Mars Enters Gemini
Today, Mars, (the planet of action, energy, passion, and anger) moves into Gemini. This is a very interesting aspect as we jump from having Mars in an earth sign (Taurus) to and air sign (Gemini).
Gemini (being an air sign) rules the mental plane making our minds more active than they have been throughout Pisces season with all the watery emotions clouding our judgment. We have struggled to maintain clarity and had lost our ability to focus on the details.
Gemini also rules information, how we take it in from the world, process and make sense of it, and then communicate and express ourselves outwardly. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that rules the hands and because of this, we have a lot of energy urging us to DO something with our hands to keep our mind distracted. Mars in Gemini could totally be represented by the saying "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
Mars is bringing a fire energy to Gemini's air, meaning we have to monitor how much we are fanning that flame. Our minds are going to be all over the place as they come back online. We will be distracted and jumping all over the place. Gemini loves to multi-task, keeping their mental plane active and engaged at all times.
The same goes for this planetary aspect, but there are a few cautions that come with this placement.
First, the fire energy of Mars is impulsive. It would rather act now and think later. If we act on these impulses, you can best bet you will find yourself in some situations you'd rather not be in, that will require some effort to get out of.
Second, Mars also brings a lot of passion to the table which Gemini can totally work with. There is a high level of productivity that can get accomplished during these times. Do be cautioned though, it is better to multi-task among 3 projects than it is to multi-task among 10 projects. There is a caution here that we do not spread ourselves too thin as we won't really end up accomplishing much.
Third, Mars is also very aggressive. It can cause frustration in a second, and throw a full blown tantrum the next. Because Gemini rules communication and expression, we must be mindful about how we are speaking to others, as we could come off as blunt, rude, and mean. If the energy of Mars can make our tongues sharp, we have the ability to hurt people with our words which will cause drama that doesn't need to be caused. This is a great energy to be bold enough to speak our truth, but just be cautious about how that truth is being delivered.
Be mindful that this energy needs to be exerted through physical movement and exercise. If we do not exert this energy in a healthy way, it will continue to boil within us causing physical symptoms such as anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches, that we'd rather not deal with. Being this high strung will cause us to lash out at the first opportunity to do so.
It is best to work WITH these energies instead of against them. So make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity to alleviate the fire energy building within, be mindful of how you are speaking to others, and keep your mind busy and engaged at all times.
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons, and advantages and disadvantages. This aspect is no different. Mars is a power house of an energy to work with, and Gemini is a brilliant energy that will help us connect the dots of logic, as long as we do not act upon our first impulses.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through. Please take advantage of the Monthly Forecasts available to help guide you through the month, as well as Energy Forecasts I put out to help you stay in alignment with the cosmic energies.
Mercury Enters Leo

Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, moves into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Leo is a fire sign and honours the heart-space. Leo is about speaking one's truth, living authentically, creative and romantic passions, and a fun, lively, child-like energy.
Leo is the performer of the zodiac, and tends to be a bit dramatic in their storytelling once they've taken over the spotlight. Because Mercury rules the mental plane, we've likely been debating big ideas in our heads, and trying to bite our tongues during conversations while Mercury was in soft, emotional and intuitive Cancer. But Leo energy makes us bold, and brave. We get confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths.
Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.
A lot of difficult conversations were avoided while Mercury was in Cancer. We were so concerned with hurting other people or upsetting them with our words, that we actively avoided expressing ourselves. That all gets tossed out the window as Mercury moves into Leo, as we are so passionate about sharing our stories we aren't really concerned with how it will effect those that hear what we have to say.
There are a few cautions that come with this energy. Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.
Another caution about this energy influence is the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.
