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Dream Like There is No Tomorrow


With the last few days of our accelerated manifestation state coming to an end, we really have to get serious and focus on giving our vision work all we’ve got.My weekly subscribers have listened to me go on for months now, about how and why doing vision work is so important, capturing a vision of what our lives would look like if we could be living out our dreams.This accelerated manifestation state started back in January as we entered into the New Year, the year of building and creation.The Universe has asked to to dream such a detailed dream for ourselves and to hold that vision so strong in our minds that even the darkest, most toughest challenges couldn't have broken our focus. But the problem is, we did, we lost focus.We have had to continuously pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off and reinvent both ourselves and the ideal life we’d like to be living, more times than anyone was really counting on.The first half of this year was about building and creating ourselves, our inner worlds, filled with healing past pain and traumas, rebuilding our understanding and belief system, and raising our vibration high enough to become a permanent fixture in this 5D collective community.The first half of the year, as challenging as it was, revealed such truth, such strength within us that if we weren’t so energetically tired from reconstructing our energetic bodies, we may just have celebrated a bit more for coming out on the other end.Last week’s solstice marked the half way point in our year, in the astrological and energetic calendar. And now that the portal, the wormhole of time, has opened to prepare for our upcoming eclipse season, holding a vision for ourselves and our future is of the utmost importance.We have our first of two eclipses taking place in July, starting off with a bang early next week. The New Moon in Cancer is a solar (Sun) eclipse which historically adds something to our lives that we never thought we could obtain in such a short time frame.These aren’t random events, they are actually events that were destined to take place in your life path eventually, but because of the accelerated manifestation state, the Universe speeds up time and has these situations gifted to us during the solar eclipse.The second eclipse will take place on July 16th, which a Full Moon partial lunar (Moon) eclipse in Capricorn. Historically, this energy will remove something from our lives that we’ve been stalling on removing ourselves. Maybe we are in a relationship that we know isn’t right for us, maybe we are in a job that is sucking the life out of us, maybe we are holding onto such pain and trauma that we are unable to open ourselves up to anything new entering our worlds.This eclipse energy will remove it very quickly and will help to transform our energy into a new vibration to be successful in the second half of the year.We will see the physical results of all the changes we’ve been needing to take place to align ourselves more with the vision of our life we’ve been focusing on, in this second half of the year.Because the eclipse energy is far too intense, unstable, chaotic, and fragmented, we will not be focusing on manifesting while the Universe does its thing. That’s why it’s super important to focus all your energy into your vision work now while the energy still supports us to be manifesting.Once the planetary events start taking place next week, we need to really sit back and watch all the dynamics that will be taking place as the portal, the wormhole, begins to speed up and expand, projecting us through time, through our life lessons and through the accelerated manifestation state. We have done all we can do up until the eclipse season takes over.We need to practice surrendering and going with the flow. The Universe knows what’s best for us as "they" can see our life plan laid out like a beautiful map.The events that need to take place, the meetings with certain people that need to happen, the completion of certain life lessons and soul contracts will be reorganized under the guidance and authority of the cosmos and we just need to sit back and watch it all come together.These times are not going to be easy. The highs are very high, while the lows are exceptionally low. We may not be in total agreement or understanding of the events that are going to take place in the month of July, but with some time, and a whole lot of faith and patience, we will surely see how it all connects together and how it is essential for our growth and evolvement.So for the rest of the week, tap into the current energies of the Universe and dream a bigger dream. Get lost in your daydreams, explore your dream state. Review and repeat your vision in your mind until it is so strong, so clear, that you can see it happening in your mind’s eye.Most of all, create only the vision. Release the control over HOW all of this is suppose to happen, and trust that the control over the vision you hold is the only control you’ll need to see your dreams come to life.As always, if you require any assistance navigating the current energies of your life, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy BoutiqueTo make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.

