Jupiter & Mercury Go Direct

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (15).jpg

Jupiter - the planet of growth, expansion, and abundance - has been retrograde for the past 4 months in Aquarius where we really had to explore our inner realms and examine where we’ve lost our faith, confidence, optimism and where we need to step out of our comfort zones to have new experiences. Now that Jupiter is direct, we get to take advantage of new opportunities to take action and see some major changes take place that will renew our spirit and faith in ourselves and the Universe and find new situations of blessings and abundance the more we boss up and take a stand to grow.

Just hours after the planet of growth and expansion goes direct, Mercury - Ruler of the mental plane, our thoughts, and communication - goes direct after being asleep at the wheel reflecting over old topics and themes revolving around our relationships, extremes and division, and love, peace, and harmony. We may have spent the last 3 weeks recognizing where love, peace, and harmony needs to exist in our lives, where we' haven’t been doing what is right or fair for ourselves in relationships and where in our lives things are out of balance and where we need to find stability once again. Now that Mercury is going direct, we’re going to start thinking and seeing things clearly and be able to better communicate our thoughts and feelings to who needs to hear it. Now, we get a chance to clean up this mess and even the playing field.

With both of these planets going direct on the same day, we can expect a huge expansion in opening our minds, pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible, where we need to speak up and out in all the loud kind of ways, to be heard, validated, and to make a huge shift in our lives to finally put ourselves first. We are building ourselves up instead of breaking ourselves down.

This forward action energy comes but days before our full moon in Aries that will provide us with a huge opportunity to release the very intense, angry, passionate like energy we’ve been holding in, and to make a serious action to take a stand to make a change. This is the breakthrough energy we’ve all been waiting for!

Please be sure to DOWNLOAD YOUR MOON GUIDE, take a listen to this week’s ASCENSION SYMPTOMS FORECAST and the DAILY ENERGY FORECAST for the week.

Saturn Goes Direct in Aquarius

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (15).jpg

Today, Saturn, the Lord of Karma and ruler over structures, authority, roles and responsibilities goes goes direct in Aquarius after 5 months of being retrograde. This major, heavy-hitting planet embodies the military Grandfather energy; strict, hardworking, tough love, all about working hard and taking your time to perfect your craft, the authority figure, and delegator of life lessons.

While Saturn was retrograde we had to do the work within to recognize where old systems of beliefs, old patterns of behaviours, and old relationships and ideas were no longer strong enough to house the new dreams, visions, and goals, we now have. Retrograde season is a time to reflect, revisit, revise, and review our lives to cut out anything that is not helping us build towards our best selves.

Now that Saturn is going direct, we’'ll be able to take the energy and move it outward in our external lives making changes and taking actions that will destroy the old, free us from the past, and set us up to build some long term foundations we can actually build off of.

If you are hiding being an illusion of your life, an unauthentic mask of who you are, and holding onto old outdated beliefs and structures that aren't serving you, Saturn would have shown you what needs to be removed. There's a karmic element at play here where the old, present, and future parts of ourselves will be blended together, integrated for our highest good so that we may come out of this retrograde fast tracked onto our path forward with the karmic energy of the past having been cleared away, while we fully embrace the newly transformed self.

This particular shift out of retrograde is a game changer. We will see it play out on a global scale through the banking systems, government bodies, and religious communities as they fall, crumbling into a heap of old energy that isn't strong enough to weather our modern day storms. There is already evidence of this taking place on a global platform, and Saturn has a hand in it. We will see the rules and restrictions change once again challenging the current narrative and freeing us in a lot of the ways we’ve been feeling trapped.

This direct shift of energy is also very potent because Saturn is joining Pluto who just stepped out of retrograde as well, bringing all of the power and control issues to light. Pluto is triggering the darkest parts of ourselves, the not-so-good emotions surrounding obsession, guilt, fear, doubts, insecurities, and anger, so that we can use these darker emotions to transform them into light and take our power and control back from whatever source we’ve given it away to.

Together, and with the assistance of Jupiter and Mercury about to come out of their retrogrades - Saturn and Pluto will do a bit of re-organization and refinement. The focus of this disruption, all in divine order, is to focus on the roles and responsibilities we have in life, and to breakdown the restrictions we've been living under in order to truly live more freely in the new world we are creating.

Our foundations, global systems, and structures are outdated, and because we - as a collective - are no longer satisfied with the happenings in the world on the global platform, an uprising of humanity will assist in helping those structures crumble as we are ready to build new.

We are in the year of adjustments; building and refining the changes we’ve already made leaving the past behind and bringing new cycles to life. We can clearly see that the cornerstones of the existing foundation need to be restrengthened, re-supported, re-poured in order to be structurally sound.

This is Saturn, the structural engineer coming in to overlook the project, and we've received a failing grade in the past. Construction was halted to a stop and bulldozed the structure and its footings, only for us to start over and build it right from the beginning. And there's Pluto, the General Foreman of the job, irate and furious that the job is costing him money, he's insulted that his position of authority has been overruled by the engineer. This is HIS job, and HIS word goes. Jupiter going direct next week will amplify and intensify all the growth and expansion that needs to take place in order to get the project back on track. While Mercury’s retrograde has us revisiting old ideas and choices that may flip the script of our overall big picture vision.

Saturn is obsessed, trying to hold onto any inch of the job he can save, not realizing that his need to control the situation when it's in the best interest of the future population that will house this structure, preventing what will be a huge, tragic disaster, where the structure could fall, endangering people's lives, is holding up the path of moving forward. He needs to stop, put himself in time out, and realize that he is wasting precious time and energy trying to protect and save something that is beyond repair. His only option now is to harness the power of his anger and disappointment and focus on rebuilding this project properly from the ground up.

With this shift in perspective, after surrendering to the situation that cannot be changed, he pools together his resources and gets the project on track and built the way it should have been built in the first place.

Surprisingly, the project gets completed much sooner than he had anticipated because the group of workers (humanity) all got on the same page, believed in the same goal, and together, their energy accelerated them down their projected timeline leading them into the successful completion of the project. This is a perfect example of Saturn & Pluto being direct and working together, and what we can expect over the next few months will be mind blowing once we get to look back on all the progress.

