Mercury Goes Direct
On February 3rd, we have Mercury - the ruler of the mental plane, ruler over communication and information - coming out of his retrograde and going direct in Capricorn energy. So let's rewind back to December 13th. That’s when Mercury moved into Capricorn initially. And of course, when Mercury moves into Capricorn, we are thinking logically. We are thinking practically. We are focused on ambition. We are focused on building. Focused on our future, focused on our roles and responsibility. When it comes to communicating, we are just speaking the truth. We are detached emotionally. We are speaking from a logical and practical place. We only care about taking care of business and getting down to the nitty gritty when mercury is in Capricorn.
So we go through December. We come into January. On the 2nd, Mercury moved into Aquarian energy. So typically speaking our mental planes, aren't the greatest when Mercury is in Capricorn. We tend to have a little bit of a negative narrative. You know negative Nancy. She comes out to play. Betty the bully comes out to support her. We really recognize where our limiting beliefs are. And even more than that, when we move into the Aquarian energy, it becomes even more evident where it is that the dark parts of our mental plane, the not so nice information coming in from the world; is kind of swirling, kind of creating some blockages, some hesitation, some darker vibes.
When Mercury moved into Aquarian energy, suddenly we were free of that. Things get a little bit lighter. Why? Because we were focused on the future more so than focusing on the past, focusing on the heaviness, the weight of the present.
When Mercury moved into Aquarius, we were able to get a bigger vision coming into the New Year on what it is that we wanted to build, what it is we wanted to create.
Of course, we had a new dream, a new vision, a new goal kind of downloaded within us, inspiring us to pursue a new path. So here's Mercury thinking very futuristically in Aquarian energy. Really upping our narrative, freeing ourselves from the negative narrative that got illuminated while in Capricorn energy.
Yes, we took the logical, practical, strategic type of plans that we were making and opened up our minds up to bigger, broader possibilities. We were pushing ourselves to think outside of the box on what it is that we actually wanted to create in this 2022 year, which is a year of building and creating.
So we had Mercury move into Aquarius. It was there for almost two weeks. And then on the 14th, Mercury started retrograding. It started retrograding at 10 degrees of Aquarius. So here we are, we finally just got some clarity. We finally got forward thinking. We finally got a positive narrative. We were finally talking about solutions instead of problems. And then mercury goes retrograde.
We know when Mercury goes retrograde, we're not thinking very clearly. In fact, we are revisiting the past because the truth comes out. When we look back, we start piecing things together and in a retrograde, our whole job is to step back, to reflect, to revise everything that has transpired, to maybe re-edit our plans with the new information coming in.
Of course, communication skills get thrown out the window. Misinterpretations, misunderstanding all over the place. But some really wild things happen when Mercury goes retrograde because we have to visit the karmic lessons of the past. So Mercury started retrograding; moving backwards, retracing his steps back through the degrees of Aquarius.
So then what happened? Well, Mercury crept back into Capricorn energy on the 25th. So essentially; we have this big, bright vision, and we were doing better. We had this foresight. We had this insight. We were piecing things together. We were dreaming up a new vision. We were communicating effectively. We were coming up with solutions and then we creep back into Capricorn energy, which what happens? We put the blinders on. Things become dark again. New information is still coming out, and many of us seen that with the freedom rallies and the rebellion kind of creeping up once we entered into Aquarius season. But Mercury in Capricorn now needs us to go back and retrace our steps. We have to look at the rules and boundaries that we enforced that aren't working for us anymore. We have to take a good look at our responsibility, our roles, whether or not we feel aligned with that anymore. We had to look back at the beginning of the year; at the plans, the dreams, the goals, the ambitions that we came into the year planning to actually manifest, and take a good look at whether or not we're still aligned with that because of course, things have changed.
Our realms are totally different than they were at the beginning of the year. And of course we have to incorporate those changes into our current plans. And then we have to restrategize.
So now we have Mercury coming out of the retrograde. Thank goodness! Our mental planes are going to come back online. We're going to be able to think clearly. We're going to be able to communicate effectively. We are now going to reanalyze all that has transpired from a different set of eyes. We are going to be very clear on what has changed within us, because of course, Venus being retrograde around the same time, has had a major impact on what it is that we feel within ourselves. We now know what we have to do in our routines, and our relationships, and our money matters, because we've upped our game; our worth, our value.
We have a new humbled perspective on life. We just broke free of some karmic lessons that we wrapped up while Venus was retrograde. So now Mercury coming direct at 24 degrees takes us back to the week after Christmas, the week before New Years. That was roughly when Mercury was at the same degree.
So we're rewinding. We almost get like a retake of coming into 2022. The interesting thing about this is, and we've had multiple aspects of this through Mercury's journey from the beginning of December moving into Capricorn, moving into Aquarius, going retrograde, going back through Aquarius, creeping back into Capricorn, and now going direct -is the multiple interactions with Pluto. Pluto is the great destroyer. He brings a certain death to the old constructs that are not going to support us in moving forward. Pluto is in Capricorn. He has been since 2008. This has been a total dismantling of our governments, of our healthcare system, banking systems, all the bigger, greater grander systems going on that are no longer strong enough to support humanity and the collective’s intentions. We are essentially taking our power back. So now that Mercury is going direct, in very close proximity, almost in alignment with Pluto again.
Let me tell you; there is a whole lot more truth going to be revealed, especially with these freedom rallies going on. There's a totally different perspective of all that has transpired, and we need to take the time to forgive ourselves because we were only doing the best with the information that we had at the time.
We have to forgive ourselves for that misunderstanding, that misinterpretation of what was going on in the world. In our own individual realm, we have to sort things out. So Venus, just coming out of her retrograde, she's still trying to get the sleep out of her eyes. Mercury, just coming direct; it's going to take him a while to get the sleep out of his eyes. But they had a very powerful conversation and experience in the underworld. This is essentially our heart and our head.
So as we move through February, which is a very healing month because it's about unifying the dark with the light, unifying old, with the new. It's about building and creating within ourselves a stable place of worth and value in which we want to create in our physical realm. So, if you haven't listened to February's energy forecast, definitely go do that for the full story.
We're still riding off the coattails of the 2/2/222 portal that we just had yesterday. And we're still riding off the coattails of the New Moon in Aquarius, the Chinese Lunar New Year, and Imbolic. We have all of these very high vibrational celebrations and events taking place here, and now Mercury is waking up and it's going to take him a while to get his bearings. But you best believe that our mental plane is going to be super-tunnel-visioned and focused on what we have to make up for.
Now keep in mind, Mercury is going to continue to move through Capricorn. We are going to reenter into the Aquarian energy on the 14th. So it's almost like we have to put our blinders on, we have to get down to earth, we have to go over the details, go over the information.
We have to get a new strategy. We have to really put our sights on what it is that we want to build getting back on track. And then once Mercury moves into Aquarian energy again, that's when we get the vision, that's when we get the clarity, that's when all the pieces of the confusion that we've been going through snap together, and it’ll all makes sense.
And throughout that time, Pluto is still very close to Mercury. This Plutonium energy is deeply transformative, and you best believe we are going to see a very deep transformation of our mental plane, of our perspective, of our inner narrative, of our understanding, and in the way that we are going to speak our truth, because of course, Mercury rules over communication, and that throat chakra. Lord knows we've had so many things happen to us that we're standing in a brand new power, a brand new understanding, a brand new truth. A truth that now we have to actually speak out loud. So this whole Mercurial transit has been quite a time!
Here we are, retracing our steps, getting our bearings back, and very laser focused on the past. What has happened, has happened. We cannot change that. But, from what has happened, we will see major changes in our plans moving forward. What can we build out of this? How can we be better? How can we build a better foundation, a perspective, a narrative, an understanding that is going to be far greater in encouraging us, and supporting us, to get to that big, great grand vision, that dream, that goal, that got a little bit muddy as we floated through the very first month of 2022.
New Moon in Aquarius
So we start off February on a very high note. We have the new moon taking place in Aquarius at 12 degree. Which is going to be a beautiful energy for us to set some new intentions. Now, as you may know, new moons are a very dark time.
We're sitting in the dark phase of the moon. The moon is not illuminated in the sky, and therefore we have to sit in our own darkness, face our shadow, why to figure out what it is that we don't want, that we don't need, that we don't deserve. Figuring out what it is that we don't want creates a beautiful framework on what it is that we do want.
And those are the seeds that we have to plant. Those are the intentions that we have to set in stone under the new moon energy. So if you haven't downloaded your moon guide, as of yet, I would definitely recommend you do so get in alignment, do the work! Do what is necessary in order for you to bridge the gap from where it is that you're at, to where it is that you want to be?