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A Friendly Reminder

Reminder: Emotions are ENERGY = E in MOTION = EMOTION... There is more power in the negative emotions then we can seem to muster up in the good emotions... Think of how easy it is to be sad... To be angry! And now think of how hard it is to be joyful and excited... The POWER lies in realizing that anger is a necessary EMOTION... It shows us where in our lives we need the biggest change... Anxiety shows us where we need to release NEEDING control... Sadness shows us where we once had happiness... And all of the PAIN shows us where we need to heal!! We are going through some rough energy right now that is causing people to abandon their dreams, their path, and themselves. People are turning around and running back to the life that they prayed so hard to get away from... All because we grew tired of charging forward. Make no mistake, this spiritual journey is HARD, it’s CONFUSING, it’s RAW... But this is also how you get to the life you’ve been dreaming of! So if you’re tired, rest. But don’t run back to the dark just because you know what awaits you there. The light has so much to offer you but it’s going to require you to TRUST and have FAITH like you’ve never had before! So take all of those POWERFUL not-so-good emotions and say “Hey! Thanks you for guiding me... Thank you for visiting me... But there’s the effing door!!”

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Numerology: The Power Of Numbers

Everything in our world carries an energy, a frequency, a vibration, and numbers are no different. Each number (0 through 9, with the addition of the master number 11) indicates an energy influence that can help us understand what stage we are currently at in life if we look at our age, what cycle we are currently in if we look at the month and day, and what life path we are on when we look at our numerological profile.

Although there aren't “good and bad” numbers per se, there are numbers that suggest ease as well as there are numbers that suggest hardships or obstacles.

Numerology is one way we can figure out what it is we are here to do in the world, and where our obstacles may lay in your path. Many people use numbers as signs and messages from the Universe when they are seeing the same number sequence over and over again.

Most of us grow up with a favourite number that we consider to be "our lucky number". And just as many people have aversions to, or are reluctant to use certain numbers (666 for example).

In this series "Numerology: The Power Of Numbers" we will be talking about each number (0-9, + 11, and sequences of these numbers and the meanings behind them.

My hope is that you will follow along and use some of the formulas to identify the power of numbers in your own life, and learn to use them in your day to day life. For starters, let's start off with an easy exercise to give you an idea what your "favourite number" actually means to you. 


If your number is a single digit:

Number 0 - Although the number zero isn't really considered a value in numerology, it's very important as it indicates a cycle of completion. The zero has no beginning and no end, and is usually representative of the space between finishing an energetic life cycle, and not quite beginning the next. If your favourite number is 0, you likely find yourself between endings and beginnings often, and recognize that life is just a series of never-ending energy cycles.

Number 1 - Being the first real number with value, the number 1 is indicative of a new beginning and a fresh start. It suggests a fresh new attitude and perspective and a want, need, and desire to try a new way of doing things, and an urge to try new things in life. If your favourite number is 1, you are likely spontaneous and enjoy new experiences. You are willing to try anything once, and often think before you act.

Number 2 - The number 2 is about balance. It suggests that you've already reached a certain level of balance where you've accomplished a certain level of achievement already. The number 2 also suggests that you enjoy partnerships and teamwork. If your favourite number is 2, you likely enjoy being in the company of others, and enjoy partnerships and team building activities. You enjoy the support of others and will often have a very strong work ethic.

Number 3 - The number 3 is a very social number. It's a number that represents our want and need to grow our social circles and community to share ideas and collaborate with others. It's also closely related to the mind, body, and soul, father, son, and holy spirit, and the Maiden, Mother and The Crone. If your favourite number is 3, you are likely very social, chatty, and enjoy intellectual conversations and analyzing information. You are also on a quest to learn more and evolve into a higher form of your best self.

Number 4 - The number 4 is about foundations. It represents the effort and energy one puts into making sure the cornerstones of their foundations in life are sturdy and solid. It's also connected to the home and family environment, and the comfort and security of one's home life. If your favourite number is 4, you will prefer stability and security over everything. You are protective of your family and are very money conscious.