The third factor of this energy, is that Mercury will go retrograde next week, giving us an opportunity to revisit past situations, re-edit how we handled them, and revise the closure we need to provide in order for it to be settled. This means that there is a fairly good chance that we may have to revisit what we speak out about under this energy influence to pick up some pieces or clean up the atfermath of our truthful expression at a later date. This caution is just another reason to formulate what you want to say in your head, allow the brilliant Mercurial energy to analyze and edit the best way to deliver it all, and know when it cut it short.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Dream Like There is No Tomorrow
With the last few days of our accelerated manifestation state coming to an end, we really have to get serious and focus on giving our vision work all we’ve got.My weekly subscribers have listened to me go on for months now, about how and why doing vision work is so important, capturing a vision of what our lives would look like if we could be living out our dreams.This accelerated manifestation state started back in January as we entered into the New Year, the year of building and creation.The Universe has asked to to dream such a detailed dream for ourselves and to hold that vision so strong in our minds that even the darkest, most toughest challenges couldn't have broken our focus. But the problem is, we did, we lost focus.We have had to continuously pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and reinvent both ourselves and the ideal life we’d like to be living, more times than anyone was really counting on.The first half of this year was about building and creating ourselves, our inner worlds, filled with healing past pain and traumas, rebuilding our understanding and belief system, and raising our vibration high enough to become a permanent fixture in this 5D collective community.The first half of the year, as challenging as it was, revealed such truth, such strength within us that if we weren’t so energetically tired from reconstructing our energetic bodies, we may just have celebrated a bit more for coming out on the other end.Last week’s solstice marked the half way point in our year, in the astrological and energetic calendar. And now that the portal, the wormhole of time, has opened to prepare for our upcoming eclipse season, holding a vision for ourselves and our future is of the utmost importance.We have our first of two eclipses taking place in July, starting off with a bang early next week. The New Moon in Cancer is a solar (Sun) eclipse which historically adds something to our lives that we never thought we could obtain in such a short time frame.These aren’t random events, they are actually events that were destined to take place in your life path eventually, but because of the accelerated manifestation state, the Universe speeds up time and has these situations gifted to us during the solar eclipse.The second eclipse will take place on July 16th, which a Full Moon partial lunar (Moon) eclipse in Capricorn. Historically, this energy will remove something from our lives that we’ve been stalling on removing ourselves. Maybe we are in a relationship that we know isn’t right for us, maybe we are in a job that is sucking the life out of us, maybe we are holding onto such pain and trauma that we are unable to open ourselves up to anything new entering our worlds.This eclipse energy will remove it very quickly and will help to transform our energy into a new vibration to be successful in the second half of the year.We will see the physical results of all the changes we’ve been needing to take place to align ourselves more with the vision of our life we’ve been focusing on, in this second half of the year.Because the eclipse energy is far too intense, unstable, chaotic, and fragmented, we will not be focusing on manifesting while the Universe does its thing. That’s why it’s super important to focus all your energy into your vision work now while the energy still supports us to be manifesting.Once the planetary events start taking place next week, we need to really sit back and watch all the dynamics that will be taking place as the portal, the wormhole, begins to speed up and expand, projecting us through time, through our life lessons and through the accelerated manifestation state. We have done all we can do up until the eclipse season takes over.We need to practice surrendering and going with the flow. The Universe knows what’s best for us as "they" can see our life plan laid out like a beautiful map.The events that need to take place, the meetings with certain people that need to happen, the completion of certain life lessons and soul contracts will be reorganized under the guidance and authority of the cosmos and we just need to sit back and watch it all come together.These times are not going to be easy. The highs are very high, while the lows are exceptionally low. We may not be in total agreement or understanding of the events that are going to take place in the month of July, but with some time, and a whole lot of faith and patience, we will surely see how it all connects together and how it is essential for our growth and evolvement.So for the rest of the week, tap into the current energies of the Universe and dream a bigger dream. Get lost in your daydreams, explore your dream state. Review and repeat your vision in your mind until it is so strong, so clear, that you can see it happening in your mind’s eye.Most of all, create only the vision. Release the control over HOW all of this is suppose to happen, and trust that the control over the vision you hold is the only control you’ll need to see your dreams come to life.As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy BoutiqueTo make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
A Friendly Reminder
Reminder: Emotions are ENERGY = E in MOTION = EMOTION... There is more power in the negative emotions then we can seem to muster up in the good emotions... Think of how easy it is to be sad... To be angry! And now think of how hard it is to be joyful and excited... The POWER lies in realizing that anger is a necessary EMOTION... It shows us where in our lives we need the biggest change... Anxiety shows us where we need to release NEEDING control... Sadness shows us where we once had happiness... And all of the PAIN shows us where we need to heal!! We are going through some rough energy right now that is causing people to abandon their dreams, their path, and themselves. People are turning around and running back to the life that they prayed so hard to get away from... All because we grew tired of charging forward. Make no mistake, this spiritual journey is HARD, it’s CONFUSING, it’s RAW... But this is also how you get to the life you’ve been dreaming of! So if you’re tired, rest. But don’t run back to the dark just because you know what awaits you there. The light has so much to offer you but it’s going to require you to TRUST and have FAITH like you’ve never had before! So take all of those POWERFUL not-so-good emotions and say “Hey! Thanks you for guiding me... Thank you for visiting me... But there’s the effing door!!”
Full Moon in Libra
Many of us awoke to the exact moment that our Lunar Goddess struck the 29th degree of Libra where she was at her most powerful and fully complete. This Full Moon is the 2nd Full Moon in Libra this past month, which makes it a bit rare and a whole lot of special.
I invite you to think back to March 20th, when we had our first Full Moon in Libra at a 0 degree. It was the 5th Full Moon in a row at a 0 degree, meaning it brought a brand new, clean slate for us to work with in the new energetic calendar.
The first Full Moon in Libra opened the door to some healing that needed to take place within our relationships. We were being asked to think about our own individuality as the Sun was newly in Aries opposing and applying tension to the Moon in Libra, which had us focusing on who we share ourselves with.
