Mars in Libra
Today, Mars - the God of war, fuelling our physical energy, drive, passion, and aggression - enters Libra where he is at his weakest influence. Libra is an air energy effecting the mental plane, and Mars is used to exerting brute physical force to get what he wants. Libra will have him playing a game of intellect, asking him to use his charm and wit to manipulate and win his mental debates.
Mars hasn’t been in Libra since 2019, which isn’t a bad thing as Mars is very uncomfortable here. He has to essentially restrain his warrior like physicality and take his energy and focus to the mental battlefield. This will take a bit of an adjustment period for him adapt to, causing a more indecisiveness within him that he doesn’t enjoy. Libra energy is typically very indecisive, and the energy of Libra is taken on by Mars making him very passive-aggressive.
All of these energy influences will effect us. We don’t want to have to restrain ourselves. We don’t want to slow our bodies down to engage in a mental debate. But after we get over the fact that we don’t have much of a choice, we too will adapt and see where we can focus our energies in on pursuing what it is that will restore the balance, peace, and harmony in our lives, and go after it. Of course, with the indecisiveness, it may take a minute to figure out what that actually is.
This is a great time to mediate or defend ones self in a legal matter or in a situation where ideals and beliefs are tested. We have the ability to speaking clearly and confidently and really use Mars’ God-like skills of war in an intellectual forum. Charm and wit is key here. Realizing that getting what you want is still obtainable without exerting raw and aggressive force to get it.
Mars is on his knees during this transit, succumbing to the beauty and genius of Venus, his female counterpart and ruler of Libra, who is currently in Scorpio, Mars’ powerhouse and rulership. This is called mutual reception, when planets are sitting in each other’s powerhouse, and because of this, there will be a push and pull of energies to find a mid-point of balance. Here, he learns to soften those edges and slow his energy down to a more gentle tone, while Venus learns to assert herself to get what she wants and deserves out of her personal relationships.
This energy shift will be activating us all in different ways, but with all of the heavy hitting planets already retrograde, and Mercury about to join them, we will be transforming our ways of thinking and acting, and doing the healing work required to all that aggression we have to keep within ourselves.
To better assist you in navigating these energies, please listen to this week’s Ascension Forecast and energy forecast.
Mars Enters Virgo
Today, Mars - The God of War - ruling over our physical energy, our drive, our passion and even our anger, moves out of the fiery energy and heart led energy of Leo to get down to business in earthy Virgo.
Mars was semi stalled out in Leo energy. Normally, Mars in Leo is a fierce fighter going ofter what he wants, making serious power moves and letting nothing stop him from getting what he desires. Because the bulk of his time in Leo was spent under Cancer season, we were blocked from using his fiery passion to our advantage.
Mars will become even more frustrated as he now roots into earth energy. He won’t be able to act first and think later. He will have to roll up his sleeves, and put in the hard work to strategically bring new realities to life.
Virgo energy - although an earth energy - is ruled over by Mercury - an air energy and ruler of the mental plane. This creates a dynamic where well thought out and calculated plans and ideas can be birthed and brought to life from taking physical action and making things happen. Virgo energy is very healing as we recognize where we need to focus on our own health and wellness and rearrange and restructure our daily routines to support balancing the scales of our mind, body, and soul.
Mars in Virgo is very productive in creating order out of chaos and actually getting things done. We get fired up and passionate about the details of our lives, what makes us happy, what motivates us, and what brings us peace. This energy will support us in reorganizing our thoughts to align with our new desires, and give us the energy we need to make change happen in our physical realms.
Mars takes a break from the battle field to heal his wounds. The earthiness of Virgo energy will help us ground and center into our new realities and sort out what needs to happen from here. We’ve been in the creation and birthing stages of manifesting getting things aligned and in order within ourselves, and now Mars in Virgo will help us get our hands dirty in bringing our new dreams and visions into physical form.
Some cautions for this energy is to not get tunnel vision to the point where you can’t see other opportunities emerging around you. Try not to let the weighted practicality of this energy to snuff out the magic needed to keep our dreams alive. And try not to let all the over-analyzing and over-thinking keep you in a state of paralysis where nothing gets done. Try to avoid getting frustrated at the speed of the progress taking place and try not to let your lack of fire make everything a task or chore.
Mars is fire. Virgo is earth. Too much fire and you’ll burn the whole forest down. Too much earth and you’ll snuff the fire right out. It’s a delicate dance to keep the controlled fire going so we can burn through our energy at a stabilized rate. What are you planning to bring to life under this energy?
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.
Mars Enters Leo
When Mars the planet of energy, drive, action, passion, and anger moves from the emotional, family dynamic of Cancer, to the bold and fearless sign of Leo, we are taking the spotlight in a brand new way.
We will see our confidence get a huge boost as the lion within us all comes roaring from the darkness of the cave only to remind everyone of the power of the pride still shines strong. We've done a lot of inner healing, recognizing where we needed to release our fears, releasing the power and control we exert on making sure that we are always the leader of the pack.
Now that we've licked our wounds and have put ourselves back together after sitting in darkness, we are ready to resume the spotlight and bring our best selves out to shine. We have renewed our strength and are coming back into the world with a boldness and fearlessness that we haven't had before. We find strength in expressing ourselves, telling our truths and honouring our heart. We aren't shy anymore, we're not trying to hide.
Now we are ready to bring our true and raw talents to center stage. We want to be seen, we want to show the world what we are capable of, and we will stop at nothing to get the attention we deserve.
Our playful sides come back to lighten the mood of the situations that have weighed us down. We are seeing the sparks fly in our romantic relationships and in our creative projects. We have a self-confidence within ourselves that we haven't had before. It's time to go after what it is you want in life, speak your truth, and stop at nothing until you honour yourself and actually succeed in been the shining star that you are.