Number 5 - The number 5 is closely connected to our passion and creative spark. It is an energy that can re-ignite our soul's, our passion, our creative projects, and even our romance sector. It's the stage in life where you have accomplished a certain level of success in achieving a solid foundation in life, and now it's time to grow and branch out to try new things. If your favourite number is 5, you are likely very creative with a great imagination. You are very passionate and caring and are always on the quest to throw yourself into something 100%.

Number 6 - The number 6 is connected to material items and what we do in life to acquire these items. It's our productivity and how we are of service to others. There is a strong focus on our health and wellness with the number 6, but mostly it's a number that has us thinking about what we own or want to possess. If your favourite number is 6, you likely worry a bit too much, especially over others. You will be very rigid in your routines, not liking to deviate from what works for you, and suffer from not giving yourself the rest and relaxation you require to balance your mind, body, and Soul.

Number 7 - The number 7 is closely linked to Spirituality and how we share our experiences with others. This is a Soul kind of partnership and very much focused on going through life and the experiences it holds with someone you love and trust. In gambling, Lucky Number 7 is a favourite of many and because of its close link to the Spirit realm, the vibration of 7 is a strong one. If your favourite number is 7, you are likely very social and like to mediate situations. You always do what is fair and just and enjoy long-term partnerships. You are closely connected to your Spiritual beliefs and are drawn to things of beauty.

Number 8 - The number 8 is also the infinity sign, suggesting that there are no endings or beginnings just a constant ebb and flow of energy. The number 8 is a very transformative number with close links to the Spirit realm as well. It's a universal number meaning people from all different cultures and religions see the number eight as a holy number closely connected tot the divine. If your favourite number is 8, you likely are someone who is always transforming yourself to a better version of who you are. You tend to like the mystery in life, and have an understanding of all things metaphysical. You enjoy the quest of proving that there is more than meets the eye in this world.

Number 9 - The number 9 in the number closely related to endings. It is the last single digit before we get into the double digits. The number 9 is about finishing or completing certain energy cycles and life experiences. If your favourite number is 9, you likely get a certain personal satisfaction from a job well done. You love being able to complete projects and see all of your hard work as a result.

Number 11 - The number 11 is considered a master number in numerology. Any time you see 11, or multiples of it in sequence (example: 22, 33, 44, etc.) you are divinely connected tot he Spirit realm as they guide you through your path. If your favourite number is 11 (or a sequence of 11), you are likely very spiritual and feel connected to and divine guided throughout life. You believe in a higher power and are very in tune with the energies of the Universe.


If your favourite number is a double/triple digit:

The whole basic principle of numerology is to settle on a single digit to carry the vibration or frequency. Mean if your favourite number is 289, you would add those numbers together to get a single digit (2+8+9= 19 / 1+9= 10 / 1+0 = 1).

If 289 were your favourite number, essentially it would be a 1 vibration.

If your favourite number was 77, you wouldn't add the numbers together because it is a multiple or sequence of the number 11 (a master number connected to Angelic or Divine Guidance) combined with the 7 vibration (a Spiritual, lucky, partnership number).

Now that you've had a peak at what some basic numerology energy means to your favourite numbers, you may find that you will be seeing your favourite number in a lot more places than usually. It will seem to be everywhere you look.

Once you attach yourself to a certain vibration or frequency, the Universe let's you know that they are paying attention to YOU paying attention, and validate you energetic connection to the number by showing it to you in even the most random of places.

In the next article of the "Numerology: The Power Of Numbers" series, we will take a look at identifying our life path, and how we can use that information to help us in our daily lives.

 Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy Boutique Should you require any assistance in navigating these energies, please book a session online and I’d be happy to help guide you through. 

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My Podcast Is Alive!!

If you haven't seen my posts or received an email about my Podcast yet, this post is for you!I launched my first episode of The Energy Exchange last night and I've been getting such great feedback about it. It was a lot of fun to do, and I have so many episodes planned and ready to go!I hope that you will listen in and follow along as those who have already listened had a lot of really good things to say about it.If you have any topics you'd like to hear me talk about, please email me and I will be sure to schedule it in.Without you guys it wouldn't be what it is so thank you for all of your love and support!Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy Boutique Should you require any assistance in navigating these energies, please book a session online and I’d be happy to help guide you through.

