Astro & Tarot Forecasts - May 2019
Welcome to May!
If April was where we broke through some of our limiting beliefs, creating a new version of ourselves, then May is where we get to start putting the pieces together. We will see a shift in energy where we are now being supported by the Universe to make moves that we've been planning for our long-term success. We will see ourselves be reborn with a new energy and focus as have physical evidence appear in our lives to prove that we are on the right path, and that our dreams really are coming true.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to subscribe to May's Weekly Insights (before May 4th), or book a personalized reading session online.
May 4th - New Moon In Taurus
May 6th - Mercury Enters Taurus
May 15th - Venus Enters Taurus
May 15th - Mars Enters Cancer
May 18th - Full Moon In Scorpio
May 21st - Sun Enters Gemini
May 21st - Mercury Enters Gemini

Hi Aries!
After April's focus on transforming yourself, and getting back to your normal energy levels, May is going to offer you an opportunity to refine how you are making your money. Your skills and talents are vast and the abilities you have been gifted with are meant to be used as tools to create a source of income that you can rely on for your long term goals. You will feel energized in the middle of the month to refocus your energy back on re-organizing your home environment. You will be releasing a huge amount of emotional baggage surrounding the death of parts of yourself that need to be released in order for you to move forward. After losing the weight, both energetically and physically, surrounding these blocked emotions, you will see a clarity take over your mind where you can visualize the path before you as you take action towards your next set of goals.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Taurus!
After April's focus on you releasing some emotions and thinking patterns from the past, and learning what you can from the challenges you faced, May will have you reborn into a new energy for you to work with over the next 12 months. You are revamping yourself, leaving parts of you that have been negative and limiting your evolution, behind. You've upgrade your energy and are now fully embracing the new way of expression and communication you've been exercising. You will be releasing some control issues surrounding your past and present relationships. These thoughts you've been obsessing over have taken your power away from you. By releasing these heavy emotions from your relationship area you are freeing yourself from energetic blocks that had you stuck in the past. You will see a new way of working throughout your daily tasks take form towards the end of the month, that will have you processing information at accelerated rates. The clarity you will experience in your mental plane will show you the next set of goals you are to try and reach.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Gemini!
After April's focus on your friendships and connections, and transforming your career roles and responsibilities, May will have you putting some endings and closures to some unconscious patterns and repressed memories. The emotions that are being triggered by your dream state are coming up to be released as you are transforming yourself into a better, more productive version. You've created some energetic blocks for yourself in the limiting beliefs and stories you've been telling yourself, and now it's time to re-evaluate your worth and rid those blocks for good. You will see a brand new energy take over your finance sector as you tap into your skills and abilities to create a new form of income. You will be triggering some frustration towards yourself as your health and wellness sector screams for your attention. As you enter into Gemini season and are renewed with the solar energy you've been lacking, you will develop into version 2.0. You will leave the parts of yourself that have been holding you back behind as you fully embrace your power through renewing your confidence and self-worth.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Cancer!
After April's focus on redefining your wants, needs, and desires surrounding your career sector and the roles and responsibilities you feel would be adding to your purpose in life, May will bring you the connections through your friendships and networking to land you the job aligned with your dreams. You will feel a shift in the middle of the month where you integrate the two parts of yourself you've been battling within, and with that new power comes a new energy to help you move forward. You will be releasing some leftover residual energy where your creative and romantic passions are concerned. There is a truth that is emerging from your heart space and it's pushing the lower vibrations out of your system. You will be taking a stand at the end of the month as you renew and upgrade your method of communication. You will see an ending to the narrative you've been allowing in your mind space and from that purge you can free yourself from some limiting beliefs.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Leo!
After April's focus on learning what you can to better yourself both in your own health and wellness sector, May will bring you lots of opportunity to advance yourself in your career sector. You've been re-evaluating your wants, needs, and desires, surrounding your roles and responsibilities in your job and this month you'll see an opportunity to expand your role. You will be releasing some darker emotions that you've been carrying involving your home and family life. This is an opportunity to repair any broken relationships as you renew a new energetic structure within your home. You will see an increase of people crossing your path at the right time, which just happen to have connections to new areas of interest for you. Pay attention to everyone who crosses your path towards the end of the month.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Virgo!