Having Mars move into Leo hours after the powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, gives us a beautiful energy to start fresh with. We would have already felt a shift within us, within our mental planes and heart space, and now we get to begin our new cycles with the fierceness that Mars in Leo provides. We are still under the influence of Mercury being retrograde, along with the other heavy hitting planets - Pluto & Saturn - also retrograde, helping us clean up our karmic mess from previous timelines. We are heading into what will be a very intense time period of newness, initiation, beginnings, experimenting, and a new vibration and frequency to ground in.
Mars in Leo gives us the warrior vibe we need to move forward with confidence and clarity, to reclaim our power, to align with purpose and passion, and to go after what we are being called to pursue. Align with the passion and bravery of the lion and stand proud in your experiences that made you who you are today.
If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where this energy is showing up in your life, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and June’s Energy Forecast to get the full story.
Mars Enters Cancer
Mars -the warrior planet ruling drive, action, energy, passion, and even anger - moving from the battlefield of the mental plane into the emotionally, intuitive nurturing sign of Cancer.
Mars' time in Gemini allowed us to think aggressively about what we want inn life and pushed us to engage in some deep thinking about the options we have before us. As time went on, and with a little bit of help from Mercury shifting into Taurus, thoughts and ideas became clear, processing the details of our lives picked up speed, and we got more logical with how we discerned who and what needed our attention and energy.
Mars in Gemini allowed us to express and communicate ourselves with more bravery and courage. Now with the warrior planet moving into a placement of weakened strength for him, we will see the effects of this energy in how we focus our energy, how we take action on issues, and where our emotions may get the better of us.
Mars is a masculine fire sign, acting on impulse and asserting itself by whatever means necessary to go after whatever is the main focus. Mars is a passionate energy and has a hard time balancing its passion with its aggression. Because Cancer is a water sign, it really slows Mars down after going what he wants. It makes Mars have to stop and consider the emotional state of his actions and the repercussions he could face if he exerted his force. This isn't something Mars is used to, and so it does have a tendency to cause some frustration.
Cancer embodies the feminine energy of the Mother role, ruled by the Moon, while Mars is a masculine energy that doesn't enjoy being told what to do. With Mars in Cancer we will see the focus shift to our home and family. We will have to do our best to try and avoid domestic disputes as emotions tend to run high under this transit.
This is a great time to see where we aren't feeling nurtured, and where we may need to step back in the nurturing of others. Mars will help us to take action on enforcing changes within the home and family dynamic so that we are allowing ourselves to take care of ourselves first, making sure we are our best selves to take care of others.
If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where these shifts are going to effect your life the most, you should probably check it out. Listen to this week’s energy forecast, and if you need personal assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online.
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
We jumped into the new astrological calendar when the Sun moved into Aries under the equinox energy, but the confusion we’ve had on what direction we need to take has been strong. Now, piece by piece, we are starting to see where new paths are opening up for us and where change is needed the most.
The Full Moon in Libra on March 28th illuminated where in our lives the power exchange was out of balance and needed to be restored. Since then, we’ve been navigating no man’s land trying to establish a new energy for us to work with.
This New Moon in Aries is special and unique for a couple of reason (dive into all of them in the New Moon Guide). We are having a stellium under this new moon which means there are multiple planetary bodies (and asteroids) all in Arien energy. This means we are feeling the surge of energy back us into being brave enough to take action and make major changes in our lives.
Mars, (Aries ruling planet) has been in Gemini illuminating where we are feeling divided and split down the middle about our current circumstances. There’s a gap between our heart & our head, our dreams versus our realities, and a huge extreme gap between the choices and decisions we currently have on the table. We are now leaning towards one path over the other and this New Moon energy is going to push us to the tipping point of making some solid decisions and backing those decisions with some quick fire actions.
Where is the New Moon in Aries creating change in your life? Download your Moon Guide and find out!
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your April Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Enters Gemini
Today, Mars, (the planet of action, energy, passion, and anger) moves into Gemini. This is a very interesting aspect as we jump from having Mars in an earth sign (Taurus) to and air sign (Gemini).
Gemini (being an air sign) rules the mental plane making our minds more active than they have been throughout Pisces season with all the watery emotions clouding our judgment. We have struggled to maintain clarity and had lost our ability to focus on the details.
Gemini also rules information, how we take it in from the world, process and make sense of it, and then communicate and express ourselves outwardly. Gemini is the sign of the zodiac that rules the hands and because of this, we have a lot of energy urging us to DO something with our hands to keep our mind distracted. Mars in Gemini could totally be represented by the saying "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."
Mars is bringing a fire energy to Gemini's air, meaning we have to monitor how much we are fanning that flame. Our minds are going to be all over the place as they come back online. We will be distracted and jumping all over the place. Gemini loves to multi-task, keeping their mental plane active and engaged at all times.
The same goes for this planetary aspect, but there are a few cautions that come with this placement.
First, the fire energy of Mars is impulsive. It would rather act now and think later. If we act on these impulses, you can best bet you will find yourself in some situations you'd rather not be in, that will require some effort to get out of.
Second, Mars also brings a lot of passion to the table which Gemini can totally work with. There is a high level of productivity that can get accomplished during these times. Do be cautioned though, it is better to multi-task among 3 projects than it is to multi-task among 10 projects. There is a caution here that we do not spread ourselves too thin as we won't really end up accomplishing much.
Third, Mars is also very aggressive. It can cause frustration in a second, and throw a full blown tantrum the next. Because Gemini rules communication and expression, we must be mindful about how we are speaking to others, as we could come off as blunt, rude, and mean. If the energy of Mars can make our tongues sharp, we have the ability to hurt people with our words which will cause drama that doesn't need to be caused. This is a great energy to be bold enough to speak our truth, but just be cautious about how that truth is being delivered.
Be mindful that this energy needs to be exerted through physical movement and exercise. If we do not exert this energy in a healthy way, it will continue to boil within us causing physical symptoms such as anxiety, high blood pressure, and headaches, that we'd rather not deal with. Being this high strung will cause us to lash out at the first opportunity to do so.