Aries and Libra are opposing signs, meaning they sit directly across from each other on the zodiac wheel. We were being asked to examine who we are as an individual while being a part of a team. The energy was just getting started under that moon and didn't really have a chance to build momentum. We were under some other planetary influences at that time (mostly Piscean influences) that derailed any kind of action we wanted to take to balance the scales of our emotional and logical state surrounding the relationship issues.
Here, we get a second chance to not only review the, “I vs. We, Me vs. You, Us vs. Them” equation, and have some details illuminated that we may not have seen in our lives under the influence of the last moon.
This Full Moon in Libra at a 29th degree is a critical point for bringing something full circle. We are now under the right energetic forces to not only see things from a different perspective, but we are able to actual DO something about it should our realizations inspire us to take charge and make change.
This would be an action that would set you off in a whole new way of thinking about yourself and how you feel being part of a relationship. We have some great opportunities for growth here as the Full Moon in Libra acts as a mirror for us to see our own roles and energies that we bring to the team.
This Full Moon in Libra is also favourable because Mercury (the planet of information, communication, and expression) has just moved into fiery Aries, making our ability to piece things together at the speed of light a super power that we can all benefit from at this time.
We don't have very long to tap into the Arien energy to take action and start new initiatives where our relationships are concerned, as Aries season comes to an end tomorrow when the Sun moves into Taurus. We do benefit by that energy, as what is revealed to us under the Full Moon influence can be built upon with the hardworking, nose to the grindstone Taurean energy.
We also get a bit of help in the love and passion area after coming to the realizations about our relationships under the Full Moon in Libra when Venus (the Goddess of love, beauty, money and worth) slips into Aries tomorrow where the fiery passion of Mars (Aries's ruler) brings its intensity, energy, and drive to all things love related.
Take a few moments today as the Full Moon energy still lingers on, to think about the themes and topics of relationships and your individuality within them. The Moon moves into deep, intense, probing Scorpio, where the issues that have come up for you surrounding the energy of this moon will be analyzed under the detective mind of the Scorpian energy.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
Mars Enters Gemini
Today, Mars, (the planet of action, energy, passion, and anger) moves into Gemini. This is a very interesting aspect as we jump from having Mars in an earth sign (Taurus) to and air sign (Gemini).
Gemini (being an air sign) rules the mental plane making our minds more active than they have been throughout Pisces season with all the watery emotions clouding our judgement. We have struggled to maintain clarity and had lost our ability to focus on the details.
Gemini also rules information, how we take it in from the world, process and make sense of it, and then communicate and express ourselves outwardly. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that rules the hands and because of this, we have a lot of energy urging us to DO something with our hands to keep our mind distracted. Mars in Gemini could totally be represented by the saying "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
Mars is bringing a fire energy to Gemini's air, meaning we have to monitor how much we are fanning that flame. Our minds are going to be all over the place as they come back online. We will be distracted and jumping all over the place. Gemini loves to multi-task, keeping their mental plane active and engaged at all times.
The same goes for this planetary aspect, but there are a few cautions that come with this placement.
First, the fire energy of Mars is impulsive. It would rather act now and think later. If we act on these impulses, you can best bet you will find yourself in some situations you'd rather not be in, that will require some effort to get out of. Because we are lacking the air element in our charts right now, we have to be very strict with ourselves to stop, and think things through before acting.
Second, Mars also brings a lot of passion to the table which Gemini can totally work with. There is a high level of productivity that can get accomplished during these times. Do be cautioned though, it is better to multi-task among 3 projects than it is to multi-task among 10 projects. There is a caution here that we do not spread ourselves too thin as we won't really end up accomplishing much.
Third, Mars is also very aggressive. It can cause frustration in a second, and throw a full blown tantrum the next. Because Gemini rules communication and expression, we must be mindful about how we are speaking to others, as we could come off as blunt, rude, and mean. If the energy of Mars can make our tongues sharp, we have the ability to hurt people with our words which will cause drama that doesn't need to be caused.
Because we have all of this fire energy within us (being in Aries season, and now Aries' ruler Mars making a move), we need to be mindful that this energy needs to be exerted through physical movement and exercise. If we do not exert this energy in a healthy way, it will continue to boil within us causing physical symptoms such as anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches, that we'd rather not deal with. Being this high strung will cause us to lash out at the first opportunity to do so.
It is best to work WITH these energies instead of against them. So make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity to alleviate the fire energy building within, be mindful of how you are speaking to others, and keep your mind busy and engaged at all times.
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons, and advantages and disadvantages. This aspect is no different. Mars is a power house of an energy to work with, and Gemini is a brilliant energy that will help us connect the dots of logic, as long as we do not act upon our first impulses.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.