharing, over emoting, and taking the lead role in our own play just a tad bit too far.
Because this Leo energy won't really be at it's most powerful until after the 8th of August, be cautious of how the ebb and flow of emotions actually effect you. We are still purging some pain from our heart-space while we are distancing ourselves from the Cancer and eclipse season. We have once last cry in us before emerging as the powerhouse we are after the first week of August.
Watch out for the wounded lion, as they tend to lash out causing damage to those around them before they retreat to lick their wounds. You'll want to exercise damage control when emotions are high and tempers are flaring. Regardless of how the lion within you feels at this moment, please know that you will be feeling a sense of power and strength within you once we get the first week of August under our belt.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Full Moon In Sagittarius

Today, our Lunar Goddess is in her full illuminated state, embracing and harnessing all of the Sagittarian power for us to work with. The full moon is a powerful time, but only if you understand the energy that it offers and how to harness it for your own benefit. It is a time of heightened emotions and healing energy. Our feelings on certain topics increase and rise as we grow towards the full moon status, where they reach the tipping point of acknowledgement before we release them all together.
Understanding the lunar cycle can provide us with a valuable insight into the changing energies that impact our lives throughout the month. Some people like to believe that the changes that are experienced during the full moon cycle is nothing more than coincidence, but scientific studies now show that there are hormonal changes that occur throughout the Moon’s phases explaining the increase in hospital visits, crazy attitudes, and irrational decisions.
While full moons are often accompanied by sleep disturbances and mood swings, those who are able to prepare themselves adequately can use the energy to their benefit to make significant changes and improvements in their lives.
The Sagittarius Full Moon is a fiery energy, ushering in bursts of creativity, and insight. Sagittarian energy gives you a feeling of fearlessness, and the courage to act quickly. With this potent energy, you may look at yourself, your life, or a particular situation in a new light, as Sagittarius helps encourage you to change or gain a new perspective.
Sagittarius invites fun and liveliness into life, as it is a sign that also encourages spontaneous and adventurous energy. If you find yourself being challenged in life right now, Sagittarius will help you find, and hold onto your joy. It's a fun spirited sign that will encourage even the worst "negative Nancy" to find the silver lining in their situation and raise the vibration within by focusing on the good instead of the bad.
The energy of Sagittarius will encourage you to let go of all expectations and the burden of your responsibilities, focusing your attention instead on the new experiences that have yet to come.
It is said that when the full moon is in Sagittarius, all zodiac signs are going to get a taste of the Sagittarius way of life. For some, this can be exciting, embracing the impulsive and adventurous energies that this will trigger. They will follow their hearts, enjoying the true freedom and allowing it to bring a new element of change and excitement to their lives.
For others, however, this can be a frightening experience that will disrupt their well planned and organized lifestyles. Instead of fighting this energy, embrace it. Open your mind, body and soul to the positive energies that come with the full moon in Sagittarius. Instead of allowing yourself to worry about all that could possibly go wrong, focus your attention on the possibilities before you, trusting that you are capable of whatever it takes to reach them.
Internal conflicts may arise under this full moon as the Sun is situated in Gemini’s side of logic and reason, and the moon is in Sagittarius’ side of living in faith. It’s important to find balance between the two signs and their influence within us. If you are analytical, and always needing to know all of the steps in the process, you may miss important clues that are meant to guide you in the right direction. When you live by faith only, you miss the experience of trial and error which ultimately leads to your growth. Find balance between faith and logic to support you in moving forward.
Emotions usually run pretty high around full moons, but this time around they may be easily triggered as we are also being influenced by other planetary influences. These planetary influences are digging up past emotional wounds, which might make you feel vulnerable. What and who is triggering your emotions?
If you have been struggling with pains from the past, this is the time to address them. Don’t shy away from the painful memories or difficult feelings that are associated with your past. Instead, embrace these experiences, allowing yourself to accept all that you have been through and the ways that you can improve moving forward. Applying these concepts to your life will allow you to let go of the past, freeing yourself from this negative energy, and move forward with a clean slate.
With the Moon in Sagittarius, you may be triggered to explore higher realms of spiritual truth, as Sagittarius is known to in the zodiac as the teacher, and the explorer. As a forward thinker, it also encourages you to look further down the path, and broaden your perspective, and concentrating on the bigger picture.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Mercury Enters Gemini
Mercury, the planet of information, intellect, and communication, is moving from Taurus into Gemini picking up the pace in our minds.
Mercury rules Gemini the sign of the twins, bringing both parts of himself together. Mercury is in his place of power here. He effects our mental plane making our minds move at lightening fast speeds. We are able to wipe our brains clean of all the old programming and obsessive thoughts we've been having and start fresh creating a new record for ourselves to listen to.
We are processing the information our brains are taking in at warped speeds. The details of our environment get seen in a new light, and we are able to makes sense of things much quicker with a strong sense of clarity.
Although this brain power is an amazing advantage for us to experience right now, there can be an element of burn out if we are overwhelming our minds with too much stimulus. We need to be able to control our brain power and exercise extreme focus when our mind becomes scattered.
This is also a great time to be forming new ideas and perspective about some long standing issues in your life. Suddenly you will see the dots connect and be shown a perspective that you can't unknow. You will be amazed with the "ah-ha" moments and downloads of information you'll receive while Mercury is in his place of power.
We also get a huge push to speak up and out. We have just come from Taurus season where we upped our value and worth, and now some people in our lives need to hear how we are going to be treating ourselves, and expect to be treated, from now on.
If you are given the opportunity to speak up and express yourself on any matter that is of value to you, now is the time to do it. We have a way with words when Mercury is in Gemini meaning our words carry more weight and value than we previously realized.
Our words, our message, hits our audience in the right kind of way to have them understand, acknowledge and accept your opinion and the feelings you express.
This is a very powerful time.
Because technology, cars, and anything mechanical can be effected under this energy, you need to be prepared for glitches that will eventually fix themselves. If there is a mechanical breakdown of any kind, chances are the problems were known about and not prevented.
This is a time where we have expansive ideas and inspirations, but they come so fast that we can barely retain the information. Make it a practice to be writing your epiphanies and insights down to revisit them at another time.
Take advantage of Mercury being in his place of power by exploring your surroundings and picking apart scenarios in your head. We can come to some serious, solid conclusions under this energy, so make sure you are paying attention to your thoughts and that you use your mind power for positive growth.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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