Mars Enters Gemini
Today, Mars, (the planet of action, energy, passion, and anger) moves into Gemini. This is a very interesting aspect as we jump from having Mars in an earth sign (Taurus) to and air sign (Gemini).
Gemini (being an air sign) rules the mental plane making our minds more active than they have been throughout Pisces season with all the watery emotions clouding our judgment. We have struggled to maintain clarity and had lost our ability to focus on the details.
Gemini also rules information, how we take it in from the world, process and make sense of it, and then communicate and express ourselves outwardly. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that rules the hands and because of this, we have a lot of energy urging us to DO something with our hands to keep our mind distracted. Mars in Gemini could totally be represented by the saying "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
Mars is bringing a fire energy to Gemini's air, meaning we have to monitor how much we are fanning that flame. Our minds are going to be all over the place as they come back online. We will be distracted and jumping all over the place. Gemini loves to multi-task, keeping their mental plane active and engaged at all times.
The same goes for this planetary aspect, but there are a few cautions that come with this placement.
First, the fire energy of Mars is impulsive. It would rather act now and think later. If we act on these impulses, you can best bet you will find yourself in some situations you'd rather not be in, that will require some effort to get out of.
Second, Mars also brings a lot of passion to the table which Gemini can totally work with. There is a high level of productivity that can get accomplished during these times. Do be cautioned though, it is better to multi-task among 3 projects than it is to multi-task among 10 projects. There is a caution here that we do not spread ourselves too thin as we won't really end up accomplishing much.
Third, Mars is also very aggressive. It can cause frustration in a second, and throw a full blown tantrum the next. Because Gemini rules communication and expression, we must be mindful about how we are speaking to others, as we could come off as blunt, rude, and mean. If the energy of Mars can make our tongues sharp, we have the ability to hurt people with our words which will cause drama that doesn't need to be caused. This is a great energy to be bold enough to speak our truth, but just be cautious about how that truth is being delivered.
Be mindful that this energy needs to be exerted through physical movement and exercise. If we do not exert this energy in a healthy way, it will continue to boil within us causing physical symptoms such as anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches, that we'd rather not deal with. Being this high strung will cause us to lash out at the first opportunity to do so.
It is best to work WITH these energies instead of against them. So make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity to alleviate the fire energy building within, be mindful of how you are speaking to others, and keep your mind busy and engaged at all times.
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons, and advantages and disadvantages. This aspect is no different. Mars is a power house of an energy to work with, and Gemini is a brilliant energy that will help us connect the dots of logic, as long as we do not act upon our first impulses.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through. Please take advantage of the Monthly Forecasts available to help guide you through the month, as well as Energy Forecasts I put out to help you stay in alignment with the cosmic energies.
Mercury Enters Leo

Today, the planet of communication, information, and expression, re-enters into the fiery, brave and bold sign of Leo. Most of us will barely remember Mercury entering Leo the first time around on June 26th, because so much has gone down since then, it literally seems like a life time ago.
But, only a month ago we actually got a taste of what Leo does to the way we express ourselves when we finally stood up and spoke up about our feelings. Mercury in Leo honours the heart-space, speaks one's truth, lives more authentically, sparks new creative and romantic passions, and has fun, acting playful and lively, with a child-like energy. Because Leo is the performer of the zodiac and tends to be a bit dramatic in taking over the spotlight, we will likely feel a strength to want to be heard and seen.
Mercury rules the mental plane, and since Mercury came out of retrograde, it's been deep in the emotional and intuitive waters of Cancer, trying to mend fences and repair hearts from the chaos created while retrograde.
So here we go again.
Leo energy makes us bold, brave and confident under this influence and we aren't afraid to speak up and speak out on our truths. It's great timing actually to emerge from the darkness of emotions over the last few months, and REALLY stand up proud! Whatever it is you've been afraid to talk about or hesitant in expressing outwards, will be the topic and theme of your truth as you are being encouraged to let it all out.
