Welcome To Capricorn Season & The Solstice
It's the time of the year when the Sun moves from the bright, optimistic, adventure-seeking Sagittarian energy, to the ambitious, responsible, hard working energy of Capricorn.
It is no coincidence that the zodiac signs rule the timeframes that they do, and especially after the year we just had, we should all be really happy to be ending the year, and starting a new one, under the Capricorn Sun.
Capricorn is an earth sign and takes their roles and responsibilities in life very seriously. They are overly ambitious without getting too ahead of themselves, as they know what is actually reasonable for them to accomplish.
With Saturn, the planet of karma as their ruler, we have a tendency to reflect back on the year's events seeing exactly how each karmic lesson played out. With a reasonable approach and a down-to-earth view on life, Capricorn takes but a few minutes to compartmentalize the thoughts and feelings that each karmic lesson taught them before looking forward, setting tangible goals for the future.
Capricorn season also triggers the solstice. In the Northern hemisphere we are experiencing the winter solstice, a time of retreat where we step back to review and reflect. When we rest, recharge, and reorganize. In the southern hemisphere it triggers the summer solstice, which is a time for new sparks of life to be ignited. Where new adventures unfold and new exciting shifts take place in our realities.
Under Capricorn's energy we are able to see very clearly the steps we need to take in order to reach our goals, and easily make a check list of things we need to take care of. Where Capricorn takes their roles very seriously, especially where their career is concerned, they will do their very best to exceed the expectations set out for them.
As we venture into a new world, a new energy, a new perspective, Capricorn lends us the support to be as methodical as possible to break down each step we need to take, operating within a certain framework to reach success. When the Sun moves into Capricorn it also triggers the winter solstice for us here in the northern hemisphere, which ushers in a brand new energy to work with.
Although the holidays are a bright and cheerful time for many, the Capricorn energy still adds a serious tone of organization to our holiday season, making sure the to-do list is checked off and complete.
As we enter into a new year, there is no better energy for us to be under the influence of than Capricorn. We've spent many moons envisioning our futures, our new dreams and goals. We've had opportunities to purge the elements of our old selves and our old lives in order to be as light as ever as we walk into the new world as we know it.
Capricorn is eager to tackle the steps which are necessary to complete before arriving at the final destination, which of course is the dreams we've been working so hard on manifesting into our reality. We have a tendency to be more realistic about what we can actually accomplish within certain timeframes with this Capricorn energy, making our dreams more visible than ever before.
With the ambitious, hard-working energy of Capricorn supporting us in the early days of the New Year, we will no doubt hit the ground running, eager to get building and creating our Soul's vision.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Welcome To Capricorn Season
It's the time of the year when the Sun moves from the bright, optimistic, adventure-seeking Sagittarian energy, to the ambitious, responsible, hard working energy of Capricorn.
It is no coincidence that the zodiac signs rule the timeframes that they do, and especially after the year we just had, we should all be really happy to be ending the year, and starting a new one, under the Capricorn Sun.
Capricorn is an earth sign and takes their roles and responsibilities in life very seriously. They are overly ambitious without getting too ahead of themselves, as they know what is actually reasonable for them to accomplish.
With Saturn, the planet of karma as their ruler, we have a tendency to reflect back on the year's events seeing exactly how each karmic lesson played out. With a reasonable approach and a down-to-earth view on life, Capricorn takes but a few minutes to compartmentalize the thoughts and feelings that each karmic lesson taught them before looking forward, setting tangible goals for the future.
Capricorn season also triggers the solstice. In the Northern hemisphere we are experiencing the winter solstice, a time of retreat where we step back to review and reflect. When we rest, recharge, and reorganize. In the southern hemisphere it triggers the summer solstice, which is a time for new sparks of life to be ignited. Where new adventures unfold and new exciting shifts take place in our realities.
This year, Capricorn season - and the solstice - is even MORE spectacular, because we are witnessing a once in a lifetime event with Jupiter and Saturn making their great conjunction. This astrological event is BIG TIME news for many reasons. We are ushering in a new age of life, a new cycle of humanity’s evolution, and a new chapter of energy initiating 12, 20, 800, and 23,000 year cycles! It’s BIG deal!
