November's Astro & Tarot Forecasts
November brings great change and transformation as we shift into a brand new alignment with the energy of the cosmos. The portal between realms is wide open as we absorb new information and lightcodes on the 111 portal and will be receive huge amounts of incoming energies until the 11:11 when the portal closes.
Mercury will be full speed ahead as he ends his post shadow period on the 2nd, in preparation for the SUPER powerful New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th. Hours later, Venus is on the move as she shifts into Capricorn, and hours after that, Mercury shifts into Scorpio! The 11:11 portal will help align our energies for this next chapter and help get our heart and head on the same page.
We have a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus taking place on the 19th that will fast forward us in removing the debris from all that has fallen apart in our relationships, routines, resources, money matters, and plans for the future since the Spring. Lunar Eclipses have the tendency to REMOVE elements from our lives that are holding us back from moving forward. Anything that isn’t providing us stability and security in these topics and things will be cleared from our realities.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st bringing a brand new optimistic and confident energy about the future as we start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and a bigger picture emerge of the possibilities and paths of the future unfold.
Lastly, Mercury will shift into Sagittarius at the end of the month revealing a brand new truth when new information emerges from the Scorpio darkness we’ve been exploring. We’ll be excited to jump into new learning chapters and align with our higher selves and strengthen our intuition for the next cycle of challenges.
Now would be a GREAT TIME to subscribe to the MOON GUIDE. A brand new month, a brand new mission.
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