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Why Are There So Many Deaths in February?


Every year it seems like more and more people are dying in clusters. I truly believe in Soul contracts and because of that I can't help but to wonder why these Souls have chosen exit points in groups or clusters.

The winter months are always the highest death rates throughout the world. Between the weather causing accidents, or germs and viruses being at an all time high, it makes sense. Because I always look at life through an energetic lense, I see a bit more to this winter crossing point than most.

It has been a repetitive pattern to me that there are so many natural deaths taking place in February - Pisces season. Pisces season is the last phase in our energetic calendar where we "go home" to our spiritual realm, our inner world, for resolve and for closure. Pisces is the sign that is most connected to the spirit realm and our unconscious mind here in the physical world. Pisces, is all about review, reflection, and the un-doing of all we've gone through. It's also the sign that escapes reality whenever it can.

It makes perfect sense to me that those who have now completed their Soul's mission here in this world would choose Pisces season to cross over. It is the closest we get to the spirit realm, the deepest we dive into our subconscious, and the final stop before starting a brand new energetic cycle.

You will notice that there are people on your social media posting about losing their grandparents, their aunts and uncles, even their children. I hope you haven't been the one to suffer this loss, but if you are, please know that it was simply time for your loved one to go home.

I always feel weird hearing about people dying, because I know where they are going and it makes me envious of them, as if they are going on a Caribbean holiday to enjoy the warmth of the Sun in the middle of a cold, dark, winter. It brings me a sense of peace, and (do I dare say) jealousy, knowing that they are no longer tied to the physical world and that they get to return home to the spirit world, to live freely with no pain, no anguish, and to be reunited with their loved ones on the other side.

I always silently say in my head, "Good for you for completing your mission! Well done! Now it's time for you to celebrate in Spirit!"

Of course my heart aches for those that these Spirits leave behind, mourning and grieving their loss. Hey, I get it. It's taken me a long time to come to peace with losing my loved ones too. I feel like, because most people fear death, and don't understand or refuse to accept that death is just a different stage of living, that it creates more pain in their hearts to try and deal with.

I have noticed, this year in particular, that there has been mention of many people dying, and crossing over to the other side this past month. For the shortest month in the year, it has a staggering number of deaths. I truly empathize with anyone dealing with the loss of a loved one at this time, but please know, your loved ones are celebrating a job well done.

I know that doesn't ease your pain still being stuck here in the physical realm, dealing with the painful emotions that wash over you when someone departs, but please know with every ounce of your being, that they are not gone, they are just no longer attached to a physical body. Spirit is with us all the time, and although you may miss the physical presence of your loved one, they are very much still with you, guiding you, protecting you, doing what they can to make sure you complete your Soul's mission. It is never a bad thing to have angels in your corner.


Another weird oddity about February (Pisces season), is that the number of overdoses (or attempted overdoses) rise. I’m not going to say that these are suicide attempts in any way, but the energy for us to want to escape reality is very high and intense during Pisces season.

I scroll through social media noticing people posting about, “Man, I haven’t drank like that in years, never again!” To me, it all connects with wanting to escape and needing to numb the very intense emotions that come up during our inward journeys of Pisces season.

It is always advised when there is a strong Piscean energy and influence to avoid drugs and alcohol at all costs. We are unable to regulate or have our normal control over our consumption during Pisces season, thus, so many people over-indulging in drugs and alcohol.   

February, (and into March), we have to be very careful what it is we are putting into our bodies. Our physical bodies are usually heavy, lazy, and less active than normal. Pisces season is where we are at our lowest physical productivity and at our highest intuition and emotions. To those that are not familiar with, or sensitive to energies, and how to navigate these “energetic shitstorms” it can prove to be very difficult to do so without the want, need, or desire to escape it all.

Please take the time and surrender to whatever comes up for you emotionally during these energy waves. Don’t try to run from it, numb it, repress it, or control it. Simply let it just come, and let it go. Emotions are energy in motion (e-motion). The energy is always changing and always evolving into something different. Make a note of what emotions are triggering for you and use that as a roadmap for your healing.

