Chiron Retrogrades In Aries

Chiron, the wounded healer planetoid, has been in Aries since February creating a healing energy that will help us all heal the wounds of our ego and identity, and turn those wounds into power. Chiron entered into Aries in April of 2018, and stayed there long enough to see the breakdown of who we are, either in our spirit or in our physical world. Chiron then retreated back into Pisces in September of 2018, during his last retrograde before fully diving into the healing process of our inner wounds, aligning our spirit with who we are in every day life.
Since Chiron moved into Aries for a long-term stay in February, we have been seeing it's effects on a public platform, as everyone is now empowered and speaking up and out about the pain and trauma they've endured. Chiron lets us know what wounds we came into this life to heal, and where it is we need to turn pain into power by the placement of his energy in your birth chart. We all come into this life, looking to heal certain wounds that we will accumulate throughout our lives, all in hopes that one day we will drop the mask, expose our wounds, and inspire others to do the same.
Today, Chiron is going retrograde in Aries, taking us on a little bit of a healing journey inwards. This is where we get to retrace our steps, examine ourselves and the wounds we've already exposed. This acts as a refresher course to provide some closure to the first layer of healing.
Chiron will be in Aries until 2027, providing us with a huge timeframe to heal the wounds that we've been hiding behind, and using as a crutch for our identity. Too many of us identify so greatly with our pain, that we don't know how to let go. We use it as a shield and as an excuse to move on in our lives. Some of us don't even know who we are without our pain identity. But now is the chance to peel back the first layer of our pain, to drop the mask, and get real with ourselves. We have learned certain behaviours and adopted certain ways of thinking out of our need to survive. Now we have a choice to drop the survival mode, and move into thriver mode.
Physically, Chiron in Aries spotlights the head. We could be feeling some pressure, headaches, migraines, and overall discomfort where our head is concerned. Ailments such as sinus issues, jaw pain, neck problems, will all fester with the sharp movements of Chiron through the sky.
Mentally, Chiron in Aries is asking us to be a bit more authentic and real in our lives. The masks we wear especially to hid our pain and insecurities is creating a false sense of self. We are being asked to "wake up", drop the mask, and start showing the world who we really are. This is about acknowledging that we do in fact wear a mask, we try to hide ourselves, especially where we are most vulnerable, and in turn, we are adopting the "victim" mentality. It's time to make a conscious decision to step away from being a survivor, and fully embrace the life of a thriver.
Emotionally, Chiron in Aries asks us to stand up for ourselves. This means recognizing where we give our power away to others, where we fail to implement the boundaries we need to protect ourselves. It is likely that your anger will fester up at this time. Ask your anger to show you what it's hiding. Often times, anger shows up when it's hiding pain, sadness, sorrow and grief. Let your anger show you what it is you really need to work on healing. Let is show you the road map to your soul's pain.
Spiritually, Chiron in Aries is going to ask yourself, "Who am I?" Get real with yourself. Take a good look at your motivations, your goals, and see if they are truly aligned with your heart. Take notice to how far you've strayed off the path of being authentic and real with yourself and everyone around you. Put the masks down once and for all.
