January, although the 1st month in the Gregorian calendar is actually the 11th month in the traditional calendar making it more of a time of hopes, dreams, wishes, and imagination than anything else. It’s a good vibration to be on as we set the tone on what we want to see happen in the new year. So many of us come into a new year thinking we need to start the new diet, the new exercise routine, or whatever our “New Year’s resolution” may be, when in actuality, it’s not a time to start anything new! That’s why most people fail because we are entering into a time of rest, reflection, realignment. We are low on life force energy, we are in the last quarter of the real calendar, and we don’t have the support of the Universe to initiate anything new and have it stick - especially under a mercury and mars retrograde.

Instead, tap into the visionary energy and create a detailed vision/dream of what you want to manifest and bring to life. We are in Capricorn season - the manifestor of the zodiac. May as well put our brain power (mercury POST retrograde) to review our dreams, reconstruct our vision, and realign with what needs to be done in order to bring it to life. Mars is still retrograde and heading back into Cancer - where we were back in October. We aren’t being supported in taking action - but the actions we can take are more about wrapping things up and bringing them to an end. We definitely are NOT in a position to take action upon anything NEW; there’s a time and a place for that an it’s not now.

We are under the influence of the GOAT in Capricorn energy - strength, discipline, perseverance, stability, residency. You ever watch a goat stand on the side of a mountain for days?! That’s some real solid staying power. It’s that kind of determination and focus we need to tap into.