Astro & Tarot Forecasts - June 2019
Welcome to June!
If May was where we got a glimpse of our path forward and we got to see the pieces come together, then June is seeing how the pieces fit together in the bigger picture. This month we take action and see things take form before the wild astrological events of July take place. We will see a shift in energy where we are now being supported by the Universe to make moves that we've been planning for our long-term success, with the new approach you've been inspired to take. What was revealed to us in May will shift us from the mental plane into the heart space where our emotions and intuition take over to back our new actions.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.
*** Astro eGuides will be released for the following astrological events in the month of June.***
June 3rd - New Moon In Gemini
June 4th - Mercury Enters Cancer
June 8th - Venus Enters Gemini
June 17th - Full Moon In Sagittarius
June 21st - Neptune Retrogrades In Pisces
June 21st - Sun Enters Cancer (Summer Solstice)
June 26th - Mercury Enters Leo
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After May's surge of energy rekindled your fire within, June is going to have you sharing your ideas with others in such powerful ways, that the way you use your position and platform will hold a spotlight on your genius. You'll see communication and expression flow very easily especially where your wants and needs to feel taken care of by supported are concerned. There's a huge increase in the value and worth of your ideas this month Aries. They have the potential to create a brand new opportunity to create income as well. You'll see a full completion, upgrade, or release of your emotions surrounding your latest educational decision and study. You may be graduating from a course or current position where moving on will have you learning more about a new area of interest. You'll have a chance to take a second look into some dreams of yours, maybe restructuring your current vision or goal. There's a certain closure of a dream that no longer sparks the excitement in you. You will see a spotlight on your home and family environment, where taking care of yourself as you navigate certain family and relationship dynamics is important. You will be triggered to express what's present in your heart, embracing your truth and exposing your true thoughts and feelings. You have a desire to live more authentically and because of that, peeling back the pain pieces of your heart-space will alleviate the heaviness and bring back the playful, childlike excitement to your life.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's solar infusion from your birthday, you are seeing the effects of the small changes in perspective that have a huge impact on your life. June has you seeing what you value in a different light. Your relationships, especially with yourself and your money will take a different form as you see your worth change. You will have a huge opportunity to see the family dynamic you are currently dealing with take a shift broading your perspective on how to take care of yourself while taking care of others. There is a new element added to your home life bringing a huge emotional toll on your communication skills. This will amplify the emphasis already on your values and restructuring what is important for you where your home and family are concerned. There will be a closure or release of an emotional theme surrounding a very close relationship; either in a physical or energetic way. A soulful connection is somehow released from your life because of some new perspectives or details that you just learned about. You'll have a chance to move inward and explore or even review some connections that you've distanced yourself from. The opportunity to express your true feelings surrounding a sensitive issue in your family dynamic will present itself, likely related to or associated with some "Mother issues" you are currently working through. It's time to fully embrace your truth and speak your mind to those that need to hear it. The weight this issue has on your heart can only be lifted with a verbal release of expression.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's encouragement to put an ending to some aspects of your life before entering into your new astrological calendar, June will see a few more changes, beautiful beginnings to your transformation of self. As you truly embrace and harness your power, you will see your self-worth increase. The better you feel about yourself, the more abundance and luck you seem to attract. Showing your "gratitude attitude" will see so many blessings fast forward in your direction. You're feeling very attractive and your energy reflects that. There is a magnetism that has people seeing you in a brand new light. There is an ending taking place in a very close relationship in your life, which has run its course and seen the completion of a soul contract. Because of your wanting a bigger, much brighter version of reality for yourself and those you love, you do have to purge those relationships that are no longer supporting your growth and evolvement. You'll get a chance to stop and really take a good look at your career and whether you are still living the dream or not. This is a great time to press pause and explore your new dreams and goals. Revising the grand plan with your logical and brilliant mind will see a better path forward. You will have to take a look at your finances, especially at the expenses related to your home. A need to revise a family budget could be in order. Taking care of financial concerns that influence your family, are of the most importance at this time. You'll have a moment where you'll see some triggered emotions surface as you feel the need to express yourself. You may not be ready to have the face-to-face interaction and conversation you are practicing in your head, but you should put your feelings into words. You're ability to communicate and express your thoughts and feelings come very clearly and effectively through the written word.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's promising connections through your friendship and networking interactions, you've finally seen the end of the tunnel where your career is concerned. June has you having beautiful moments of clarity and inspiration where your soul-self is concerned. Many messages will be revealed to you in a dream state as you strengthen your connection to the spiritual world. As you enter into your season where you will take on new energy for your new astrological calendar, there will be certain closures and endings take place especially to the parts of yourself that were stuck in certain loops or tunnel vision. There seems to be a huge "ah-ha" moment take place connecting certain dots within relationships, and why your finances are the way they are. Seeing that one thing had to happen in order to lead you to the next step, is very valuable to the way you view the path you've been travelling. There is a certain release or ending to something you've done in your daily routine. Seeing the new energy highlight endings in order for new beginnings to take place, is showing you a new way to balance your mind, body, and soul equation. There is an element of you taking on a new role to be of service to other people. You'll have a chance to pause and reconsider your desire of learning a new topic or exploring a new area of interest. Your dreams may need to be revised slightly as your new adjustments to other areas of your life may impact your timeline for wanting to take on a new learning objective. You are doing the last little upgrade to your new self. As you head into another year of life, you are leaving parts of yourself behind as you align to the goals and wishes you have for yourself going into the next year. You'll see some huge opportunities to embrace your truth where your relationships and money are concerned. You've been carrying a huge weight on your heart bearing some emotions that you feel the need to express. Get this energy out of your body, and release the wounds you've been carrying.