Astro & Tarot Forecasts August 2019

Welcome to August!
After two eclipses, two new moons, two retrogrades and having 6 planets in retrograde at the same time, July lived up to its "cosmic shitshow" label proving to be one of the greatest months, both in challenge and in reward of 2019. Now August brings us a sense of peace and completion as we vibrate higher, elevating to the next best version of ourselves. We get a huge infusion of cosmic light to help us be braver than we've been, more confident that we've been feeling, and more proud of ourselves and our journey then we've ever given ourselves credit for. Our heart leads us into the month, wide open and raw from the emotional chaos July created, bearing the scars that we've survived and healed. This month, we step into our power, shining brighter then our light has ever shone before.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
*** Astro eGuides will be released for the following astrological events in the month of August.***
August 11th - Jupiter Direct In Sagittarius
August 11th - Mercury Enters Leo
August 11th - Uranus Retrogrades Taurus
August 15th - Full Moon In Aquarius
August 18th - Mars Enters Virgo
August 21st - Venus Enters Virgo
August 23rd - Sun Enters Virgo
August 29th - Mercury Enters Virgo
August 30th - New Moon In Virgo
- Sign Up For August's Astro eGuide Subscription -

After July ripped open your heart space, revealing your truth, your passion, and your need to reignite the spark in your soul, August offers you a chance to bring forward what it is you've learned about yourself, and apply it to new plans for the future and creative endeavours. You will be able to express yourself and relay your thoughts and feelings to others with a new self confidence. You are operating from an authentic place within you as you review your self-worth and how that is reflected in your relationships with love and money. There is a full ending or completion among your existing connections with friends or colleagues.
Because the Universe has pushed you into re-examining what it is your heart wants, your new discovery may mean a change in direction, having to walk away from some interactions that no longer support your future goals. The second half of August has a huge spotlight on your day-to-day routine, your health and wellness sector, and how it is you are helping others in the world. Your productivity in certain passion projects is stellar as you tidy up lose ends for new projects to take life. You are over-analyzing and being highly critical of your energy and how it is being used throughout your day, to support your mind, body, and soul equation, and how you share your energy in helping others. This is a great time to take stock of the elements in your normal routine and the value they have on your heart. Inviting in new ideas, ways of doing things in your day, how you organize your space and time, and new ways to be of service to others will be your main focus and theme.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July revealed a lot of family drama and hurt feelings, you are now piecing together your new perspective on your family dynamic, and seeing what kind of boundaries need to be set in place to protect your heart. August offers you an opportunity to completely transform your perspective on the home life issues as now you can take what you've learned about the family dynamic and actually move forward with your new knowledge. There are a few issues that will have to be addressed within the home and the relationships in it, but you will be speaking from a much more confident
sense of self, as you allow your heart to lead the discussion, honouring your truth and expressing yourself accordingly. You've grown so much since your birthday and this is a great time to take a step back in all you've accomplished over these last few months. Your inner growth, truly embracing who it is you are, has been your greatest achievement. The transformation continues as you let go of certain responsibilities associated to your career and the role you play. This release will give you a lot more freedom in your career sector having you focus on other things. The second half of August is shining a huge light on your heart. As you peel back the layers of truth, exposing the weight and scars you carry on you heart, you will speak your truth with pride and confidence showing you what it is your heart truly finds to be of value. You will feel energized to tackle any project that connects you with a creative part within. Joyful activities are favourable as you re-evaluate the smaller things in life, and what actually makes you happy. It's a great time for you to get organized inside your heart space, tidying up the fragmented energies that still hold onto hurt, offering you an amazing opportunity to make plans for yourself, to really spend more time with the people you love, doing the things you love to do.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July forced you to see things in a new way, forcing you to speak up where you would have rather stayed silent, you stepped into your power by using your voice. August offers you an opportunity to take what you've recently learned from your partnerships, and to now make the changes necessary to protect your heart. When the situation arises for you to revisit a topic or discussion that you didn't complete the first time around, you will be able to express yourself, especially in your intimate relationships with more passion, confidence, and pride than ever.
You will be re-evaluating the hurts of your heart and soul, but a sudden change in your self-worth will have you seeing the silver linings in what shook you to your core. You will be completing a life lesson and closing a huge chapter on your emotions, freeing yourself to act more independently and doing what it is your heart wants you to do. The second half of August has you focused in on re-organizing your home situation. You'll have lots of passion and energy to dive into projects effecting and bettering the home. As you take stock of what you value in your emotional relationships, your home environment, and your financial securities, you will likely see new adjustments take place in both your love and money sectors. As you dive into the details of your life, you will uncover some wants, needs, and desires, of your heart and soul, creating a great list of new intentions you'd like to see take place over the next few months. This is a great time to stay home and get settled into your new family dynamics.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July forced you to take a good look at your worth, both in money and heart matters, August will offer you new ways of thinking about what it is you value in yourself, and where it is you find the value in your time and money. The work/life equation has been weighing on you, and now, because of the experiences July gave you, you have learned some important lessons that will change your day-to-day routine. The work/life equation has lead you to solve the min/body/soul equation. You're now starting to see how integrating your health and wellness into your day to
day life provides you the balance you so desperately seek. Applying this knowledge moving forward, will have you speaking up in confidence about where it is you need to re-evaluate your sense of worth. You'll be making some serious connections, both with ideas and with the right people, as you redefine what you're dreams are and what it is you're willing to do to make an income while you do something with more meaning. Letting go of the outdated parts of you attached to old dreams will transform you into a more independent, free thinking individual concerned with the health of humanity. The second half of August shines a huge light on you absorbing lots of new knowledge, forming new ways of thinking, and expressing yourself, communicating with a high level of details, facts, and organized ideas. You will have the mental abilities to dive into something new, to discover knew topics of interest that could be later rewarded with income, and have you super excited about planning your new future goals.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July showed you what parts of you needed to be purged and left behind in order for you to fully emerge as a brand new energy and sense of self, August offers you opportunities to focus on building your worth, both in confidence and in money. With your heart now expanded to maximum capacity, recognizing what it is you love and what brings you joy, you can now move forward and make plans to grow your creativity and expand your relationships. You'll be able to communicate and express your thoughts and feels with a brand new clarity.