The key here, is to recognize the fight you are fighting, see the reasons of why you are trying so hard to hold onto the outdated structures in your life KNOWING that they aren’t solid or strong enough to house the new dreams you are looking to build, and refocus your power and energy to embrace the change and start building new.

This cosmic alignment has been divinely orchestrated in your favour. As the world takes steps to get back to life and create new norms, we are also going through a huge DNA upgrade as we integrate what we’ve learned into our total being. Ask yourself: Do I want to go back to what normal was? Was normal working? Where do I feel angry and frustrated? What new foundations can I build for myself? What ideas am I’m refusing to let go of? And where to I need to take my power back and stand up for myself?

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Energy Forecast and check out this week’s Energy Forecast.

Venus in Sagittarius

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (14).jpg

Venus, the Goddess of love, personal worth, money, and everything pleasurable and beautiful, enters into Sagittarius where her fun-loving, playful side comes out. The free-spirited, adventurous energy from Sagittarius turns up the heat as hearts come out of hiding as they seek to live life to the fullest and explore love in ways they haven't experienced before.

Sagittarius doesn't like to be tied down in any way and wants to socialize, especially with people who are from other areas of the world. The quest for knowledge is still high on the list for Sag, but finding this knowledge through ways of love and pleasure-seeking is how this flirty adventure is going to go.

Old patterns and routines within relationships are going to be thrown to the wolves under this influence, creating a new energy between those who are coupled. For singles, there is no better time to get back in the dating game than now. Even if you've been avoiding partnering up, this feel-good-fancy-free kind of energy may just have you dancing yourself right up to a stranger as we don't want to hide from love any longer.

Sagittarius is on the quest for bigger, brighter, and better, stopping at nothing to explore all the avenues looking for love in all kinds of different places. This is a very playful kind of energy and things should be kept light and fluffy. Avoid getting too serious about it all and just let the good vibes flow.

There is potential for things to appear grander than they may actually be, so just remember that all that glitters is not gold. Truth and honesty is super important under this influence, but the element of exaggeration is hard at play as well.

Although we may be excited and riding high on this let-your-hair-down-and-have-fun kind of energy, be cautioned that the potential to overspend is very high as we are dancing around, footloose and fancy free.

We are definitely going to be looking at the bright side of things now under this influence, and a resurgence of our own power, celebrating our own self-love, and new found value and worth has us feeling those loving feelings all over. We are seeing the beauty in everything now, and celebrating the optimistic and hopeful view of the future, especially concerning the matters of the heart.

Please listen to October’s Energy Forecast if you haven’t already, and stay a step ahead by tuning into This Week’s Energy Forecast!

Pluto Goes Direct

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (13).jpg

Today, we have Pluto - the planet of death, rebirth, power, and transformation, going DIRECT. Pluto is still is in the sign of Capricorn - structures, foundations, government, banking, health, systems, etc. and has been a major contributor to old systems being destroyed in order to start new. After its 5 month retrograde, we are now ready to unleash our inner warrior and release our deepest and darkest dreams and desires onto the world.

Think back to April, is that when everything got paused and you felt yourself moving inward to explore the darkness? Many of us have had our structures rattled and some have even fallen to the ground. Whether this took place in your career, home life, relationships, within who you are, or in your mental plane, we have been politely avoiding cleaning up the mess.

Now that the energy from Saturn & Jupiter is preparing us to make some major shifts forward (both moving direct this month as well) the Universe is ready to wave the green flag for us to get moving. There is no holding us back after this month! We defined what it is our heart and soul wanted from us in Leo season, we had the organized and detailed energy of Virgo season to help us think and analyze how we are going to make it happen, and now Libra season is offering us the opportunity to make things balanced and fair again, restoring the peace and harmony in our lives. Now with Pluto going direct, only HOURS after the New Moon in Libra peaks, the time for action and transformation is NOW, and this will help us put a firm ending to some karmic cycles as we step into our power and start a new chapter and cycle.

Mercury -the messenger of the Gods, ruling over our mental plane, how we receive information, form new ideas and expressions, and communicate that information outwards - is retrograde in Libra, helping us to deal with some repressed emotions and purge the unconscious blocks that are preventing us from totally embracing the path forward. This particular energy shifts our minds into a more analytical state of questioning. We are blending our intellect with our intuition to dig up the important details we’ve shoved to the side within ourselves, and the information we’ve been choosing to avoid in our personal relationships.

Since new karmic contracts just got introduced, the new timelines just got anchored, we need to step up to the plate and not be afraid to take a walk in the dark side of our soul. Bring forth the shadows you’ve worked so hard to repress and let them see the light.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

New Moon in Libra

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (12).jpg

Today our Lunar Goddess steps into a brand new energy cycle favouring love and relationships as she draws power from the Goddess of love and beauty Venus, as she rules Libra season and this New Moon.

The build up to this new moon has been a tough one. The equinox really shook things up and created a lot of chaos and drama all in efforts to help us find our middle ground. Although Libra season is about balance, we tend to have to find that balance by living in extremes. We’ve had a whole lot of new information thrown at us, people leaving, jobs ending, so many moving parts. It may feel like things are happening TO you, but things are actually happening FOR you so you can align with the new paths currently unfolding.

This New Moon in Libra is highly focused on love and relationships as Libra is the sign in the zodiac wheel where we start looking outside of ourselves to experience love, value, and worth. Libra season is about sharing ourselves with other people and learning how to not live in extremes but to find a comfy place in between those extremes to truly embrace who we are.

Libra favours fairness and justice making this a great time to initiate new cycles of restoring balance to our lives both within, and in our interactions with others. Legal matters can arise under this energy and find a positive resolution based on the fairness and justice of all concerned. With mercury currently retrograde in Libra we can see a lot of old people, dreams, passions and desires resurface as well, along with some repressed emotions and memories for us to sort through and gain strength from.

This particular New Moon is making a few different aspects with other planets amplifying the healing that needs to take place within us. It also adds a bit of a wild card energy where true ah-ha moments and breakthroughs can take place altering the path forward.