It is best to work WITH these energies instead of against them. So make sure you are doing some sort of physical activity to alleviate the fire energy building within, be mindful of how you are speaking to others, and keep your mind busy and engaged at all times.
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons, and advantages and disadvantages. This aspect is no different. Mars is a power house of an energy to work with, and Gemini is a brilliant energy that will help us connect the dots of logic, as long as we do not act upon our first impulses.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through. Please take advantage of the Monthly Forecasts available to help guide you through the month, as well as Energy Forecasts I put out to help you stay in alignment with the cosmic energies.
Mars Enters Taurus
Today, Mars, the warrior planet of action, drive, passion, and assertiveness, enters into grounded, sensual Taurus after a very energetic and exhausting time in Aries.
Mars moved into Aries on June 27th, infusing all of us with and energy so fierce, it forced us to take action and be bold enough to assert ourselves in whatever way was needed and necessary in order to start new paths for us to walk upon. Mars went retrograde on September 9th, prolonging it’s time in its pace of power, but really pushing the energy inside of us, where frustrations, anger, and new desires to take action on creating change festered up within us. Mars finally went direct on November 13th, giving us our power back. We frantically tried to take action and make changes but were hindered by some other planetary energies.
If you think back to June, you might need to take a deep breath as you review how much you’ve gone through since then. The overwhelming urgency to get out there in the world, try new things, and follow your passion has been exhausting. We ran into many brick walls, failed to really get started on our dreams and passions, yet have felt this electrical charge pulsing through our veins to keep pushing.
With Mars now moving into Taurus, we get a much needed break. Taurus is an earth energy and has us feeling much more grounded and stable already. Our energy and drive get mellowed out in Taurus. It will be a welcomed change of pace for a short time until the window of frustration opens. We don’t get to move as fast with Mars in Taurus. We have the ability to actually think through our impulses and actions we desire, because Taurus is a practical sign. Taurus wants us to get back to basics and rule out any action, want, need or desire that doesn’t result in acquiring possessions (relationships, material items, sense of worth or value) that doesn’t bring a long term comfort to our lives.
Taurus wants us to only focus on building ourselves up, aligning with energies that will appeal to our senses and help us level up our material worlds. We are going to work hard to protect what we already feel is of value to us, especially where emotional security is concerned.
We will find even more of our inner strength and determination with Mars in Taurus, and will find it easier to really hone in on our passions, and control our drive towards our goals. “Slow and steady” is the energy with Mars in Taurus which is a welcomed change from the breathless efforts of just trying to keep up as Mars in Aries had us feeling.
This is going to be a great transit for us to ground in as we get more in touch with our physical experience. We have been consumed by our thoughts (air) and have been driven by our passions (fire) within. Mars in Taurus understands that a well controlled fire will provide a long term resource and with it will have the energy, spark, and passion to see our plans through.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Conjunct Eris
Mars - the God of War - and Eris - his sister, the Goddess of conflict and chaos - are conjunct today (in alignment with one another) which makes for some pretty fiery energy.
As Greek and Roman mythology tells the tale, Ares (who Mars is named after) and Eris (his sister) use to rage the battle fields causing damage, death, and destruction to all who stood in their path. Eris is most notable for her initiation of the Trojan war after not receiving an invitation to the wedding of all weddings between Peleus and Thetis (soon to be Achilles parents).
Being the only God/Goddess to not receive an invitation to the noble event, Eris threw a golden apple of discord into the party scripted and addressed with words that read “To the most beautiful one.” When all of the beautiful Goddess in attendance began to fight over who was the most beautiful and fair among them, chaos ensued at which point Paris (the Prince of Troy) was nominated by Zeus to declare who among the beautiful Goddess reigned the most beautiful and fair of all the land.
The Goddesses striped naked and paraded their bodies for Paris to see. Some bribed him with gifts and promises of political power, infinite wisdom, and of their bodies for his own personal pleasure. In the end, Paris deemed Aphrodite (Venus) the most beautiful Goddess of all the land dooming his city of Troy as it fell under the damage and destruction of the war that followed shortly thereafter. From this tale, we can clearly see that Eris creates chaos and gets bitter and even with those who wrong her.
Our planetary bodies are named after the Gods and Goddesses who embody the qualities and characteristics of power. Because of this, we have to expect the wrath of Eris to be felt as she aligns with her brother Ares (Mars) - the God of war.
Both are positioned in the constellation Aries where they are most powerful. We’ve been experiencing the energy of Mars in Aries (currently retrograde) by the anger and frustrations we’ve felt surface within our own selves and of course the wars that are being initiated on the streets of our globe.
This energy is still in the vicinity of Chiron - the wounded healer “planetoid” - which was amplified by the full moon in Aries. There are great wounds being identified within our individual egos and among the collective consciousness. The full moon in Aries highlighted where it is “me vs. them” “I vs. we”. “Whats best for me versus what’s best for the group.” Having Mars and Eris involved means that there’s an extra layer of conflict and chaos currently being added into play, as we pour more salt on our wounds.
It’s important to not act on impulse, to not lash out, and to not cause damage and destruction where there doesn’t need to be any. The fiery tensions of Mars and Eris aligning will make us all highly irritable, easily triggered, and agitated with emotions we can’t even pin point.
Instead we can use this powerful energy in ways to help us reclaim our power, to stand up for ourselves and to identify where our wounds are still needing to be healed.
You can take a look at your birth chart to see what area (house) is ruled over by Aries. There you will find both Mars and Eris positioned in alignment and exerting their power and energy over your life. We all have these planets in our birth chart, and moving through the houses of our charts. Tracking these planetary bodies can help prepare you for where the anger and chaos may appear in your own life, and assist you in the path of healing.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Retrogrades in Aries
Today, Mars - the God of war - goes retrograde in his place of power. Mars rules over our physical drive, our energy, determination, passion, desires, and even our anger. Mars is a force to be reckoned with, as he will stop at nothing to get what he wants. There can be many causalities as he blazes a path forward not really concerned with the repercussions of his actions as long as he gets what he has his eye on.
