Mars Enters Virgo

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (11).jpg

Today, Mars - The God of War - ruling over our physical energy, our drive, our passion and even our anger, moves out of the fiery energy and heart led energy of Leo to get down to business in earthy Virgo.

Mars was semi stalled out in Leo energy. Normally, Mars in Leo is a fierce fighter going ofter what he wants, making serious power moves and letting nothing stop him from getting what he desires. Because the bulk of his time in Leo was spent under Cancer season, we were blocked from using his fiery passion to our advantage.

Mars will become even more frustrated as he now roots into earth energy. He won’t be able to act first and think later. He will have to roll up his sleeves, and put in the hard work to strategically bring new realities to life.

Virgo energy - although an earth energy - is ruled over by Mercury - an air energy and ruler of the mental plane. This creates a dynamic where well thought out and calculated plans and ideas can be birthed and brought to life from taking physical action and making things happen. Virgo energy is very healing as we recognize where we need to focus on our own health and wellness and rearrange and restructure our daily routines to support balancing the scales of our mind, body, and soul.

Mars in Virgo is very productive in creating order out of chaos and actually getting things done. We get fired up and passionate about the details of our lives, what makes us happy, what motivates us, and what brings us peace. This energy will support us in reorganizing our thoughts to align with our new desires, and give us the energy we need to make change happen in our physical realms.

Mars takes a break from the battle field to heal his wounds. The earthiness of Virgo energy will help us ground and center into our new realities and sort out what needs to happen from here. We’ve been in the creation and birthing stages of manifesting getting things aligned and in order within ourselves, and now Mars in Virgo will help us get our hands dirty in bringing our new dreams and visions into physical form.

Some cautions for this energy is to not get tunnel vision to the point where you can’t see other opportunities emerging around you. Try not to let the weighted practicality of this energy to snuff out the magic needed to keep our dreams alive. And try not to let all the over-analyzing and over-thinking keep you in a state of paralysis where nothing gets done. Try to avoid getting frustrated at the speed of the progress taking place and try not to let your lack of fire make everything a task or chore.

Mars is fire. Virgo is earth. Too much fire and you’ll burn the whole forest down. Too much earth and you’ll snuff the fire right out. It’s a delicate dance to keep the controlled fire going so we can burn through our energy at a stabilized rate. What are you planning to bring to life under this energy?

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.

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