Under Capricorn's energy we are able to see very clearly the steps we need to take in order to reach our goals, and easily make a check list of things we need to take care of. Where Capricorn takes their roles very seriously, especially where their career is concerned, they will do their very best to exceed the expectations set out for them.
As we venture into a new world, a new energy, a new perspective, Capricorn lends us the support to be as methodical as possible to break down each step we need to take, operating within a certain framework to reach success. When the Sun moves into Capricorn it also triggers the winter solstice for us here in the northern hemisphere, which ushers in a brand new energy to work with.
Although the holidays are a bright and cheerful time for many, the Capricorn energy still adds a serious tone of organization to our holiday season, making sure the to-do list is checked off and complete.
As we enter into a new year, there is no better energy for us to be under the influence of than Capricorn. We've spent many moons envisioning our futures, our new dreams and goals. We've had opportunities to purge the elements of our old selves and our old lives in order to be as light as ever as we walk into the new world as we know it.
Capricorn is eager to tackle the steps which are necessary to complete before arriving at the final destination, which of course is the dreams we've been working so hard on manifesting into our reality. We have a tendency to be more realistic about what we can actually accomplish within certain timeframes with this Capricorn energy, making our dreams more visible than ever before.
With the ambitious, hard-working energy of Capricorn supporting us in the early days of the New Year, we will no doubt hit the ground running, eager to get building and creating our Soul's vision.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Welcome To Capricorn Season
It's the time of the year when the Sun moves from the bright, optimistic, adventure-seeking Sagittarian energy, to the ambitious, responsible, hard working energy of Capricorn.
It is no coincidence that the zodiac signs rule the timeframes that they do, and especially after the year we just had, we should all be really happy to be ending the year, and starting a new one, under the Capricorn Sun.
Capricorn is an earth sign and takes their roles and responsibilities in life very seriously. They are overly ambitious without getting too ahead of themselves, as they know what is actually reasonable for them to accomplish.
With Saturn, the planet of karma as their ruler, we have a tendency to reflect back on the year's events seeing exactly how each karmic lesson played out. With a reasonable approach and a down-to-earth view on life, Capricorn takes but a few minutes to compartmentalize the thoughts and feelings that each karmic lesson taught them before looking forward, setting tangible goals for the future.
Under Capricorn's energy we are able to see very clearly the steps we need to take in order to reach our goals, and easily make a check list of things we need to take care of. Where Capricorn takes their roles very seriously, especially where their career is concerned, they will do their very best to exceed the expectations set out for them.
As we venture into a new world, a new energy, a new perspective, Capricorn lends us the support to be as methodical as possible to break down each step we need to take, operating within a certain framework to reach success. When the Sun moves into Capricorn it also triggers the winter solstice for us here in the northern hemisphere, which ushers in a brand new energy to work with.
Although the holidays are a bright and cheerful time for many, the Capricorn energy still adds a serious tone of organization to our holiday season, making sure the to-do list is checked off and complete.
As we enter into a new year, the year of building and creation, there is no better energy for us to be under the influence of than Capricorn. We've spent many moons envisioning our futures, our new dreams and goals. We've had opportunities to purge the elements of our old selves and our old lives in order to be as light as ever as we walk into the new world as we know it.
Capricorn is eager to tackle the steps which are necessary to complete before arriving at the final destination, which of course is the dreams we've been working so hard on manifesting into our reality. We have a tendency to be more realistic about what we can actually accomplish within certain timeframes with this Capricorn energy, making our dreams more visible than ever before.
With the ambitious, hard-working energy of Capricorn supporting us in the early days of the New Year, we will no doubt hit the ground running, eager to get building and creating our Soul's vision.
If you want a better look at your life in 2020, you can book your 2020 Year Ahead reading.