Take the time to analyze your life and see where the scales have become unbalanced. Focus on love and pampering yourself under this energy and make sure you are living as true and authentically as possible. New Moons bring up all kinds of darker emotions for us to acknowledge, accept and integrate.

Libra energy has the tendency to take on other people’s energy and act as a mirror to them reflecting back what it is they portray to the world. With that in mind, make sure you are giving the best version of yourself to YOU first, and look to others for cues on how you are being received in the world around you.

In the MOON GUIDE, we’ll explore the important aspects taking place under this New Moon energy, but spoiler alert: Mars, Uranus, and Pluto are all making quite the appearances. This New Moon might feel more like a Full Moon with all the releasing of energies going on. Mars pushes us out of the “think state” to take action, Uranus drops some truth and info bombs on us creating a total shift in perspective and direction, and Pluto will go direct hours after the New Moon energy peaks to help us take our power back and make some serious moves!

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your October Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Retrogrades in Libra

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (11).jpg

Mercury retrogrades are always a bit of an emotional and mental disaster as we are forced to look back on the past, revisit some themes and topics, and revise our plans for the future. Mercury is joining the other major hitting planets in retrograde, this time though, in Libra where we will get a chance to revisit some relationship issues and some topics and themes around justice, peace, and balance.

Mercury had entered into Libra back on August 30th, and has had us very focused on where we were thinking and living life in extremes. This realization helped us to restore peace, harmony, and fairness by speaking up and advocating for our own wants, needs, and desires, as we fought tirelessly to see what and who was worth our time, energy and efforts.

Mercury retrograding in Libra should reveal profound insights on what is fair. What we need as individuals, and what we need as a team. Conversations of depth and purpose will be easier to have. Self worth and inner value has levelled up, and using others as a mirror to see our own wounds still needing to be healed will give us the clarity and direction we’ve been lacking.

Make no mistake though, mercury is still reflective and asleep. The libra energy is naturally indecisive and constantly looking for external validation, and mercury retrograding in libra won’t be a clear mental game, instead we are still heavily reliant on our intuition and trusting the universe to guide the way.

Mercury will go direct in libra on October 18th when Jupiter who is retrograde in Aquarius will also go direct. This is an indicator of a HUGE shift in perspective, and destruction of old narratives, and a much more positive outlook of the future. These next few weeks will be full of dark truths emerging, exposing lies, corruption and misinformation and will lead to a very interesting sorting of details as we move forward. Mercury along with the other retrograde planets are preparing us for a total transformation to our realities once they all start going direct mid October.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September’s Energy Forecast, listen to this week’s Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Welcome To Libra Season

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (20).jpg

As the energy to "take action" has been building under the organized and detailed influence of Virgo season, we are now going to hit the ground running looking to balance the areas in life that have gotten out of whack.

Today marks the beginning of the race, triggering the Fall Equinox and the beginning of Libra season. Many of us have been in the awkward space between chapters ending, but new chapters not quite ready to begin. In this last week of September, we will have lots of planetary support to step out of the planning and visualization stage of our new goals and dreams, and into a place of power and action, restoring our energy, mind, body and soul, along the way.

We already have Mercury, the planet of communication and conversation, here in Libra, the sign of balance, harmony, and one-on-one relationships, along with Mars - the warrior, standing up for ourselves, pushing for what is right, and what needs to be advocated for in our relationships. Remember how Virgo season came with a warning to be mindful about how you speak to others, and yourself? How to be mindful that Virgo energy could make your tongue sharp and maybe exercise critical judgement on yourself or others? Well, with both the Sun, Mercury, and Mars now in Libra, the energy will provide you with an opportunity to clear the air in any conversation that potentially hurt others or caused confusion during the Virgo season. We can expect everyone to lower their voices and be calmer, more pleasant and gentle.

Libra is a very harmonious sign, offering balance and fairness in all that we do. Because Libra is focused on relationships (not just romantic ones), the way we communicate one-on-one will be heightened as we have the opportunity to clear the air (if needed), and to express ourselves with such ease and kindness that you can get to the bottom of any issue without "shit hitting the fan".

Today we have our Equinox! It is at this time of year that we focus on our abundance, as our ancestors used this time to harvest their crops, to help them last through the dark days of winter. It’s important for you to recognize that this is a changing time in your spiritual journey. It’s a time to quiet the mind and look inward to see what messages come up for you. If you recognize that you have a “lack” perspective (not having enough, money, energy, food, etc.), I invite you to shift your focus on what you DO have, and adopt the abundance perspective (I have love, support, shelter, etc.).

As the seasons change, so do our Souls. This is a time to reflect on all we’ve accomplished and what parts within us that still need to be healed. Winter is a time for healing, so it’s only natural that we shift our focus into tying up lose ends in our harvest period, before entering into a state of hibernation and healing.

The Equinox triggers the Sun moving from its time in Virgo, to entering into Libra officially initiating Libra season. Libra season is a time when the scales of life are balanced, both naturally, or with a gentle, but loving nudge. There is an air about Libra season that literally sweeps change in so gently and peacefully, that you may not even realize the changes have taken place. Libra is all about what is fair in the world. If you have any legal matters on your plate, Libra energy will support you, making sure the decision is as fair as possible.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, rules Libra making things of love, beauty, and luxury a focal point. She’s actually in Scorpio right now, intensifying our wants, needs, and desires for true connection and intimacy in our relationships. Libra energy gently sweeps into our lives and makes things balanced and pretty again. Relationships, both old and new, will benefit from Libra’s energy, as there is nothing more important under this influence then making sure our relationships are balanced and filled with love.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Full Moon in Pisces

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (19).jpg

The Full Moon in Pisces is about to reach its peak later tonight giving us a beautiful, gentle and calming release to some painful disappointments we’ve had to endure. This full moon in Pisces has felt a bit more intense as it takes place at the 28th degree of Pisces which is a true anding and closure of soul contracts and life lessons we began approximately 4 years ago.

A Full Moon is a time for endings, closures, and release. Taking place in Pisces, the last zodiac sign of the wheel, the most intuitive and karmically connected sign of them all, will prove to help rid us of fragmented energy still holding on to our aura.