You'll have a chance to take a good look at your current career position and maybe take stock of whether or not it's what your heart wants to be doing. There will be a huge release of an emotional cycle effecting your personal and romantic relationships, as you recognize the need for more freedom and independence. The second half of August shines a bright light on you recognizing your skills and talents and whether you are using them to the best of your ability. This is a time for you to be levelling up your self-worth, levelling up how you're being productive in creating income, and how your finances need to be better supported for your long term goals. You'll have the energy to dive into any project that can lead to utilizing your talents and to organize your finances accordingly. Taking a time out to analyze the details of your life and re-evaluate where it is you find value in yourself and what you do will be a game changer as you work to increase your monetary wealth as well.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July forced you into seeing what chapters need to be closed, especially where your life lessons are concerned, August will offer you opportunities to rewire your mental and heart plane to allow you to let go of old habits and hurts, and embrace the new vibration you are embodying once downloaded with the solar infusion on your birthday. You will be growing and expanding your home and the relationships in it. You've learned a lot about yourself over the past few months and now it's time to implement those boundaries to protect your heart
from giving too much of yourself away, with very little in return from others. You'll be feeling brave, confident, and proud of yourself and will be speaking up in situations that you'd normally stay quiet about. This is a time to express yourself, especially when closing the door or chapter on certain friendships and interactions. As you enter into a new year, you are stopping to reflect on all that you've learned about life over the past year, and because of what's been revealed to you, you may have to take stock of your self worth, and your money. The equations seem off, and requiring you to level up in your worth sector for the year to come. You will see another ending or closure to your day-to-day routine as you recognize what needs to be switched up in the run of your day, to promote a new, healthier mind, body, soul balance. Your physical body is changing and letting go of certain habits will help promote your overall health & wellness sector in your new natal year. The second half of August will have you focused on yourself. As you emerge from the darkness of the months gone by, you will stand in your power, revitalized, renewed, and ready to make some positive changes in your life to support the new you.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July showed you where in your career and in your connections you are unhappy, August offers you an opportunity to focus on what it is you actually want in your life. You've had some huge revelations about your current situation and the elements that don't feel good to you moving forward. You'll have a chance to apply all you've learned to your new perspective, encouraging you to speak up and out about some of the elements you need to see change in. You are no longer willing to go along with other people's ideas or opinions just for the sake of keeping the peace.
You'll see your confidence emerge, a bravery take over, and a sense of pride you haven't felt before show you the way to stand up for yourself, and express yourself accordingly. Now that you've been exposed to the darker parts within you, you can no longer tolerate a fake facade in yourself or others. You may find that your quest to connect to others who are raw and authentic push you outside your current social circles to find a greater connection in life. You will feel a huge emotional release from your heart chakra as you let go of the weight that has been holding you down. There's a freedom that takes over once you allow the pain to be released. The second half of August shines a huge light on your spiritual path and the expansion of your intuition. This will lead you to let go of even more outdated thinking patterns and pains you hold in your heart. This is an inner journey that will have you fired up and passionate about healing. You now see the value in the mind, body, soul, connection and get a bit more organized in your spiritual practice.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July pressured you into re-evaluating your career position and public image, August will offer you opportunities to expand your network and connections to help you grow your career and help you reach the next level of success. You have learned a few tough lessons about your own self-worth, and the skills and talents you hold back from sharing with the world. You can now take what you've learned and grow your value into something that will support your long-term financial goals. It's time to be productive in building a stronger foundation for you to create an income from. And now that you know your
worth and what you deserve in life, there's really no stopping you. You take the center stage expressing what it is you want from your current position in life. Now that you are strong, confident, brave, and proud of where it is you've come from, and all you've been through to get here, you'll be expressing yourself in a way that gets you the attention and recognition you deserve. Your thoughts and feelings surrounding your partnerships may be changing, as you open yourself up to new possibilities on how you can share yourself with others in a more intimate and connected way. There will be a huge emotional release that takes place freeing you from some topics and themes in the home and family dynamic. The second half of August shines a huge light on making new connections in life, new friendships, and new social circles as your network expands. This is a great time to rethink your goals and wishes and use the new connections coming your way to make them happen. You'll have a lot of energy to pour into making your network expand. The internet will prove to be powerful in helping you to expand and reach a larger audience. Get organized and calculated this month, and let your mental plane show you what has to be done in order to reach the level of success you desire.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July forced you to learn lessons that you would have rather not learned, August will offer you opportunities to set yourself free from a lot of the things that were weighing on you over the past few months. You've raised your awareness and consciousness from all of the learning that took place. Now you can integrate those lessons, and start making some changes in your life to grow and expand your future. There's been a lot of truth revealed to you and now that you've had some time to think about it, you've formed a new way of thinking and feeling about
certain issues. Using a new level of confidence and bravery, fully allow your heart to express itself in communicating your thoughts and feelings to others. You'll need to do a bit of tweaking to your day-to-day routine, to create an easier way of completing all of the tasks and chores in your day. You need to make more time for yourself, making sure you are balancing your mind, body, and soul equation. Your health needs a bit more attention, as you have dismissed certain symptoms for far too long. There will be a huge release in your mental and emotional plane, as you let go of certain ways of thinking and feeling. This release will free you from some of the emotional weight you've been carrying that has manifested in your physical body. The second half of August has your career sector spotlighted as you have a new energy and drive to put into what it is you do for work. You are realizing that the financial details of your life need a bit of adjustment and re-organizing, and your career sector will help those changes and new goals be possible for you. This is a great time for you to be considering your career position for the long term, and if you decide you want to be doing something else to earn an income, setting those new intentions and desires for yourself will have you attracting better opportunities to you as we move into the fall.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July made you face the darker parts of yourself, to embrace the disappointment and shame you feel for not being as successful as you had hoped you'd be at this point in life, August will offer you opportunities to really apply what you've learned in life and in schooling to create new opportunities for you to earn the income you deserve. The lessons you learned about yourself over the past few months have created a lot of expectations that even you can't live up to. You'll really have to step back and let your intuition show you your next moves in life, as your mental plane isn't going to be able to make this decision logically.
Trust yourself and the direction your intuition wants you to take. You can't hide the deeper darker feelings inside you forever. Some things need to be expressed outwardly and released from your body. Be brave and confident in sharing your thoughts and feelings with others at this time, no matter how dark they may be. Your truth matters and it needs to be heard. You will see a huge release in the way you value yourself. Your skills and talents aren't being used to the best of their ability, but it's your self worth and the confidence you lack that is preventing you from earning the kind of money you deserve. The second half of August shines a huge light on what it is you've learned, how to use that knowledge to the best of your ability, and where you need to expand your horizons to explore both the world around you and the world within. You will have a brand new energy to work with, pouring yourself into projects that will utilize your skills and talents in a way where your passion will shine through. Take stock of your value and where you see the worth in what you do. Take the opportunity to create new goals and dreams for yourself as harnessing the power behind your new self worth will propel you forward, aligning with opportunities even you couldn't have dreamed of.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July forced you to deal with some commitment issues in your relationships, August will offer you opportunities to transform yourself into a more elevated and connected energy. You've learned a few harsh lessons over the past few months about your friendships and connections in life. Now you can take what you've learned and implement new boundaries to protect yourself from being taken advantage of. You will need to spend some time creating new goals and wishes for yourself, as you set out to make new connections with people outside of your current social circles.