A lot of difficult truths were revealed while Mercury was in Cancer. The retrograde caused hurt feelings that we all tried so hard to avoid. We are so passionate about sharing our truths with Mercury in Leo, and our new truths have yet to be told.
Again, we need to remind ourselves of the few cautions that come with this energy.
Caution #1: Because we are all fired up and wanting center stage, listening isn't our best quality. We are so eager to have our voice heard that we may not be actually listening to those looking to express themselves, and instead we could be very rude and cut them off, or only "listen" to what they have to say waiting for our opportunity to speak. We are crappy listeners under this influence and that in itself might cause hurt feelings.
Caution #2: This energy influence makes us have the tendency to ramble on long after we've made our point and deliver our truth. Whatever it is you are brave enough to now talk about, needs all the attention it can get. Don't ruin the impact of your words being expressed by rambling on about it. Recognize when your message has been received and cut yourself off.
Caution #3: Because we are still under Mercury's retrograde shadow (until the 15th) we are still in clean-up mode trying to fix what was broken under the retrograde energy. This means that there is a fairly good chance that we may have to revisit what we spoke about under this energy influence to pick up some pieces or clean up the aftermath of our truthful expression at a time when emotions weren't clearly understood. This is just another reason to formulate what you want to say in your head, and then allow the brilliant Mercurial energy to analyze and edit the best way to deliver it all, and know when it cut it short.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can download your monthly forecast, or book an Astro or Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
New Moon In Leo

Today we have our Black, Super New Moon in Leo which serves as the catalyst for us to emerge with brand new energies and sense of self. This is the tipping point so to speak, where after months of emotional anguish we are feeling strong enough, revived, and renewed enough, to stand tall and proud as we walk out of the dark cave we've been hiding in.
This is a black moon, meaning it is the second New Moon in the same month (which doesn't happen very often), and it's also a super moon as the proximity of the moon from earth is at its closest distance, not only appearing closer than ever, but the intensity in which this moon is effecting the tides (and the water within us) is extreme.
A New Moon is classically a time to invite new ideas, intentions, new elements to our lives, and this New Moon is not only a great time to be setting new intentions, but it is the first New Moon in months that actually support us in manifesting.
We have been beaten down and knocked over the last couple of months. With eclipse season breaking us down, with all the planets in retrograde forcing a pressurized transformation of our inner-selves, this new moon, the absolute center of the zodiac wheel and galactic calendar has our hearts wide open, bearing all wounds in the name of love.
This New moon carries a lot of power, asking us to step up and take ownership, to take back our power, to take control of our lives, and to be the leader we need to be in our own worlds. This new moon takes place only 46 minutes before mercury comes out of retrograde, meaning we can finally start moving forward again and escape the emotional waters that many of us have been drowning in.
This New Moon taking place in Leo is the heart of the lion. This is when we allow the heart to lead, to show us where it is we've been living in fear, and where we've allowed our ego and critical mind to block our intuition and our heart from making the decisions.
Under this energy we are being encouraged to take the anxieties we feel in our gut up into our heart space, and the fears and doubts we create in our mental space, down into the heart chakra. And when you calm the mind long enough, you will see that the heart knows and heals all. No one knows you better than you know yourself.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Venus Enters Leo

Venus, the Goddess of love, money, and long-term commitment moves into the fiery and passionate sign of Leo today. Venus had a hard go in Cancer as she spent many months crying herself to sleep, rebuilding herself from disappointments from the heart, and reeling from the changes that took place within the family dynamic of the home. She spent most of the eclipse season feeling less than and broken. And now that the watery, tearful season is behind her, she can't wait to pick up the mood and dive into the passion of Leo.
Both Venus and Leo love love. They both want to find that special someone and connect on all levels. If you are single, you could find a very intense romance unfold under this energy. If you are already coupled, you will see a resurgence of romance and flirty fun. This is a time where we move forward with an open heart as we just released huge weights and energetic blocks from our heart chakra.