The 8/8 Lion’s gate portal (August 8) downloaded us with lightcodes that were activated and now are being anchored in to our new selves preparing us for our new timelines. This is a shift in consciousness like no other, and the full moon in Pisces is activating the cosmic glue to piece our new energy and vibration together.

We are preparing to enter into a new karmic chapter, where we rid ourselves of the tough lessons and soul contracts from the past, and fully embrace our new energetic vibration and lightcodes moving forward. This particular Full Moon in Pisces will help us to put an ending and closure to an emotional cycle that originally began in February/March 2018, with an intense crisis point connected to the same topic and themes in February/March of 2020.

Pisces is a water sign that carries a strong intuition, connections to the unconscious mind, our inner worlds, and our soul and karmic contracts. It’s a very dreamy and imaginative sign that fuels many of our creatives in the world. Pisces is symbolized by the sign of two fishes, one going one way, the other going in the opposite direction. The Piscean energy is very much about polarity and living in extremes. They experience the light in the brightest form, and feel the darkness of even the darkest abyss. They ebb and from from reality to illusion, and because they are so empathetic, they feel everything very deeply. This also causes them to want to escape and avoid reality.

The Full Moon in Pisces will lend everyone these same energies and because Full Moons are highly emotional and intense times anyways, this Piscean energy will add an extra added energetic punch. This particular Full Moon in Pisces is being amplified by the fact we are reaching our breaking point of confusion right before we have the equinox energy trigger a rebalancing of the scales where the playing field will be equal once again.

Completely surrender to this energy and act as an observer as the emotions get triggered within you. This is a time to take notes on what it is that is being released and transformed within you, and showing you what is still left to be healed.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or download you Moon Guide, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mars in Libra

Today, Mars - the God of war, fuelling our physical energy, drive, passion, and aggression - enters Libra where he is at his weakest influence. Libra is an air energy effecting the mental plane, and Mars is used to exerting brute physical force to get what he wants. Libra will have him playing a game of intellect, asking him to use his charm and wit to manipulate and win his mental debates.

Mars hasn’t been in Libra since 2019, which isn’t a bad thing as Mars is very uncomfortable here. He has to essentially restrain his warrior like physicality and take his energy and focus to the mental battlefield. This will take a bit of an adjustment period for him adapt to, causing a more indecisiveness within him that he doesn’t enjoy. Libra energy is typically very indecisive, and the energy of Libra is taken on by Mars making him very passive-aggressive.

All of these energy influences will effect us. We don’t want to have to restrain ourselves. We don’t want to slow our bodies down to engage in a mental debate. But after we get over the fact that we don’t have much of a choice, we too will adapt and see where we can focus our energies in on pursuing what it is that will restore the balance, peace, and harmony in our lives, and go after it. Of course, with the indecisiveness, it may take a minute to figure out what that actually is.

This is a great time to mediate or defend ones self in a legal matter or in a situation where ideals and beliefs are tested. We have the ability to speaking clearly and confidently and really use Mars’ God-like skills of war in an intellectual forum. Charm and wit is key here. Realizing that getting what you want is still obtainable without exerting raw and aggressive force to get it.

Mars is on his knees during this transit, succumbing to the beauty and genius of Venus, his female counterpart and ruler of Libra, who is currently in Scorpio, Mars’ powerhouse and rulership. This is called mutual reception, when planets are sitting in each other’s powerhouse, and because of this, there will be a push and pull of energies to find a mid-point of balance. Here, he learns to soften those edges and slow his energy down to a more gentle tone, while Venus learns to assert herself to get what she wants and deserves out of her personal relationships.

This energy shift will be activating us all in different ways, but with all of the heavy hitting planets already retrograde, and Mercury about to join them, we will be transforming our ways of thinking and acting, and doing the healing work required to all that aggression we have to keep within ourselves.

To better assist you in navigating these energies, please listen to this week’s Ascension Forecast and energy forecast.

Venus in Scorpio

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (17).jpg

Venus, the Goddess of love, beauty, and self-worth is now moving from her place of power and comfort in Libra into the deep, dark, and sexual waters of Scorpio. Venus isn’t very comfortable in Scorpio as she’d rather keep things light and fluffy.

The intensity in relationships reaches new highs, while our wounds from relationships highlight our lows. We become more fierce in love and pursue our deepest desires with an unbridled passion. Things can get hot and steamy while Venus is in Scorpio. This is a time when new relationships can begin and reach levels of intimacy quickly, while other existing relationships may do the same or fall apart all together.

If there are any lies, betrayals or deceptions in existing relationships it will definitely be highlighted under this energy. We can obsess over our relationships, desires, and even our goals that we want to manifest. We have to watch out for the darker emotions to rise up while Venus is in Scorpio, as the scorpio energy wants to illuminate all that is hidden. There is a great transformative energy in scorpio’s waters, especially emotionally and psychologically.

With Venus entering into Scorpio, you can bet that things just got a bit more serious. We will find ourselves being brought back to issues that triggered us, that revealed perspectives to us that haven't sat well within. It is likely that these topics stem from the relationships that were effected during Venus' 2018 retrograde in Scorpio, and last Fall’s push to weed out toxic relationships and shadow parts of our inner realms. Now we have to figure out how to heal and integrate these revelations.

Venus in scorpio will be asking the tough questions and the answers revealed will lead you to take action. We are no longer content in relationships that aren't fair to us, are supporting and loving in the ways we need. Our souls are crying out for authenticity and for those who actually LOVE us to step up to the plate of growth and grow WITH us. Some will not accept the challenge and there will be a natural dissolving of these relationships and structures.

Now that we are in the beginning stages of the Great Awakening, we will need the right people in our corner while the soul contracts with others may be completed as we move on in different directions. Venus in Scorpio gives us another opportunity to weed out the elements of our lives that aren't going to support us in building towards a new earth.

Although you might find this energy shift hard as it tugs on those heart strings, know that anything or anybody you let go of during this time is for your highest good. As painful as it may be to recognize that the ones you love aren't the right ones to have in place in your future, you are now acting in alignment to your self-worth.