The more in alignment with the moon and with the cosmic energies that are currently swirling, the faster you can accelerate through this manifestation portal. So let's talk about a couple of things here.
What do we know about Aquarian energy?
First of all it rules over the collective it rules over the conscious collective. We have had a lot of truth unearthed to us. We have had a lot of deep realizations. We are recognizing where it is that we've been held back, where it is we've been restricted and limited. And this Aquarian energy sets us free. This is rebellion. This is revolution. This is freedom and independence.
The Aquarian energy is a visionary energy. We tap into the higher realms of our intellect, the higher realms of the cosmos in order to be downloaded with a vision, with an inspiration, with a purpose in which we go ahead and actually start manifesting and bringing to life here in this physical.
So, what are we focused on?
Well, individually you should be focused on whether or not you're still have the same wants, needs, and desires, dreams, goals, ambitions, as you did under the new moon in Capricorn that we had last month.
Again, this is why I encourage you to download your moon guides and save them because they act as a beautiful reference point for where it is that we were at, what it is that we wanted for ourselves, because things change very quickly, especially being in this very small window of accelerated manifestation. We have to be very in tune and remember what it is that we were trying to manifest just a month ago and what it is that we're no longer in alignment with because of the new revelations, the new changes, the new details and information that has changed over the course of this.
So let's just put in perspective that the Capricorn energy that we just came out of it highlighted for us where it is that we were limited in our thinking, we were limited in the actions in which we've been able to take in our physical realms. Yes. we had our blinders on to dream up new goals, especially long-term goals, but here's the thing so much has changed. So much was thrown at us that now under the new moon in Aquarius, first of all, we have to ask ourselves: Are we still trying to bring to life the elements that we set, that we put into play under the new moon and Capricorn for many of us, the answer is no. We have a lot of revisions to make a lot of edits to make. We can thankVenus and mercury being retrograde from the majority of January for that. And now we're gaining a little bit of clarity.
This Aquarian energy is big picture. It shows us where it is that we have to kind of bust out of our comfort zones in order to do something different. We have to be progressive. We have to be innovative. We have to be our unique self. We have to stand away from the crowd in order to be accepted by the crowd.
Again, the whole “sheep mentality” is not a good thing. We only go around in circles in that way. There's somebody that has to think outside of the box, somebody has to leave that herd in order to find a brand new way and a brand new path. So in our own individual lives, we're finding that we're no longer in alignment and inspired by the things that we thought we were going to be inspired to manifest at this particular point in time.
We are seeing huge changes among the collective among humanity, the vibration has changed. Why? Because freedom reigns! We are finally rebellious enough as a collective to stand up for ourselves. We are finally standing up to the government, to the politicians, to the systems that have kept us in confinement in restriction, in isolation.
We are fighting back. And how do we fight back? WITH UNITY! That's the only way that will win this war and I'm seeing it all over the world. It should be inspiring to you.
As you move through the moon guide - again, hugely recommend you download your moon guide - you're going to notice that this is an earth dominated event. Yes, Aquarian energy is an air energy and rules, the higher intellect, but what we're being downloaded with,, what we're being fired up with, what it is that we're allowing ourselves to focus on. What we focus on in the mental plane is actually being set in stone. It's actually being created for long-term foundations that we are about to build off of .This earth energy rules over our physical realms, rules over our tangible. And whatever it is that we are mentally focused on at this point in time is going to manifest.
So this is why you have to be very careful of what it is that you allow to loop in your mental plane. We have a stellium taking place underneath this peak new moon energy, and the stellium is in Capricorn energy. This is karmic in nature. We are essentially leaving old life lessons, old soul contracts behind.
We are bossing up. Standing in our power, we are taking a new place of authority in order for us to set the tone on the kind of energy and actions we need to take in order to see our dreams actually manifest here in our future realm. There are various, interesting aspects taking place underneath this new moon energy.
And it is all very much in alignment with the push and pull that we've all been feeling with the endings and beginnings that haven't quite come full circle with the lack of clarity and the overwhelming amount of clarity that is about to come in very fast. Within the very first chapter of February, we get off to a great start.
Another thing to kind of keep into consideration here and again, please check out the intro that I did for February's energy forecast, but we are also very much in alignment with the Chinese new lunar year. This is a powerful energy, regardless of whether or not you're involved or in alignment with this particular belief, because it's creating a new vibration and frequency for the collective to build upon.
We are also one day before the 22222 portal. We have multiple portals building up in February. It's a numerological portal that is giving us a whole lot of clarity and inspiration on what needs to change.
We've had a very, very dark 40 days while Venus has been in a retrograde and now that she's awaken and she's rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, we have to get down to the nitty gritty on what needs to change in our routines, and the way that we're treating ourselves, in the way that we're allowing other people to treat us. This is a power struggle. This is an energy exchange that will be mirrored through our personal relationships and our money. This is a perfect time to focus on what it is that you want to build for yourself, the reality in which you want to be living. Because again, under this new moon peak energy, we are thinking futuristically.
We are visionaries. We have to hold the vision very strong in our mental plane. We have to charge it with a very, very high, intense emotion in order for it to actually be manifest. So there's a lot of moving parts to this new moon in Aquarius, it's going to be very electric! So mind your anxiety and central nervous system be kind to the physical body, make sure you are focused on the best possible outcome ever.
Because again, what you focus on is what will actually be manifest.
Welcome to February! We definitely have a banger of a month ready to go. Some divinely scripted events that are definitely going to change the course in which we are going to actually want to move forward. Before we jump into February, let's take a quick review on what January kind of left us with.
Of course, we came into the new year on the vibe of 1, 1, although is supposed to be a beginning; It's a bittersweet time because endings have to take place before beginnings can actually manifest. It's been a very rough month for many people, a time of endings, a time of closure, a time of purge. Of course, we spent the whole month with Venus retrograde, and the majority of the month with mercury also retrograde, and some powerful placements among our heavy hitting planets. That definitely illuminated what it is that we needed to let go of, what it is that needed to die, what it is that needed to be totally destroyed, in order for a new earth, a new reality to actually be built.
So we have a lot of energy really supporting a very magical start to February. First of all, we just had Venus come out of her retrograde, a very powerful time. This is a time where we now are setting our sights on the future based off of the realizations that we just had while she was retrograde.
If you haven't listened to Venus going direct that Astro event that I put out for January's energy forecast, please go ahead and listen to that. It is definitely going to give you a better understanding on the foundation that is being built for us here in February.
So coming into February, what do we have to talk about? Well, first off we are shifting into the vibration of two. So if you listened to the 2022 Energy Forecast that I put out for the whole year where I broke it down month by month and highlighted the major astrology and what that's going to mean for us, you would know that 2022 is the year of building. It's the year of perfecting. It's the year of creating and manifesting and unifying. It is a very powerful time where we're going to see some major changes to our physical realm.
Again, we are just in the very beginnings of a brand new 25,000 year cycle. We are in a new age. We are in a new era. We are setting the foundational guidelines on what it is that humanity is going to build off of for years to come.
So coming into February, the month of 2, we're already focused on building on creating. What are we building and creating? First of all, new worth and value within ourselves, Venus taught us that! Venus actually rules over the second house in astrology. So there's a lot of connections here really being empowered by this divine feminine energy. We'll talk about the divine masculine here in a second, because that has a major role, a major spotlight here in February as well.
When we're focused on the number 2, we're looking at building, creating, birthing, new relationship dynamics. The power struggle that we've had to go through within ourselves to reveal our strengths, our wants, our needs, our desires while Venus was retrograde has totally changed the game on what it is that we actually want to share with other people, and who it is we actually value. Venus having been retrograde, now coming direct; has a huge impact on relationships. Many relationships that were not built on love and encouragement, and in alignment with one another, have fallen apart. For those of you that are still together, there is a level of connection and intimacy that is now growing in strength, in support, and encouragement, for both parties to actually grow in alignment, not only into their soul’s purpose, but in alignment with supporting each other's soul purpose. We're bringing together the divine feminine and the divine masculine here in February.
We're given multiple magical portals here this month. Of course, the first one on the 2nd. We have the second month, the second day, of 2022. There's a lot of 2s coming at ya! This is a numerological portal that inspires us to get very focused on the main, basic values on what it is that we realized in these “aha moments” that have shifted something within us.
These realizations have shown us where it is that we have to do more to honour ourselves, where we have to do more to incorporate joy and happiness and pleasure into our lives; where we have to get down to the nitty gritty of the basics on what it is that actually brings light into our lives. And of course, create a space for all of that in order for that light to grow.