Your relationship issues aren't over, as you're being asked to communicate yourself openly and honestly, speaking your truth with confidence and clarity. You haven't been honest with yourself, and now you need to acknowledge and accept that, as you clear the air and level the playing field in your relationship. You will have to take a time out and retrace your steps, as the adjustments you've made to your home and family dynamic need to be reviewed. You may see that the foundation you've been trying to build for yourself and your family isn't strong enough to hold the future you've dreamed of. Take a look at your financial situation and the strength of the relationships within the home to see where adjustments need to be made. You will be releasing a huge emotional weight from your body, especially where you view yourself is concerned. You are levelling up which means parts of you need to be released to make room for the new energy and vibration. Free yourself from some of the emotional weight you've been carrying, especially where the home and your relationships are concerned. The second half of August has a huge spotlight on your current transformation. You will face some very dark parts of yourself, forcing you to transform that darkness into light. This can be reflected in seeing your finances changes, your intimate relationships change, and where your sexual expression is concerned as well. This is a time of rebirth for you, and you will have the energy, drive, and passion to fully embrace all the new changes you will see in both yourself and in the world you've created. These darker elements will show you exactly what kind of new intentions you'll need to set for yourself moving forward.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.

After July forced you to get real with yourself and what it is you actually want in life, August will offer you opportunities to step up to the plate and put forth the effort and hard work needed to truly make your dreams come true. You have learned a lot about yourself and what it is you want to do with your career. Now you can move forward bringing all the knowledge you've required from your past, into the present moment where you can apply it to your career position and finally feel like you are doing what you've always desired to do.
This will still require you to put in the hard work and efforts before you'll truly receive the recognition you deserve. You may need to step up to the plate and be a bit more vocal in how you are communicating in your day-to-day life. You need to bring your confidence to the forefront, so you can speak with clarity and authority to get your ideas and feelings across. Honour your truth and remain as grounded as possible as you take on a role that you're not quite comfortable with as of yet. Your voice is important and will be a source of power for you in expressing what needs to be done in your day-to-day routine. You will be releasing a huge emotional weight where your karma is concerned. Because you've successfully completed some life lessons, you truly are on a new path, and with that, your intuition will be the leader into this next chapter. There's a lot going on inside you this month, as you re-arrange your thinking and ways of doing things. The second half of August will have a huge spotlight on your personal relationships, the money and resources you share with other people, and how you share yourself with those you love. There will be a new energy forcing you to re-organize your relationship dynamic to support the new adjustments you've made in your home. This is a great time to adjust the budget and rethink your long-term goals. You might be faced with some unpleasant facts and truths that will force you into creating new intentions, new ways of doing things, and how you share your energy with your loved ones as we move into the fall.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can download your audio forecast, or click here to book an Astro ora Psychic Reading session online.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts - July 2019

Welcome to July!
With two eclipses, two new moons, two retrogrades and having 6 planets in retrograde at the same time, July will prove to be one of the greatest months, both in challenge and in reward of 2019. By the time the cosmos has blessed us with the chaotic undoing and rebuilding of one's world, we will look back on the month of July, and be totally grateful for the whirlwind of events that took place. We have the ability to accelerate to higher vibrations and timelines in our life path with the solar eclipse new moon in cancer, while we get a blast from the past, trauma and pain included from the retrogrades. By the time this portal of magick closes towards the end of July, we will see the physical changes necessary take place in our lives, to get us more aligned with our path before 2020 (which is only 6 months away btw!). Check out where you can expect to see the shifts in your life by reading your forecast below.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
*** Astro eGuides will be released for the following astrological events in the month of July.***
July 1st - Mars Enters Leo
July 2nd - New Moon In Cancer (Solar Eclipse)
July 3rd - Venus Enters Cancer
July 7th - Mercury Retrogrades In Leo
July 8th - Chiron Retrogrades In Aries
July 16th - Full Moon In Capricorn (Lunar Eclipse)
July 19th - Mercury Retrogrades In Cancer
July 22nd - Sun Enters Leo
July 27th - Venus Enters Leo
July 31st - New Moon In Leo & Mercury Goes Direct In Cancer
-- Sign Up For July's Astro eGuide Subscription --
The month starts off with a jolt of energy and passion that takes over you, reigniting the sparks in both your romantic life and creative projects. You get an acceleration of energy seeing a theme surrounding your home come to life. This is a dream come true and a true blessing of all of your hard work and efforts finally manifesting. You may get a bit sentimental and mushy in your valued relationships. A cuddly version of you wants to display your affection to those that show you the same kind of dedication, loyalty and devotion as you so readily show them.
You may be taking a time out to re-think some passion projects, and maybe even pick up where you left off. There's a boldness to how you are communicating to others, and a lot of this energy is being triggered by healing a wound from the past, especially where your identity is concerned. A full cycle release surrounding a role and responsibility connected to your career takes place, that has been an energetic hold-up or even block for you in moving forward. This takes you back to revisit some topics and themes surrounding the home, the mother wound, and where it is you need to be more nurtured. You let your heart lead you into sharing your story and expressing your truth in a very brave way towards the end of the month. You lighten the mood to a playful one in your romantic sector and really start feeling passionate about creating something new. You get a chance to clear the air and move forward in your family dynamic as the emotions that were running high early in the month have now settled. By the time August rolls around, you will have seen a huge shift in your energy, drive and passion and will seeing some long awaited changes take place in your home environment.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
The month starts off with a huge surge of energy wanting to express itself and be heard in the home environment among the family dynamic. You will see a new emotional cycle be recognized where your heart-space has come alive. This will trigger a brand new truth and desire to be seen. You will likely being wanting to share soulful moments with a family member - likely a sibling - as the need to show appreciation for the relationship needs to be expressed. You will be taking a time-out to revisit a certain family situation that is rising up
again, and this time you will have the chance to honour yourself when you are choosing to defend yourself and your beliefs. You are attempting to heal a karmic wound, likely in a soul contract directly related to a family member. This wound has exposed your ego and identity in a way that makes you vulnerable. Allow the past to come up for healing, and release this emotional connection with a brand new understanding of why it happened. Your quest for truth will take you back a few steps to revisit the family dynamic and to express yourself with confidence especially where the sibling and Mother dynamic is concerned. You will receive a huge zap of energy to celebrate your home projects and feel more playful instead of so serious. You're following your heart in honouring all of your relationships towards the end of the month, as you want to celebrate and have others benefit from your success. A brand new energy cycle will begin taking form and focus on your home and family dynamic as you have a meaningful conversation with a family member creating a sense of closure to an emotional chapter.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
You're getting a boost of confidence and bravery to finally speak your peace as you are being asked to stand up and speak your truth. You will receive a huge opportunity to see your wealth and material possession grow as you expand into new financial territory. You will likely feel highly sensitive surrounding your finances as you re-evaluate your budget and spending to account for your long-term goals. You will be taken back in the past to revisit a certain situation that you didn't take advantage of the first time. This opportunity allows you a second
chance to stand up and defend yourself especially where you chose to bite your tongue the first time around. As you rethink some past decisions and scenarios, you also allow some ego and identity wounds to come to the surface to be healed. You will be releasing a huge role or responsibility especially where a male energy is concerned. Because of your constant need for truth and your desire to explore more in life you have to let go of something or someone that's been holding you back in life. You will get a chance to revisit a situation that is very familiar from your past, likely where the home, mother role, and taking care of one's self is concerned. The energy gets exciting towards the end of the month, as you have a sense of pride over your accomplishments and a want, need, and desire to have a little fun and invite the playful energy back into your life. This will be expressed in many ways, but you really using your voice and speaking up for yourself and what is right for you will be the general theme. You'll be able to move forward with your new plans to address the long term goals of your home by the time August rolls around.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