It's important to realize that the relationship with ourselves is what sets the stage in every other relationship that we have. So if you are feeling like the scales aren't balanced in an existing relationship, DO something to restore balance, tweak those boundaries, and then look within to see what part of you has been allowing this kind of un-balanced energy exchange to take place, all in the name of love.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast, listen to the today’s Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

New Moon in Virgo

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (16).jpg

Today we have the New Moon in Virgo giving us the opportunity to plant seeds in our minds and in our realities for what we'd like to invite into our worlds. The new moon always gives us a fresh start, a clean slate to work with, to initiate and begin new cycles in our lives.

The New Moon being in Virgo gives us the opportunity to invite in new ways of thinking, of doing our chores, of operating throughout our daily routine. Virgo energy wants to focus on the details of our lives, getting organized and focused, completing projects from the past to clear the way for new projects that are about to begin.

The New Moon in Virgo is a great time to make a new exercise routine, creating a space and time in your busy day to focus on the health and wellness of your mind, body, and soul. This is a great time to ask yourself how you can help other people as Virgo loves to be of service to a greater and larger community.

In the weeks leading up to a New Moon we may feel stuck, heavy, and weighted down trying to clean things up before a new cycle begins. This is a time of cleansing to fully prepare for all the new you are about to focus on initiating in your life. This New Moon in Virgo is not only going to hep us set foundations down for our future, but it's a time for us to get our head space right.

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the messenger of the Gods, and has an innate ability to filter through information, to focus in on the details of any matter, and to see very clearly what needs to be done to create safe and secure structures and systems in our lives.

This new moon is also very rooted in the earth element, as we currently have an elemental energy profile of even earth to air. This illluminates new ideas, embracing change, and actually DOING something about it in our physical realms. This earth energy slows things down. It makes us work hard setting down the roots we desire in our day to day lives.

It is a "slow and steady wins the race" kind of energy and that's why our main goal under this new moon should be planting seeds of intentions that will be the foundation and cornerstone of support we need to build off of and reap the rewards from, in the years to come.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your September Forecast and listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury Enters Libra

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (15).jpg

We get to ease some pressure from our mental planes as Mercury - the ruler of our thoughts, ideas, perspectives, information, and communication - steps down from his place of power in Virgo to move into Libra.

Mercury was very much at home in its place of power in Virgo, helping us to hone in on the details of our lives, to discern what in our routines and systems needed to stay and what needed to go. Mercury ruling over the mental plane - really helped us to kick the old, negative programming to the curb. Now that Mercury is entering into Libra, we will be able to analyze our relationships; especially where love & money is concerned. Because Mercury rules over our communications, you will find that your social interactions become much more light-hearted, playful, and fun.

There’s a much more rational approach that we take when diving into matters that effect our relationships status, and it’s a great time to be the mediator within yourself and those tougher conversations that we’ve been putting off. Mercury allows us to see where the scales have become unbalanced in our relationships and also has the cool, detached, and flirty kind of energy to talk our way back into a much more fair, and balanced state. We can see both sides of the coin under this influence and we are open and understanding enough to co-operate in a way where the compromises we must make to meet another in the middle are fair to all concerned.

Watch out for being overly indecisive as Mercury moves through Libra, as one of the more negative traits of this Libra energy is to find sitting on the fence quite comfortable. We may find it hard to make a decision and are likely to sway back and forth on a topic needing external reassurance to actually decide and commit. We strive for harmony under the Libra energy, but make sure you aren’t sacrificing your own wants, needs, and desires, just to keep the peace.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Welcome To Virgo Season

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (14).jpg

Hours after our second Full Moon in Aquarius peaks, the Sun moves out of the heart and soul of the zodiac (Leo) to roll up his sleeves and get shit done in Virgo. You feel that? That sense of semi-calmness? The feeling of knowing what has to get done? The feeling that suddenly all your thoughts and feeling are feeling a bit more grounded and organized? That’s the Virgo energy coming to our rescue!

We are emerging from what have been some very overwhelming and confusing times. The Sun moving into Virgo today is exactly the energy we need in order to clean up the mess of the last couple of months, in a clean, organized, fashion. We have chosen new paths to walk, new ideas, to bring life to, and new dreams to manifest, but they aren’t going to bring themselves to life. That’s where Virgo energy shines!

Whatever bullsh*t is still lingering in your life now, somehow surviving the last couple of months of us being stripped of everything blocking us from our most authentic selves, will be cut through with ease like a hot knife slicing through an ice cream cake. We don’t have the time or energy for the bullsh*t anymore. We are able to clearly recognize what crap still is attached to us, and instead of focusing on letting it go right now, the Virgo energy will allow us to see its actual importance in our lives, and provide us with the clarity and strength we need to not give it any weight.

We no longer have the patience or energy to think about, or explore these negative obstacles. The time for thinking about it all is coming to a close, and we are now entering a time where we are about to implement great action in our worlds in order to move forward.

Virgo is a very organized and detailed energy. It has the ability to get straight to the point of what needs to happen in life in order to accomplish a greater goal. Virgo will lend us the energy to be able to see the bigger picture and break it down into small, manageable details and steps, in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Virgo energy is very analytical and can be very critical as well. It’s important to be mindful of yourself now, and the judgments you may have about yourself, or others. The Virgo energy could manifest in a way that has your tongue sharp, and ready to cast judgments on situations taking place around you.

Virgo being an earth sign, has us all feeling a bit more grounded than we have been feeling over the whirlwind of retrograde summer. Being more practical in the way we think, feel, and take action, is exactly the energy we need to support us in providing closure to some of the things that rose to the surface during this time of deep transformation.

My advice to you is to embrace the energy of Virgo and get shit done! We already have a fire lit under our ass from the new Galactic year beginning, the New Moon in Leo aligning us with our true desires, and the Lion’s Gate portal energy helping us to jump timelines and soul contracts. With Mercury already in Virgo clearing our mental planes from chaos and clutter. We really are going to get this party started in a calm, organized fashion.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and/or  book a session online, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Full Moon in Aquarius

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (13).jpg

Today the lunar goddess is full, illuminating herself in Aquarius for the second of back to back Full Moons in this energy. The Sun reaches its critical degree in Leo forcing us to embody all the strengths and confidence of the Lion under the Full Moon’s illumination (exerting our individual identities), while the full moon in Aquarius will highlight where we are aligned with new ideas, visions, dreams, and where our individual vibration is pouring into the collective.