Mars rules over both Aries (as a primary ruler) & Scorpio (as a co-ruler with Pluto). He moved into his place of power in Aries on June 27th, and will spend an abnormal amount of time in Aries until January of 2021. This 6 month stay will have dramatic effects on the world both globally, and individually. It’s no surprise that the wars in the streets hit a tipping point once Mars was in his place of power, and now that Mars will be going retrograde, we will see a different side of our own inner warrior.
Mars was aligned with the major heavy hitting planets responsible for the chaos that has been 2020, back in January. This time around though, he is squaring these planets in the sky. To simplify, Mars was once part of the problem, and now he’s looking to fix it. Even with Mars’ great strength and warrior spirit, the heavy hitting planets are no easy feat. Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto have a job to do (to awaken the masses, destroy the old paradigm, and create a new world out of the good parts that can withhold the storm).
Normally, a retrograde means that the energy that is supposed to be exerted out in the world gets internalized. Mars’ retrograde is a bit different in the fact that it’s a personal planet that only goes retrograde every 2 years.
From now, until November 13th, we will struggle with a few elements as Mars goes through it’s retrograde process. First, we will see how our inner warrior wants to play out the last part of 2020. We have the potential to be a noble warrior, protecting and fighting for what we believing in, exerting our strength from a place of love and moving forward with positivity and optimism. Or, we could be a warrior of destruction.; allowing our passion and anger to take over and force us to be aggressive moving forward lashing out in any way possible to those who oppose our direction or ideals.
The most frustrating part of Mars’ retrograde is that we are still damn well and determined to move forward even if we meet resistance. We can feel our physical energy levels decline and we may lose the fierceness we need to blaze a new path forward. We can wrestle internally with what we truly want and desire. We may feel conflicted with every decision we thought we had already made. This kind of internalize energy can lead to anger, frustration, and self sabotage.
You can get a better idea on what areas of your life will be most effected by this transit by seeing where Mars is currently moving through your chart, and in what house Aries rules for you. There is a lot of energy built up in the Aries sector of the cosmos, as Mars, Chiron, Black Moon Lilith & Mars’ sister Eris are currently positioned. To simplify, there is a huge transformation of energy being concentrated on destroying the old, and transforming into the new. There are huge amounts of energy asking you to heal parts of your identity that no longer align with who you are and who you’re trying to become.
It’s important that you listen to your body and give it the love, attention, and nurturing it needs. Fighting wars - whether they be inside you or in your external reality - takes a toll on one’s health. The urge to push forward bypassing the messages from what your physical body needs will end up in a situation where you may not be physically or emotionally strong enough to embrace the changes you are being faced with.
Mars going retrograde is also taking place on the day the 9/9 portal opens up. I will go into a bit more detail about this event in another post, but, knowing that the 9/9 portal is about our own personal healing as we close and end the last 2 year chapter of struggles and battles should give you a lot of hope for the new timelines we are anchoring in and the new chapters we are initiating.
Please be very cautiously aware of your own personal energy as Mars retrogrades. Be mindful of the anger or frustration that arises within you and use those emotions to guide you to what needs to be healed. Pay attention to your body and give it the rest it deserves, and be patient as you review your inner most desires and what you’re actually passionate about.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Enters Aries
Mars - the God of war, ruling over our physical drive, passion, desires, and even anger - will enter into his place of power in Aries. Mars normally spends approximately 6 weeks in a sign, but this time around, Mars will be spending a whopping 6 months in its rulership.
Mars is a fierce warrior that stops at nothing to get what he wants. He is brave, courageous, determined, and very aggressive in his pursuits. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac bringing to life all kinds of wonderful dreams and desires. Whatever we were envisioning for ourselves while Mars was in Pisces will now come into fruition while Mars is in Aries.
Aries energy is fiery, and very much about identifying what one wants, what one needs, and what one desires. It’s on a constant path of egoic identity exploration. Because Mars is such a powerhouse of energy, we will be shocked and amazed of all we can accomplish under this energy.
Of course, each transit has both pros and cons. The pros of this energy is identifying a new path, revealing new desires, taking the lead on making things happen, fuelling new passions, and stopping at nothing to reach our goals. The cons however, could mean we burn ourselves out, we are self absorbed, we are highly irritable, we are too aggressive, we are all consuming, and we can throw tantrums at the drop of a hat.
This very long transit will play out on the global stage via rioting and protests, innovation and independence, passion and progress. Individually, the clarity of the new path in which you are desiring to follow will fully emerge and encourage you to be your bravest self to fight for what it is you want.
Aries and Scorpio placements will see the bulk of the energy as Mars is their ruler, but everyone has Mars positioned in their charts. Wherever you find Mars transiting through the houses of your chart, you will see a sudden shift of energy and progress moving forward.
Be forewarned, Mars will be making some serious aspects to some other major planets over the next 6 months, activating certain crisis points of tension within our lives. Chiron, Black Moon Lilith and Eris - already transiting through Aries - will be the first ones up to feel the fire of our new power.
Regardless of how Mars in Aries will manifest in your life, you are on the threshold of new beginnings, where new passion, drive, and excitement are about to be unleashed.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your June Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Jupiter Retrogrades In Capricorn
Jupiter - the planet of growth, abundance, expansion, and spirit - goes retrograde today in Capricorn. It takes Jupiter 12 years to visit all of the signs and because of that, it’s been 12 years since Jupiter went retrograde in Capricorn. Jupiter first entered into Capricorn last December, where; with the help from Saturn and Pluto, created an absolute blimp in history with this current global pandemic.