You get a huge surge of energy pushing you to take your passions to the next level. You've been contemplating your current efforts in a work aspect and whether or not they are truly what your heart desires. You are initiating a brand new emotional mindset which will see you being rewarded with all kinds of opportunities as you raise your vibration. Love and money will be the spotlight as your wants needs and desires to have some changes take place in the home and family dynamic come to the forefront. You will be going back in time to revisit and rethink your
current career position as your heart space is really showing you where your skills and talents can be better utilized. Once you start digging around in what it is your heart wants, you may expose an old wound where your ego and identity have been effected by your career choices. You release a huge energetic block from your life surrounding the topics and themes of a male energy that has effected your partnership/marriage and how it has effected your ability to share yourself completely with another person. This is likely linked to a father wound that has manifested in your relationships. This will expose you to rethink your past and how the family dynamic was impacted form this wound throughout the years. You will find a huge spotlight on your creative and romantic sectors towards the end of the month, as you become a bit more playful in your interactions. Your possessions and what holds great sentimental value for you will take center stage as you amp up to express yourself, and your environment in new ways.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month you shed your past emotional weight surrounding the home and family dynamic changes your had to adapt to over the last season. You get your fire back as you pick up the pieces of the last year's events. As you approach your birthday you are purging your old self and adopting a huge new emotional and karmic energy as you enter into your new solar calendar. There's a realization of true connection among your existing relationships as you see where you need to show more affection for those how return the dedication
and devotion that you give them on a daily basis. You'll get a blast from the past as you rethink and re-examine the parts of yourself. This will help you identify some inner child wounds that are effecting your current identity. There will be a huge release surrounding a topic related to your career and the roles and responsibilities you carry to be the best at what you do. This is also highly connected to a father wound and how their tough love has translated and manifested in your career sector. As you enter into a state of inner reflection, you take another look at the family dynamic, what is was, and what it now is. There is a certain power and energy that motivates you to take on this next chapter of your life with a fearlessness you've never had before. Towards the end of the month, the spotlight is on you as you emerge from your protective state of isolation where you've licked your wounds and composed yourself as the king of the jungle you are. Your energy, drive, passion, and raw sexual nature comes back to life by the time August rolls around.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month you're going to trust yourself and your truth. There is a brand new energy cycle taking place in your connections, friendships, and networking circle. This will bring your most recent wishes within closer proximity of your reach. You are seeing the value in the resources that lie in your current social circles, and by nurturing the connections you value the most can help align you with your ultimate goal. You are dipping back in the past to review all that you've overcome and grown fearless about abandoning as you identify some identity wounds
that you may have found while sitting in your darkness. You will see a full release of an energy that will have you leaving some roles and responsibilities behind where your career is concerned. By speaking your truth and honouring your heart you will find a brand new set of sparks igniting your passion in new ways. The past calls for your attention once again as you revisit some connections within your family dynamic. This comes with an opportunity to reach out and express yourself. Sometimes having a soulful conversation is cleansing to your heart. You'll be doing a lot more work on your soul as you embrace your intuition and use it as your strongest tool and resource. You will finally take the spotlight back, as you show off your new found pride in yourself and what you embody from your past experiences. As you invite in new karma and heart-truths you will be able to take a more direct approach in communicating your thoughts and feelings in your relationships, especially where the mother or nurturing role is concerned.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month your receive a huge download of energy and passion to bring your talents and skills to the center stage. Your current network of friends and acquaintances hold more power than you realize, and can really help launch you into new opportunities. Your career takes on a brand new energy cycle as you have re-evaluated what is important to you as far as your work/life balance, and the financial security you need to feel safe and protected. You may have to revisit some situations from the past where your friendships are concerned. There
seems to be an opportunity for you to truly speak your peace that you weren't able to do the first time around. You will expose a very deep identity wound that has been a huge block in your relationships, preventing you from fully sharing yourself with another person. This wound will be healed as you release some energy surrounding a male energy directly connected to your home and family zone. This energetic block has been holding you back from really recognizing how your childhood wounds have directly impacted your dating life. The past knocks on your door again to ask you to revisit your feelings on your current career position and whether or not you are feeling like you need to have a little chat with someone from your work circle. This would be a great opportunity to connect and clear the air by having a very meaningful conversation that will see the working relationship take on a brand new energy dynamic. Towards the end of the month, you are feeling fun and flirty. The playful, passionate, even sexual energy will have you hitting the social scene and actually having fun doing it. You will be connecting with people that can be helpful to you in what they can offer you as far as working opportunities, and who they know that could get you even further on your path. By the time August rolls around, you will be speaking a lot more directly and kindly both to yourself and to others in the work place. It seems the opportunity you were given to express yourself earlier on in the month really did heal the energy dynamic in the work place, leading you to take a more direct approach in your conversations.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month you receive a huge energy burst to encourage you to take the spotlight where your career is concerned. A new energy cycle will begin for you and really put you on a quest for truth as far as your wants, needs, and desires go within the home and family dynamic. You will be breaking down some walls as you discover what is important to you, what your heart needs to feel secure where your home life is concerned. You will be taking a step back to revisit and rethink some ideas you had relating to your career. This would be a great time
to make some edits to your plan before moving forward. Your health and wellness becomes a main focus as you expose some pains and traumas surrounding your ego and identity. This could have a huge impact on your healing if you can expose the wounds and process them with a new acceptance. There will be a huge energetic release take place surrounding your career and your inability to step up to the microphone and speak your truth. This energy block has been holding you back from taking center stage where your career is concerned and you'll see how quickly you reach new levels of success after you full embrace your truth and express yourself openly. The past asks for your attention again, to revisit some family issues and to give you another opportunity to reveal some truths. The details that have transpired in the family dynamic will reveal new opportunities to clear the air and move forward with a new understanding of everyone's feelings and motives. Towards the end of the month, your confidence builds and you are acting bold and brave in your career sector. You really are the star of the show at this time, and you are getting more and more comfortable being seen for the talented and skilled person you are. By the time August rolls around, you'll have a huge opportunity to express yourself and speak your truth, backed by a fearlessness and courageous attitude to want to be heard.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month the fire inside of you gets reignited as you feel brave and bold enough to speak your truth. There is a brand new energy cycle taking over your life that will see the death of certain emotions that you've been holding onto for far too long. You will be taking a good look at your long-term goals and commitments, and seeing whether they can take on a new energy or transform into something more solid and long-lasting. You will be revisiting some topic and themes surrounding your career and seeing whether or not you are honouring what your heart
