Welcome To Taurus Season

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (15).jpg

The Sun has moved out of the fiery, assertive, passionate, sign of Aries getting our new energetic calendar off to the right start. The Sun now moves into Taurus where we will take what we started for ourselves in Aries, (new boundaries, new passions, new projects, new jobs, new relationships) and use that as a foundation to build upon.

Taurus is the second zodiac sign in the wheel and is an earth sign. It is ruled by the Goddess Venus who inspires us to go after anything that brings us pleasure, joy, and security. Taurus is a very sensual sign, encouraging us to trust the body’s senses to guide us to true comfort. We can reward ourselves with things of beauty, lush fabrics, sparkling objects and trinkets. Taurean energy also finds value in food as we are all about feeling that comfort.

The overall motivation in Taurus season is to seek security by working hard to build the structures that will have long-term rewards to our home and finances. There is no sign more "down-to-earth" than a Taurus. So much so, that the motto is that “slow and steady always wins the race”. In Taurus season we enjoy routine, structure, stability, and being productive.

When the Taurus energy is strong, we can tap into all of these great qualities and really build the foundations we need in life to launch off of. We aren't afraid of hard work or getting our hands dirty if it means we get to see the reward quickly, knowing that the job is done well and going to stand the test of time. Taurus energy doesn’t turn us into materialistic people, however, we do tend to connect deeply with physical items as they represent our journey, our success, and our reward.

There is a caution with this Taurean energy, which is that we may become so grounded, so centered, so methodical in our approach to building and creating new foundations for ourselves, that, “slow and steady” turns into “so slow that nothing will get done”. Taurus energy is by no means lazy, but often we can get so consumed about how to go about initializing a plan that we may never really get started.

Taurus energy is probably the most stubborn of all the signs, and as it’s represented the bull, there is really no wonder why. When they are defending themselves, they dig their heels into the earth below, lower their head exposing their horns, and kick up dust to show that they aren't messing around. If you do happen to push a Taurean’s boundary, you will be charged at without a second thought and the great head of the ram will knock you on your butt.

If you are lucky enough to love a Taurus, you will see their undying loyalty, constant nurturing (especially with food being offered to you the minute you enter their home), and a very kind-hearted soul that will do anything for those they love. And under Taurean energy this season, we all have the opportunity to embody these qualities and make new connections of worth and value.

Taurus is a fixed sign, meaning it has a hard time with change. We aren't likely to make many changes to our lives as we value routine and structure above all else. Even with life's circumstance forcing us to change, we will often choose to be dragged than to go with the flow under this influence.

These qualities are exactly what we need right now coming out of Aries season. The spark within us has been re-ignited, our passion is leading the way, and now we can take everything we realized we wanted over the past month, and get to building.

Our actions are much more calculated and methodical now. We have no problem accessing the patience required to get the job done right, as we are focused on the long-term now, more than ever.

We also get a chance under this influence to focus on nurturing the body. Spoil yourself with spa days, massages, salt baths. Buy new clothes, a small trinket to represent your current stage of success. And although comfort food is on the top of the list, be cautioned that that kind of comfort is only good for you in moderation.

As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.



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