Jupiter is big, extreme, too much, and is a whole lot of extra. His placement among the stars exaggerated and grew this global pandemic to a huge state of concern. I’m not saying it’s not a big deal, but Jupiter’s influence has a tendency to make things appear bigger than they actually are.
Saturn and Venus joined Pluto already in retrograde, this week and with mercury moving into his place of power, we are now positioned to do some deep karmic healing through the way we communicate with others.
Jupiter on its own, retrograding in Capricorn would lead us on an introverted journey of exploring our own truth and renewing our beliefs. Jupiter is the great philosopher of the zodiac is very connected to the spiritual journey we are here to have. Jupiter in Capricorn is about our roles and responsibilities in life and where we need to take the leadership role on being our own authority.
Now retrograde, we can move inside ourselves to take a good look at how far we’ve come, how we’ve even gotten here, what it is we believe in, where we’ve been living in extremes, and basically, we get down to the truth.
Mars has entered pisces blurring our vision of the future. Mars is usually very direct and straight-forward but is forced to go with the flow under this influence. This, paired with Jupiter’s retrograde in Capricorn will allow us to dig deep within ourselves to unleash our inner spiritual warrior; the version of us that picks ourselves up after we crumble to the ground. This fire energy is not only dangerous and destructive, but it holds the power to regenerate and birth a brand new belief system within ourselves
Be cautious of your self confidence while Jupiter is retrograde. We have a tendency to lose faith within ourselves because we are questioning everything and lose sight of what we know to be true. Don’t get down on yourself for too long. Take a minute when your spirits are high, to write down your big picture vision, your goal, your desired outcome. And every time you feel your hope and faith slipping you can refer back to your note to remind you of what you need to focus on.
Classically, a retrograde is a time to rewind, rest, reflect, rework, revise, re-organize and recalibrate. Because Jupiter is at play, you can expect all of those revisions to be in your own spiritual beliefs and the vision you hold for yourself.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars Enters Pisces
The warrior planet Mars, full of energy, action, passion (and even anger) moves into Pisces, the wish-washy zodiac, who lives a life of dreams and fantasy. Mars is usually ready to jump in and tackle the next level of action required in life with a fiery attitude and will initiate new beginnings all in the name of moving forward. But entering into Pisces is going to slow down the eagerness of Mars, and even bring the action to a halt.It's going to be more challenging to get things started and to have the physical energy to actually charge ahead.
Pisces, the sign of the fish, is very much at home in its emotional waters, daydreaming of another world, and avoiding confrontation at all costs. The directness of Mars is going to be washed away by the Pisces energy. The straight-forwardness that you can normally expect from Mars is going to become so flighty under this Pisces energy that misunderstandings are bound to happen.
Mars being all about taking action, is going to shift that energy into more spiritual and emotionally charged pursuits. The Pisces energy will have us ebbing and flowing with the ocean of inspiration and emotional change. Just like the waves crashing upon the sand we will be experiencing the waves, their rhythm, and intensity through this transit.
During this transit, we are prone to putting other's needs before our own. We may be swayed off of the path of confidence as our goals suddenly become blurry under the water weight of Pisces. This particular shift is going to prove a bit more difficult when you consider the other shifts and aspects that are taking place during this transit.
For instance, just this week we have had Saturn and Venus join Pluto already in retrograde, mercury moving into his place of power, and Jupiter preparing to go retrograde tomorrow. Our relationships, with ourselves, our money, our loves, our family, friends, co-workers, they are getting all shook up! Many conflicts and breakups will take place during Mars’ female counterpart’s (Venus) retrograde, While we take a trip back to the past to rework some karma that requires a second look before total closure.
But now with Mars entering pisces, our feelings get blurred. Our goals are wish-washy. Our energy seems to be depleted.Mercury’s working overtime helping us to receive moments of insight and process all that we’ve learned at great speeds, while Mars will step up to be the warrior that he is, helping us push through our emotions and be the spiritual warrior we need to be.
We have some highly charged shifts taking place that will lead us into the fall A lot of the chaos 2020 has brought us will be smoothed over and cleaned up a bit as we enter into a brand new world. It has been a very intense year, and the shifts taking place are literally the beginning of the end. This year has been huge with planetary alignments we haven’t seen in hundreds of years, with retrogrades and eclipses still awaiting our divine attention.
Mars moving into Pisces will be a great time for dream work and for access your inner most self, wants needs and desires. Pisces energy is all about dreams and fantasy so definitely allow your mind to wander and explore parts within. Because Mars is challenged in this aspect, being less energetic, less focused, and less motivated, it's going to take some inner discipline to bring some of your dreams to life.
This is a great time for expression, especially where the arts are concerned. If you have a passion project, a creative urge, or an inspiration of any kind, tap into that energy and let it out. This a a great time for all authors, artists and visionaries to expand their imaginations. Because Pisces isn't an energy to do anything without a greater cause, a moment of inspiration is all you really need to activate Mars to lend you the energy, action, assertiveness and passion in order to make things happen.
As long as its an emotional and spiritual expression of yourself you shouldn't have an issue tapping into that kind of power. Please be gentle with yourself (and others) as the Mars energy could easily be expressed negatively through irritability, anxiety, and/or anger. It's up to you to find healthy ways to exert this energy to do you best to remain balanced.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Venus Retrogrades In Gemini
Venus - the Goddess of love, beauty, money, pleasure, and joy - is retrograding in Gemini today. Venus has been in Gemini for a while now, creating a emotionally detached, air of curiosity in our relationships and values. Venus isn’t at her strongest point here in Gemini, and although it’s good to let your hair down and not take things so seriously, now retrograding in Gemini will make some topics and themes much harder to avoid.
Any time a planet goes retrograde (appearing like it is going backwards in its orbit) we get to shift our attention inward to revise and realign our hearts and our heads from all of the activities that have taken place in our outer worlds. Because Venus is focused on love, money, and values, the mental activity of processing our current situation and having some deep conversations about these topics and themes get activated under the retrograde energy.