desires. You will identify and expose a childhood wound that has had a huge impact on who you've become. This clarity will urge you tell your story, express yourself, and honour your heart. There will be a huge energy release surrounding your current finances and your foundations for making money. This block has been holding you back and once removed you will see a huge improvement in your financial status and material possessions. The past is asking you to revisit some family drama that didn't get the ending or closure it really needed. You'll have the opportunity to rethink these dynamics, and how to transform your perspective and feelings on what took place. Towards the end of the month, you unleash your inner adventurer and head out into the world to find some answers to your current soul dilemma. You're exploring both your inner world and the world around you for hints and clues on what direction you will be taking next. The family dynamic you were asked to revisit comes full circle by the time August rolls around. You'll have had some to to think and feel your way through the situation and will have the opportunity to express your thoughts and feelings on this subject in attempt to clear the air and mend some hurt feelings both within you and in other members of the family.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month you will receive a brand new energy, drive and passion to show your gifts and talents to a much larger audience. A brand new energy cycle takes form in your relationships, promoting you to be vulnerable in sharing yourself with another person. Sharing the things you love and value with another person is how you can reconnect to those already in your life, and finding new ways to connect with like minded people may reveal a very valuable friendship or even romantic partner. You will take a few steps backwards as you review and
revisit some situations from your past, that will have you seeing a truth you may have missed the last time this topic had it's time in the spotlight. Take this time to rethink your truth, your passion, and your creative projects, and rework them in a new way you can use them in moving forward. You may do some soul work and reveal a few wounds from your childhood that are somehow still impacting your home and family dynamic. These revelations will have you releasing a huge energy block that has been creating a delay in you fully embracing who it is you actually are. The past asks for your attention again to revisit a relationship within your family dynamic that has been suffering. This is a time to clear the air with this family member and try to mend the relationship. Towards the end of the month, you will see many of your current life situations take on a new form. Your skills and abilities are leading you to some beautiful opportunities that will have you fired up and sharing your passion with a larger audience. There's a brand new energy cycle beginning for you encouraging you to let your light shine, and to take the spotlight and show the world what you can do. By the time August rolls around, you'll be brave enough to have the conversations needed within your home environment to provide a closure to all the hurt and upset. Speaking clearly and expressing yourself regardless of how uncomfortable it may be, is something you need to take advantage of in the moment, or live with the regret of biting your tongue.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month starts off with a burst of love and romance (maybe even a touch of anger) in your personal relationships. You will be seeing a huge shift of opportunity entering your life and seeing it re-arrange your day-to-day routine. This is a time where you seeing great value and worth in switching up your routine, especially to allow room for the mind, body, and soul factor to be addressed. You'll be taking a few steps back in time to revisit a few relationship issues that haven't gotten the closure or ending they needed. You'll have an opportunity to speak up about it this time around and express
yourself with bravery and with passion. Opportunities for you to use your voice will be offered to you especially encouraging you to talk about a childhood trauma that has left a lasting effect on your identity. There will a huge energy release taking place for you, healing some karmic hurts, and reuniting with your inner self. The past knocks on your door once again, this time asking you to revisit some family issues surrounding the home and family dynamic that will have a huge effect on your current health and wellness. Towards the end of the month, things get heated as the romantic and sexual energy surges throughout the cosmos and has a whirlwind effect on your romantic life. This highly intense and playful energy also reignites some creative passions within you which will take center stage before August rolls around.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
This month your passion gets reignited and expressed in a brand new way as you switch up your daily routine and get ready to take center stage. A brand new emotional cycle begins as you are recognizing that honouring your heart and what it is it wants to do in life will help you to see the impact this has on your family, home, and money. You may go back in time to revisit a thought or idea you had about how to live more authentically. You may just expose a wound that needs healing when you recognize that your material possessions and financial wealth is
improving. There will be a full release of a male energy from your network or long time connections. This particular energy has been holding you back from moving forward in your path. The removal of this energy block will provide you with a new sense of freedom to make your wishes come true. You'll have to review a certain topic involving your home and family dynamic, where the mother role is concerned, and how it is you need to nurture this part of your heart. You get a huge surge of energy to perform and take center stage towards the end of the month. It truly is your time to shine and you will have the fearlessness to take the stage. Your daily routine will be greatly impacted by this energy and confidence, pushing you towards a new goal of the heart where your home life is concerned.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts - June 2019
Welcome to June!
If May was where we got a glimpse of our path forward and we got to see the pieces come together, then June is seeing how the pieces fit together in the bigger picture. This month we take action and see things take form before the wild astrological events of July take place. We will see a shift in energy where we are now being supported by the Universe to make moves that we've been planning for our long-term success, with the new approach you've been inspired to take. What was revealed to us in May will shift us from the mental plane into the heart space where our emotions and intuition take over to back our new actions.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
*** Astro eGuides will be released for the following astrological events in the month of June.***
June 3rd - New Moon In Gemini
June 4th - Mercury Enters Cancer
June 8th - Venus Enters Gemini
June 17th - Full Moon In Sagittarius
June 21st - Neptune Retrogrades In Pisces
June 21st - Sun Enters Cancer (Summer Solstice)
June 26th - Mercury Enters Leo
--- Sign Up For June's Astro eGuide Subscription ---

After May's surge of energy rekindled your fire within, June is going to have you sharing your ideas with others in such powerful ways, that the way you use your position and platform will hold a spotlight on your genius. You'll see communication and expression flow very easily especially where your wants and needs to feel taken care of by supported are concerned. There's a huge increase in the value and worth of your ideas this month Aries. They have the potential to create a brand new opportunity to create income as well. You'll see a full completion, upgrade, or release of your emotions surrounding your latest educational decision and study. You may be graduating from a course or current position where moving on will have you learning more about a new area of interest. You'll have a chance to take a second look into some dreams of yours, maybe restructuring your current vision or goal. There's a certain closure of a dream that no longer sparks the excitement in you. You will see a spotlight on your home and family environment, where taking care of yourself as you navigate certain family and relationship dynamics is important. You will be triggered to express what's present in your heart, embracing your truth and exposing your true thoughts and feelings. You have a desire to live more authentically and because of that, peeling back the pain pieces of your heart-space will alleviate the heaviness and bring back the playful, childlike excitement to your life.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's solar infusion from your birthday, you are seeing the effects of the small changes in perspective that have a huge impact on your life. June has you seeing what you value in a different light. Your relationships, especially with yourself and your money will take a different form as you see your worth change. You will have a huge opportunity to see the family dynamic you are currently dealing with take a shift broading your perspective on how to take care of yourself while taking care of others. There is a new element added to your home life bringing a huge emotional toll on your communication skills. This will amplify the emphasis already on your values and restructuring what is important for you where your home and family are concerned. There will be a closure or release of an emotional theme surrounding a very close relationship; either in a physical or energetic way. A soulful connection is somehow released from your life because of some new perspectives or details that you just learned about. You'll have a chance to move inward and explore or even review some connections that you've distanced yourself from. The opportunity to express your true feelings surrounding a sensitive issue in your family dynamic will present itself, likely related to or associated with some "Mother issues" you are currently working through. It's time to fully embrace your truth and speak your mind to those that need to hear it. The weight this issue has on your heart can only be lifted with a verbal release of expression.