We start the month off with a very powerful energy. Even before this first 2, 2, 2 portal with the New Moon in Aquarius. If you haven’t listened to the New Moon in Aquarius astro event, I definitely recommend you do that. If you didn’t download your Moon Guide for this particular moon event, I definitely recommend that you do that too!
This is a super, super energy to work with because of course, Aquarian energy frees us from all the restrictions, from where it is that we felt held back. It shows us where it is that we need to be more independent; detaching from bigger cycles, bigger groups, bigger networks, bigger collectives, if we're not in alignment with that vibration.
So the New Moon in Aquarius is having us just open our minds to a new path, a new possibility, and actually moving forward. It conjuncts Saturn, and squares Uranus - it's rulers - which means that this is going to have a reverberatory effect, bringing back a lot of topics and themes, especially where the COVID restrictions were talked about and were implemented back in 2021.
We're bringing that forth, we’re changing things up. We're breaking the rules in all the right ways. We are giving the power back to the people! This particular New Moon opening up this very magical month for us, is also in alignment with the Chinese Lunar New Year. This is a very powerful time, even if you're not in alignment with that particular belief system, there's still a lot of energy and vibrations being put out there in the earth that humanity in the collective are benefiting from.
2/2/2/2/2 & IMBOLIC
On the 2nd, we have our very first numerological portal of the month. It is also in alignment with Imbolic, which is a Gaelic celebration of what is considered to be Spring. It is the halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. So there is a very potent energy there to celebrate what our ancestors celebrated, making it this far through the darkest type of season, giving us a little bit of inspiration and hope to look forward to the brand new cycle that is about to begin.
Regardless of whether or not you're in alignment with that belief system, there are enough people out in the world celebrating this, putting high vibrational frequencies, out into the collective that we are definitely benefiting from it all.
We have mercury going direct, at 24 degrees, and very close to Pluto. This is taking place on the 3rd, maybe the 4th, depending on where it is that you're at in the world. This is going to be super intense. Please go back to January's energy forecast and checkout mercury going retrograde, then retrograding back into Capricorn. Why? Because we've had multiple opportunities for some very intense truth to be revealed. Pluto of course, wants to unearth the lies, the betrayal, the corruption. Mercury - ruler of the mental plane and our communication -has a lot for us to review. We have a lot of connections to be made. We have a lot of truth to speak, and this is definitely going to be a very potent energy for us to do just that.
We have a lot of major astrology points that are really going to help us build brand new foundations healed a lot of the ego wounds that we've had to accumulate over the last couple of years, and really present us with an opportunity to stand very firmly in our brand new power.
One of the things that I think is going to be amazing for all of us is when Venus and Mars conjunct. They meet up, get together, and connect and unify. Now, Venus is the divine feminine. We have Mars, the divine masculine. We are going through a month in February where the divine masculine awakens. We're seeing this with the freedom rallies. That is very much masculine energy; standing firm in our belief system, standing firm to survive, pushing forward, being aggressive enough to actually make some change. And of course, Venus who is just coming out of her retrograde, she’s still trying to get her bearings. She is leaning on the divine masculine within Mars to take her through this next journey.
What's beautiful about this is they will be holding hands in the cosmos for approximately two weeks, and then they're going to conjunct again on March 6th at a zero degree in Aquarius. This is going to be absolutely game changing for the collective. We're going to gain some major insight halfway through this month when Venus and Mars bump into each other for the very first time, this is where we start making sense of a lot of the insights, information, and ideas we’ve been having, especially the downloads that we had while Venus was retrograde.
This is going to provide us with a brand new opportunity to align our divine feminine and masculine energies within ourselves and see some beautiful opportunities to unify those particular energies in our personal relationships. Again, they are supporting one another until they enter into that zero degree conjunction on March 6th in Aquarian energy, which is when we're definitely going to see the big picture.
We have a Full Moon in Leo taking place this month at 27 degrees in a very comfy aspect with Pluto. This is where it is that we have to come up with new ways to express ourselves - our unique gifts, our unique talents. Yes, we want to be part of the bigger, broader community. Yes, we want to fit in with like-minded people, but how can we bring our individuality to the greater grander collective?
The Full Moon in Leo is also going to remind us of some of the choices that we made; heart-led choices that we made back in August of 2021- especially when the lion's gate portal presented two options; to stay in the comfort zone and revolve around certain topics and themes and life lessons; or we abandon that old construct to explore the new territory where we followed our heart, we followed our soul, and we've been on a brand new path evolving through different life lessons. Especially connected to the heart space, to the heart chakra, and how we are lending that love and energy to the greater grander collective.
We will be entering in the Pisces season. Pisces season is no joke. It is the very last energy in the astrology wheel. It represents everything and nothing. It is our soul self, our karmic self, our spiritual self. It is our intuition, our healing ability. It is a major cleansing of the soul and spirit. This is essentially when we go through - collectively - our dark season, as we approach the brand new beginning cycle of the astrological calendar WheN Aries season hits.
In Pisces season, there is more surrendering, more purging, but if nothing else, we become more empathetic. We become more compassionate. We unify with the collective. Yes, there's some ugly stuff to uncover because Pisces energy is the unconscious collective, but we have to do the digging work together, so that collectively we can unearth these not so nice things in our earthly experience. We can love each other. We can have empathy and compassion for one another, where we can transform our emotional selves, our energetic selves, our mental selves, our spiritual selves first, before seeing the physical changes actually come to life, actually be manifest here on our earth plane.
One thing we have to talk about, and I will go into a whole astro event for - is this 22nd of February. We have another numerological portal. What is absolutely going to make this a focus for the world is that the United States of America will be having their Pluto return.
Now, the Pluto return only happens every 248 years. Which means that this is going to have signs and symbols of an empire collapse. This is where we have a transfer of power. Now, technically speaking, this started back in 2008, when Pluto first moved into Capricorn because Pluto in Capricorn rules over the second house in the United States birth chart. This is focusing on money, on property, on worth, on value. There will be infrastructure changes. There is a change to how we earn our money, how we protect ourselves, what it is that we have to do for our own safety and our own security.
I'm not even American, but here's the thing, we are all collectively United. We are all collectively in Alliance. What happens in one country reverberates and has a domino effect on other countries. So it's a very, very important event that I will be covering a little bit more in depth about in the astro event on the 22nd.
We cannot talk about just the Pluto return though, because that 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 portal is going to be super freaking powerful! We have a lot of 2 energies. This is a month where we are going to see the foundational systems and structures actually manifest. This is again, a time of building a time of creation, a time of unity, if nothing else. And we have a lot to unify over. Let's come into February with the Anthem of love, unity and freedom, because that's what we are building, that’s what we need to be focused on, that is the life lesson that February's energy will bring!
Jupiter in Pisces
Today Jupiter - the planet of growth and expansion - moves into his place of power in Pisces. Pisces is naturally ruled over by both Neptune and Jupiter, and it just so happens that both Jupiter and Neptune are now in Pisces together.
Jupiter brings us a new confidence and optimism to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones to grow and expand past our current consciousness and circumstance. Pisces is a water sign very connected to the spiritual part of life. It’s where we reconnect to our inner voice, our inner compass, and quiet the ego in order for the soul to speak. It’s all encompassing and can show us what lies beyond our physical realms.
Jupiter is our teacher, he rules over beliefs, religion and philosophy. He brings with him wisdom and blessings through opportunities of struggle and hardship offering silver linings to those who wish to expand their inner knowledge. He boosts our confidence within ourselves, he shifts our beliefs to a new truth, and he magnifies where in our lives we need to escape the old ways of thinking in order to see new perspectives and opportunities emerge.
This isn’t the first time we’ve had Jupiter in Pisces. Back in May of this year Jupiter snuck into Pisces before retrograding back into Aquarius. Although his stay in Pisces was short lived, we did get a preview of what’s to come. Jupiter in Pisces will help us to align with a greater vision for the future. Jupiter being an outer planet means his influence is best seen on the global stage. We will see a huge shift in the consciousness of the collective, where lies and deception will be illuminated for us to attach ourselves to a new truth.
Individually, we can expect huge growth in our mind, body and soul. We can expect to have our faith restored, our confidence boosted, and a very revealing and active dream life. We will level up our vibration as our intuition gains strength, and we will expand our minds and vision to a brand new horizon.
Depending on where Jupiter in Pisces is taking place in your birth chart, you will see a sector of your life be magnified and the volume turned all the way up on your growth. If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your December’s Energy Forecast, the daily Energy Forecast, and the ASCENSION FORECAST to help guide you through.
