December's Astro & Tarot Forecasts
December brings great change at great speeds feeding off the deep transformation we’ve already had triggered back in Scorpio season. Things get brighter and more positive, but we get overwhelmed with new information the possibilities that are now unfolding before us. We start the month off in eclipse season where confusion reigns supreme. We are surrender to the egoic death and letting the Universe show us the way from here.
Neptune starts the month off by moving out of retrograde and starts moving direct! This will soften the blow of the harsh reality we’ve had to face over the past 5 months. We’re now able to connect to our intuition and dream again. Our imagination and creativity levels are going to sky rocket, while the call back to our spiritual practice is at the top of the list. A huge amount of healing will now take place in our physical realms based off of all the work we’ve done within ourselves over the past 5 months.
We have our New Moon SOLAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius on December 4th, closing out a very long 18 months cycle where we explored the life lessons on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. There’s been a lot of new information and truths revealed that has totally altered our belief systems. It’s altered our dreams for the future and has put us more in touch with our spiritual side as we seek a deeper meaning and greater purpose to the chaos we’ve suffered through.
Mars will be moving out of his place of power in Scorpio where he got in touch with new passions and desires to move into Sagittarius. This move will fire us up and make us excited to pursue new paths and dreams. On the same day, Mercury moves out of Sag and moves into Capricorn. This is when we get to slow our mental planes down to concentrate on the dreams we’ve now created to see how we’re logically and practically going to bring them to life.
We have a Full Moon in Gemini taking place on the 18/19th that will release a huge amount of confusion off of our brains. We’re gaining huge clarity and aren’t so divided when it comes to our heart and head. This will create a releasing point of the ideas we’ve failed to manifest since the Spring, freeing us to pursue the new ideas we’ve conjured up over the past month.
Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 19th, to help us review our worth and to reorganize our values. Venus is focusing in on what needs to be removed to free her up to let more happiness and joy in her life, and to create a new stale foundation in her personal relationships and money matters that better reflects the inner healing work she’s already done. Chiron goes direct on the same day unleashing our inner spiritual warrior to do what is necessary to recreate ourselves. We’ve been through a very tough egoic and identity death detaching from old situations and storylines. Now we get to use the spiritual lessons we’ve learned to recreate a new reality for ourselves where we are reinventing our image and persona.
The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st triggering the solstice reset where we get to start fresh. Capricorn season forces us to boss up and take control of our realities. We have to get to work manifesting and creating new elements in our lives that will provide us with the strength and stability we need in our lives to bring our dreams into fruition.
Lastly, Jupiter will move into Pisces on the 28th, pushing us to grow and expand our spiritual selves. There’s a huge amount of transformation and healing that comes with this energy and will help the collective unite in a group awakening and alignment. There are a few major aspects taking place throughout the month wrapping up some cycles we’ve had to suffer though throughout 2021. Each and every event will help us feel more empowered and prepared to get our hands dirty in creating a brand new foundation for us to thrive off of moving into 2022.
Now would be a GREAT TIME to subscribe to the MOON GUIDE. A brand new month, a brand new mission.
Are you subscribed to THE ENERGY GUIDE?! It’s a FREE membership and will keep you a head of the game with all the astro and energy events at play.
Please make sure you check your SUN/MOON/RISING sign for the best overview for the month ahead. All timestamps can be found in the notes section of the video.
Click here for ARIES: STARTS AT 37:31
Click here for TAURUS: STARTS AT 48:33
Click here for GEMINI: STARTS AT 1:14
Click here for CANCER: STARTS AT 13:30
Click here for LEO: STARTS AT 25:14
Click here for VIRGO: STARTS AT 39:52
Click here for LIBRA: STARTS AT 54:37
Click here for SCORPIO: STARTS AT 1:09:43
Click here for SAGITTARIUS: STARTS AT 1:21
Click here for CAPRICORN: STARTS AT 8:46
Click here for AQUARIUS: STARTS AT 17:09
Click here for PISCES: STARTS AT 27:33
November's Astro & Tarot Forecasts
November brings great change and transformation as we shift into a brand new alignment with the energy of the cosmos. The portal between realms is wide open as we absorb new information and lightcodes on the 111 portal and will be receive huge amounts of incoming energies until the 11:11 when the portal closes.