Aquarius energy is represented by the water bearer. Many people confuse Aquarius with being a water sign, when in fact Aquarius is an air sign. Aquarian energy funnels the divine knowledge from the cosmos into our earthly consciousness. Knowledge and information flows from our higher selves into our physical forms to awaken us to new ideas and revelations.

The full moon wants to illuminate what we need to let go of and surrender to. Aquarius wants us to let go of old ways of thinking and acting. This out-of-the-box problem solver is rebellious in nature showing us where we’ve been feeling trapped or held back. Aquarian energy represent the conscious collective, bringing to light new ways of unifying with one another for the greater good of humanity. This full moon in Aquarius wants to liberate us from old constructs and paradigms that no longer support the awakening of the grander collective.

Aquarius is ruled over by Uranus who essentially has rulership over this particular lunar event. Uranus rules over shock and awe, huge insights and revelation, and over the central nervous system in our physical bodies. There is a certain emotional detachment that comes with the aquarian energy, providing us with a non-emotional response to information we receive. Aquarian energy is the higher intellect connected to the cosmos, which downloads our earthly mental planes with hidden information deep from our subconscious self.

This is a time for huge perspective changing shifts. This is a time of awakening to new ideas and thoughts. We are being encouraged to examine the foundations in our lives that seem shakey and unstable to see where we ether need to do more work to strengthen those foundations or let them fall away entirely.

With any moon event, our darker emotions tend to rise to the surface for acknowledgement and integration. Often, we can learn more about ourselves and our true desires for the future, by recognizing what we no longer feel in alignment with or attached to.

Because this Full moon is the second of two Full Moons in Aquarius (this hasn’t happened since 2002) it’s especially unique and intense and the electricity in the air is quite palpable. Be gentle with yourself as you reposition yourself in the world. Carefully consider the new perspectives being revealed to you and rethink your plans moving forward. Practice grounding techniques to try and minimize the ascension symptoms that occur when large amounts of energy and lightcodes are being received in our earth’s atmosphere. It is a highly charged lunar event leading into a very eye opening and spiritually activated week ahead.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.



Uranus Retrogrades in Taurus

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (12).jpg

Today, Uranus is going retrograde in Taurus until January 18th, 2022. Uranus first entered into Taurus back in May of 2018, which began the pre-game of the great awakening we are currently experiencing. Uranus is the planet of the collective consciousness, spiritual awakening, sudden change, shock and awe, rebellion, and freedom. Taurus is a fixed earth sign focused on our earthly attachments such as love, money, and possessions, encouraging us to build and create talents, skills, and empires.

Uranus in Taurus isn't the best blend of energies, but since its pairing we have seen the influence of their energy on a global platform, affecting our earth with climate control, natural disasters, financial crisis, agriculture issues, and overall the value and worth we put on mother earth. Individually, Uranus in Taurus will reveal where we are too attached to our 3D lives, the people we attach ourselves to, the way we make and save our money, and our relationship and attachments to material possessions and goals.

With Uranus now going retrograde, we will be given time to review our lives, our attachments, our goals and our own value and worth. Our perspectives will change, our spirits will awaken, and we will make the changes necessary to free ourselves from restrictions and attachments.

Uranus will be in Taurus until April of 2026, and as an outer planet, its energy effects are low and slow. Because Uranus is all about letting go of attachments, especially where physical and monetary matters are concerned, and Taurus being so stubborn not wanting to make even the slightest change, we really are going to struggle with the inner conflict of letting go of all that we are overly attached too.

Globally, we need new innovations to help save our mother earth, we need to breakthrough bringing the health and wellness of our planet back to the forefront of concern. Adopting new green energy concepts, promoting living off grid, and focusing on the diets we consume, promoting to live more off of the earth, will be just a few focuses of this energy. We may see a disruption to the financial market as new currencies such as blockchain and digital currencies make more of a splash.

Individually, Uranus in Taurus will point out where we are fixated on certain things, too attached to items or ideas, and highlight where we are too stuck in our ways. This is all to help us detach from earthly things and create a more free flowing form of acceptance instead of being so highly dependable on creature comforts. Uranus going retrograde, will slow things down just a tad, so we can see what really needs our focus and attention moving forward.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, listen to the weekly Energy Forecast, and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Venus in Libra

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (11).jpg

Venus, the Goddess of love, money, beauty, pleasure, and long-term commitments moves into Libra today giving us a bit of a break as she steps into her place of power. Venus rules over both Taurus and Libra. While in Taurus, Venus is more money and “building” focused, while in Libra she is more consumed with love and finding peace and balance in all we do. While in her place of power, she is very charming, flirty, highly social, and beams with a beauty that shines very bright.

Although her main goal and focus is love and relationships, she remains very cool and detached in her quest to secure long-term relationships. She is evaluating her current positions in life in both love and money, and is truly breaking down what it is that brings her life joy and value. She is willing to compromise and negotiate more fairly under the Libra energy because her ideas of love become a bit more realistic to her compared to some of the imaginary ideals she often gets swept away in.

Heartfelt conversations will be much more easier to have as we want to establish fairness, peace, and balance in our exchanges. We are much more soft spoken and friendly while Venus is in Libra, but because we have other planetary aspects at play, we may just find ourselves having imaginary conversation in our head first.

There’s a lot of topics and themes for us to sort through. We are working on our own self worth due to our relationships showing us where we need to level ourselves up in the self confidence department.

All of the heavy hitting planets are all in retrograde right now showing us where we’ve been trying to hold onto old past patterns and behaviours. But the new energy of Uranus now retrograde (the great awakener) wants us to wake up and see where we need to monitor how we share our energy with others.

Venus in Libra will cover all the bases of worth and value within ourselves, our relationships and our money matters. There will be all kinds of new revelations that will change the course of how we value ourselves and those we choose to share our lives with.