Welcome To Capricorn Season & The Solstice
It's the time of the year when the Sun moves from the bright, optimistic, adventure-seeking Sagittarian energy, to the ambitious, responsible, hard working energy of Capricorn.
It is no coincidence that the zodiac signs rule the timeframes that they do, and especially after the year we just had, we should all be really happy to be ending the year, and starting a new one, under the Capricorn Sun.
Capricorn is an earth sign and takes their roles and responsibilities in life very seriously. They are overly ambitious without getting too ahead of themselves, as they know what is actually reasonable for them to accomplish.
With Saturn, the planet of karma as their ruler, we have a tendency to reflect back on the year's events seeing exactly how each karmic lesson played out. With a reasonable approach and a down-to-earth view on life, Capricorn takes but a few minutes to compartmentalize the thoughts and feelings that each karmic lesson taught them before looking forward, setting tangible goals for the future.
Capricorn season also triggers the solstice. In the Northern hemisphere we are experiencing the winter solstice, a time of retreat where we step back to review and reflect. When we rest, recharge, and reorganize. In the southern hemisphere it triggers the summer solstice, which is a time for new sparks of life to be ignited. Where new adventures unfold and new exciting shifts take place in our realities.
Under Capricorn's energy we are able to see very clearly the steps we need to take in order to reach our goals, and easily make a check list of things we need to take care of. Where Capricorn takes their roles very seriously, especially where their career is concerned, they will do their very best to exceed the expectations set out for them.
As we venture into a new world, a new energy, a new perspective, Capricorn lends us the support to be as methodical as possible to break down each step we need to take, operating within a certain framework to reach success. When the Sun moves into Capricorn it also triggers the winter solstice for us here in the northern hemisphere, which ushers in a brand new energy to work with.
Although the holidays are a bright and cheerful time for many, the Capricorn energy still adds a serious tone of organization to our holiday season, making sure the to-do list is checked off and complete.
As we enter into a new year, there is no better energy for us to be under the influence of than Capricorn. We've spent many moons envisioning our futures, our new dreams and goals. We've had opportunities to purge the elements of our old selves and our old lives in order to be as light as ever as we walk into the new world as we know it.
Capricorn is eager to tackle the steps which are necessary to complete before arriving at the final destination, which of course is the dreams we've been working so hard on manifesting into our reality. We have a tendency to be more realistic about what we can actually accomplish within certain timeframes with this Capricorn energy, making our dreams more visible than ever before.
With the ambitious, hard-working energy of Capricorn supporting us in the early days of the New Year, we will no doubt hit the ground running, eager to get building and creating our Soul's vision.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Venus Retrogrades & Chiron Goes Direct
Just hours after the Full Moon in Gemini peaks, we have Venus - The Goddess of love, worth, value, and pleasure - going into the underworld as she goes retrograde. We’ll spend the next 40 days reviewing our shadow and reanalyzing our own self love and worth. We’ll strip ourselves of our ego and get real with what no longer makes us happy, what’s (or who) is no longer worth our time, energy, and effort, and humble ourselves where we’ve been doing ourselves a disservice by holding onto elements of the past.
Venus is in Capricorn - ruling over karma, power, authority, and long term foundations. She is getting down to the bare basics on where she needs to boss up and bring new elements and foundations to life to support her long term growth and goals. But first - we need to remove elements we’re no longer aligned with to make space for the new to be built.
Venus has been working with Pluto - the God of the Underworld, the great destroyer and ruler over transformation - to totally dissolve and put a death to elements connecting us to past pain and trauma to transform ourselves into the powerful creators we are.
We will see relationships either deepen in commitment or totally fall apart and be destroyed, money matters be shook up to reveal new skills and talents we can use, and new karmic cycles prepare for beginnings while we clear away our self worth issues holding us back from truly aligning with our happiness and receiving what we deserve.
Hours after Venus moves inward, Chiron - the wounded healer planetoid - will go direct in Aries after a 5 month retrograde. Chiron went retrograde back in July forcing us to reflect back on all of our wounds. Most of these wounds involved the trauma to our ego and identity, revealing where it is we needed more independence and freedom. We don’t want to feel held back or restricted in any way now, especially if those restrictions were placed on us, BY us.
Because Chiron will be staying in Aries until 2027, we are going to experience many opportunities to break free from areas of our lives that we have been feeling held back. When Chiron was retrograde, we moved inside of ourselves to encounter these pains. Now that Chiron is going direct again, we can start experimenting with ways to heal ourselves and reprogram some of the thoughts we’ve carried into our adult hoods from our childhood.
A lot of people are recognizing their worth wounds. Feeling not good enough or essentially worthless. Now with Chiron direct, we are feeling the strength within to raise our vibration, strengthen our belief within ourselves, and increase our self-worth with every step forward we take. We are done living in the shadows and have no more time or energy to put into playing small.
This energy influence will help us to stand up for ourselves and take the leadership role of transforming our worthlessness into something so substantial that we will never be able to not see the value within ourselves ever again.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
Full Moon In Gemini
The last full moon of 2021 takes place in Gemini where we bring a closure and an ending to the negative mental train of thoughts and the chaos in our minds. Gemini represents the twins, the duality within, where we struggle to find that cozy spot in between the two extremes of our selves.
A Full Moon classically heightens our emotions and subconscious to release a certain cycle that we’ve been dealing with for the past 6 months. This final full moon of the year will have us breaking free of the old mental loops we’ve been struggling to leave behind, and to leave the chaos that has been attached to us in the past for good. Because Gemini is all about our mental planes, information, and communication, we will likely be more apt to talk about our feelings now, in a way we haven’t been able to express fully in months gone by. There are a lot of feels coming up related to the home and family sector, that with all the changes and adjustments of the last few months, finally need to be talked about.
This is a beautiful time to blend our mental plane (Gemini) with our emotional plane (the moon) and talk about the kinds of changes we want to make in our daily lives and routines moving forward. With the Sun in Sag, showing us the bright light of the future, and the moon in gemini opposite the sun, we ebb and flow from thinking about the big picture of where it is we want to be, and then focusing on what small changes we can make to the details of our daily routines to help us get there.
This will be a great time to lose yourself in dream and vision work as Neptune now direct in Pisces lends us a dreamy energy to allow ourselves to create a detailed vision for the future. Although soft spots can be revealed in our personal relationships with Venus in Capricorn snuggled up to Pluto we are able to speak about the cracks in the foundation in order to bring attention to what needs to be repaired. Jupiter is working his magic under this influence to help us stay positive and confident about the future and all the plans we have to bring new elements to life.
Use this last full moon energy to your advantage to wipe the mental slate clean and be prepared to start brand new cycles as we move into next year. DOWNLOAD YOUR MOON GUIDE to dive into the shadow work that’s needed to be done in order to clean your karmic slate for the new year!
Mars in Sagittarius + Mercury in Capricorn
Mars - the warrior planet ruling over energy, drive, passion, and anger - moves from it’s place of comfort and power from Scorpio into the fiery energy of Sagittarius. While Mars was in Scorpio, we had our focus on what it is we desire. We explored the depths within us to see where it is we want to go from here. That energy was very intense and highly focused on making things happen in order to align ourselves with the right path to get us to our ultimate vision.
Now that Mars in entering into the fancy-free sign of Sagittarius, our quest for learning and exploration becomes heightened. We are eager to learn about new things under this transit. The Sagittarian energy has us excited and curious about the world around us, and very motivated to jump into new things where learning are concerned. It’s where we tap into our higher selves, our inner wisdom, and connect the dots from our shadow work.
We may find ourselves having lots of energy to throw into new projects, but because Sagittarian energy is all over the place, we may start things and never truly finish them. We want to experience life under this energy, but seeing as the Sagittarian energy has big, huge, expansive ideas, we might just find ourselves biting off more than we can chew.
The good news is, this particular energy event will hep us kick start our new year’s resolutions (technically our New Year began after the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag on December 4th), and will help support us in setting out to learn new things. It will be up to us to dig deep and activate our passion in order to stick to a plan and have the discipline to see our newly founded projects through.
Be mindful that all this fire energy can also push the boundaries of anger and irritability. We may become very frustrated in trying to get things started, or trying to maintain the focused needed and required to get new projects off to the right start. Use this fire energy to motivate yourself to start fresh instead of letting it push you into the depths of anger of not knowing where to start.
