Dream Like There is No Tomorrow
With the last few days of our accelerated manifestation state coming to an end, we really have to get serious and focus on giving our vision work all we’ve got.My weekly subscribers have listened to me go on for months now, about how and why doing vision work is so important, capturing a vision of what our lives would look like if we could be living out our dreams.This accelerated manifestation state started back in January as we entered into the New Year, the year of building and creation.The Universe has asked to to dream such a detailed dream for ourselves and to hold that vision so strong in our minds that even the darkest, most toughest challenges couldn't have broken our focus. But the problem is, we did, we lost focus.We have had to continuously pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and reinvent both ourselves and the ideal life we’d like to be living, more times than anyone was really counting on.The first half of this year was about building and creating ourselves, our inner worlds, filled with healing past pain and traumas, rebuilding our understanding and belief system, and raising our vibration high enough to become a permanent fixture in this 5D collective community.The first half of the year, as challenging as it was, revealed such truth, such strength within us that if we weren’t so energetically tired from reconstructing our energetic bodies, we may just have celebrated a bit more for coming out on the other end.Last week’s solstice marked the half way point in our year, in the astrological and energetic calendar. And now that the portal, the wormhole of time, has opened to prepare for our upcoming eclipse season, holding a vision for ourselves and our future is of the utmost importance.We have our first of two eclipses taking place in July, starting off with a bang early next week. The New Moon in Cancer is a solar (Sun) eclipse which historically adds something to our lives that we never thought we could obtain in such a short time frame.These aren’t random events, they are actually events that were destined to take place in your life path eventually, but because of the accelerated manifestation state, the Universe speeds up time and has these situations gifted to us during the solar eclipse.The second eclipse will take place on July 16th, which a Full Moon partial lunar (Moon) eclipse in Capricorn. Historically, this energy will remove something from our lives that we’ve been stalling on removing ourselves. Maybe we are in a relationship that we know isn’t right for us, maybe we are in a job that is sucking the life out of us, maybe we are holding onto such pain and trauma that we are unable to open ourselves up to anything new entering our worlds.This eclipse energy will remove it very quickly and will help to transform our energy into a new vibration to be successful in the second half of the year.We will see the physical results of all the changes we’ve been needing to take place to align ourselves more with the vision of our life we’ve been focusing on, in this second half of the year.Because the eclipse energy is far too intense, unstable, chaotic, and fragmented, we will not be focusing on manifesting while the Universe does its thing. That’s why it’s super important to focus all your energy into your vision work now while the energy still supports us to be manifesting.Once the planetary events start taking place next week, we need to really sit back and watch all the dynamics that will be taking place as the portal, the wormhole, begins to speed up and expand, projecting us through time, through our life lessons and through the accelerated manifestation state. We have done all we can do up until the eclipse season takes over.We need to practice surrendering and going with the flow. The Universe knows what’s best for us as "they" can see our life plan laid out like a beautiful map.The events that need to take place, the meetings with certain people that need to happen, the completion of certain life lessons and soul contracts will be reorganized under the guidance and authority of the cosmos and we just need to sit back and watch it all come together.These times are not going to be easy. The highs are very high, while the lows are exceptionally low. We may not be in total agreement or understanding of the events that are going to take place in the month of July, but with some time, and a whole lot of faith and patience, we will surely see how it all connects together and how it is essential for our growth and evolvement.So for the rest of the week, tap into the current energies of the Universe and dream a bigger dream. Get lost in your daydreams, explore your dream state. Review and repeat your vision in your mind until it is so strong, so clear, that you can see it happening in your mind’s eye.Most of all, create only the vision. Release the control over HOW all of this is suppose to happen, and trust that the control over the vision you hold is the only control you’ll need to see your dreams come to life.As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy BoutiqueTo make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Venus Enters Gemini
Today, the Goddess of love, beauty, worth and money moves from her place of power in down-to-earth, money hungry Taurus, to airy, fun, and flirty Gemini.
Gemini loves to keep things light-hearted and stimulating. The Gemini energy favours absorbing knowledge and exploring the environment around him. Because Gemini is the sign of the twins, there is much duality that is brought to the focuses of Venus which is always about love, feeling good, and money money money. This will shine a light on Venus's tendency to have a narrowed focus on these subjects. Suddenly the Gemini energy shows her a world of possibilities and options she may have never stumbled upon herself.
Because Venus operates from the heart, only engaging and investing things of value, contributing to her long-term goals, and Gemini operates from the mental plane, seeing things logically and practically, this pairing brings our heart and head into an arena where they meet in the middle at the throat chakra. This is where the heart felt desires of Venus, and the practicality of Gemini's thought process blend together forming a deep desire to communicate and speak one's truth.
There is no opposition here as one would like suspect there would be. Too often we are plagued with an inner conflict, a war between our head and our heart. But under this energy, we can cut out a lot of bullsh*t that gets in the way of our interactions with others. By taking a direct approach to communicating our thoughts and feelings to others, we connecting to them in the mental plane of their emotional understanding.
Although Venus in Gemini is fun, flirty, and free, Venus is still a serious girl wanting love, and money. She wants what she wants and isn't willing to invest time and energy into anything that she doesn't see value in. But with Gemini's encouragement to let her hair down and have a little fun, you'll see Venus adopt a much more playful approach in her interactions.
This is a great time to date if you are single. The interactions between those you are physically attracted to mentally connected with will have conversations free flowing and flirty.
If you are already paired, you will see the dialogue in your relationship bounce from one area of interest onto another topic in the same conversation. Yes, we are expressive, but we are also curious.