Love will be the focus during Leo season, as we reconnect with what we are passionate about. Creative projects will be reignited and anything that triggers an intense emotion will want to be expressed and shared.
Venus also wants to focus on her money. Although she is feeling good, positive and confident under this energy, she has a tendency to be a bit to generous and in turn overspend on things that don't really make sense to her long-term commitment and goals.
Venus is always thinking about the future. Even though her hair is down and she's dancing her little heart out under this Leo energy, she is still evaluating what means the most to her as far as her long-term commitment and values go. Any decisions that need to be made under this influence will have a light-heartedness to it to prevent you getting bogged down with the seriousness and responsibility of having to make major life decisions. The good news is, anything trivial that has the potential to drag us down will be tackled with a much more positive and optimistic mind frame. We are finding new worth in our relationships, in how we make our money, and how we are planning for the future.
There are some cautions that come with this energy. Because Venus takes love, money, and commitment very seriously, we have to make sure we don't become overly dramatic in our interactions. We want to avoid over dramatizing ourselves and over sharing our emotions. Of course we don't want to over spend, or commit to anything that our heart doesn't agree with. This is definitely a time where you need to let your heart lead the way.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
The Lovers

THE LOVERS (06) is the 6th trump card in the major arcana and represents meaningful connections and relationships of all kind. Although commonly representing romantic and intimate relationships, THE LOVERS (06) suggests that you have a strong energetic and soul connection with a loved one. This could be a soul contract of any kind, but more often than not, it symbolizes a soulmate or life partner. This is a spiritual bond that ignites something within the two of you. It's a spark of passion, romance, loyalty, devotion, respect, and spiritual oneness.
THE LOVERS (06) represents a open and raw form of communication between two people. It is a card of vulnerability, honesty, and an exchange where both parties can share themselves fully with one another. This relationship is about building each other's confidence, trust, and faith. Harmonious connections and respecting each others feelings and perspectives are the key bond here.
On an individual level, this card is advising the seeker to clarify their values and beliefs. It's about truly knowing what it is you want and deserve in a relationship, and clearly defining your boundaries to respect your faith and beliefs. It is important for any relationship to be made up of two people who have a clear idea of who they are as individuals, and what it is they desire from sharing life with another person.
At the core of this card's symbolism, THE LOVERS (06) card is all about choice. The choices we make within ourselves as an individual, who we are in the world, what we want from life, and who we want to share ourselves with, is just the beginning. Once we have a clearly defined picture of ourselves as an individual, we expand our perspective to allow another person enter our mind and heart space. When we pair up in a partnership the choices become doubled. It's important to define the relationship, what it needs, wants, and desires from each person, and what each person can do to honour themselves, the other person, and the relationship as a whole.
Finally, THE LOVERS (06) card encourages you to unify dual forces. You can bring together two parts (regardless of their individual energy) to create something that is whole, unified and harmonious. In every choice, there is an equal amount of advantage and disadvantage, opportunity and challenge, positive and negative. When you accept these dualities, you build the unity from which love flows.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Mars Enters Leo
When Mars the planet of energy, drive, action, passion, and anger moves from the emotional, family dynamic of Cancer, to the bold and fearless sign of Leo, we are taking the spotlight in a brand new way.
We will see our confidence get a huge boost as the lion within us all comes roaring from the darkness of the cave only to remind everyone of the power of the pride still shines strong. We've done a lot of inner healing, recognizing where we needed to release our fears, releasing the power and control we exert on making sure that we are always the leader of the pack.
Now that we've licked our wounds and have put ourselves back together after sitting in darkness, we are ready to resume the spotlight and bring our best selves out to shine. We have renewed our strength and are coming back into the world with a boldness and fearlessness that we haven't had before. We find strength in expressing ourselves, telling our truths and honouring our heart. We aren't shy anymore, we're not trying to hide.