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's encouragement to put an ending to some aspects of your life before entering into your new astrological calendar, June will see a few more changes, beautiful beginnings to your transformation of self. As you truly embrace and harness your power, you will see your self-worth increase. The better you feel about yourself, the more abundance and luck you seem to attract. Showing your "gratitude attitude" will see so many blessings fast forward in your direction. You're feeling very attractive and your energy reflects that. There is a magnetism that has people seeing you in a brand new light. There is an ending taking place in a very close relationship in your life, which has run its course and seen the completion of a soul contract. Because of your wanting a bigger, much brighter version of reality for yourself and those you love, you do have to purge those relationships that are no longer supporting your growth and evolvement. You'll get a chance to stop and really take a good look at your career and whether you are still living the dream or not. This is a great time to press pause and explore your new dreams and goals. Revising the grand plan with your logical and brilliant mind will see a better path forward. You will have to take a look at your finances, especially at the expenses related to your home. A need to revise a family budget could be in order. Taking care of financial concerns that influence your family, are of the most importance at this time. You'll have a moment where you'll see some triggered emotions surface as you feel the need to express yourself. You may not be ready to have the face-to-face interaction and conversation you are practicing in your head, but you should put your feelings into words. You're ability to communicate and express your thoughts and feelings come very clearly and effectively through the written word.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's promising connections through your friendship and networking interactions, you've finally seen the end of the tunnel where your career is concerned. June has you having beautiful moments of clarity and inspiration where your soul-self is concerned. Many messages will be revealed to you in a dream state as you strengthen your connection to the spiritual world. As you enter into your season where you will take on new energy for your new astrological calendar, there will be certain closures and endings take place especially to the parts of yourself that were stuck in certain loops or tunnel vision. There seems to be a huge "ah-ha" moment take place connecting certain dots within relationships, and why your finances are the way they are. Seeing that one thing had to happen in order to lead you to the next step, is very valuable to the way you view the path you've been travelling. There is a certain release or ending to something you've done in your daily routine. Seeing the new energy highlight endings in order for new beginnings to take place, is showing you a new way to balance your mind, body, and soul equation. There is an element of you taking on a new role to be of service to other people. You'll have a chance to pause and reconsider your desire of learning a new topic or exploring a new area of interest. Your dreams may need to be revised slightly as your new adjustments to other areas of your life may impact your timeline for wanting to take on a new learning objective. You are doing the last little upgrade to your new self. As you head into another year of life, you are leaving parts of yourself behind as you align to the goals and wishes you have for yourself going into the next year. You'll see some huge opportunities to embrace your truth where your relationships and money are concerned. You've been carrying a huge weight on your heart bearing some emotions that you feel the need to express. Get this energy out of your body, and release the wounds you've been carrying.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's focus on expanding your opportunities in your career sector, June will have you ushering in new connections leading to some solid friendships and promising networking opportunities. You'll see a shift in the way you see your home and family situations. The ability to come up with some creative solutions to these issues will have the energy in the home be much lighter. Your social side takes the spotlight as you navigate through your new connections, expanding your like minded community. There will be a huge opportunity to release a weight from your heart-space allowing your spark to reignite and allow your happy, playful self to take center stage. There will also be a chance to revisit a very close relationship where intimate details are revealed. This may alter your future dreams as there is a part that will be released from your vision making room for a new version of your dreams to take shape. You will be getting very close to your spiritual side as you dive into some emotional and soulful work on your inner self. This release is likely related or associated to a pain or trauma connected to the Mother or family dynamic. This closure is necessary for your growth as well as it provides you with an amazing opportunity to speak your truth into existence, alleviating the energetic weight is has put on you for far too long. Communicate your thoughts and feelings surrounding this life lesson with confidence as you harness the power that pain hides from you.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to highlight areas of interest that you'd like to learn about or explore, June will have you embracing new career opportunities as you make your skill set and education work to your advantage. You will receive huge insights on your current friendships and networks available to you to make your dreams come true. Taking care of yourself by utilizing those you've already associated with, creating new opportunities to advance in your career aspirations is what is important at this time. Your communication skills are your greatest asset as your relationships and those you work with take on a whole new role. Your ability to take on the authoritative role and communicate your expectations in the workplace is your greatest gift, as you transition into your new roles and responsibilities. You will be seeing a closure or release take place surrounding your latest emotions relating to your home and family dynamic. Some details and truths have been revealed stirring the pot of emotions within you, and this is the point where you need to make some changes, letting go of memories or emotions connected to the Mother relationship, or the family home you were raised in. You'll have the chance to take a time out and review your dream situation among your partnerships. We have dreams for our future that may need to be revised in our relationships and how we share ourselves with others, especially where romantic situations are concerned. You'll see a huge spotlight on your network and what it is they can help you accomplish. To restructure what your wishes are for yourself, can help you seek the right people in your larger community that can help you get to where it is you want to go. Embracing your truth and actually expressing that to those that need to hear it, will be a huge theme as you try to provide closure to a soul family connection. Your heart-space needs to be cleansed and opened to new possibilities, but providing closure to the past has to happen first.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to help you balance and integrate both parts of yourself to see the grander picture, June will have you on a path to higher learning. You'll be jumping into a new area of study or topic of interest. You are exploring new areas of life and how to broaden your horizons. You'll be seeing opportunities to express yourself in the workplace to advocate for what it is you need to feel nurtured and taken care of. Emotions can run high both at work and in the home environment as details are revealed changing your perspective about the work/life balance. You are finding much value and future worth in expanding your education and/or skillset as opportunities to advance present themselves. There will be a release of an emotional cycle connected to how you express yourself as you discover new parts of yourself. The want, need, and desire for a better future creates an urge to express your thoughts and feelings, mostly to have them acknowledge by the right people. You'll see a pause in your daily routine where you'll be making some slight adjustments to how you take care of your health and wellness. You are stopping to see the progress you've made and to revise your future dreams and goal where your lifestyle is concerned. This will trigger emotions connected to what it is you need in your work and home life sectors to support your long-term health and wellness, especially where relationships and money are concerned. You will find yourself in an opportunity to fully express how you feel in some friendships as well, as you shift your vibration and no longer feel attached to certain connections.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to help you enforce your boundaries and revise how you share yourself with others, June will have you focused on some soul connections that cross your path. These new relationships, trigger you to abandon certain elements of yourself to create space for a brand new energetic experience. You will be opening the door to some very positive opportunities through your expressed level of knowledge and education. The lessons you've learned in life will have a lasting impact on those you share them with. Your words carry much weight as you speak of your experiences in efforts to help others. You can see some powerful connections take place this month both in your romantic, friendship, and career sector. Any new romantic relationship that takes place this month will be very intimate and long-lasting. The way you value other people's presence in your life will be re-evaluted as new people cross your path. You'll see an ending or completion to a life lesson where your finances are concerned. How you see your worth and how you earn that income will take a new form after you release your old mindset on what you're capable of. You'll see an opportunity to revisit some romantic situations in your dream state. Past connections to others that weren't fully closed can take place in your dreams to allow a full and complete closure. This will trigger a huge healing inside you, renewing your faith and belief, especially in yourself and love. You will be learning new ways to take care of yourself and how to support a happy and healthy home environment. You may even learning something new where your relationship or emotions connected to your Mother are concerned. Speaking your complete truth will actually launch your career in a brand new direction. Sharing your ideas in the workplace, connecting your experience with where you feel you can expand your roles and responsibilities in the career sector will see much abundance. To spotlight your funny and silly side wouldn't hurt your reputation either Scorpio, why so serious?