Soulfully, Chiron in Aries asks us to accept ourselves. Recognize the inner conflict and the divide within, and accept all parts as one. When you divide yourself, you divide your power. To accept yourself fully is to harness every ounce of power you hold within. It's time to step up, to lead yourself into being the best, most courageous self you've ever known. Embrace your true essence and see how the world responds to your new vibration. Watch your path open up and gift you with things you've only ever held in your heart. For when we truly embrace every part of ourselves, honour it, respect it, we live in divine order and will be blessed as such.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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Dream Like There is No Tomorrow
With the last few days of our accelerated manifestation state coming to an end, we really have to get serious and focus on giving our vision work all we’ve got.My weekly subscribers have listened to me go on for months now, about how and why doing vision work is so important, capturing a vision of what our lives would look like if we could be living out our dreams.This accelerated manifestation state started back in January as we entered into the New Year, the year of building and creation.The Universe has asked to to dream such a detailed dream for ourselves and to hold that vision so strong in our minds that even the darkest, most toughest challenges couldn't have broken our focus. But the problem is, we did, we lost focus.We have had to continuously pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and reinvent both ourselves and the ideal life we’d like to be living, more times than anyone was really counting on.The first half of this year was about building and creating ourselves, our inner worlds, filled with healing past pain and traumas, rebuilding our understanding and belief system, and raising our vibration high enough to become a permanent fixture in this 5D collective community.The first half of the year, as challenging as it was, revealed such truth, such strength within us that if we weren’t so energetically tired from reconstructing our energetic bodies, we may just have celebrated a bit more for coming out on the other end.Last week’s solstice marked the half way point in our year, in the astrological and energetic calendar. And now that the portal, the wormhole of time, has opened to prepare for our upcoming eclipse season, holding a vision for ourselves and our future is of the utmost importance.We have our first of two eclipses taking place in July, starting off with a bang early next week. The New Moon in Cancer is a solar (Sun) eclipse which historically adds something to our lives that we never thought we could obtain in such a short time frame.These aren’t random events, they are actually events that were destined to take place in your life path eventually, but because of the accelerated manifestation state, the Universe speeds up time and has these situations gifted to us during the solar eclipse.The second eclipse will take place on July 16th, which a Full Moon partial lunar (Moon) eclipse in Capricorn. Historically, this energy will remove something from our lives that we’ve been stalling on removing ourselves. Maybe we are in a relationship that we know isn’t right for us, maybe we are in a job that is sucking the life out of us, maybe we are holding onto such pain and trauma that we are unable to open ourselves up to anything new entering our worlds.This eclipse energy will remove it very quickly and will help to transform our energy into a new vibration to be successful in the second half of the year.We will see the physical results of all the changes we’ve been needing to take place to align ourselves more with the vision of our life we’ve been focusing on, in this second half of the year.Because the eclipse energy is far too intense, unstable, chaotic, and fragmented, we will not be focusing on manifesting while the Universe does its thing. That’s why it’s super important to focus all your energy into your vision work now while the energy still supports us to be manifesting.Once the planetary events start taking place next week, we need to really sit back and watch all the dynamics that will be taking place as the portal, the wormhole, begins to speed up and expand, projecting us through time, through our life lessons and through the accelerated manifestation state. We have done all we can do up until the eclipse season takes over.We need to practice surrendering and going with the flow. The Universe knows what’s best for us as "they" can see our life plan laid out like a beautiful map.The events that need to take place, the meetings with certain people that need to happen, the completion of certain life lessons and soul contracts will be reorganized under the guidance and authority of the cosmos and we just need to sit back and watch it all come together.These times are not going to be easy. The highs are very high, while the lows are exceptionally low. We may not be in total agreement or understanding of the events that are going to take place in the month of July, but with some time, and a whole lot of faith and patience, we will surely see how it all connects together and how it is essential for our growth and evolvement.So for the rest of the week, tap into the current energies of the Universe and dream a bigger dream. Get lost in your daydreams, explore your dream state. Review and repeat your vision in your mind until it is so strong, so clear, that you can see it happening in your mind’s eye.Most of all, create only the vision. Release the control over HOW all of this is suppose to happen, and trust that the control over the vision you hold is the only control you’ll need to see your dreams come to life.As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy BoutiqueTo make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
The Mother Wound
With another Mother's Day upon us, it's important to remember and realize that not everyone has a hallmark Mother's Day experience. The Mother-Wound is one of the deepest wounds we can bear here in this lifetime, and for good reason.
Entering into a Mother-Child soul contract with someone in this lifetime bears great weight on our karma (both past, present, and future). It is a soul contract that normally carries with it great life lessons, either of love, support, and encouragement, or pain, trauma, and chaos. Of course there are many situations that fall in between those extremes, but the bottom line is, the Mother-Child relationship is one like no other.
If you are a daughter, please realize that you are the divine embodiment of the feminine energy. Females are the carriers of life, and act as a bridge for souls to incarnate in human form. A Mother has the gifted responsibility of walking the line between the spirit world and this earthly realm. She is the chosen vessel in which G.O.D. delivers new life to earth.
If you are a son, please realize that you are the divine embodiment of masculine energy. Males are the carriers of the spark that triggers life to blossom and take form. Although you are an important piece of the puzzle for life to even take place, what you create takes form outside of you, making the connection between you and your offspring totally different than the connection a woman has with her child.