Now we are ready to bring our true and raw talents to center stage. We want to be seen, we want to show the world what we are capable of, and we will stop at nothing to get the attention we deserve.
Our playful sides come back to lighten the mood of the situations that have weighed us down. We are seeing the sparks fly in our romantic relationships and in our creative projects. We have a self-confidence within ourselves that we haven't had before. It's time to go after what it is you want in life, speak your truth, and stop at nothing until you honour yourself and actually succeed in been the shining star that you are.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Mercury Enters Cancer
Today, the Messenger of the Gods, Mercury, moves from his place of power and strength in Gemini, to the deep emotional and intuitive, family oriented sign of Cancer.
Mercury, although not at his strongest self here in Cancer, plays a very important role of communicating our deep seated emotions involving the family dynamic, with a clarity and intelligence that has us expressing ourselves from an emotionally intense stand point.
Mercury’s logic and practicality get slightly blurred during his time in Cancer, but once an emotion is triggered, he does use his power to make us contemplate and process the emotion fully, before we express our thoughts and feelings to others.
Because Mercury rules the mental plane, and Cancer rules our heart space, you will see a beautiful dance between the two, meeting in the middle where the throat chakra is located. This is a time of heightened sensitivity and awareness, and will have us connecting the dots, unpacking our pain, and speaking our truth with such clarity and ease that we won’t even believe how fluid our conversations and interactions with others will be.
Don’t be fooled though, we are talking about some very intense emotions here. These are the conversations that we’ve been avoiding and that we’d rather not have. But because the goal of this energy is to give us emotional and intuitive insight, blended with the intellectual insight we are piecing together in the mental plane, we really will have a totally different perspective on our home and family dynamic. We are emotionally charged and intellectually centered.
This, although a time where domestic disputes could be on the rise (especially with Mars - the God of War - already in Cancer we also have an opportunity for a huge emotional clearing as we put closure to some long term family issues and traumas. The role of Mother could be triggered for many people as Cancer rules the Mother figure and the role of family nurturer.
It’s also going to be a time where we stand up for ourselves and let others know what we need to feel safe, secure and supported. This is about nurturing ourselves as easily as we nurture others.
Use this energy to clear the air on any family drama, any topics surrounding what it is you need from your loved ones, and a time to heal some emotional Mother wounds.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
A Friendly Reminder
Reminder: Emotions are ENERGY = E in MOTION = EMOTION... There is more power in the negative emotions then we can seem to muster up in the good emotions... Think of how easy it is to be sad... To be angry! And now think of how hard it is to be joyful and excited... The POWER lies in realizing that anger is a necessary EMOTION... It shows us where in our lives we need the biggest change... Anxiety shows us where we need to release NEEDING control... Sadness shows us where we once had happiness... And all of the PAIN shows us where we need to heal!! We are going through some rough energy right now that is causing people to abandon their dreams, their path, and themselves. People are turning around and running back to the life that they prayed so hard to get away from... All because we grew tired of charging forward. Make no mistake, this spiritual journey is HARD, it’s CONFUSING, it’s RAW... But this is also how you get to the life you’ve been dreaming of! So if you’re tired, rest. But don’t run back to the dark just because you know what awaits you there. The light has so much to offer you but it’s going to require you to TRUST and have FAITH like you’ve never had before! So take all of those POWERFUL not-so-good emotions and say “Hey! Thanks you for guiding me... Thank you for visiting me... But there’s the effing door!!”
Venus Enters Aries
The Goddess of love, beauty, and worth moves out of her super emotional, sexual, and fantasy-like state while being in the watery, emotional sign of Pisces, and enters into Aries. Venus moving into Aries will scream passion as Mars (Aries' ruler) is the male counterpart to Venus. We've all heard of men coming from Mars, and women coming from Venus, so this match up will prove to have our love lives steaming hot.
