Astrology Forecasts TheEnergyBoutique Astrology Forecasts TheEnergyBoutique

Venus Enters Aries

The Goddess of love, beauty, and worth moves out of her super emotional, sexual, and fantasy-like state while being in the watery, emotional sign of Pisces, and enters into Aries. Venus moving into Aries will scream passion as Mars (Aries' ruler) is the male counterpart to Venus. We've all heard of men coming from Mars, and women coming from Venus, so this match up will prove to have our love lives steaming hot.

Venus brings with her a very high set of values as she knows her worth. She is gentle, kind, calm, beautiful and wants nothing more than to be in a love so perfect that it embodies the duality of the divine feminine and masculine energies. Aries, full of passion, goes after what he wants and when he's got the Goddess on his mind there is no stopping him from making her love his, for all eternity.

This energetic influence will have us tapping into the fierce, raw, powerful energy of Aries to go after what it is we desire. Venus will have us only desiring things that will be around for the long haul. She wants commitment, she wants a partner of the same value and worth.

When these two get together there is a beautiful exchange of energies creating a balance among the two. Venus softens Aries edges, calms his aggression to a level that isn't overbearing. She shows this warrior sign a love like no other and in turn, he inspires her to go after what she wants in life with an intensity that can't be denied. Life is about to heat up!

Where romance is concerned you can expect a fiery passion that you and your partner may not have felt in a while. If you are single, this transit may just be what you need to go after the person you've had your eye on. The courage and bravery that Aries lends us to go after what we want is exactly what we need to initiate a passionate romance.

As much fun as all this sexual energy can be, it's important to realize that as powerful as this transit is, it is also where Venus is at her weakest point. Venus has to fight hard to not allow the forceful Aries energy to push her buttons and send her over the boiling point. Let's remember that there is a very fine line between passion and anger. Venus' fuse is very short under this transit, making her able to go from being caught up in all this passion to needing time to herself to regroup.

Now that we are in Taurus season (Venus rules Taurus) the stubbornness Venus embodies can be all too real and powerful during this transit. Once her foot is down and she's drawn a line in the sand, Aries’ passion and charm are rendered useless as she shuts that part of herself off.

There is a tipping point in this delicate dance between the two, where they will be magnetically drawn and stuck together, and then all of a sudden repel against each other making a connection damn near impossible.

Because Venus just provided a closure to her relationship sector while being in Pisces, (the last sign of the zodiac) be warned that this passionate love encounter in Aries, is merely a rebound.

Of course, long-term relationships can withstand the passion of this transit, and new relationships are likely to form, but it is a very hot and cold connection until Venus moves into her place of power in Taurus which will take place on May 15th.

So the moral of the story is, be passionate, go after what you want in love and money, and never forget your worth. Make sure you honour your boundaries and know when to pull away from the romance to get your head back on straight. And if nothing else, enjoy the ride!

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Marlee Henry

Psychic Advisor

The Energy Boutique


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