Regardless of whether you are a man or woman, a son or daughter, a Father or Mother, you are a child of someone. If you are lucky and blessed, you still have your Mother here, in this earthly realm. By G.O.D.'s good graces you may even love, cherish, respect, and adore this woman in whom you call Mom. By all means, take every opportunity to show your love and appreciation for the one you call Mom, not just on Mother's Day, but every day she is still with you here in this lifetime.
Many people have lost their Mothers to spirit, creating a huge Mother-Wound in their heart and soul. Those that had a great relationship with their Mother and now walk the earth without her, suffer in great sadness on occasions such as these.
If you are a child (no matter your age) with a Mom in spirit, honour your Mother's memory and your relationship with her by doing something nice for yourself. Your Mother would, after all, be taking care of you if she were still here to do so, so the least you can do is take care of yourself, so you don't have her up there worried about you!
If you have lost your Mom to Spirit and didn't have a good relationship with her here in this lifetime, you carry a Mother-Wound within you. This Mother-Wound can only be resolved by forgiving yourself for feeling relief of not having to do the Mother's Day thing here on earth.
When a Mother-Child soul contract exists of pain and sadness, there is a certain relief felt by the child when the Mother departs from this realm and enters into spirit. There is much guilt, anger, and resentment, that still lives on inside of you regardless of whether or not you are at peace with her departure and role she played in your life.
You can honour your soul contract with her, regardless of the pain and suffering she may have caused you here in this lifetime, by forgiving yourself for the role in which you had to play in the relationship.
Forgive yourself for feeling guilt over feeling relieved of the obligatory Mother's Day events that you no longer have to take part in due to your Mother's passing. Forgive and love yourself for the amount of pain you've carried as a result of that.
If you are a child who is lucky enough to still have your Mother alive and walking this earth, but have a Mother-Wound due to her neglect, mistreatment, or failure to be the Mom you wanted or deserved, then you are bearing a pretty heavy Mother-Wound yourself.
Sometimes our Mothers are our greatest teachers, giving us the harshest lessons to learn from. These kind of occasions rip the wound wide open, because you're stuck. You can't take part in all the love, honour, and joy, that is plastered everywhere we look around Mother's Day, because you weren't blessed with a Mother in a role deserving of that honour.
Your Mother's soul (and your soul) made an agreement long before either of you took form here on earth, and for the purpose and evolution of both your Soul's growth, you decided that this Mother-Wound was something you both could learn deep life lessons from.
So while it may be hard to stomach this mushiness others display over their healthy Mother-Child relationship, you can honour the soul contract you and your Mother agreed to, by displaying the love for yourself that you wish your Mom had shown or given to you.
The deepest Mother-Wound that I feel exists in our realm of emotional experience, is that of a Mother's love for her child. Upon receiving the news of pregnancy, the miracle that took place inside of you, you feel love.
Even Mothers who didn't plan the pregnancy and are unsure about the responsibility it will bear upon them, a part of their soul falls in love with the soul attached to the life inside them.
Mothers who give their children up for adoption don't do so because they don't love their child enough to keep them, they do so because the love they have for their child is so great, that they feel someone else would be better at raising them.
Even years later, whether they got reunited with their child or not, the love that they have for their child in which they gave away, still runs so deep that the Mother-Wound they created within themselves, never fully heals.
Many Mothers carry great guilt as they raise their children. Guilt that they aren't doing a good job, that they aren't the kind of Mom their kids deserve; the list of Mom guilt is long.
Essentially, that guilt creates a wound within the Mother, that will unintentionally be passed down to her kids. Kids are amazing little beings. They come from a place where our souls live in a state of unconditional love. Their wonderment and knowledge about a world they haven't lived in for very long, is what our true essence actually is.
Kids can read energy and pick up on vibrations that you might not even sense yourself. So the Mom-Wound that you are creating within yourself is not only seen by your children, but it is felt. It translates into a child's mind as, "Mommy's sad. Mommy's stressed out. What can I do to make Mommy happy?" And bam! Your child now feels responsible for your happiness.
It is very important to be mindful of your energy as a Mom, knowing that words and actions mean nothing if the energy behind them is off. So free your children of them feeling responsible for your happiness. Instead, show them what self-worth, self-confidence, and self-love looks like. Be the example. Heal the Mother-Wound that you are creating within yourself, so your kids won't have to heal their Mother-Child wound within themselves later on in life.