Avoid being overly aggressive under this influence as peace and harmony are the ultimate goals. Be aware of any relationships where dependency is an issue and watch out for consciously avoiding unpleasant conversations or situations. We have a tendency to gloss over some serious issues in our relationships all in attempt to not rock the boat. Venus’ main objective is to restore balance to her life, and doing so will create a space for her to relax and truly embrace the love she has for herself and for those she loves.

To explore where these energies are effecting your chart or if you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

Mercury in Virgo

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (10).jpg

Today we have Mercury, the messenger of the Gods - ruling over our mental plane information, and communication - entering into Virgo. Virgo, is an earth sign, and is one of Mercury’s natural homes and places of power. Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini and feels most aligned in these signs. As the natural ruler of these placements, Mercury’s energy works best in these signs than any other. Although Mercury in Gemini is a favourable placement, Virgo is where Mercury feels the most powerful and productive!

Virgo is the sign of analyzing and organization. Mercury’s movement into Virgo will allow us to examine situations and information with a sharp, keen, eye. With a heightened sense of detail, and the ability to analyze and organize our thoughts, feelings, and of course life situations, this placement will lend us the energy to take action, and help us get serious to buckle down to get things done.

Our communication abilities will be powerful as we are able to communicate with clear intent and reason, cutting through all the bullsh*t to get straight to the point. Although this particular placement wouldn’t be consider a lot of “fun”, it’s exactly the energy we need to get back to reality after a beautifully, chaotic, time in Leo. Although most don’t look forward to getting back to reality, this placement makes us not be whiners about it. Instead it empowers us to get a grip and get things done!

This will be a time when productivity is at an all time high, meaning your to-do list will be organized and completed based on priority and will be crossed off the list of things to do in an orderly fashion. The progress we make in our lives this month will be huge under the supporting energy of mercury in Virgo, and will lend exactly what most of us need to help move us forward after getting stuck in a rut with the energetic chaos of the summer.

The only warning I could provide you with for this placement, is to be aware that you are not overly critical of yourself and/or others. Criticism is highly possible at this time, as Virgo energy has a tendency to nit pick and be "judgey" due to their overthinking and critical mind. No one is harder on themselves than a Virgo, so the energy could encourage us very honestly without intent to harm. Be aware of your words and make sure you deliver information with tact as the discriminatory energy of this placement will have sharp words on the tip of everyone’s tongues.

That being said, you can only control yourself and please be aware that others may not have the same awareness as you do. So if you find yourself on the receiving end of a critical judgement or criticism, please just recognize that the one with the sharp tongue just isn’t aware that the energy of this placement is causing them to speak out of tune. Remember that you are not obligated to show up to every argument you are invited to.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast and I'd be more than happy to help guide you through.

New Moon in Leo & The Lion's Gate Portal

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (9).jpg

Today, we have our New Moon in Leo which serves as the catalyst for us to emerge with brand new energies and sense of self. This is the tipping point so to speak, where after months of emotional anguish we are feeling strong enough, revived, and renewed enough, to stand tall and proud as we walk out of the dark cave we've been hiding in. 

A New Moon is classically a time to invite new ideas, intentions, new elements to our lives, and this New Moon is not only a great time to be setting new intentions, but it is the first New Moon in months that actually support us in manifesting. 

We have been beaten down and knocked over the last couple of months. With accelerated life lessons, soul growth, and soul contracts breaking us down, with all the planets in retrograde forcing a pressurized transformation of our inner-selves, now the New Moon and the Lion’s Gate portal will help us to lock and anchor in our new timelines and lightcodes. This new moon, taking place in the heart and soul of the zodiac blasting off our new galactic calendar will bust our hearts wide open, bearing all wounds in the name of love. 

This New moon carries a lot of power, asking us to step up and take ownership, to take back our power, to take control of our lives, and to be the leader we need to be in our own worlds. It’s time for us to reconnect to our inner child, to return to the hobbies that bring us joy, and to bust the walls down we’ve built around our hearts.

This New Moon taking place in Leo is the heart of the lion. This is when we allow the heart to lead, to show us where it is we've been living in fear, and where we've allowed our ego and critical mind to block our intuition and our heart from making the decisions. 

Under this energy we are being encouraged to take the anxieties we feel in our gut up into our heart space, and the fears and doubts we create in our mental space, down into the heart chakra. And when you calm the mind long enough, you will see that the heart knows and heals all. No one knows you better than you know yourself.

Today, we also have the Lion's Gateway portal reaching its peak. Every year on August 8th (8/8), the cosmic alignment of the Earth, the star Sirius, and the Galactic Center, all end up perfectly positioned and aligned in the sky in the sign of Leo, thus why it's called the Lion's Gateway.

When this alignment takes place, we will experience a high rate of increased energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. This surge of energy directly effects our DNA as our energy bodies are infused and downloaded with an energetic upgrade, an "awakening" so to speak. The vibrational frequencies are so high, that many of us will feel both the energetic and physical effects of this infusion on our physical and energy bodies. This is a supercharged download with an accelerated integration process.

What does this mean?! Basically, we are upgrading. Many of us have been going through utter turmoil waiting for huge changes to either take place, or waiting to see what's next for us if the changes have already happened. This isn't on a small scale either. We are talking about life changing, and life altering themes being spotlighted. Long lasting relationships are either just beginning or ending, career changes and the quest to align with your life path or inner calling will be a huge focus, your health issues will resolve as others are about to enter a time of health crisis or focus, and the overall ongoing detachment from material things will be a huge theme for everyone doing inner soul work.

Everything has been, and continues to be, under review, as we are energetically being forced to embrace our authentic selves, and step away from the ego based programming we have been operating from. Although these sound like scary, life changing events, rest assured that all of the changes are being brought up and carried through for our highest good. The transformative process of letting go of the old habits and ways of thinking and operating get a bit messy, but the ultimate result of all this inner work will be worth every last struggle once we are standing in our truth and embodying the love and light that infuses us during this beautiful galactic alignment.