Dream Like There is No Tomorrow
With the last few days of our accelerated manifestation state coming to an end, we really have to get serious and focus on giving our vision work all we’ve got.My weekly subscribers have listened to me go on for months now, about how and why doing vision work is so important, capturing a vision of what our lives would look like if we could be living out our dreams.This accelerated manifestation state started back in January as we entered into the New Year, the year of building and creation.The Universe has asked to to dream such a detailed dream for ourselves and to hold that vision so strong in our minds that even the darkest, most toughest challenges couldn't have broken our focus. But the problem is, we did, we lost focus.We have had to continuously pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and reinvent both ourselves and the ideal life we’d like to be living, more times than anyone was really counting on.The first half of this year was about building and creating ourselves, our inner worlds, filled with healing past pain and traumas, rebuilding our understanding and belief system, and raising our vibration high enough to become a permanent fixture in this 5D collective community.The first half of the year, as challenging as it was, revealed such truth, such strength within us that if we weren’t so energetically tired from reconstructing our energetic bodies, we may just have celebrated a bit more for coming out on the other end.Last week’s solstice marked the half way point in our year, in the astrological and energetic calendar. And now that the portal, the wormhole of time, has opened to prepare for our upcoming eclipse season, holding a vision for ourselves and our future is of the utmost importance.We have our first of two eclipses taking place in July, starting off with a bang early next week. The New Moon in Cancer is a solar (Sun) eclipse which historically adds something to our lives that we never thought we could obtain in such a short time frame.These aren’t random events, they are actually events that were destined to take place in your life path eventually, but because of the accelerated manifestation state, the Universe speeds up time and has these situations gifted to us during the solar eclipse.The second eclipse will take place on July 16th, which a Full Moon partial lunar (Moon) eclipse in Capricorn. Historically, this energy will remove something from our lives that we’ve been stalling on removing ourselves. Maybe we are in a relationship that we know isn’t right for us, maybe we are in a job that is sucking the life out of us, maybe we are holding onto such pain and trauma that we are unable to open ourselves up to anything new entering our worlds.This eclipse energy will remove it very quickly and will help to transform our energy into a new vibration to be successful in the second half of the year.We will see the physical results of all the changes we’ve been needing to take place to align ourselves more with the vision of our life we’ve been focusing on, in this second half of the year.Because the eclipse energy is far too intense, unstable, chaotic, and fragmented, we will not be focusing on manifesting while the Universe does its thing. That’s why it’s super important to focus all your energy into your vision work now while the energy still supports us to be manifesting.Once the planetary events start taking place next week, we need to really sit back and watch all the dynamics that will be taking place as the portal, the wormhole, begins to speed up and expand, projecting us through time, through our life lessons and through the accelerated manifestation state. We have done all we can do up until the eclipse season takes over.We need to practice surrendering and going with the flow. The Universe knows what’s best for us as "they" can see our life plan laid out like a beautiful map.The events that need to take place, the meetings with certain people that need to happen, the completion of certain life lessons and soul contracts will be reorganized under the guidance and authority of the cosmos and we just need to sit back and watch it all come together.These times are not going to be easy. The highs are very high, while the lows are exceptionally low. We may not be in total agreement or understanding of the events that are going to take place in the month of July, but with some time, and a whole lot of faith and patience, we will surely see how it all connects together and how it is essential for our growth and evolvement.So for the rest of the week, tap into the current energies of the Universe and dream a bigger dream. Get lost in your daydreams, explore your dream state. Review and repeat your vision in your mind until it is so strong, so clear, that you can see it happening in your mind’s eye.Most of all, create only the vision. Release the control over HOW all of this is suppose to happen, and trust that the control over the vision you hold is the only control you’ll need to see your dreams come to life.As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy BoutiqueTo make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Sun Enters Cancer/Summer Solstice
Today marks the Summer Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, when we experience the longest day of the year, and the shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.
Here, in the Northern Hemisphere, the Solstice represents the peak of the year and the point of highest energy. We have had a pretty tough first part of the year, and luckily for us, even with the intense eclipse and retrograde season in front of us, the second half of this year won't be as challenging and defeating. Make no mistake though, we still have lots to learn and many shifts to endure.
The Summer Solstice is a time of light, masculinity and outward expansion. We can expect the power of the Sun to light up and illuminate everything that now needs our focus and attention.
The Southern Hemisphere is experiencing the lowest point of energy for the year. The Winter Solstice for them, is a time of darkness, femininity, and inward expansion. Southern Hemisphere natives will find themselves in a reflective state as they are in the season of death preparing for rebirth.