Only hours after Mars moves into Sagittarius, we have Mercury - ruler of the mental plane, information, and communication - moving out of Sagittarius and moving into Capricorn. After what has been a very forward-thinking time of inspiration and very hungry quest for truth and knowledge, Mercury’s time in Sagittarius had us thinking big and unable to focus on one complete thought and idea at a time. Mercury shifting into Capricorn will help us put the blinders on and focus on what beautiful ideas and inspirations we had while in Sag and actually plan and strategize how to move forward with bringing these elements to life.
Mercury in Capricorn is shifting our mindset now to a more down-to-earth approach as we find a way to bring our genius ideas for the future into our reality. We add logic and practicality to our long term dreams and visions. With Mercury now in Capricorn, we are a bit more rational now as we look at all the ideas and inspirations we received under the influence of Mercury being in Sagittarius, realizing the importance of our focus is now on our foundational goals.
We are now setting the stage for our inner dreams to come to life, and that stage needs to be a pillar of strength for us to grow upon. It is time for us to use our knowledge and our new found truth in practical ways. We need to ground, connecting our physical selves to this physical world before our higher level of consciousness gets revamped and carried away.
Please listen to this week’s ASCENSION FORECAST if you haven’t already. And check out DECEMBER’S ENERGY FORECAST for a rundown on these astro events will effect your life. Listen to your ZODIAC FORECAST (Sun/Moon/Rising) to get a bigger picture on how the energy will shift in your life and how to use it to the best of your ability.
New Moon Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius
Welcome to the New Moon in the optimistic, eager-beaver, philosopher sign of Sagittarius! As we take stock of the year and all that has transpired, there is no better moon or energy to set our new goals and intentions under.
New Moons are a time where we get to usher in and invite newness into our worlds. Whether we are asking for new ideas, new situations, new jobs, new homes, new relationships, or new careers into our lives, the New Moon is the moon in which we pour all of our energies into visualizing our new intentions coming to life.
Solar eclipses amplify the energy of the New Moon essentially making it a new moon on steroids. Eclipses bring wild card energy into play and have the abilities to create great changes in our realities to help accelerate our paths moving forward.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse being in Sagittarius makes us even more hopeful and optimistic about our future plans. Sag is all about exploring new ideas and territories, submerging ourselves into new areas of study, and of course, making us highly excited to start new adventures.
This past 18 months has been very trying for many, as we've had our foundations rattled to see what parts needed to be strengthened, while some foundations needed to be totally rebuilt. It's been an ongoing theme this year, as we are being encouraged to live more authentically according to our Soul's true heart and desires. Little by little, with every planetary alignment that has taken place, we've been forced to examine each area of our lives, seeing what no longer supports us in our quest for greatness. We have been living on auto-pilot, but this year flipped the switched for us to have to drive ourselves manually on our path.
The last few months in particular have been very tough. If you think back to September and who you were at that point in time, you may not even recognize yourself as you stand in your current energy today. We have made hard decisions in letting long term patterns, behaviours, beliefs, relationships, and careers go. It has been a season of organized cosmic destruction and rebuilding, and now we are standing in the mess waiting for the smoke to clear.
With this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag, the fog will essentially be lifted and we will be able to clearly see the path forward. We will now have an air of optimism to us as we look forward into a new land, a new territory that reflects our inner states of mind, much more than our old world did.
This New moon in Sagittarius, is our first glimpse of the light that awaits us in the next decade. Although our eyes have grown semi accustomed to the darkness, we will adjust to the bright horizon that lays before us. Take the opportunity under this new moon in Sag to be specific when placing your order with the Universe for the next phase of dreams and goals you hold within.
Be ready to hit the ground running as we are in an accelerated state of manifestation as we enter into 2022. Be mindful of your thoughts and stay focused on all the positive as this is the energy we are creating our new footings upon. You cannot want change without changing, and under this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sag you will have the opportunity to focus your energy on the positive, optimistic, go-getter, adventurer in Sag to pave the new path forward, through the fears that have held you back for too long.
A good practice for this New Moon would be to carve out some time for yourself to make a list of new things you'd like to see happen in 2022. If you want a new job, define what that job would look like, what does it pay, where is it located, what purpose or meaning would doing this job do for your Soul's growth? If it's a new way of living, ask yourself what small changes you can do each day to create a routine that will support the health & wellness of your mind, body and soul? If it is a new relationship you are looking for, ask yourself what kind of partner do I want to attract and what do I have to change within myself in order to be that perfect partner to someone else?
If all of those major themes are checked off already in your life, look at the areas that you are being drawn to explore. There are always new ways of thinking that can help you on your path, new ways of engaging in hobbies that will fulfill that part within you that wants to have more fun while being creative. The possibilities to set new intentions are endless!
Celebrate all that you've experienced in 2021, even if it has been a tough year, learn from those experience. Sometimes it's easier to make a list of the things you don't want in order to create a list of things you do want.
Please listen to December’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!
December's Astro & Tarot Forecasts
December brings great change at great speeds feeding off the deep transformation we’ve already had triggered back in Scorpio season. Things get brighter and more positive, but we get overwhelmed with new information the possibilities that are now unfolding before us. We start the month off in eclipse season where confusion reigns supreme. We are surrender to the egoic death and letting the Universe show us the way from here.
Neptune starts the month off by moving out of retrograde and starts moving direct! This will soften the blow of the harsh reality we’ve had to face over the past 5 months. We’re now able to connect to our intuition and dream again. Our imagination and creativity levels are going to sky rocket, while the call back to our spiritual practice is at the top of the list. A huge amount of healing will now take place in our physical realms based off of all the work we’ve done within ourselves over the past 5 months.
We have our New Moon SOLAR ECLIPSE in Sagittarius on December 4th, closing out a very long 18 months cycle where we explored the life lessons on the Gemini/Sagittarius axis. There’s been a lot of new information and truths revealed that has totally altered our belief systems. It’s altered our dreams for the future and has put us more in touch with our spiritual side as we seek a deeper meaning and greater purpose to the chaos we’ve suffered through.
Mars will be moving out of his place of power in Scorpio where he got in touch with new passions and desires to move into Sagittarius. This move will fire us up and make us excited to pursue new paths and dreams. On the same day, Mercury moves out of Sag and moves into Capricorn. This is when we get to slow our mental planes down to concentrate on the dreams we’ve now created to see how we’re logically and practically going to bring them to life.
We have a Full Moon in Gemini taking place on the 18/19th that will release a huge amount of confusion off of our brains. We’re gaining huge clarity and aren’t so divided when it comes to our heart and head. This will create a releasing point of the ideas we’ve failed to manifest since the Spring, freeing us to pursue the new ideas we’ve conjured up over the past month.
Venus goes retrograde in Capricorn on the 19th, to help us review our worth and to reorganize our values. Venus is focusing in on what needs to be removed to free her up to let more happiness and joy in her life, and to create a new stale foundation in her personal relationships and money matters that better reflects the inner healing work she’s already done. Chiron goes direct on the same day unleashing our inner spiritual warrior to do what is necessary to recreate ourselves. We’ve been through a very tough egoic and identity death detaching from old situations and storylines. Now we get to use the spiritual lessons we’ve learned to recreate a new reality for ourselves where we are reinventing our image and persona.
The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 21st triggering the solstice reset where we get to start fresh. Capricorn season forces us to boss up and take control of our realities. We have to get to work manifesting and creating new elements in our lives that will provide us with the strength and stability we need in our lives to bring our dreams into fruition.
Lastly, Jupiter will move into Pisces on the 28th, pushing us to grow and expand our spiritual selves. There’s a huge amount of transformation and healing that comes with this energy and will help the collective unite in a group awakening and alignment. There are a few major aspects taking place throughout the month wrapping up some cycles we’ve had to suffer though throughout 2021. Each and every event will help us feel more empowered and prepared to get our hands dirty in creating a brand new foundation for us to thrive off of moving into 2022.
Now would be a GREAT TIME to subscribe to the MOON GUIDE. A brand new month, a brand new mission.
Are you subscribed to THE ENERGY GUIDE?! It’s a FREE membership and will keep you a head of the game with all the astro and energy events at play.
Please make sure you check your SUN/MOON/RISING sign for the best overview for the month ahead. All timestamps can be found in the notes section of the video.
Click here for ARIES: STARTS AT 37:31
Click here for TAURUS: STARTS AT 48:33
Click here for GEMINI: STARTS AT 1:14
Click here for CANCER: STARTS AT 13:30
Click here for LEO: STARTS AT 25:14
Click here for VIRGO: STARTS AT 39:52
Click here for LIBRA: STARTS AT 54:37
Click here for SCORPIO: STARTS AT 1:09:43
Click here for SAGITTARIUS: STARTS AT 1:21
Click here for CAPRICORN: STARTS AT 8:46
Click here for AQUARIUS: STARTS AT 17:09
Click here for PISCES: STARTS AT 27:33
Mercury in Sagittarius
Mercury enters into Sagittarius today, triggering a journey of the mind. Mercury rules over the mental plane, how we bring information in, process it, for new opinions, and then express that out into the world. Sagittarius carries an energy of wanting to learn and absorb knowledge about any topic that is not only interesting, but allows them to reach new heights in their wisdom.