Mercury will be full speed ahead as he ends his post shadow period on the 2nd, in preparation for the SUPER powerful New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th. Hours later, Venus is on the move as she shifts into Capricorn, and hours after that, Mercury shifts into Scorpio! The 11:11 portal will help align our energies for this next chapter and help get our heart and head on the same page.
We have a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus taking place on the 19th that will fast forward us in removing the debris from all that has fallen apart in our relationships, routines, resources, money matters, and plans for the future since the Spring. Lunar Eclipses have the tendency to REMOVE elements from our lives that are holding us back from moving forward. Anything that isn’t providing us stability and security in these topics and things will be cleared from our realities.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st bringing a brand new optimistic and confident energy about the future as we start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and a bigger picture emerge of the possibilities and paths of the future unfold.
Lastly, Mercury will shift into Sagittarius at the end of the month revealing a brand new truth when new information emerges from the Scorpio darkness we’ve been exploring. We’ll be excited to jump into new learning chapters and align with our higher selves and strengthen our intuition for the next cycle of challenges.
Now would be a GREAT TIME to subscribe to the MOON GUIDE. A brand new month, a brand new mission.
Are you subscribed to THE ENERGY GUIDE?! It’s a FREE membership and will keep you a head of the game with all the astro and energy events at play.
Full Moon In Capricorn/Partial Lunar Eclipse

Today we have our full moon taking place in Capricorn, but this full moon is hyped up on some astral energies creating a huge pivot point, and crossroads in the energetic paths we walk. This partial lunar eclipse makes the full moon powers even that much more amplified, and this has been the turning point many of us have been waiting for.
We've been in weird times these past few months, and all the energy from the New Year has been building within us, breaking us down, building us back up, and now, with this celestial event bringing an ending or closure to your life, the path forward will be revealed and it will be much more aligned with our soul's purpose than we've ever been before.
This portal of energies opened up for us back in June around the Summer solstice. This has been a time of both chaos and clarity, as the accelerated manifestation window sucked us in and did some re-arranging to our lives. Basically, the Universe was shaking its head at the progress (or lack thereof) that we've done in trying to align with our soul's purpose. Because we need to be at a certain point of our evolution and growth by the time 2020 rolls around, the Universe gave us a kick in the butt during the first eclipse (full solar eclipse in Cancer) and now, we see what gets eclipsed out of our lives for good under this partial lunar eclipse energy.
You will likely see a bit of drama unfold in the sector of your life the eclipse is spotlighting (check your birth chart to see what houses this event is triggering for you), there is also going to be a door slamming on something from your past. This eclipse axis effects the Capricorn - Cancer axis, which is career, money, reputation, structures, masculine energy; versus, home life, nurturing, emotions, family dynamics, intuition, and the feminine energy.
The work/life balance needs to be re-evaluated.
On a global platform, we are watching this Capricorn energy go to work, by breaking down some outdated structures in our government, politics, religious bodies, and other systematic structures. This is where the masks start falling off of people revealing the control, and power of manipulation.
This full moon in Capricorn, lunar eclipse is also working very closely with Pluto, the God of the underworld and of great transformation, to make sure that the changes we undergo are deep on a soul level, and will be transformed under the light of the Sun.
For many people, this energy has been confusing, yet at the same time, has provided a much clearer picture about some truths and realities that maybe weren't being accepted in ones life up until now.
This is a pivot point. There is an applied pressure to our relationships and money situations right now, forcing us to expose the darkness within, all for the purpose of creating a more stable foundation for us to work upon as we move into the future.
To get an in-depth look at what areas of your life will be affected during this energy you can click here to book an Astro or book a Psychic Reading session online.
Marlee Henry
Psychic Advisor
The Energy Boutique
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