Regardless of where you are at in the world, you can feel the energy of the changing seasons by observing Mother Nature. Her energy in the North provides sunny days, warmer weather, with bright blue skies and rich greenery all around. The wildlife is alive, growing, and singing their songs of a new solar season. In the South, the days are dark, cold, and dreary. The colors of the sky and land are grey. There are no birds singing and chirping, as the season calls for rest.
Even though there are differences in the energy of the Solstice, the planetary or cosmic energy is the same no matter where you live.
There are beautiful patterns among the stars as they set us up to experience lessons in a way that allows the energy to build and become clearer and stronger as the planetary alignments take place. The Solstice lends us the energy to see the things we need to focus on in a brand new light, as the Sun reaches the peak in the Sky.
The Sun moves into Cancer today triggering the Solstice, which lends us a softer energy to work with as we face these new issues and themes as they arise in the light of the Sun. The Sun in Cancer will have you focusing more on your family and your home life. This gentle water sign will have you feeling a bit more sentimental than usual, and calls your attention to the home and what part of you, and others, need to be more nurtured.
The cosmic energy around the Solstice and leading up to eclipse season holds an intense energy, almost like the heavens are beaming down on us and lighting up areas of our lives that are screaming for attention.
We are all going to be called upon to step into our fullest potential and begin aligning with our purpose and our highest path. Up until this point in the year, we were being asked to create a vision of our reality, what we wanted to see change and have the end result of our vision come into real life. The second half of the year, from today onward, will be taking action to make the changes necessary to have you living your dream by the time 2019 is comes to an end.
Use this Solstice energy to make a final edit, and review the final changes to your vision. This is the final draft. You will have the opportunity next week to release the themes and issues that need to be let go of before your vision can come into reality. Make sure the blueprint you have for your life is solid. Take the time to think about the small details and make changes accordingly. A lot can happen in 6 months, and whether you believe it or not, you will be living a better version of the life you're currently living, if not a totally new version of life altogether, by the end of this year.
It is time to build bigger dreams, have higher ambitions, and to find more and more joy. In fact, if you don’t know where to start with all of this energy, start by following your joy and the rest will fall into place.
Life is strange sometimes, but remember that aside from all the lessons and growth, we are here to have fun. Focus on using the cosmic energy of the Solstice to bring in as much joy into your life as you can. Set a foundation of happiness to grow on, because we are about to start building our dreams with much more passion and determination than you ever thought you had inside you.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
The 12 Days Of Solstice

The Summer Solstice (in the Northern hemisphere) is right around the corner. On June 21st, we officially hit the half way mark of 2019. We have had quite a powerful 6 months as we've done a lot of inner work, and outer purging. If you think back over the last 6 months, you may not even recognize yourself, as we've all embraced the newer 2.0 versions of who we actually are. It's been a tough chapter, and energetically speaking, I will be happy to celebrate a new fresh, CLEAN slate to work with during the second half of this year of building & creation.
To celebrate all we've gone through, and accomplished thus far, and as a way to really kick things off for the 2nd chapter of 2019, I am happy to announce to you that The Energy Boutique will be expanding! Although I have many things on the to-do list, the first thing I'd like to bring to life is "The Boutique" itself.
Up until now, The Energy Boutique has only offered Professional Reading and Astrology services. With a rapidly growing client base, and more bookings than I've ever had in my life, I realized that in my sessions I am always making recommendations to my clients for cleansing kits, divination tools, gemstones for energy work, healthy body products, and decor ideas to help raise the vibration in your home or workspace.
I am happy to announce that I will now be offering those items through my online boutique!
I currently have a small selection of gemstones going through the energy infusion process (a full new moon & full moon energy cycle) to ensure each and every item I sell is blessed with the highest intentions for you, and infused with the highest vibrational frequencies possible. Because all items I will be carrying MUST go through this blessing and energy infusion, products will be available for purchase as I bring them to the boutique, however, NO ITEM will be shipped out until the blessing and infusion process is complete.

The Energy Boutique will not officially open it's online doors to the SHOP until June 21st, on the Summer Solstice. But in the 12 days leading up to it, I will be giving you a sneak peek of some of the items that will be available when the SHOP officially opens. There will be some great deals offered during the 12 days of Solstice so please keep your eye out on capturing these limited supply goodies for yourself.
Thank you so much for your love and support. Without you I wouldn't be able to make my dreams come true!
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.