Mercury has been in Scorpio which lead us to dig really deep within our subconscious emotions and memories to reveal details of information and truth that will help us grow and evolve. Now, with Mercury in Sag, we want to learn what we can do with this new perspective and knowledge of self. We are eager to take information in, but also to share what it is we’ve learned. We want to communicate and express ourselves, speaking our truth for all to hear.
There is a direct energy backing our words, and although they may be true and riddled with honesty, they can also come of very direct, blunt, and to the point. We’ll see shift in the topics that interest us, and are very happy to indulged in convos about spiritualism, and the mystical world we live in.
There is a deep sense of wanting to share our beliefs, and to help others expand their minds to ideas they’ve been closed off to. This energy is very excitable, and because of that, we tend to lose focus as we jump from one thing to the next. We may feel a bit scatter brained and overwhelmed where our thoughts are concerned.
Although this energy may cause us to be “in your face” with the overly excited and cheerful expression of truth, we do have to watch out for not over-exaggerating our words and ideas. We also don’t want to bite off more than we can chew. We dream big and adopt grand visions under this influence, which is great to expand the curiosity of the mind, but can come back to bite us once Mercury moves onto Capricorn, bringing us back to earth just before the new year.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Welcome To Sagittarius Season
Congratulations to us all for making it through Scorpio season! It's been a tough energy to navigate and realistically, even Scorpio's are happy to have the season come to a close.
Sagittarius is a fire sign that is so optimistic and cheerful that there's essentially no way to sit in the depths of emotion in Scorpio any longer. When the sun moves into Sagittarius the mood is light, cheery, and ready to explore new areas of the world. This happy-go-lucky sign is far more flexible, creative and expressive than the other fire signs, and far more light-hearted than the stubborn, emotional sign of Scorpio.
If you look at Scorpio season as the unearthing time, the time where our deepest and darkest truths, feelings and desires were forced to the surface, than Sagittarius season is the light at the end of what has been a very dark tunnel. Sagittarius is known as the philosopher, wanting to learn all there is to know about the world and topics of interest. It's a inquisitive energy, curious about what we should do with the information we received during Scorpio season and how to implement it in our lives to make us better, especially as we look towards the future and what life has in store for us.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter who has been in Aquarius with Saturn play their part in the great awakening that began in 2020. Jupiter in Aquarius has been pushing us to open our minds, to think big, to align with our higher selves to download a vision and dream for the future. This energy has been helping the collective see where we need to active push and progressively take action knocking down the walls of our limiting beliefs to align with new possibilities for the future.
The Sun moving into Sagittarius will infuse us with an upbeat energy and make you feel a bit more open-minded than usual. The Sun is Sag tends to be a straight shooter and a bit blunt with the unfiltered truth, so we have to be mindful of how we are communicating.
Sagittarius season also has tendency for all of us to overstep on other peoples boundaries as they can push your boundaries as well. You may notice that you get cut off in conversation having others speak over you, and of course the frustration levels are higher and trigger points are more sensitive to prompt a fiery reaction. Watch your words as there is a higher potential to come across harsher than you would like, leading to hurt feeling and defensive communications among your family, friends and co-workers.
Regardless of the potential for miscommunications to happen, Sagittarius season will be the light-hearted energy we need coming out of Scorpio season. It will be a time when you are finally feeling a bit more stable, and even more cheerful than usual. It's not just the holiday season adding to your playfulness and bubbly energy, Sagittarius season will infuse you with enough optimism to take you straight through the last chapter of 2021. Take advantage of this energy and really push yourself to live a little. Explore areas of yourself within that you long to absorb more knowledge on, push yourself to travel outside of your comfort zone, and encourage yourself to think about all you've learned this year and how you can use it to create a better future.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Taurus
We are now under the intense, transformative influence of the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. This Full Moon has the potential of being the most life changing full moon we've experienced thus far, grounding and anchoring our new energy into reality and helping our dreams to come true.
After what has been an absolute rollercoaster throughout the cosmos, this year has been jammed pack with highs and lows and intense energy shifts that have re-organized our inner and outer worlds, especially since Scorpio season began. This Full moon in Taurus will be no different.
This is a SUPER rare event as it’s the longest partial eclipse we’ve had in over 500 hundred years. This eclipse is visible to the naked eye and activates what will be a series of eclipse events on the Taurus/Scorpio axis for the next 2 years. The nodes of the moon have been on the Gemini/Sagittarius for the past 1.5 years showing us where we need to open our minds to new information that will ultimately shift our beliefs. The Taurus/Scorpio axis highlights life and death. Where the darkness needs to be illuminated in order for us to transmute it into light. Scorpio energy dabbles in the shadow, and we transmute it by LOVE which the Taurus energy is all about.
This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is a turning point and an ending point for a life cycle that began back in 2013/2014. We will be taking a good look at our relationships, money matters, self worth, and overall happiness under this energy as we’re being guided to make a change and take a huge leap in our transformation as we morph into our highest selves and aligning with a path focused on bringing more love, happiness, joy, and stability into our lives.
Full moons mark the ending of a cycle. If you can remember back to the new moon in Taurus back in May, the intentions and beginnings you had set out to manifest will be triggered into fruition under this full moon in Taurus. The energy has been building up to a crossroads or breaking point, forcing us to have to make a decision and live as authentically as possible under the knowledge that we've acquired about ourselves over the past several months.
With the Sun stationed in Scorpio, the spotlight is on death (endings), birth (beginnings), and transformation (resurrection). With Pluto, the planet of transformation leading us through Scorpio season as Scorpio's ruler. We are forced to unearth the deepest, darkest, dreams and desires within ourselves, after releasing the dark parts of our emotions and subconscious. We are now focused on the mysteries of life, and how we share our resources and knowledge with others.
The moon, which is all about our feels and our intuition, is in Taurus. With Venus, Taurus' ruler, being all about love, beauty, pleasure, personal wealth and finances, you can see how we are at a crossroads in life, debating on how to balance ourselves among doing what's best for us first, and how we share the best parts of ourselves with others, second. We are being asked to live in alignment with our Soul's purpose, and reaching a point of truth within ourselves about what we love and value.
Your skills and talents are under the spotlight with the moon in Taurus, and you are being asked how you can make your skills and talents work for you. What activities are you engaged in when you completely lose track of time? This is an indicator of being in alignment with your Soul.
Taurus' energy is also showing you your attitude towards money. This is an area where many of us need to reprogram our thoughts and feelings towards our personal finances. Many of us were raised hearing that "money is the root of all evil..." "Money is dirty..." and that "You have to work hard for your money..." Do you really believe this? Money is a very powerful vibration. Just like anything else, it carries positive and negative traits. If you can truly harness the power of money, you will have income and abundance flowing steadily and freely towards you. Everything in this world is carrying a vibration and frequency. It is our jobs to align ourselves and tune into the frequency and vibration to what it is we want to attract.
This Full Moon in Taurus is raising questions for us to ask ourselves, and then the power of the Scorpio sun will lend us the tools to transform ourselves and the situations in our lives, into a frequency or vibration more aligned with what we want, what our Soul wants.
So you can expect the normal intensity of a full moon, but jacked up on mystical steroids. You can expect to feel the physical energy manifest either as excitement or as anxiety. This discomfort is making you VERY aware that there are issues within you that need to be acknowledged. Once you put all of your feels out on the table, the light from the full moon will wash over you, cleansing you of these outdated thought patterns, old limiting beliefs and fears that are holding you back in life, and it will provide a final death, an ending to these issues in order for you to transform yourself into a higher more accurate frequency and vibration to attract to you the people, places, and things more in alignment with your Soul's purpose and desire.
The best advice I can give to you to navigate these energies, is to completely surrender. Cut the bullshit, look yourself in the mirror, and stare into the depths of your Soul. Allow yourself the time and space to permit feelings and thoughts to rise to the surface for acknowledgement. Both Taurus and Scorpio are fixed signs, meaning they HATE change. But change is inevitable under the influence of these planetary alignments. It is best to roll, than be dragged.