As if the self-perpetuated Mother-Wound isn't deep or painful enough to live with as you are parenting your child, the wound in which a Mother carries from losing her children is by far the deepest wound I feel you can bear here in this lifetime.
No one should ever have to lose a child, at any age, at any stage of life. Although many people die before their children do, the unfortunate bunch that have to bury their children, in a physical or emotional way, leaves a wound so great that I often wonder if they ever really heal.
If you've been following me for any length of time, you may recall the fact that I lost my twin babies during a horrible pregnancy that actually lead to their deaths, and my own. The near-death-experience that I had as a result of pregnancy complications, left wounds within my soul so deep that sometimes I feel like they could swallow me whole.
Every year that passes, I feel like THIS might be the year in which I don't breakdown on Mother's Day, remembering what could have been. And every year I get proven wrong.
The events in which I lost my babies, and had my NDE, gave me the gifts and abilities I now have and use to help others. Sometimes it seems like a really bad trade. As much as I love to be able to help those struggling on their path, I selfishly would give it all up to be able to have my children here with me instead of them being in spirit.
Because I have finally made peace with the fact that everything happens for a reason, that everything, as bad and unfair as it all may seem, is happening according to a bigger, more divine plan; because I have finally accepted these facts, I have now switched my perspective to try and heal my Mother-Wound.
By honouring them, and the lives they sacrificed here in the earthly realm, in order for me to be gifted with the ability to help others through their darkness, their memory lives on inside me.
The Mother-Wound that I carry, from the Mother-Child relationship I have with my Mom, and the wound that I have received from losing my children, is one that will probably never fully heal in this lifetime. But each year, I take an active stance on honouring my Mother for being my greatest teacher in life, and by honouring my children who, without them, I wouldn't even be able to celebrate myself as a Mother each year in their honour.
So today, however you are feeling, please take time to identify your Mother-Wound. Acknowledge it, accept it, and honour it in a way that always comes back to honouring yourself. Regardless of the soul contracts you are involved in and how they have impacted your life and the relationship with your Mother, you have to honour yourself.
May this be the Mother's Day that your Mother-Wound finally heals.
If you require any assistance healing your Mother-Wound, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
A Friendly Reminder
Reminder: Emotions are ENERGY = E in MOTION = EMOTION... There is more power in the negative emotions then we can seem to muster up in the good emotions... Think of how easy it is to be sad... To be angry! And now think of how hard it is to be joyful and excited... The POWER lies in realizing that anger is a necessary EMOTION... It shows us where in our lives we need the biggest change... Anxiety shows us where we need to release NEEDING control... Sadness shows us where we once had happiness... And all of the PAIN shows us where we need to heal!! We are going through some rough energy right now that is causing people to abandon their dreams, their path, and themselves. People are turning around and running back to the life that they prayed so hard to get away from... All because we grew tired of charging forward. Make no mistake, this spiritual journey is HARD, it’s CONFUSING, it’s RAW... But this is also how you get to the life you’ve been dreaming of! So if you’re tired, rest. But don’t run back to the dark just because you know what awaits you there. The light has so much to offer you but it’s going to require you to TRUST and have FAITH like you’ve never had before! So take all of those POWERFUL not-so-good emotions and say “Hey! Thanks you for guiding me... Thank you for visiting me... But there’s the effing door!!”
Should We Really Embrace Our Pain?
We as Souls decide to be humans to experience the hardships, challenges, pain and adversity, because as a Universal love we don't have the means to embody any other perspective than oneness, unconditional love, and understanding in Spirit form.
Humans are messy.
We have complex bodies and minds, and with our Soul and inner spirit inside of our heavy meat suits, we walk through the ups and downs of life trying to accomplish inner peace.
We are born with a quest for inner peace because that is the energy we live in as Spirit. It acts as our moral compass within these complex bodies to lead us on the path that gives us the best chance of feeling the inner peace that we come from.
This is a pretty heavy world we live in. We have lots of opportunities to either become more in alignment with our inner selves, or the chance to live in the world of illusions that we have created through the roles and requirements of the survival of our ego.
Ego is the voice and programming we have in our head. It is the inner chatter of negative and fear based motivations that have us abandoning the moral compass inside to fulfill all of our worldly needs and desires. And there's nothing wrong with that!
