Welcome To My New Website!
Hi Guys!I'm super excited to launch my new website! You will see that it is slightly different than my previous one, but with all the changes, upcoming services and features being added this really is the best layout for what I need to really bring my ideas to life.You'll notice that I've already added some new features such as services, courses, and a podcast page. I am excited to be able to offer some new services so please check out what I've added.It is taking me way longer than expected getting these online courses and workshops together but by signing up using the links provided you will be the first to know when they will be available (I'm hoping for the middle of March).I'm also working on bringing a Podcast to life so that I can start talking about a lot of the things that I get the most questions about. And really, it's going to give me a larger platform to connect with people and have the kind of conversations that will help each of us in our path of healing.I'm also about to launch a private community page that you will receive an invite to, where I can be more interactive and informative with my followers providing the kind of information (and entertainment -lol) that you are all interested in.I sure hope you take a look around at the new layout, and let me know what you think! I'll still be tweaking things here and there, but for the most part, this is it!Thank you once again for all of your love and support! It's because of you that I am even to the point where I need a new website. It's because of you that I continue to grow. Marlee HenryPsychic AdvisorThe Energy Boutique
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