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's focus on expanding your opportunities in your career sector, June will have you ushering in new connections leading to some solid friendships and promising networking opportunities. You'll see a shift in the way you see your home and family situations. The ability to come up with some creative solutions to these issues will have the energy in the home be much lighter. Your social side takes the spotlight as you navigate through your new connections, expanding your like minded community. There will be a huge opportunity to release a weight from your heart-space allowing your spark to reignite and allow your happy, playful self to take center stage. There will also be a chance to revisit a very close relationship where intimate details are revealed. This may alter your future dreams as there is a part that will be released from your vision making room for a new version of your dreams to take shape. You will be getting very close to your spiritual side as you dive into some emotional and soulful work on your inner self. This release is likely related or associated to a pain or trauma connected to the Mother or family dynamic. This closure is necessary for your growth as well as it provides you with an amazing opportunity to speak your truth into existence, alleviating the energetic weight is has put on you for far too long. Communicate your thoughts and feelings surrounding this life lesson with confidence as you harness the power that pain hides from you.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to highlight areas of interest that you'd like to learn about or explore, June will have you embracing new career opportunities as you make your skill set and education work to your advantage. You will receive huge insights on your current friendships and networks available to you to make your dreams come true. Taking care of yourself by utilizing those you've already associated with, creating new opportunities to advance in your career aspirations is what is important at this time. Your communication skills are your greatest asset as your relationships and those you work with take on a whole new role. Your ability to take on the authoritative role and communicate your expectations in the workplace is your greatest gift, as you transition into your new roles and responsibilities. You will be seeing a closure or release take place surrounding your latest emotions relating to your home and family dynamic. Some details and truths have been revealed stirring the pot of emotions within you, and this is the point where you need to make some changes, letting go of memories or emotions connected to the Mother relationship, or the family home you were raised in. You'll have the chance to take a time out and review your dream situation among your partnerships. We have dreams for our future that may need to be revised in our relationships and how we share ourselves with others, especially where romantic situations are concerned. You'll see a huge spotlight on your network and what it is they can help you accomplish. To restructure what your wishes are for yourself, can help you seek the right people in your larger community that can help you get to where it is you want to go. Embracing your truth and actually expressing that to those that need to hear it, will be a huge theme as you try to provide closure to a soul family connection. Your heart-space needs to be cleansed and opened to new possibilities, but providing closure to the past has to happen first.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to help you balance and integrate both parts of yourself to see the grander picture, June will have you on a path to higher learning. You'll be jumping into a new area of study or topic of interest. You are exploring new areas of life and how to broaden your horizons. You'll be seeing opportunities to express yourself in the workplace to advocate for what it is you need to feel nurtured and taken care of. Emotions can run high both at work and in the home environment as details are revealed changing your perspective about the work/life balance. You are finding much value and future worth in expanding your education and/or skillset as opportunities to advance present themselves. There will be a release of an emotional cycle connected to how you express yourself as you discover new parts of yourself. The want, need, and desire for a better future creates an urge to express your thoughts and feelings, mostly to have them acknowledge by the right people. You'll see a pause in your daily routine where you'll be making some slight adjustments to how you take care of your health and wellness. You are stopping to see the progress you've made and to revise your future dreams and goal where your lifestyle is concerned. This will trigger emotions connected to what it is you need in your work and home life sectors to support your long-term health and wellness, especially where relationships and money are concerned. You will find yourself in an opportunity to fully express how you feel in some friendships as well, as you shift your vibration and no longer feel attached to certain connections.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to help you enforce your boundaries and revise how you share yourself with others, June will have you focused on some soul connections that cross your path. These new relationships, trigger you to abandon certain elements of yourself to create space for a brand new energetic experience. You will be opening the door to some very positive opportunities through your expressed level of knowledge and education. The lessons you've learned in life will have a lasting impact on those you share them with. Your words carry much weight as you speak of your experiences in efforts to help others. You can see some powerful connections take place this month both in your romantic, friendship, and career sector. Any new romantic relationship that takes place this month will be very intimate and long-lasting. The way you value other people's presence in your life will be re-evaluted as new people cross your path. You'll see an ending or completion to a life lesson where your finances are concerned. How you see your worth and how you earn that income will take a new form after you release your old mindset on what you're capable of. You'll see an opportunity to revisit some romantic situations in your dream state. Past connections to others that weren't fully closed can take place in your dreams to allow a full and complete closure. This will trigger a huge healing inside you, renewing your faith and belief, especially in yourself and love. You will be learning new ways to take care of yourself and how to support a happy and healthy home environment. You may even learning something new where your relationship or emotions connected to your Mother are concerned. Speaking your complete truth will actually launch your career in a brand new direction. Sharing your ideas in the workplace, connecting your experience with where you feel you can expand your roles and responsibilities in the career sector will see much abundance. To spotlight your funny and silly side wouldn't hurt your reputation either Scorpio, why so serious?