If you have a soul that has spent countless reincarnations as a poor or unfortunate human, struggling through lives without the luxuries of pleasure and comfort, it is totally fair to come into this life as a rich person who lives every moment surrounded with the best of the best this world has to offer, and not feel bad about it. Many people will get to experience that life lesson and at the end of that life, most would agree that THINGS, material possessions, and wealth was fun, but it came at far too great of a price.
Jim Carey, as eccentric as he's been over the years, will be the first one to say that everyone should have the opportunity to be rich and famous for them to realize that it isn't the answer.
The richest a soul wants or needs to be, is rich in experience, rich in lessons, and rich in the wisdom to know that if it wasn't for their pain and struggles, they would have never discovered their strength, their spiritual self, or the closest thing to inner peace a human could ever know.
I truly believe that The Universe gives the best students the toughest tests, and that we are tested in our faith and ability to tap into the love and trust in one's self and in the Universe as our Souls know very well. Many of the greatest spiritual healers come from great tragedy and pain. True healers don't go looking to fix people, but rather attract those ready to be triggered into wanting to help and heal themselves.
Through the scars of those that use their stories of experience to help inspire and encourage others to find their inner light, healers must endure the greatest pain from life experience to be able to show others that the way out of darkness, is to follow the light.
As humans, we are told that pain is something we want to avoid. Yes, it's unpleasant and something no one wants to voluntarily experience, but the reality is, it's through pain and discomfort that we learn and grow. Sometimes we don't have a choice in the trauma that we've experienced. We are conditioned by culture, genetics, environment, and influenced by those that raised us.
A lot of the time, we suffer from the actions and decisions of others. A child doesn't have control on whether they are abused, yet the abuser’s own inner hurt caused long lasting effects on a child that had nothing to do with the pain they experienced in life. Often times pain is passed down through generations, and each time it is up to us to heal from hurts that we didn't cause ourselves.
We as a society are going through a huge health crisis, as the weight and stresses of this world are sometimes too overwhelming for our energetic selves to handle. Because we are energy bodies trapped inside these human bodies, the alignment of these systems are so influential on each other that we have to treat disorders and diseases as whole body sicknesses and not focus on JUST the mental body, or JUST the emotional body, or JUST the physical body.
We are now seeing an epidemic of new diseases and disorders that are misunderstood to the medical community. Disorders like fibromyalgia, CRPS, MS, Dementia, and Alzheimers are effecting more people now than ever before.
I am a true believer in both energy and medical science, and trust that you need to factor both in, in order to fully understand what these diseases and disorders are operating on.
Most of the unexplainable disorders and diseases now are nervous system based. Because we live in a much more toxic world than ever before, both energetically and chemically, our energy bodies are overstimulated and begin to manifest physical symptoms.
I myself suffer from CRPS (Complex regional pain syndrome) caused by complications from my emergency surgeries surrounding my near-death-experience. CRPS effects the autonomic nervous system actions such as heart rate, digestion, temperature regulation and the automatic processes of your internal organs.
To simplify, my body tells my brain that it's under attack and my brain responds by sending all my cells into overdrive and fighting a non-existent war, which in turn, ends up identifying my own body as the invader. It sucks. After 10 years, I still don't have a full understanding of what goes on inside my body and brain.
Through my quest for a PHYSICAL healing, I have discovered that there is no amount of healing that will take place unless the whole body is being healed. Meaning, your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical self, all need to be nurtured and balanced in order to operate properly.
There is a huge mind, body, soul connection that we are JUST starting to realize here in the western world of healing. Most times than not, when we suffer a health crisis, it is really the beginning of a spiritual quest and discovery. It makes you face yourself, refocus your energy and efforts to heal yourself and get back to the things you love.
For example, if you break your leg, you will be in pain, it will bum you out, you will miss out on doing things you love, you will have lots of time to think of things that you wouldn't normally think about, and it is in these times that your inner strength - or lack there of - is revealed.
You find out just how strong you are when you have no choice but to be. And if you're lucky, you will heal the bone, and help yourself back to health and be able to regain full functioning of your leg and engage in all the things you couldn't do with a cast on. When you are able to regain your ability to take part in the things you missed out on, you will do so with a new appreciation for it, because at one time you took it for granted.
For some, we don't recover. Something happens in our physical bodies, and then of course in our mental and emotional selves, that don't allow the leg to fully heal. We end up losing our identity bit-by-bit by having to accept the fact that we may never skate board again, or live a life without being in pain. We may never walk without a limp or not be able to walk ever again.