As if the energies of the last few months weren't enough for us to deal with, the energy will be the strongest today when the gateway fully opens amplifying the New Moon in Leo’s energy. In order to stay as grounded as possible throughout this time, please make sure you are doing all you can to find, and hold onto your center. Engage in meditation practices during these times, and spend as much time out in nature as possible.

The whole objective for these downloads is to help us align our hearts and our heads; aligning our inner worlds to our outer worlds, and encouraging us to shine our light in times of darkness.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your August Forecast, & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast.

Mars Enters Virgo

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You are sailing away from what was a pretty intense storm in life. You are in control and are moving into calmer waters. The worst is over now. You’ve not only survived, but you grew throu (11).jpg

Today, Mars - The God of War - ruling over our physical energy, our drive, our passion and even our anger, moves out of the fiery energy and heart led energy of Leo to get down to business in earthy Virgo.

Mars was semi stalled out in Leo energy. Normally, Mars in Leo is a fierce fighter going ofter what he wants, making serious power moves and letting nothing stop him from getting what he desires. Because the bulk of his time in Leo was spent under Cancer season, we were blocked from using his fiery passion to our advantage.

Mars will become even more frustrated as he now roots into earth energy. He won’t be able to act first and think later. He will have to roll up his sleeves, and put in the hard work to strategically bring new realities to life.

Virgo energy - although an earth energy - is ruled over by Mercury - an air energy and ruler of the mental plane. This creates a dynamic where well thought out and calculated plans and ideas can be birthed and brought to life from taking physical action and making things happen. Virgo energy is very healing as we recognize where we need to focus on our own health and wellness and rearrange and restructure our daily routines to support balancing the scales of our mind, body, and soul.

Mars in Virgo is very productive in creating order out of chaos and actually getting things done. We get fired up and passionate about the details of our lives, what makes us happy, what motivates us, and what brings us peace. This energy will support us in reorganizing our thoughts to align with our new desires, and give us the energy we need to make change happen in our physical realms.

Mars takes a break from the battle field to heal his wounds. The earthiness of Virgo energy will help us ground and center into our new realities and sort out what needs to happen from here. We’ve been in the creation and birthing stages of manifesting getting things aligned and in order within ourselves, and now Mars in Virgo will help us get our hands dirty in bringing our new dreams and visions into physical form.

Some cautions for this energy is to not get tunnel vision to the point where you can’t see other opportunities emerging around you. Try not to let the weighted practicality of this energy to snuff out the magic needed to keep our dreams alive. And try not to let all the over-analyzing and over-thinking keep you in a state of paralysis where nothing gets done. Try to avoid getting frustrated at the speed of the progress taking place and try not to let your lack of fire make everything a task or chore.

Mars is fire. Virgo is earth. Too much fire and you’ll burn the whole forest down. Too much earth and you’ll snuff the fire right out. It’s a delicate dance to keep the controlled fire going so we can burn through our energy at a stabilized rate. What are you planning to bring to life under this energy?

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.

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Jupiter Retrogrades in Aquarius

Today, Jupiter - the planet of growth, expansion, abundance, optimism and positivity - who is already retrograde - is moving out of the deep, emotional and spiritual waters of Pisces to re-enter into Aquarius.

Jupiter’s time in Pisces was short lived providing us with a sneak peek of what 2022 will look and feel like. But for now, we have to re-trace our steps and re-visit some topics and themes that we thought we were done with. Rewind to December 2020 when Jupiter moved into Aquarius. It was kind of a big deal as the great conjunction with Saturn took place only days later. These two heavy hitting planets moving into Aquarian energy created a dramatic time of awakening the next wave of lightworkers to come online and get adjusted to the new age of information. Those of us who were already awakened at that point got fast forwarded through some lessons of rearranging our dreams and goals, creating new networks and communities, and reworking our contribution to the grander collective.

Jupiter has really expanded our minds while in Aquarian energy. It’s helped us to bust free from the old paradigm, implementing new rules and restrictions for the collective to follow and helping us to rework our plans in our own individual lives. Jupiter’s move into Pisces really shifted the focus onto disconnecting from society and looking outside of ourselves for knowledge and information and taught us to trust ourselves. The time Jupiter was direct in Pisces was short as he joined the other major heavy hitting planets in retrograde season. Jupiter has been retracing his steps, backtracking in Piscean energy, making us do an inward journey of healing where our beliefs are concerned. Now, Jupiter is backtracking into Aquarian energy where we must revisit some topics and themes that began back in December 2020 and helped us usher in this new year in 2021.

A lot has taken place since the beginning of the year, and now with new information, details, emerging shifting our perspectives, we have to take a time out to review and readjust. Jupiter re-entering into Aquarian energy will focus on the mental plane and where we have to progressively push ourselves out of the comfort zones we’ve created and trigger us to level up once again. Because retrograde season is taking place, this is an inner renovation of our spirit. We must analyze what we’re no longer interested in, and aligned with, and break free of it.

On the global stage we’ll see a re-emergence of the “virus” although it won’t be real, just more fluff and fear mongering in order to create a space where more rules and regulations will be forced upon society. Lucky for us, more and more people are awakening to the lies and illusions of what’s going on in the world and we’ll see another huge re-emergence of those willing to stand up and fight for our freedoms. Aquarian energy is all about rebellion against the bigger systems that try to oppress us and keep us dependent on them. The aquarian energy will fight for liberation and freedom, and progressively push the envelope to fight for humanity - yes, even those who are still asleep and appear “against” those who are awake.

The energy will feel lighter and more future focused as we elevate our mental planes to a new level of intelligence, solving one problem at a time. The more important energetic shift is coming on August 8th, when we enter into the Lion’s Gate portal and we all shift into new timelines and contracts.

You should already be feeling the energy shift of these major heavy hitting planets preparing us for a brand new world. The energy will intensify as we move through the month of August and things will feel much more extreme and slightly chaotic until we adapt to this new energy. Aquarius energy is ruled over by Uranus which is the planet of awakening through sudden shock and awe. We need to be prepared to fly by the seat of our pants as we enter into the new dawn of the age of Aquarius.

If you require any assistance navigating these energies, please listen to your July Forecast & listen to the weekly Energy Forecast to help guide you through.

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