With the Sun still in Gemini, and many of the heavy hitting planets moving into Cancer, this Venus in Gemini energy is what we need to try and keep the energy as light as possible. Be cautious around spending money at this time as you'll crave anything that will stimulate your brain. It's important to keep your mind engaged and interested during this transit.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Welcome To Gemini Season
The power of the Sun shines our energy and focus onto Gemini season where our minds show us their power. After a very long and slow Taurus season, we really need this time for our mental planes to be activated. We need clarity, logic, ideas, inspiration! We've been so focused on DOING that we need to take a step back and take a look of the building we've begun to create.
Gemini season will have our minds working at lightening fast speeds. We will be way more observant as we pull the details of our environments and interactions into our brain where we are making sense, seeing patterns, and are coming up with a solution fairly quickly.
We can interpret situation much easier as logic and minor details pop out at us. We are like sponges under the influence of Gemini, soaking up every last bit of information and data we can surround ourselves with.
This is all well and good to have the power of the mind providing us with clarity and inspiration, but if you're not careful you can very easily switch to information overload and short circuit all together. It's up to us to balance the mind, body, and soul equation to make sure we are listening to each part of ourselves and asking what it needs.
When the mind because overstimulated it causes anxiety and stress related issues throughout the body. Nervous or restless energy can become very dominate in Gemini season if the mental plane isn't monitored.
The Gemini energy, although brilliant, lacks a certain amount of compassion and empathy for others, and feeling tend to get hurt. For a sign that rules communication, they really could use a bit of work in the emotional deliverance of facts, just a tad bit better. Because Gemini's are so intellectual and very much stuck in their heads, they tend to be a bit detached and cold in the emotional department. This kind of energy can lead to conflicts that were never meant to upset anyone, so be mindful of the emotional tone you use when you speak.
You will see many options reveal themselves to you under the Gemini energy. Options are never a bad thing to have, except when you have too many of them and your indecisiveness leads you to anxiety. That is very possible under this energy as we tend to get carried away with the details. We see so many opportunities that we become overwhelmed and paralyzed with indecision.
We tend to lose sight of the bigger picture while in Gemini. It's a balance between focusing on the big picture of where it is you want to go, and then focusing in on the small details of how you're going to get here. This needs to be a dance instead of one extreme or the other.
Gemini season favours connecting with your siblings and your local community. It loves to explore and observe both people and their environments.
It also rules technology and mechanical things such as cars and anything with moving parts. All of these are very much connected to the inner workings of the mind.
It's important to be mindful of your mental activity during this energy, and make sure you are using it for good instead of bad. Don't fixate on negative or bad aspects of what's going on around you, instead always think the best case scenario and the lesson behind the experience. Be sure to keep referring back to your big picture goals when you get lost in the details, and surround yourself with as much opportunity to learn as possible.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Let The Stars Guide You

More often than not, I will hear from my clients and followers after I make an astrology post, with questions like, "How do I work with this energy?" "What should I be focused on?" Because astrology gives us an opportunity to grow and evolve by following the energetic lead of the planets at play, the energy they focus on our lives, and how to accelerate through life lessons when you are aligned with the Universal energies, we need to know how to work with it!
I have created the Astro Event Activity Guide, which is a workbook focused on the particular planetary energies shifting in the cosmos. The workbook has guided exercises to trigger the thinking & feeling process, mantras for harnessing the power of each shift, and exercises to balance the mind, body, and soul throughout the duration of each energetic event.
Now, and every time in the future, that I make an Astrology post related to the current planetary placements and the energies in which they bless us with, you will find a link within that post for the Astro Event Activity Guide that accompanies it. Because everyone is at a different place in their own personal development, it's up to you what you want to focus on.
I have released Monthly Forecasts for each zodiac sign describing the astrological events for the upcoming month, and in what areas of life these shifts will take place. Using your Monthly Forecast along with the Astro Event Activity Guide will give you a full overview on the energies at play, and how to best use them to your advantage.
If you are at the place in your personal development that you'd like Weekly Insights (both astro & messages from the Guides) you may want to consider subscribing to the monthly Weekly Insights subscription (Now open for June 2019).
Even with the guidance given in the Weekly Insight sessions, the downloadable Astro Event Activity Guide could prove to be very helpful in organizing your thoughts and feelings and having the mantra and mind, body, and soul exercises available to you for your use.
I sincerely hope that these new forecasts and guides provide you with the direction and focus necessary for tapping into these Universal energies and harnessing their power for your own personal development and growth.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Emerge & See 911
I honestly hope you never have to book this service, because I hate knowing that people are struggling and need immediate counsel... But, because of a few recent events of Spiritual Crisis have required my immediate assistance, I have decided to offer this service.
Emerge & See (911) (also known as EMERGENCY 911) is there for you when you find yourself at a pivot point in life. A Pivot Point is a crossroads of both good and bad situations that are emerging due to a shift that is about to take place in your life. Not all pivot points are made of crisis, however, we always tend to think of emergencies in the terms of being a crisis.
This service is for anyone who is at a crosswords in life and feeling the pressure. When the Universe has us at a pivot point, it can be really scary. We are usually overwhelmed, confused, and not able to see the bigger picture of what's happening. It is during these times, that you need Spiritual and Energetic Guidance immediately.
If you find yourself at a crossroads in life, and can't quite see the path ahead, are unable to talk yourself down, or need assistance in moving forward, book an Emerge & See 911 session. This session will provide you with an immediate response, we'll get on the phone, and we will breakdown the situation in manageable terms so you can calm yourself and see the opportunities before you.
This is a PRIORITY session, meaning regardless of what I have booked in my schedule, you will become my main priority.