Everyone's story is different. Everyone's circumstances are different. But one thing that is the same, is pain. We all experience pain. Everyone's pain IS pain, and there shouldn't be any comparison among pain and trauma. We are stuck in a culture that promotes focusing on pain, and promotes competition among everything we humans do. I have encountered many people on my path that compare pain and trauma to make themselves appear that they are in more pain than you.
I will repeat, pain is not a competition.
We are also a society that encourages healing. A part of healing is to acknowledge and embrace the pain. Whether we are talking about an emotional or physical trauma, there is always pain. As humans, we got really good at detaching and repressing pain. Whether we weren't raised in a healthy environment that encouraged expression, or whether we were just we unable to fully express ourselves in our world, we all have issues that we've stuffed so far down, that we are almost in denial of their existence.
That's what happens when you decide to heal. You have to ask all the pain hiding in the darkness of your heart to step up and identify themselves. You have to stare that pain in the face and hug it as much as you hate it. You have to acknowledge the pain's existence, and then you have to embrace the pain.
The problem is, we usually stop there. There is one more step to the process that we fail to complete, which is letting that pain go. We like to hold onto our pain. It makes sense to hold on, and identify with our pain, because it's because of the pain, that we are currently who we are.
We identify so greatly with our pain, that we begin to wear it as our armour. We get up every day and put on the pain that has shaped us. Sometimes, we are so scared to let go of the pain and actually heal, because we are afraid of who we might be without it.
I know it sounds too simple to be true, because chronic illness and ongoing pain is a very real thing. But the way to heal the physical pain, is to acknowledge the energetic pain that our physical, mental, and emotional bodies hold onto. It is through rewiring your brain, in alignment with what your other body systems know to be true, before we can truly see an improvement in our physical health.
I have been on the quest to heal for 10 years now, and I still suffer from debilitating physical pain that interferes with my life and has shaped me greatly. It is a daily struggle for me to be aware enough of myself, to remind myself that the pain does not define me. I am currently undergoing a very intense therapy that explores how to align the physical muscle memory and the energetic system of the body to reset the programming between the brain and the body. It focuses on the physical symptoms as a secondary complaint to the emotional trauma that tends to be a motivator for the body to hold onto.
When we focus so much on pain, we experience more pain. We give power to where we focus our attention. It is easy to feel at odds with your own body when you are constantly suffering from the wrath of hate your body seems to have for itself.
But instead of looking at pain as the enemy, we should embrace the pain enough to ask it what it needs to heal. When you befriend your pain, and use it as an indicator as to what you should actually be focusing on healing, you become more one with yourself then you would be when at odds with yourself.
Disease happens when we are not in ease within our selves. Dis-ease is created when the body systems aren't in harmony and balanced with one another. So any time there is a physical symptom, you need to realize there is an emotional motivator keeping that pain alive. We need to identify the trauma, acknowledge it, embrace it... and then let it the f@ck go!
We have to work on our release. Thank your pain every day for allowing you to experience your inner strength. Thank your pain for showing you the way to your spiritual self. Thank your pain for showing you where you need to focus, and thank your pain for coming as you boot it out the door.
I invite you, if you are a pain sufferer, to adopt the perspective every day when you get up in the morning, regardless of how bad you feel, that you GET to wake up today, you GET to learn how to take care of yourself, and you GET to be on the path of self discovery. When you stop putting your energy into the pain and the limitations it puts on you, you will see the pain shift.
Is it possible to get rid of pain completely and fully heal from such a horrible disease or disorder?
I'd like to think so! I believe in miracles and I believe in science. I think if you put forth the effort and are open to exploring your inner self, you will find you really do heal! It may be small parts of you that get healed or it may be a total recovery. I believe it is the best thing you can do for your state of mind and physical health.
Even getting needles every week and IV infusions more often than anyone should, I remind myself hooked up to those machines that this is just temporary. It's all just a stepping stone towards being free of the pain.
I have befriended my pain. I have embraced it and allowed it to lead my life. I've asked it what it needs from me, and I've given it everything I can. I still live with my pain, but each day it is another step to letting it go. And one day, when it has taught me all there is to teach, it will be released from my body, as I transform the pain energy it has created into a source of power.
I invite you to do the same.