Mercury Enters Leo
Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, re-enters into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Most of us will barely remember Mercury entering Leo the first time around on June 26th, because so much has gone down since then, it literally seems like a life time ago.
But, only a month ago we actually got a taste of what Leo does to the way we express ourselves when we finally stood up and spoke up about our feelings. Mercury in Leo honours the heart-space, speaks one's truth, lives more authentically, sparks new creative and romantic passions, and has fun, acting playful and lively, with a child-like energy. Because Leo is the performer of the zodiac and tends to be a bit dramatic in taking over the spotlight, we will likely feel a strength to want to be heard and seen.
Mercury rules the mental plane, and since Mercury came out of retrograde, it's been deep in the emotional and intuitive waters of Cancer, trying to mend fences and repair hearts from the chaos created while retrograde.
So here we go again.
Leo energy makes us bold, brave and confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths. It's great timing actually to emerge from the darkness of emotions over the last few months, and REALLY stand up proud! Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.
A lot of difficult truths were revealed while Mercury was in Cancer. The retrograde caused hurt feelings that we all tried so hard to avoid. We are so passionate about sharing our truths with Mercury in Leo, and our new truths have yet to be told.
Again, we need to remind ourselves of the few cautions that come with this energy.
Caution #1: Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.
Caution #2: This energy influence makes us have the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.
Caution #3: Because we are still under Mercury's retrograde shadow (until the 15th) we are still in clean-up mode trying to fix what was broken under the retrograde energy. This means that there is a fairly good chance that we may have to revisit what we spoke about under this energy influence to pick up some pieces or clean up the aftermath of our truthful expression at a time when emotions weren't clearly understood. This is just another reason to formulate what you want to say in your head, and then allow the brilliant Mercurial energy to analyze and edit the best way to deliver it all, and know when it cut it short.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can download your monthly forecast, or book an Astro or Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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