Uranus, the planet of unexpected events and opportunities is positioned in the sky to bring a wild card element to this Scorpio season, and of course, this full moon in Taurus. Remember that not all unexpected events are bad ones. With the current energies at play, you can expect an element of shock and awe to infiltrate your life now, leaving you with a totally different perspective with each "ah-ha" moment you receive.
To explore where these energies are effecting your chart or if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or download your Moon Guide, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Mercury in Scorpio
Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards, has moved into the deep, dark waters of Scorpio. Mercury had an extended stay in Libra as we experienced his retrograde helping us to revisit our ideas, reorganize our thoughts, rebalance our relationships, and realign with our vision for the future. Now that Mercury is in Scorpio, our minds will shift into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships.
The answers we are currently seeking cannot be found in our exterior realities. Instead, we must look within ourselves, trusting the guidance of our intuition and the Universe to reveal to us the details that we need to acknowledge. Mercury moving into Scorpio will be uncomfortable for many people as wading through the emotional and mental shadows within isn’t something that many people are willing to do. We ask ourselves the tough questions when mercury is in scorpio. We ask the tough questions of those we love as well. We want the truth and will stop at nothing to get it even if it means bearing the uncomfortable energy of wading through the deep emotional and psychological waters.
Mercury in Scorpio craves a true connection, an authentic connection with those we love. If there are secrets looming in the darkness of your relationships, it is during this transit that they are likely to be illuminated for all to see. Mercury in Scorpio blends our analytical mind with our hypersensitive intuition to reveal details we wouldn’t have otherwise discovered. It probes beyond the surface level of communications to find the deep seated roots of ones behaviour and motives as genuine or as manipulative as they may be.
This will be a time of deep emotional and subconscious unveiling. We may receive some intense flash backs of both memories and intuition while mercury is in scorpio. Our relationships will get intense and a bit more raw. We want to expose the truth in all we do and all we are. This is the best form of mental transformation we can undergo, as Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler. There is no way to escape transformation at this time.
We have the power and control to take the reigns and DO something about all we’ve endured. This is the perfect time to identify the pain that has held you back and turn that into power we can use to harness to project us into a new version of who we are. Bring forth the shadows you’ve worked so hard to repress and let them see the light.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Venus in Capricorn
After Venus's visit in Sagittarius, the Goddess of love and beauty now enters into Capricorn where she changes out of her party dress and into some business attire. We’re going to be learning some tough love life lessons while she explores Capricorn energy. Normally, Venus stays in a sign for approximately a month or so, but this transit will take us all the way up to March 2022. Venus will be retrograding in Capricorn energy mid December which will likely rattle our realms to see what needs to stay and what needs to go. Pay attention to the topics and themes that arise as she shifts into Capricorn, as these are the same topics and themes that will likely fall apart when she retrogrades only to be put back together in a stronger way once her retrograde is over.
Capricorn is all business, and when this Goddess of love visits, she isn't messing around, and she definitely isn't wasting any time. She wants relationships that will be long-term and of the utmost value. She approaches love as a business deal while in Capricorn, and she will stop at nothing to close the deal.
Pay attention to who enters your world during Venus's time in Capricorn and consider your future before making a decision on whether or not these people are going to add long-term value to your life.
We aren't afraid of putting forth the time, energy, and effort into obtaining our goals under this influence, and if evaluating and upgrading our own self-worth is what needs to happen, then that's what we will do. We will lose total interest in ideas and relationships that seem unstable and if permanency isn't in the cards then it will be released from our lives. Our perspectives on what we previously thought was love, beautiful, and long-term may shift under this influence, as Capricorn is not disillusioned by much. We are seeing things as they are, and not as what we want them, or need them to be.
If you are engaged in artistic endeavours, you will unleash your inner vision to create, build, and complete whatever projects your heart has lead you too. This energy will only encourage you to tap into your determination to succeed and bring life to the things you love.
We explore the power struggles we have in life when Venus is in Capricorn. Of course there is a micro and macro perspective to this. We as a collective are dealing with the power struggles and the necessary destruction to the bigger systems like Government; but even in our individual lives we will face where we’ve given our power away to others and where we need to boss up and take responsibility and take the power back in our lives.
Our standards for love, beauty, perfection, success, and happiness are higher than ever. We seek deeper and more meaningful relationships with substance, true quality and value. With Venus in Capricorn we are going to see our values and worth change as we aren't settling for short-term pleasure, love, or abundance. This energy is a great introduction to 2022 which will be heavily rooted in strengthening new foundations for us to build off of, new relationships and structures to grow upon, and more money and abundance than we’ve seen in past years.
Venus in Capricorn will help us to anchor our new sense of worth and values into our realities and get to work creating a more beautiful, practical, way of life then we’ve been living. Please listen to November’s Energy Forecast, your Zodiac Forecast for the month, and this Week’s Energy Forecast to stay ahead of the game!
New Moon in Scorpio
Normally a New Moon is light and bright and bubbly, a great time to be inviting new things into our life. Whether it's new thoughts, beliefs, new patterns, behaviours, new people, new environments, new abundance or opportunities, it all starts under a New Moon. Although I still encourage you to sit down under the New Moon energy and make a list of all the wonderful seeds you'd like to plant for this New Moon cycle to begin, because this New Moon is in Scorpio, the rules have changed slightly. Scorpio is the zodiac of death, rebirth, regeneration, power, control, and transformation. It rules everything dark and mysterious in life and taboos are its speciality.
This New Moon being in Scorpio, is pretty intense all on its own, but of course there are many other shifts taking place surrounding this New Moon that will no doubt have us unearthing details about ourselves and our feelings that we can no longer run from. This New Moon harmonizes its energy with the major heavy-hitting planets creates a beautiful slate to make physical changes in our reality based off of the emotional and psychological revelations we have. We have the backing of Mars - scorpio’s co-ruler- now in Scorpio really pushing us to take action on our intuition and the new dreams and desires that are calling our name. We also have the acceleration and amplification of this new moon in scorpio being activated by Uranus - the great awakener. Expect wild card events to derail your plans and upset your thoughts and feelings.
The unfortunate part of this New Moon in Scorpio, is that you will be triggered multiple times in the days surrounding this moon. I have recommended to my clients to be as patient, gentle and loving with themselves as possible, and allow these thoughts or emotions to rise to the surface to be acknowledged. It would be a helpful practice to jot down a list of all the things that get triggered within you at this time, so that you will have a perfect list or framework to use to transform those not so good feelings into something lighter. Downloading your New Moon manifesting guide will help walk you through the depths of the emotional and psychological darkness of your shadow self, to find where the light is trying to break through.
This New Moon will be illuminating parts within you that you've worked hard to keep in the darkest places of yourself. There is where the pain and discomfort lie, bubbling and boiling, festering within you triggering you into states of uneasiness or anger. This is the perfect time to check in with yourself and get a good look at the dark parts within.
Scorpio energy isn't all bad. Although well known for the darker things in life, Scorpio embodies such passion and resourcefulness. It is a hyper-focused energy, probing with intensity as it dives the emotional depths that normally remain unseen. Scorpio is a very intuitive energy with a very high level of perception.
To take full advantage of this New Moon, allow yourself to be mindful about what triggers something within you, and acknowledge it by writing it down. Ask yourself some questions about these triggers, Why am I being triggered? What is the underlying issue here? What can I do within myself to transform this energy into something better? By exploring each trigger, you will then see the areas of your life which need attention. You can then ask yourself, what you can do to make these topics a lighter vibration. The New Moon in Scorpio activity will help you to truly align yourself with the vibration of the moon and to plant the seeds of new realizations revealed to you.
By tapping into the positive traits of the Scorpio energy, you will be able to access levels of power and control within yourself, to be intuitive and hyper-focused enough on the solution, to tap into all your inner resources to make an intense shift and transformation. By giving your darkness permission to be seen, and by exercising your passion for betterment, you will have everything you need at your fingertips to infuse every ounce of darkness with love and light.
There is a discomfort many people feel during these types of energetic shifts, and its mainly due to the fact that we end up seeing parts of ourselves that we've worked hard to ignore. We feel emotions that we've tried hard to numb, and we acknowledge the need within ourselves to change, to transform into someone more in alignment with who we've been all along.
I truly hope that you step up to the plate during this New Moon in Scorpio and do your absolute best in becoming a better version of who you are. If it wasn't for the darkness, we'd never see the stars!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your November Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and download your MOON GUIDE and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
November's Astro & Tarot Forecasts
November brings great change and transformation as we shift into a brand new alignment with the energy of the cosmos. The portal between realms is wide open as we absorb new information and lightcodes on the 111 portal and will be receive huge amounts of incoming energies until the 11:11 when the portal closes.