Venus retrograding in gemini may have old friends and exes reappear. This is to help you process and sort out some emotions that got repressed in order for you to close this chapter for good. If you are in a relationship you may find Venus in Gemini’s retrograde will throw you and your partner back into the past to have some hard chats about the relationship and money matters. Sure, we’ve done a great job at avoiding some painful truths, but now with all of this retrograde energy we can hide from these conversations any longer.
With all of the other elements at play, (Saturn, Pluto, already retrograde awaiting Jupiter to join them tomorrow, Mars (Venus’ male counterpart) surrendering to the emotional battle of karmic cleansing in Pisces, and Mercury (the messenger of the Universe working hard to download us with new insights to gan a bigger perspective) these next few months will definitely pull us through the ringer of emotions.
It’s not all bad though. Retrogrades are a chance for us to rebalance the scales of karma. It’s an opportunity to level up spiritual and close doors on old soul contracts and be ready for new ones to begin.
Although Venus retrograding in Gemini should be light, and fun, and fancy free, socializing and even uniting with soul family members may be desirable, but commitment is not recommended. You should definitely pay attention to who enters your life at this time (and who leaves) because it’s likely karmically connected. But hold off on making any new decisions to commit to a new path until the universe better supports it.
A word of caution though: If you are in a relationship and it’s falling apart, let it fall. This is a time where we cut away the bonds that are no longer serving us. And Venus retrograding will have us purging the people that we’ve outgrown to make space for new, more aligned energies to enter.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your May Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
New Moon In Aries
Today, we have our very first New Moon of the new energetic and astrologic calendar, in Aries. With Aries season well under way, you may be feeling all over the place with your energy, drive, and attention.
Normally, Aries season is full force forward, but this year, because of us still being under Mercury’s retrograde shadow and Mercury still in Pisces, we've had the brakes put on our actions. Mars, (Aries ruling planet) is sandwiched in between Saturn & Pluto causing a lot of restrictions and destruction. We are still trying to adjust to the overwhelming thoughts and ideas in our mental plane, while our physical energy just isn't up to par.
Where is Aries ruling in your chart? Save $56 on the Intro To Astrology Course. Use EMPOWER2020 at the checkout.
The New Moon in Aries, will help us get our butts in gear. It is important for us to take some time under the New Moon energy to think of all of the new things we'd like to see happen in our lives over the course of the next 12 months. Because Aries is all about drive, passion, initiative, and new experiences, this New Moon should have you thinking about the new projects you'd like to start, new experiences you'd like to live, new habits you'd like to form, and new ways of creating passion and joy in your life.
Often times, as we build towards a New Moon, our energy takes a dive and we experience situations and emotions that aren't so pleasant. This happens so we can find the root of these issues and use them to create a roadmap of how to never experience them again.
For instance, Aries, because it is always fired up and ready to take action, also has quite the temper. Mars, the warrior planet, is always ready to engage. Many people can experience bouts of anger and aggression prior to a New Moon in Aries, showing you what isn't working in your life, and then showing you where to create new energy in your life to resolve the anger issues.
New Moon energy is more about setting an intention for change than actually implementing it, so stay inside yourself, think of all the changes you'd like to see happen in your life, and make a list of everything that pops into your head.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please download your March Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mars vs. Pluto - A Conflict in the Cosmos
Whether you believe in and follow astrology or not, the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) energies of the cosmos are felt within our mind, body, and souls. Today marks a very intense shift in energy created and propelled by two very forceful energetic bodies going head to head in the cosmos.
Mars (the God of War) ruling over energy, drive, passion, and aggression, goes head to head in a cosmic battle with Pluto (the God of the Underworld) ruling over our darkest parts of self, our subconscious mind, and the anger we try so hard to keep hidden. This particular energetic battle causes a great intensity that triggers the aggression and fire within.
Although this energy is direct and at its most potent influence today, you’ve likely been feeling this energy build over the last few days. Both Mars and Pluto are Scorpio’s rulers, and as we are currently in the depths of Scorpio’s emotional waters, this fire added to an already very intense emotional storm could cause a few issues in our relationships.
Mars and Pluto are rulers of the current season, but Mars is currently positioned in Libra at a crisis point in the final degrees of the sign before it leaves Libra’s energy for Scorpio. Mars in Libra is adding an aggressive narrative to our mental planes and having a hard time balancing the energies to create peace and harmony in our relationships. Pluto is rooted in Capricorn energy right now, where the power struggles of breaking free from restrictions are the hottest energy topic.
So here we are in Scorpio season working on healing our subconscious mind and pieces of our soul, with mercury retrograde, having us look back on our pasts, reviewing, reflecting, revising, the mental perspectives we’ve been having, and Mars and Pluto decide they can’t put off their aggression with one another any longer. This is adding some Libra and Capricorn energy to the watery mix of Scorpio season and we will likely see this effect our relationships greatly.
This mixture of energies can see a rise of aggression, violence, and hostility, within ourselves and others, effecting the collective on a grander scale. It’s lighter aspects can reveal great strength, huge amounts of courage, and a potent power to overcome our fears. With everything in life, there is a duality that gives us options to tap into one side of the energy over the other.
This energy is very triggering, exposing our wounds and urging us to transform into more powerful beings. By using the aggression, energy, passion, and drive within us to face our fears, accept our controlling and manipulative ways, and see where they have been creating blocks for us in moving forward, we can essentially overcome the old narrative that has created a stagnancy in our progress to advancing our consciousness. Again, being in Scorpio season and having the ability to change our subconscious programming is a blessing in disguise when we use our darkness to lead us into the light.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can book a Reading session online.
Mars Enters Leo
When Mars the planet of energy, drive, action, passion, and anger moves from the emotional, family dynamic of Cancer, to the bold and fearless sign of Leo, we are taking the spotlight in a brand new way.