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's influence to shift the focus onto yourself, June will have you focused on others. Considering your new self-love and self-worth, you need to rebalance the scales in your relationships. You'll see some creative and logical ways to provide solutions where there didn't appear to be any before. You'll see a huge urge in learning how to express yourself especially when it comes to the home and family environment. Your relationships, money, and self-worth are still be worked on as you try to incorporate your new ideas and perspectives into your partnerships. You've done so much work on yourself, that you will see a huge release in some of the outdated perspectives and thoughts as far as your critical side of yourself is concerned. This is making way for the new and improved you to take more control. You'll need that power and control over yourself, as the Universe provides you with an opportunity to revisit and review the dreams you had for your family. To go back into your childhood and release some of the pains and traumas you've been holding onto, will have a direct effect on the current and futuristic dream and goals you have for your current family and home dynamic. You'll see the spotlight shine on your intimate relationships, especially where you share soul connections with others. Because of your transformation and rebirth of your new self, the elements that you've released will impact your soulful connections. This is a time for you to reconnect with those you find to be of value and rekindle the connection between you. You'll find that by truly speaking your mind and expressing yourself to those you want to love and support your growth, you free yourself by lifting a weight off of your heart-space inviting a new lighter energy to take form.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May reigniting the spark within you, June will see you making positive changes to your daily routine. Taking care of your mind, body, and soul has a great importance as you see the results of that throughout your day, and how productive you are in being of service. You'll see a new perspective emerging from your home life as you take a closer look at your relationships and how you share yourself with others. A conversation surrounding some hurt feelings, especially connected to the Mother will take center stage. You are finding new value and worth in your skills and how you use them in your day-to-day life. Being an important member of a team does great things for your mind, body and soul relationship. You'll see a huge release or ending to what has been a chapter of learning for you. This is making way for new opportunities to present themselves to you where your skills and education can be used to broaden your horizons allowing you to explore your full potential. Take a minute to reflect back on how you've been expressing your thoughts and feelings, especially when related to translating a larger message to a greater audience than you're used to, will have you seeing the power of your mind in a brand new way. Ideas and inspiration on how to express your future dreams is of great importance. A spotlight on what it is that you need to feel safe and secure in the friendships and relationships you engage in will be a triggering topic for you as it activates your truth. Expressing your heart fully, especially in your close relationships is pivotal as you put an end to some long-term connections.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's focus on your home and family environment, June will have your heart-space on center stage as you embrace your truth and communicate your thoughts and feeling clearly and effectively. This will ignite a new fire in you, sparking new romantic and creative connections. You'll see a change take place in your daily routine, especially in your home, so you can support your health and wellness. The mind, body, soul equation needs attention and you'll see the way to make these changes effortlessly. You could definitely see a new spark in your existing romantic relationships, or see a new relationship all together take form. You've been re-lit in your heart and you're feeling much more freer and playful. You value this new perspective on how your passion has been reborn. You may be letting go of some connections in your friendships or networking circle as you've expanded your vibration to the point where you no longer feel attached to some of your interactions. The chance to take a step back and review your current financial and relationships goals and dreams, will be very necessary as you re-evaluate what is important to you, especially factoring in your long-term vision. You will need to step up and take care of yourself as you take care of others in your home life. There is a high possibility that you will distract yourself and your current emotional state by fussing and focusing on others instead of yourself. This will activate and trigger some topics in your current partnerships, and how you are sharing yourself with others. This will allow you to fully express the weight you've been carrying on your heart, freeing yourself from energetic blocks that have been preventing you from fully embracing your path.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to encourage you to ask for what you need in your home life to feel taken care of and supported, June will bring you a brand new energy to help your family dynamic and what it means to you to feel safe in your home. Your passion is being reignited as you have been gifted brilliant opportunities to support your home and family. This new way of living in alignment with your purpose, and what sparks you, will see a positive influence to your home environment. There will be a closure or an ending of a career aspect that didn't allow you to fully exercise your skills and education. This is making way for new opportunities for you to expand your horizons by utilizing of all you've learned in a new environment. You'll take a step back to see how much you've been through and how you've grown. You'll clearly see that everything was connected and very necessary for your growth and evolution. As you embark on this new chapter of reignited passion, you will see the heavy energy you've been carrying turn into something much lighter, allowing you to return to your lighthearted and playful self. This transformation will trigger a want, need, and desire to express what you've learned and fully embrace your truth. The fact that you are honouring your heart-space frees you to start new creative and romantic chapters where your presence is what keeps the flame lit.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
Astro & Tarot Forecasts - May 2019
Welcome to May!
If April was where we broke through some of our limiting beliefs, creating a new version of ourselves, then May is where we get to start putting the pieces together. We will see a shift in energy where we are now being supported by the Universe to make moves that we've been planning for our long-term success. We will see ourselves be reborn with a new energy and focus as have physical evidence appear in our lives to prove that we are on the right path, and that our dreams really are coming true.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to subscribe to May's Weekly Insights (before May 4th), or book a personalized reading session online.
May 4th - New Moon In Taurus
May 6th - Mercury Enters Taurus
May 15th - Venus Enters Taurus
May 15th - Mars Enters Cancer
May 18th - Full Moon In Scorpio
May 21st - Sun Enters Gemini
May 21st - Mercury Enters Gemini

Hi Aries!
After April's focus on transforming yourself, and getting back to your normal energy levels, May is going to offer you an opportunity to refine how you are making your money. Your skills and talents are vast and the abilities you have been gifted with are meant to be used as tools to create a source of income that you can rely on for your long term goals. You will feel energized in the middle of the month to refocus your energy back on re-organizing your home environment. You will be releasing a huge amount of emotional baggage surrounding the death of parts of yourself that need to be released in order for you to move forward. After losing the weight, both energetically and physically, surrounding these blocked emotions, you will see a clarity take over your mind where you can visualize the path before you as you take action towards your next set of goals.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Taurus!
After April's focus on you releasing some emotions and thinking patterns from the past, and learning what you can from the challenges you faced, May will have you reborn into a new energy for you to work with over the next 12 months. You are revamping yourself, leaving parts of you that have been negative and limiting your evolution, behind. You've upgrade your energy and are now fully embracing the new way of expression and communication you've been exercising. You will be releasing some control issues surrounding your past and present relationships. These thoughts you've been obsessing over have taken your power away from you. By releasing these heavy emotions from your relationship area you are freeing yourself from energetic blocks that had you stuck in the past. You will see a new way of working throughout your daily tasks take form towards the end of the month, that will have you processing information at accelerated rates. The clarity you will experience in your mental plane will show you the next set of goals you are to try and reach.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Gemini!