Venus brings with her a very high set of values as she knows her worth. She is gentle, kind, calm, beautiful and wants nothing more than to be in a love so perfect that it embodies the duality of the divine feminine and masculine energies. Aries, full of passion, goes after what he wants and when he's got the Goddess on his mind there is no stopping him from making her love his, for all eternity.
This energetic influence will have us tapping into the fierce, raw, powerful energy of Aries to go after what it is we desire. Venus will have us only desiring things that will be around for the long haul. She wants commitment, she wants a partner of the same value and worth.
When these two get together there is a beautiful exchange of energies creating a balance among the two. Venus softens Aries edges, calms his aggression to a level that isn't overbearing. She shows this warrior sign a love like no other and in turn, he inspires her to go after what she wants in life with an intensity that can't be denied. Life is about to heat up!
Where romance is concerned you can expect a fiery passion that you and your partner may not have felt in a while. If you are single, this transit may just be what you need to go after the person you've had your eye on. The courage and bravery that Aries lends us to go after what we want is exactly what we need to initiate a passionate romance.
As much fun as all this sexual energy can be, it's important to realize that as powerful as this transit is, it is also where Venus is at her weakest point. Venus has to fight hard to not allow the forceful Aries energy to push her buttons and send her over the boiling point. Let's remember that there is a very fine line between passion and anger. Venus' fuse is very short under this transit, making her able to go from being caught up in all this passion to needing time to herself to regroup.
Now that we are in Taurus season (Venus rules Taurus) the stubbornness Venus embodies can be all too real and powerful during this transit. Once her foot is down and she's drawn a line in the sand, Aries’ passion and charm are rendered useless as she shuts that part of herself off.
There is a tipping point in this delicate dance between the two, where they will be magnetically drawn and stuck together, and then all of a sudden repel against each other making a connection damn near impossible.
Because Venus just provided a closure to her relationship sector while being in Pisces, (the last sign of the zodiac) be warned that this passionate love encounter in Aries, is merely a rebound.
Of course, long-term relationships can withstand the passion of this transit, and new relationships are likely to form, but it is a very hot and cold connection until Venus moves into her place of power in Taurus which will take place on May 15th.
So the moral of the story is, be passionate, go after what you want in love and money, and never forget your worth. Make sure you honour your boundaries and know when to pull away from the romance to get your head back on straight. And if nothing else, enjoy the ride!
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
Full Moon in Libra
Many of us awoke to the exact moment that our Lunar Goddess struck the 29th degree of Libra where she was at her most powerful and fully complete. This Full Moon is the 2nd Full Moon in Libra this past month, which makes it a bit rare and a whole lot of special.
I invite you to think back to March 20th, when we had our first Full Moon in Libra at a 0 degree. It was the 5th Full Moon in a row at a 0 degree, meaning it brought a brand new, clean slate for us to work with in the new energetic calendar.
The first Full Moon in Libra opened the door to some healing that needed to take place within our relationships. We were being asked to think about our own individuality as the Sun was newly in Aries opposing and applying tension to the Moon in Libra, which had us focusing on who we share ourselves with.
Aries and Libra are opposing signs, meaning they sit directly across from each other on the zodiac wheel. We were being asked to examine who we are as an individual while being a part of a team. The energy was just getting started under that moon and didn't really have a chance to build momentum. We were under some other planetary influences at that time (mostly Piscean influences) that derailed any kind of action we wanted to take to balance the scales of our emotional and logical state surrounding the relationship issues.
Here, we get a second chance to not only review the, “I vs. We, Me vs. You, Us vs. Them” equation, and have some details illuminated that we may not have seen in our lives under the influence of the last moon.
This Full Moon in Libra at a 29th degree is a critical point for bringing something full circle. We are now under the right energetic forces to not only see things from a different perspective, but we are able to actual DO something about it should our realizations inspire us to take charge and make change.