We will see our confidence get a huge boost as the lion within us all comes roaring from the darkness of the cave only to remind everyone of the power of the pride still shines strong. We've done a lot of inner healing, recognizing where we needed to release our fears, releasing the power and control we exert on making sure that we are always the leader of the pack.
Now that we've licked our wounds and have put ourselves back together after sitting in darkness, we are ready to resume the spotlight and bring our best selves out to shine. We have renewed our strength and are coming back into the world with a boldness and fearlessness that we haven't had before. We find strength in expressing ourselves, telling our truths and honouring our heart. We aren't shy anymore, we're not trying to hide.
Now we are ready to bring our true and raw talents to center stage. We want to be seen, we want to show the world what we are capable of, and we will stop at nothing to get the attention we deserve.
Our playful sides come back to lighten the mood of the situations that have weighed us down. We are seeing the sparks fly in our romantic relationships and in our creative projects. We have a self-confidence within ourselves that we haven't had before. It's time to go after what it is you want in life, speak your truth, and stop at nothing until you honour yourself and actually succeed in been the shining star that you are.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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Venus In Taurus & Mars In Cancer

Today, we have two very important energetic shifts taking place that will effect us and our focus greatly.
First, Venus - the Goddess of love, beauty, worth, and money moves from the fiery energy of Aries, to the grounded, earth energy of Taurus. Venus rules over Taurus and as this is her place of both comfort and power, we will feel the effects of this shift much more intensely.
When the Goddess of love, beauty, and money is in Taurus, we shift our focus onto re-evaluating our relationships, what we find beauty and pleasure in, and we amp up our self-worth. Taurus is focused on long-term commitments, long-term foundations, and long-term abundance.
Venus in Taurus will have our relationships on spotlight as we review whether or not they are strong and stable enough to support us in the future. How we are sharing ourselves with others will be spotlighted as we tweak our self-worth and where we now see value in ourselves where we may not have before. What we do for work, how we are using our skills and talents, and how we are being productive in acquiring the material possessions we see as success and value will be under review. We want to do something in life that not only brings in the money, but that has meaning and purpose.
With Venus in her place of power, we will be feeling our beauty from the inside out. It's important that we work on making sure our inner worlds and how we think and feel about ourselves are matching what we are projecting out into the world. We want to look and feel our best and Venus in Taurus will have us truly seeing and embracing our beauty.
Because both Venus and Taurus are earth signs and embody the divine feminine, we will see a huge uprising in honouring the feminine energy within ourselves, and supporting causes that will help assist mother earth to heal. It is most important to be thinking long-term while Venus is in Taurus (until June ??) as we are now taking action and making sure the basic building blocks of our foundations are in place and ready to grow upon.
The second energy shift we have happening on the same day, is Mars -the warrior planet ruling drive, action, energy, passion, and even anger - moving from the mental plane ruler Gemini, into the emotionally, intuitive nurturing sign of Cancer.
Mars' time in Gemini allowed us to think more clearly, process the details of our lives more logically, and allowed us to express and communicate ourselves with more bravery and courage. Now with the warrior planet moving into a placement of weakened strength for him, we will see the effects of this energy in how we focus our energy, how we take action on issues, and where our emotions may get the better of us.
Mars is a masculine fire sign, acting on impulse and asserting itself by whatever means necessary to go after whatever is the main focus. Mars is a passionate energy and has a hard time balancing its passion with its aggression. Because Cancer is a water sign, it really slows Mars down after going what he wants. It makes Mars have to stop and consider the emotional state of his actions and the repercussions he could face if he exerted his force. This isn't something Mars is used to, and so it does have a tendency to cause some frustration.
Cancer embodies the feminine energy of the Mother role, ruled by the Moon, while Mars is a masculine energy that doesn't enjoy being told what to do. With Mars in Cancer we will see the focus shift to our home and family. We will have to do our best to try and avoid domestic disputes as emotions tend to run high under this transit.
This is a great time to see where we aren't feeling nurtured, and where we may need to step back in the nurturing of others. Mars will help us to take action on enforcing changes within the home and family dynamic so that we are allowing ourselves to take care of ourselves first, making sure we are our best selves to take care of others.
With these two very powerful and intense shifts taking place, you can count on some really powerful changes in perspective surrounding the topic and themes these shifts spotlight. If you haven't already listened to your Monthly Forecast to see where these shifts are going to effect your life the most, you can still do so by clicking here.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic Insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info, delivered right to your inbox.
Venus Enters Aries
The Goddess of love, beauty, and worth moves out of her super emotional, sexual, and fantasy-like state while being in the watery, emotional sign of Pisces, and enters into Aries. Venus moving into Aries will scream passion as Mars (Aries' ruler) is the male counterpart to Venus. We've all heard of men coming from Mars, and women coming from Venus, so this match up will prove to have our love lives steaming hot.
Venus brings with her a very high set of values as she knows her worth. She is gentle, kind, calm, beautiful and wants nothing more than to be in a love so perfect that it embodies the duality of the divine feminine and masculine energies. Aries, full of passion, goes after what he wants and when he's got the Goddess on his mind there is no stopping him from making her love his, for all eternity.
This energetic influence will have us tapping into the fierce, raw, powerful energy of Aries to go after what it is we desire. Venus will have us only desiring things that will be around for the long haul. She wants commitment, she wants a partner of the same value and worth.
When these two get together there is a beautiful exchange of energies creating a balance among the two. Venus softens Aries edges, calms his aggression to a level that isn't overbearing. She shows this warrior sign a love like no other and in turn, he inspires her to go after what she wants in life with an intensity that can't be denied. Life is about to heat up!
Where romance is concerned you can expect a fiery passion that you and your partner may not have felt in a while. If you are single, this transit may just be what you need to go after the person you've had your eye on. The courage and bravery that Aries lends us to go after what we want is exactly what we need to initiate a passionate romance.