After April's focus on you transforming your darker emotions into a source of power, May will offer you the opportunity to explore parts of yourself and the world as your quest for knowledge increases. You want to dive into a new area of study that will have you connecting with people that can further your career. You will be releasing some unsupportive friendships in the middle of the month, but by being more confident and clear in the way you communicate, you will see yourself reach a bigger audience who supports who you're becoming. Your career gets very busy towards the end of the month, and your multi-tasking abilities become your strongest qualities. Be mindful of the words you use both in verbal and written form as you carry a power that translates your messages to a larger group of people than you've been use to. Your ability to communicate your ideas and vision with clarity will have your career offering you advancement, both in material and monetary rewards.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Libra!
After April's focus on transforming your ideas and emotions surrounding your relationships and your home environment, May will give you the opportunity to renew yourself, as you integrate your dark and light sides to operate in balance. Your career sector will have your attention in the middle of the month as you assess the boundaries to protect yourself from not taking the time to nurture your current state of health. You will be releasing some darker emotions surrounding the obsession with having a certain level of monetary and material possession you've related to your idea of success. Getting back to a basic value system is the goal here and by the end of the month you are explore parts within yourself that hold new knowledge of what is important to you in your future. You will have a very optimistic perspective on what it is you still want to do in life as we near June.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Scorpio!
After April's focus on getting your day-to-day routine restructured so you can balance the mind, body, and soul, May will have you focused on your relationships and how you share yourself with others. You will be re-energized to jump into a new area of study where you will explore parts within to learn all you can about yourself. You will be releasing some heavy emotions surrounding the power you give away to others, the control issues that are blocking your growth, and the obsessive thinking patterns that are restricting you from fully transforming into the next version of yourself. You will see the way you communicate and express yourself change towards the end of the month, as your perspective on interacting with others will be broadened. This is about identifying where you harness your power or where you give it away.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Sagittarius!
After April's focus on reigniting some sparks and passions within you, May will have you focused on putting energy into yourself. Your routine and the time you allow yourself to balance your mind, body, and soul, is up for renewal and as you find your new self-worth, taking the time for yourself will become essential. You will see a transformation take place during the middle of the month where some darker emotions surrounding your inner thoughts, dreams, and desires are concerned. These emotions are weighing you down and creating an energetic block in your path forward. Towards the end of the month, you will see the focus turn to your partnerships and how you are communicating your wants, needs, and desires in them. You will gain clarity in how to solves the communication issues within your relationships and see the energy shift the minute you change your tone.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Capricorn!
After April's focus on making changes to your home and family environment, May will bring you a new fire within as you reignite some creative and romantic passions. Your energy will shift to a more playful, and lighthearted fun where you can take a new approach to those you share your life with. The seriousness of the past couple of months has taken a toll on your relationships, and this month you will see those issues be repaired with your happier attitude. You will be releasing some darker emotions surrounding your past friendships and connections as you take time to review your current friendships and evaluate whether some connections need to be released. Towards the end of the month, you will need to focus on stabilizing your day-to-day routine as you make the adjustment to allow time for your mind, body, and soul. The new roles you've taken on in being of service to others needs to be balanced with self-care.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Aquarius!
After April's focus on working on your communication skills and releasing some roles and responsibilities in your life, May will have you focused on your home and family environment. You are finding a brand new worth in your surroundings and in those you love. You will see a shift in the middle of the month where your day-to-day routine will be asking for your attention as self-care is needed. You will be releasing some darker emotions, especially concerning your career and the aspects of the roles and responsibilities that aren't in alignment with your heart's desires. Towards the end of the month, you will see a brand new passion emerge for new projects and romances as your energy shifts to a much lighter heart space that you've been longing for. You will see many sparks reignite by the time June rolls around.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Pisces!
After April's focus on your finances due to your career sector, May will offer you a brand new way to connect and communicate yourself with a larger audience. Your words both in verbal and written form are translating your ideas and visions with perfection attracting brand new people to your life. You will feel a fire be reignited in you during the middle of the month, as you passions for creativity and playfulness emerge from your new found truth. You will be releasing some energetic blocks that have been holding back from learning all there is to know about a new topic. This release will allow you to explore parts within to see where your focus needs to be. You are all about expanding your knowledge and now have the opportunity to absorb all you can once you free yourself of the negativity you've been holding onto. Towards the end of the month, you will see your communication skills be revamped where you are expressing your wants, needs, and desires to change your home and family environment with confidence and clarity. Although you are anticipating conflict by expressing yourself, you will be truly shocked and energized by having your words acknowledged and accepted by those you love.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here