When you hear of someone struggling, looking for an escape from their reality, reach out to them. They need your support. And when you hear of people dying, and crossing over, silently congratulate them for completing their mission and know that they just graduated to the next stage of life. Offer the loved ones they left behind a warm embrace, and maybe remind them they their loved ones are never truly gone.


Marlee Henry

Psychic Advisor

The Energy Boutique


Should you require any assistance in navigating these energies, please book a session online and I’d be happy to help guide you through.

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How I Ended Up Dying


I just want to thank each and every single one of you for the overwhelming feedback, love, and support from my post “On The 10th Anniversary Of My Death”. I received more views on that one post than I usually receive in a whole month on all of my posts combined. Your kind words, comments, and personal emails were exactly what I needed to validate that I am on the right track in sharing my story.

It has reminded me that we are all suffering in many ways, and now that we have Chiron moved into Aries for the next 7 years, healing our identities and physical bodies, we absolutely need to share our experiences with one another. To recognize our wounds, our trauma, our pain, and actively work towards not allowing it to define us or restrict us in life will be an on-going challenge as we take our power back.

I had many questions asked of me in regard to the details surrounding my death. Slowly but surely, I will disclose as much of my story as I can in little bits and pieces. The most common question I have received over the years of sharing my story with others, and from my latest post, was “What happened to you for all of this to take place?”

Well, the storyline that took place to get me in that operating room isn’t a good one. I don’t think there is any storyline that could be a good one leading to that kind of situation, but mine is an absolute heartbreaker.

Just after Christmas in 2008, I discovered I was pregnant. Being a Mom was the only thing I ever wanted to do in this life and I was excited and scared shitless to realize that my dream was coming true. I had a difficult pregnancy from day 1. Early on in the pregnancy I experienced spotting which landed me in the emergency room where after hours of poking and prodding, many failed scans, and multiple blood tests, I was told I was miscarrying. This was honestly the worst day of my life.

The amount of pain and heartbreak that comes with the realization that your dreams of your child, their future, what they will look like, how they would laugh, is ripped out of your chest and stomped on the minute you hear those words. So many women suffer this great pain in silence and it isn’t a wound that is easily healed. I was beyond the point of distraught. In the middle of an emotional breakdown, I became very depressed and zombie-like as I spent the next couple of days on the couch staring off into space.

I was required to go get followup bloodwork to ensure I was miscarrying properly and didn’t need a procedure to help my body in the miscarrying process. Off I went. Another blood test and back to my couch of mourning. I received a call from my doctor a few days later stating that she was unsure what as going on but my bloodwork revealed that I wasn’t miscarrying at all, that my HCG (human growth hormone present when you are pregnant) levels were on the rise. She ordered an emergency scan, and of course more bloodwork.

The news that I may still be carrying my child woke me up from my zombie state and put me into panic mode. Off I went, back to the hospital for more tests. They concluded that there was no signs of life inside of me from the results of the scan, however, my bloodwork still suggested that something wasn’t right. Confused and scared as hell, I went back to the couch, paralyzed, not knowing what to think or to do.

Over the next couple of weeks the scans and bloodwork continued. The dialogue went from, "Yes, you’re pregnant. I’m sorry you’re miscarrying. We think you’re still pregnant. We are considering the possibility of twins. We lost a twin. We have lost all viable pregnancies."

What a shitshow right?!

At this point, I think my soul had checked out of my body. I couldn’t handle the emotions anymore. I was instructed to go home and let the process happen. I tried. I went back to the couch and laid there for days which turned into weeks. The pain got more and more intense and although I reached out to my doctors they assured me that it was totally natural and to just try and relax.


Two days prior to the day I died on the operating table, I went to the emergency room knowing that something wasn’t right. Nothing was right about this process, but I just didn’t feel like what was supposed to be happening, was what was actually happening.