Mercury will be full speed ahead as he ends his post shadow period on the 2nd, in preparation for the SUPER powerful New Moon in Scorpio on the 4th. Hours later, Venus is on the move as she shifts into Capricorn, and hours after that, Mercury shifts into Scorpio! The 11:11 portal will help align our energies for this next chapter and help get our heart and head on the same page.
We have a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus taking place on the 19th that will fast forward us in removing the debris from all that has fallen apart in our relationships, routines, resources, money matters, and plans for the future since the Spring. Lunar Eclipses have the tendency to REMOVE elements from our lives that are holding us back from moving forward. Anything that isn’t providing us stability and security in these topics and things will be cleared from our realities.
The Sun moves into Sagittarius on the 21st bringing a brand new optimistic and confident energy about the future as we start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and a bigger picture emerge of the possibilities and paths of the future unfold.
Lastly, Mercury will shift into Sagittarius at the end of the month revealing a brand new truth when new information emerges from the Scorpio darkness we’ve been exploring. We’ll be excited to jump into new learning chapters and align with our higher selves and strengthen our intuition for the next cycle of challenges.
Now would be a GREAT TIME to subscribe to the MOON GUIDE. A brand new month, a brand new mission.
Are you subscribed to THE ENERGY GUIDE?! It’s a FREE membership and will keep you a head of the game with all the astro and energy events at play.
Mars in Scorpio
Mars (the God of energy, action, drive, war, and passion) moves into his second place of power in Scorpio. Mars is Scorpio’s co-ruler (Pluto is the Captain of the ship in Scorpio’s waters), and is at a very energized place of power while in the emotional and intuitive depths of Scorpio.
Mars has spent a fair amount of time in Libra, entering into a game of mental war, especially where relationships were concerned, and has been feeling held back and repressed during his stay. The shift from Mars being in Libra to jumping into Scorpio will be a force to be reckoned with as our true passion and desires are raging forward and we will stop at nothing to see these dreams manifest in our realities.
Mars embodies the divine masculine energy urging us to make our aggression work for us instead of against us. We aren’t afraid of putting all we’ve got into going after what it is we want and we will literally not take no for an answer. This will be a time of emotional extremes and we will not shy away or try to avoid any situations that may disturb the peace. After Mars’ transit through Libra, biting the tongue anymore than we’ve already done would be an insult to our own desires.
You will be feeling strong and clear minded as far as your emotions and goals go. There will be no doubt what it is your soul desires. and the effort and energy you hold within will give you the fuel you need to stop at nothing until you align with your next quest to obtain what your heart desires.
To better assist you in navigating these energies, please listen to this week’s Ascension Forecast and energy forecast.
Welcome To Scorpio Season
Today the Sun moves out of Libra where we focused on restoring love, peace, harmony, and balance to our lives and relationships, and moves into Scorpio where we dive deep into our unconscious self.
This past Libra season wasn't really the kind of energy we are use to under this zodiac's influence. Normally, Libra season would be happy and joyful, spreading love and harmony into our relationships, beautifying our surroundings and lending a power of fairness into all we do.
This Libra season was much darker and heavier than usual. We can blame retrograde season - mercury especially - for that, for adding some frustrating fuel to our fire as we really struggled with balancing topics and themes of I vs. You, Me vs. We, Us vs. Them, along with a huge focus into our inner worlds to see what it is we are truly passionate about and what it is we actually desire.
Now the time has come to slip into the mysterious side of life as Scorpio season takes over. Scorpio being the most mis-understood sign of the zodiac, is a natural detective that isn't afraid to dive deep within one's self to explore the inner most dreams and desires of our Soul.
Notoriously known for death, rebirth, transformation, and all things mystical in life, Scorpio season will lend us the power and energy to transform parts of ourselves and areas of our lives from something that has been working against us, into something so beautifully powerful, that it embodies the Phoenix, regenerating itself from the ashes, transforming itself into a powerful mystical creature that turns pain into power.
We have the power to take what we've learned over the past couple of months, especially with what was revealed to us during Libra season, and transform that into something so solid and opportunistic that we are coming out on top. Scorpio, being the most intense sign of the zodiac, the most direct, and mysterious energy we can harness, will lend us the ability to play detective in our own lives, uncovering truths, and transforming that information into an element of power.
Scorpio season is when things get a bit dark and spooky, revealing emotions and memories from the darkness of the depths of our souls. It’s where the veil between our world and that of the spirit realm thins, allowing inter-dimensional bleeds of repressed emotions and memories flood into our conscious awareness. Scorpio season is often feared by the majority of the zodiac, because it’s where the truth emerges, as deep and painful as that may be.
Scorpio is a water sign, exploring the depths of our intuition and emotional bodies. We connect to ourselves and those around us on a much deeper level. This is a time when fake and shallow relationships, ones of pain and betrayals will be outed and forced into the light of the Sun for all to see. Relationships of all dynamics seem to get tested during Scorpio season as we want to meet others on a soul and karmic level. It’s when words don’t matter and energy trumps all. It’s when the lies expose themselves, jealousy gets piqued, and possessiveness and obsessions take over. Scorpio season is intense. It leaves no stone unturned and it forces us to get real with ourselves and the lives we’ve created.
We have had a rough year cosmically. With extreme highs and lows and earth shattering events causing us to review our life choices, and in some cases start completely over, building from the ground up. For many of us, we have been thrown back in time as we are forced to face ex-lovers coming out of the woodwork. We have been forced to re-examine our foundations such as our careers and home environments. We are living in such an honest and raw time now that we are able to cut through the bullshit, and get to the bottom of any truth.
Having the major heavy hitting planets now direct, especially Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler) we are seeing new paths, timelines, and chapters emerge that will take us to the next level of our human journey. Scorpio season will be very revealing and life changing as we take control of our current transformation and emerge better than ever.
It’s no wonder that Halloween takes place in Scorpio season, as the magic of the underworld comes out to walk the earth. The veil between realms thins and makes the magic and power of our intuition that much more intense. We should be prepared for some powerful revelations as we wade through the scorpion waters. These shifts in energy and perspective will act as the catalyst we need to take the final steps in completing the transformation we are currently in the midst of.
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.
Full Moon In Aries
Today’s Full Moon in Aries is going to be a doozy to those of us consciously aware, and willing to acknowledge our destructive emotions. Aries, known as the child of the Zodiac; is a sign full of energy and passion, and sometimes known to throw tantrums and be hot-headed when things don’t go their way. Aries, the first sign of the Zodiac, is all about initiating new beginnings, starting new projects, and new life paths.
Full Moons traditionally illuminate topics, thoughts, feelings and beliefs within us that need attention in order to transform. This particular Full Moon in Aries is packing a powerful punch, because we just had 4 out of 6 planets move from their retrograde positions to being direct.
Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mercury are now all direct and pushing for us to take all of the frustration, anger, passion, and desire we’ve acknowledged over the past 6 months and get it all out on the table. We have been stuck in our heads, and biting our tongues holding in a lot of energy from life lessons gone by. We have truths to speak, emotions to express, and anger we need to channel into something productive.
The last couple of months have rattled structures and foundations in many people's lives. Roles and responsibilities have been questioned, re-examined, and re-evaluated. Careers have been lost and left behind, leaving many of us having experienced the great awakening in some aspect of our lives. All of this perfect planetary action has taken place to build you up to this moment, where the Full Moon in Aries is illuminating, or shining a bright light on, the areas of your life that need healing and restructuring. You will be triggered in a way to become aware of these topics. Give them some good thinking time, as the Full Moon intensifies those feelings of past hurts and traumas and the dramatic intensity of urgency to make a change will push us to act out, speak out, without concern of the consequences.
Under the Sun in Libra, we should be focused on trying to stabilize and find balance in our lives. We should have already realized where love, peace, harmony, and fairness is non-existent in our lives all in efforts for us to make changes and allow these topics and themes to have a space to manifest in our realities. The purpose of this Full Moon in Aries is to provide us with an opportunity to break down - mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically - in order to prepare for a breakthrough!
We are literally in an intense, Soul-evolvement bootcamp. We’ve been under intense energy for a very long period of time. So much so, that we are learning life lessons at an accelerated rate! This is all in efforts to raise the global vibration as we focus on raising the vibration within ourselves first.
Under this energy, we are able to take all the realizations we have under the Full Moon influence, and be ready to implement action in the areas in which things aren't working for us, and transform it into something that does. This isn't about identifying what isn’t working for us and learning to let it go, this is about recognizing what isn’t working for us in life, and molding it into something that does!
If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and DOWNLOAD YOUR MOON GUIDE to help guide you through.