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's influence to shift the focus onto yourself, June will have you focused on others. Considering your new self-love and self-worth, you need to rebalance the scales in your relationships. You'll see some creative and logical ways to provide solutions where there didn't appear to be any before. You'll see a huge urge in learning how to express yourself especially when it comes to the home and family environment. Your relationships, money, and self-worth are still be worked on as you try to incorporate your new ideas and perspectives into your partnerships. You've done so much work on yourself, that you will see a huge release in some of the outdated perspectives and thoughts as far as your critical side of yourself is concerned. This is making way for the new and improved you to take more control. You'll need that power and control over yourself, as the Universe provides you with an opportunity to revisit and review the dreams you had for your family. To go back into your childhood and release some of the pains and traumas you've been holding onto, will have a direct effect on the current and futuristic dream and goals you have for your current family and home dynamic. You'll see the spotlight shine on your intimate relationships, especially where you share soul connections with others. Because of your transformation and rebirth of your new self, the elements that you've released will impact your soulful connections. This is a time for you to reconnect with those you find to be of value and rekindle the connection between you. You'll find that by truly speaking your mind and expressing yourself to those you want to love and support your growth, you free yourself by lifting a weight off of your heart-space inviting a new lighter energy to take form.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May reigniting the spark within you, June will see you making positive changes to your daily routine. Taking care of your mind, body, and soul has a great importance as you see the results of that throughout your day, and how productive you are in being of service. You'll see a new perspective emerging from your home life as you take a closer look at your relationships and how you share yourself with others. A conversation surrounding some hurt feelings, especially connected to the Mother will take center stage. You are finding new value and worth in your skills and how you use them in your day-to-day life. Being an important member of a team does great things for your mind, body and soul relationship. You'll see a huge release or ending to what has been a chapter of learning for you. This is making way for new opportunities to present themselves to you where your skills and education can be used to broaden your horizons allowing you to explore your full potential. Take a minute to reflect back on how you've been expressing your thoughts and feelings, especially when related to translating a larger message to a greater audience than you're used to, will have you seeing the power of your mind in a brand new way. Ideas and inspiration on how to express your future dreams is of great importance. A spotlight on what it is that you need to feel safe and secure in the friendships and relationships you engage in will be a triggering topic for you as it activates your truth. Expressing your heart fully, especially in your close relationships is pivotal as you put an end to some long-term connections.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's focus on your home and family environment, June will have your heart-space on center stage as you embrace your truth and communicate your thoughts and feeling clearly and effectively. This will ignite a new fire in you, sparking new romantic and creative connections. You'll see a change take place in your daily routine, especially in your home, so you can support your health and wellness. The mind, body, soul equation needs attention and you'll see the way to make these changes effortlessly. You could definitely see a new spark in your existing romantic relationships, or see a new relationship all together take form. You've been re-lit in your heart and you're feeling much more freer and playful. You value this new perspective on how your passion has been reborn. You may be letting go of some connections in your friendships or networking circle as you've expanded your vibration to the point where you no longer feel attached to some of your interactions. The chance to take a step back and review your current financial and relationships goals and dreams, will be very necessary as you re-evaluate what is important to you, especially factoring in your long-term vision. You will need to step up and take care of yourself as you take care of others in your home life. There is a high possibility that you will distract yourself and your current emotional state by fussing and focusing on others instead of yourself. This will activate and trigger some topics in your current partnerships, and how you are sharing yourself with others. This will allow you to fully express the weight you've been carrying on your heart, freeing yourself from energetic blocks that have been preventing you from fully embracing your path.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.

After May's efforts to encourage you to ask for what you need in your home life to feel taken care of and supported, June will bring you a brand new energy to help your family dynamic and what it means to you to feel safe in your home. Your passion is being reignited as you have been gifted brilliant opportunities to support your home and family. This new way of living in alignment with your purpose, and what sparks you, will see a positive influence to your home environment. There will be a closure or an ending of a career aspect that didn't allow you to fully exercise your skills and education. This is making way for new opportunities for you to expand your horizons by utilizing of all you've learned in a new environment. You'll take a step back to see how much you've been through and how you've grown. You'll clearly see that everything was connected and very necessary for your growth and evolution. As you embark on this new chapter of reignited passion, you will see the heavy energy you've been carrying turn into something much lighter, allowing you to return to your lighthearted and playful self. This transformation will trigger a want, need, and desire to express what you've learned and fully embrace your truth. The fact that you are honouring your heart-space frees you to start new creative and romantic chapters where your presence is what keeps the flame lit.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this month's energies you can click here to book an Astro or a Psychic Reading session online.