Low and behold, they discovered through a whole day of exams, scans, and bloodwork, that I was in fact still pregnant. They located my little girl at in my fallopian tube. She was alive, had a heartbeat, and somehow created her own blood source in an area that would never support life.

I was immediately admitted to the hospital and scheduled for emergency surgery. I should have been dead right there. A fallopian tube is only as big as the tip of a sharpened pencil and here I had a growing baby in there. They advised me that it was a miracle that the tube hadn’t burst already. Having an ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy located in an area other than the uterus) is a very dangerous condition. Women have lost their lives from having the tube burst inside of them, so this was not only a medical miracle, but it was a medical emergency too.

I went into surgery where they removed my baby from me. There was no chance of her survival, but removing her asap was the only way they could ensure my survival. The surgery went as planned except when I woke up from surgery, I couldn’t breathe. I complained to the doctors and nurses about this but was told that it was natural to feel that kind of discomfort after a surgery and that it will go away. It didn’t. It got worse.

The next morning with the shift change of nurses, I continued to tell them that I couldn’t breathe. One beautiful soul of a nurse was so empathetic that she humoured me and gave me a good check over. Her faced dropped as she checked my lungs with her stethoscope and hurried out of the room. She came back with a whole crew of nurses and quickly transferred me to a gurney where they took me to the X-ray department.

I couldn't stand or hold myself up, the pain was too much. I had 3 nurses do all they could to hold me in position for the scan to be done. There, on the screen, they confirmed that my complaints were totally valid as I had a chest full of blood. My surgery the day before somehow continued to bleed internally and I had an abdomen of blood putting pressure on my lungs, preventing me from breathing.

My second emergency surgery was scheduled and they frantically got me hooked up and ready for a blood transfusion as I had already lost too much blood to go into surgery. As it turns out, I have a very rare blood type and they had to contact other blood banks in order to get the blood I needed before I could be operated on.

After a series of 3 blood transfusions, they finally took me into the operating room where I died on the table as they attempted to repair my surgery site. That’s how I was able to have my white light experience and visit the spirit realm for the first time.

I will definitely be writing about my white light experience in another post in the very near future, but for now I am going to stop my story here. Hopefully this gives you an idea of the emotional pain and trauma my soul was under prior to my “near-death-experience”.

In the aftermath of this horrible event, it was determined that I was in fact pregnant at one point with twins. I had lost my little boy naturally and of course my stubborn little girl held on until she was forced out (stubborn like her Momma).

I have hesitated for many years to share this part of my story publicly, as it is a wound that just won’t seem to heal. But knowing how many women are suffering in silence through their own miscarriages and pregnancy losses is an epidemic that needs more light and attention brought to it. It's a painful experience to go through and many women never heal because of the lack of support and acknowledgement of grieving a child that was never really “real”.

What I learned in my death, in my time in the spirit realm, is that the souls of these babies that never got a chance to experience this human world are very real, and are very alive in spirit. It’s been through my understanding of this phenomenon that has allowed me to heal my wounds surrounding losing my babies knowing they are in the spirit realm watching over me, guiding me, and protecting me.

It is my hope that by sharing the details of my story and experience that I can help even ONE woman feel not so alone through similar situations. It is an awful thing to have to go through and process alone. Even with the love and support of family, friends, and doctors, you never really feel like they “get it”. It’s only been through connecting with other women who have suffered the same kind of loss and wounds that you start to realize that you’re not alone in this.

It’s an awful thing to have in common with another person, but at the same time, the world isn’t as dark knowing that others have survived and have gone on to be happy in life despite what happened to them and their angel babies.

This storyline in my life has been my greatest source of pain, and although I feel at peace with it now, it still carries a heavy weight on my heart. In my attempt to turn my pain into power I have found myself fully embracing the gifts and abilities that were blessed upon me in that operating room, and because of that, I feel that helping others, sharing my story, and being a source of light for someone as they navigate through their darkness is honouring the lives of my children.

It is through the pain of their loss that I channel the power of their love through me, pushing me to be better and encouraging me to be a source of hope for others who need to know that they are not alone.

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