This would be an action that would set you off in a whole new way of thinking about yourself and how you feel being part of a relationship. We have some great opportunities for growth here as the Full Moon in Libra acts as a mirror for us to see our own roles and energies that we bring to the team.
This Full Moon in Libra is also favourable because Mercury (the planet of information, communication, and expression) has just moved into fiery Aries, making our ability to piece things together at the speed of light a super power that we can all benefit from at this time.
We don't have very long to tap into the Arien energy to take action and start new initiatives where our relationships are concerned, as Aries season comes to an end tomorrow when the Sun moves into Taurus. We do benefit by that energy, as what is revealed to us under the Full Moon influence can be built upon with the hardworking, nose to the grindstone Taurean energy.
We also get a bit of help in the love and passion area after coming to the realizations about our relationships under the Full Moon in Libra when Venus (the Goddess of love, beauty, money and worth) slips into Aries tomorrow where the fiery passion of Mars (Aries's ruler) brings its intensity, energy, and drive to all things love related.
Take a few moments today as the Full Moon energy still lingers on, to think about the themes and topics of relationships and your individuality within them. The Moon moves into deep, intense, probing Scorpio, where the issues that have come up for you surrounding the energy of this moon will be analyzed under the detective mind of the Scorpian energy.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
Mars Enters Gemini
Today, Mars, (the planet of action, energy, passion, and anger) moves into Gemini. This is a very interesting aspect as we jump from having Mars in an earth sign (Taurus) to and air sign (Gemini).
Gemini (being an air sign) rules the mental plane making our minds more active than they have been throughout Pisces season with all the watery emotions clouding our judgement. We have struggled to maintain clarity and had lost our ability to focus on the details.
Gemini also rules information, how we take it in from the world, process and make sense of it, and then communicate and express ourselves outwardly. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that rules the hands and because of this, we have a lot of energy urging us to DO something with our hands to keep our mind distracted. Mars in Gemini could totally be represented by the saying "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
Mars is bringing a fire energy to Gemini's air, meaning we have to monitor how much we are fanning that flame. Our minds are going to be all over the place as they come back online. We will be distracted and jumping all over the place. Gemini loves to multi-task, keeping their mental plane active and engaged at all times.
The same goes for this planetary aspect, but there are a few cautions that come with this placement.
First, the fire energy of Mars is impulsive. It would rather act now and think later. If we act on these impulses, you can best bet you will find yourself in some situations you'd rather not be in, that will require some effort to get out of. Because we are lacking the air element in our charts right now, we have to be very strict with ourselves to stop, and think things through before acting.
Second, Mars also brings a lot of passion to the table which Gemini can totally work with. There is a high level of productivity that can get accomplished during these times. Do be cautioned though, it is better to multi-task among 3 projects than it is to multi-task among 10 projects. There is a caution here that we do not spread ourselves too thin as we won't really end up accomplishing much.
Third, Mars is also very aggressive. It can cause frustration in a second, and throw a full blown tantrum the next. Because Gemini rules communication and expression, we must be mindful about how we are speaking to others, as we could come off as blunt, rude, and mean. If the energy of Mars can make our tongues sharp, we have the ability to hurt people with our words which will cause drama that doesn't need to be caused.
Because we have all of this fire energy within us (being in Aries season, and now Aries' ruler Mars making a move), we need to be mindful that this energy needs to be exerted through physical movement and exercise. If we do not exert this energy in a healthy way, it will continue to boil within us causing physical symptoms such as anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches, that we'd rather not deal with. Being this high strung will cause us to lash out at the first opportunity to do so.
It is best to work WITH these energies instead of against them. So make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity to alleviate the fire energy building within, be mindful of how you are speaking to others, and keep your mind busy and engaged at all times.
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons, and advantages and disadvantages. This aspect is no different. Mars is a power house of an energy to work with, and Gemini is a brilliant energy that will help us connect the dots of logic, as long as we do not act upon our first impulses.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.