After April's focus on your friendships and connections, and transforming your career roles and responsibilities, May will have you putting some endings and closures to some unconscious patterns and repressed memories. The emotions that are being triggered by your dream state are coming up to be released as you are transforming yourself into a better, more productive version. You've created some energetic blocks for yourself in the limiting beliefs and stories you've been telling yourself, and now it's time to re-evaluate your worth and rid those blocks for good. You will see a brand new energy take over your finance sector as you tap into your skills and abilities to create a new form of income. You will be triggering some frustration towards yourself as your health and wellness sector screams for your attention. As you enter into Gemini season and are renewed with the solar energy you've been lacking, you will develop into version 2.0. You will leave the parts of yourself that have been holding you back behind as you fully embrace your power through renewing your confidence and self-worth.
Listen To Your AUDIO Extended Forecast Here

Hi Cancer!
After April's focus on redefining your wants, needs, and desires surrounding your career sector and the roles and responsibilities you feel would be adding to your purpose in life, May will bring you the connections through your friendships and networking to land you the job aligned with your dreams. You will feel a shift in the middle of the month where you integrate the two parts of yourself you've been battling within, and with that new power comes a new energy to help you move forward. You will be releasing some leftover residual energy where your creative and romantic passions are concerned. There is a truth that is emerging from your heart space and it's pushing the lower vibrations out of your system. You will be taking a stand at the end of the month as you renew and upgrade your method of communication. You will see an ending to the narrative you've been allowing in your mind space and from that purge you can free yourself from some limiting beliefs.
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Hi Leo!
After April's focus on learning what you can to better yourself both in your own health and wellness sector, May will bring you lots of opportunity to advance yourself in your career sector. You've been re-evaluating your wants, needs, and desires, surrounding your roles and responsibilities in your job and this month you'll see an opportunity to expand your role. You will be releasing some darker emotions that you've been carrying involving your home and family life. This is an opportunity to repair any broken relationships as you renew a new energetic structure within your home. You will see an increase of people crossing your path at the right time, which just happen to have connections to new areas of interest for you. Pay attention to everyone who crosses your path towards the end of the month.
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Hi Virgo!
After April's focus on you transforming your darker emotions into a source of power, May will offer you the opportunity to explore parts of yourself and the world as your quest for knowledge increases. You want to dive into a new area of study that will have you connecting with people that can further your career. You will be releasing some unsupportive friendships in the middle of the month, but by being more confident and clear in the way you communicate, you will see yourself reach a bigger audience who supports who you're becoming. Your career gets very busy towards the end of the month, and your multi-tasking abilities become your strongest qualities. Be mindful of the words you use both in verbal and written form as you carry a power that translates your messages to a larger group of people than you've been use to. Your ability to communicate your ideas and vision with clarity will have your career offering you advancement, both in material and monetary rewards.
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Hi Libra!
After April's focus on transforming your ideas and emotions surrounding your relationships and your home environment, May will give you the opportunity to renew yourself, as you integrate your dark and light sides to operate in balance. Your career sector will have your attention in the middle of the month as you assess the boundaries to protect yourself from not taking the time to nurture your current state of health. You will be releasing some darker emotions surrounding the obsession with having a certain level of monetary and material possession you've related to your idea of success. Getting back to a basic value system is the goal here and by the end of the month you are explore parts within yourself that hold new knowledge of what is important to you in your future. You will have a very optimistic perspective on what it is you still want to do in life as we near June.
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Hi Scorpio!
After April's focus on getting your day-to-day routine restructured so you can balance the mind, body, and soul, May will have you focused on your relationships and how you share yourself with others. You will be re-energized to jump into a new area of study where you will explore parts within to learn all you can about yourself. You will be releasing some heavy emotions surrounding the power you give away to others, the control issues that are blocking your growth, and the obsessive thinking patterns that are restricting you from fully transforming into the next version of yourself. You will see the way you communicate and express yourself change towards the end of the month, as your perspective on interacting with others will be broadened. This is about identifying where you harness your power or where you give it away.
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Hi Sagittarius!
After April's focus on reigniting some sparks and passions within you, May will have you focused on putting energy into yourself. Your routine and the time you allow yourself to balance your mind, body, and soul, is up for renewal and as you find your new self-worth, taking the time for yourself will become essential. You will see a transformation take place during the middle of the month where some darker emotions surrounding your inner thoughts, dreams, and desires are concerned. These emotions are weighing you down and creating an energetic block in your path forward. Towards the end of the month, you will see the focus turn to your partnerships and how you are communicating your wants, needs, and desires in them. You will gain clarity in how to solves the communication issues within your relationships and see the energy shift the minute you change your tone.
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Hi Capricorn!
After April's focus on making changes to your home and family environment, May will bring you a new fire within as you reignite some creative and romantic passions. Your energy will shift to a more playful, and lighthearted fun where you can take a new approach to those you share your life with. The seriousness of the past couple of months has taken a toll on your relationships, and this month you will see those issues be repaired with your happier attitude. You will be releasing some darker emotions surrounding your past friendships and connections as you take time to review your current friendships and evaluate whether some connections need to be released. Towards the end of the month, you will need to focus on stabilizing your day-to-day routine as you make the adjustment to allow time for your mind, body, and soul. The new roles you've taken on in being of service to others needs to be balanced with self-care.
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Hi Aquarius!
After April's focus on working on your communication skills and releasing some roles and responsibilities in your life, May will have you focused on your home and family environment. You are finding a brand new worth in your surroundings and in those you love. You will see a shift in the middle of the month where your day-to-day routine will be asking for your attention as self-care is needed. You will be releasing some darker emotions, especially concerning your career and the aspects of the roles and responsibilities that aren't in alignment with your heart's desires. Towards the end of the month, you will see a brand new passion emerge for new projects and romances as your energy shifts to a much lighter heart space that you've been longing for. You will see many sparks reignite by the time June rolls around.
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Hi Pisces!
After April's focus on your finances due to your career sector, May will offer you a brand new way to connect and communicate yourself with a larger audience. Your words both in verbal and written form are translating your ideas and visions with perfection attracting brand new people to your life. You will feel a fire be reignited in you during the middle of the month, as you passions for creativity and playfulness emerge from your new found truth. You will be releasing some energetic blocks that have been holding back from learning all there is to know about a new topic. This release will allow you to explore parts within to see where your focus needs to be. You are all about expanding your knowledge and now have the opportunity to absorb all you can once you free yourself of the negativity you've been holding onto. Towards the end of the month, you will see your communication skills be revamped where you are expressing your wants, needs, and desires to change your home and family environment with confidence and clarity. Although you are anticipating conflict by expressing yourself, you will be truly shocked and energized by having your words acknowledged and accepted by those you love.
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