As much fun as all this sexual energy can be, it's important to realize that as powerful as this transit is, it is also where Venus is at her weakest point. Venus has to fight hard to not allow the forceful Aries energy to push her buttons and send her over the boiling point. Let's remember that there is a very fine line between passion and anger. Venus' fuse is very short under this transit, making her able to go from being caught up in all this passion to needing time to herself to regroup.
Now that we are in Taurus season (Venus rules Taurus) the stubbornness Venus embodies can be all too real and powerful during this transit. Once her foot is down and she's drawn a line in the sand, Aries’ passion and charm are rendered useless as she shuts that part of herself off.
There is a tipping point in this delicate dance between the two, where they will be magnetically drawn and stuck together, and then all of a sudden repel against each other making a connection damn near impossible.
Because Venus just provided a closure to her relationship sector while being in Pisces, (the last sign of the zodiac) be warned that this passionate love encounter in Aries, is merely a rebound.
Of course, long-term relationships can withstand the passion of this transit, and new relationships are likely to form, but it is a very hot and cold connection until Venus moves into her place of power in Taurus which will take place on May 15th.
So the moral of the story is, be passionate, go after what you want in love and money, and never forget your worth. Make sure you honour your boundaries and know when to pull away from the romance to get your head back on straight. And if nothing else, enjoy the ride!
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
Full Moon in Libra
Many of us awoke to the exact moment that our Lunar Goddess struck the 29th degree of Libra where she was at her most powerful and fully complete. This Full Moon is the 2nd Full Moon in Libra this past month, which makes it a bit rare and a whole lot of special.
I invite you to think back to March 20th, when we had our first Full Moon in Libra at a 0 degree. It was the 5th Full Moon in a row at a 0 degree, meaning it brought a brand new, clean slate for us to work with in the new energetic calendar.
The first Full Moon in Libra opened the door to some healing that needed to take place within our relationships. We were being asked to think about our own individuality as the Sun was newly in Aries opposing and applying tension to the Moon in Libra, which had us focusing on who we share ourselves with.
Aries and Libra are opposing signs, meaning they sit directly across from each other on the zodiac wheel. We were being asked to examine who we are as an individual while being a part of a team. The energy was just getting started under that moon and didn't really have a chance to build momentum. We were under some other planetary influences at that time (mostly Piscean influences) that derailed any kind of action we wanted to take to balance the scales of our emotional and logical state surrounding the relationship issues.
Here, we get a second chance to not only review the, “I vs. We, Me vs. You, Us vs. Them” equation, and have some details illuminated that we may not have seen in our lives under the influence of the last moon.
This Full Moon in Libra at a 29th degree is a critical point for bringing something full circle. We are now under the right energetic forces to not only see things from a different perspective, but we are able to actual DO something about it should our realizations inspire us to take charge and make change.
This would be an action that would set you off in a whole new way of thinking about yourself and how you feel being part of a relationship. We have some great opportunities for growth here as the Full Moon in Libra acts as a mirror for us to see our own roles and energies that we bring to the team.
This Full Moon in Libra is also favourable because Mercury (the planet of information, communication, and expression) has just moved into fiery Aries, making our ability to piece things together at the speed of light a super power that we can all benefit from at this time.
We don't have very long to tap into the Arien energy to take action and start new initiatives where our relationships are concerned, as Aries season comes to an end tomorrow when the Sun moves into Taurus. We do benefit by that energy, as what is revealed to us under the Full Moon influence can be built upon with the hardworking, nose to the grindstone Taurean energy.
We also get a bit of help in the love and passion area after coming to the realizations about our relationships under the Full Moon in Libra when Venus (the Goddess of love, beauty, money and worth) slips into Aries tomorrow where the fiery passion of Mars (Aries's ruler) brings its intensity, energy, and drive to all things love related.
Take a few moments today as the Full Moon energy still lingers on, to think about the themes and topics of relationships and your individuality within them. The Moon moves into deep, intense, probing Scorpio, where the issues that have come up for you surrounding the energy of this moon will be analyzed under the detective mind of the Scorpian energy.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.
Mercury Enters Aries
Mercury (the planet of communication, information, and expression) has successfully survived its weakest placement while in Pisces, to emerge full of life into Aries as we start a brand new energetic cycle.
Although being in Aries isn't the best placement for Mercury to be in, it's a much better energy than when it was clouded with watery emotions and confusing intuition in the depths of Pisces.
Aries is a fire sign, and full of impulse, spontaneity, bravery and confidence. Mercury being an air sign, mixed with the fire energy can make for quick thinking, bold ideas, and impulsive actions and speech.
Our mental planes have been struggling for some time, so coming online again, especially in such a fiery sign such as Aries, will prove to be both rewarding and challenging. We find the benefits of this transit to be lightening fast thinking, the ability to have such a greater perspective of life and the inner workings, the instantaneous piecing together of pieces and details that didn't quite make sense before, and the ability to communicate with confidence and clarity.
The downside to this transit is that we can find our brains on overload. With the amountof information we are now processing at speeds much quicker than we are use to, we could feel overwhelmed and get anxiety with all the pressure in our heads. There's also a concern that the impulsiveness of Aries will act on a new idea without allowing the air element to apply logic and long term planning.
Where fire and air are concerned, we need to make sure we don't fan the fire too much as it will burn out of control causing damage where there was never ended to be any.
Our tongues grow sharp under this transit. Aries has a tendency to act now and think later. With the fire rolling off the tongue, we may find ourselves speaking out of turn and causing hurt feelings in others. Be very mindful of the words you are using and the tone you adopt to deliver your messages to others.
We have the opportunity to tap into the beneficial energies of the transit to use to our advantage and start tapping into a new level of truth within ourselves. We also have the opportunity to get burned so definitely act with caution.
As always, if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
To make sure you don't miss a post, SUBSCRIBE TO THE VIBE for Astrological updates, Psychic insights, discounts, and online workshop and course info delivered right to your inbox.